
tiff Pro

i’ve never had a wrong opinion in my life

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • La Chimera
  • The Green Knight

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Amadeus


  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


  • Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    the social critiques were way too on the nose and the second half dragged on for wayyyyyyy too long but it’s v funny and robert pattinson is sooo good!!! my aggressive team edward allegiance has yet to fail me.

    also i wish we got a montage of the mickey 17/18 timeshare situation between nasha and kai….honestly i could watch an entire movie of just that

  • Amadeus



    watched this movie with my dad when i was way too young (couldn’t have been more than 7???) and all the creepy masks and the stab wound kind of traumatized me at the time but now that i’m not 7 i can confidently say this shit ROCKS and it really goes to show you that the messiest bitch you know IS a man.

    also, kind of obsessed with all these european characters having american accents. let’s start doing that again. the british had their time.

Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    oppenheimer is all about pointing at the screen and being like “hey that’s that guy from that one movie”

  • Anora



    sorry if this makes me a huge bitch but if your main complaint about anora is that ani has no depth to her character and you don’t know anything about her i think you just need to get better at analysis and reading between the lines! you want a totally different movie than the one that was made and that’s fine but that doesn’t make this a bad movie or bad character portrayal!

    also two armenian dudes constantly bitching in armenian??? of COURSE im gonna like it come on
