Kinda amazing Spielberg made such a lifeless movie the same year he made Last Crusade.
Holly Hunter and John Goodman are solid, because they always are.
Dreyfuss feels all wrong. I feel like you’d want this character to be somewhat charismatic.
You’re never going to expect a lot from a straight to Netflix legacy sequel 30 years after the last entry of the series was released, but I’m gonna say this was about as good as you could hope for.
You can tell pretty quickly that Eddie Murphy gives a fuck and is trying, so that’s a huge plus already. Pretty much any time Axel Foley is having a little back and forth with someone, it’s funny. The plot stuff around…
These movies aren’t my favourite but Tom Hardy insists on turning in a weird, fun interesting performance every time and I’m here for that. Though it lost a lot of juice when he changed out of his dirty, stinky clothes and into a suit. I wanted him to look like shit from start to finish.