

Favorite films

  • The Big Lebowski
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • The Iron Giant
  • Howards End

Recent activity

  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


  • Wicked


  • One Delicious Christmas


  • Fit for Christmas


Recent reviews

  • Fit for Christmas

    Fit for Christmas


    Ok listen

  • Henry V

    Henry V


    Once more unto the breach! Dear friends, once more; or close the wall up with our English dead!

    Technicolor, predictibly a bit slow, but the source material and Olivier's performance are so strong that it's pace doesn't weigh it down.

Popular reviews

  • The Iron Giant

    The Iron Giant


    Heartwarming tale of sacrifice, non-violence, and compassion. Watched it in HD for the first time and the backgrounds pop. A lot of animation from 1999 hasn’t aged well- this has. It manages to celebrate elements of Americana through a small town Maine setting full of diners and some great jukebox tracks, while also infusing some progressive ideals of identity and the pitfalls of nationalism. “You are who you choose to be.”

  • The Sum of All Fears

    The Sum of All Fears


    Star studded, over the top, but not near as predictable (at least Act II) as one might expect. The story is high stakes but forgettable- but it is a delight to watch a 90s James Cromwell, Morgan Freeman, Philip Baker Hall, and Liev Schreiber camp it up on Air Force One and other various Call of Duty maps.
