

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Se7en
  • Hot Shots! Part Deux

Recent activity

  • Sightseers


  • Inside Out


  • Mississippi Burning


  • Sympathy for the Devil


Recent reviews

  • Sightseers



    Well ... How should I describe this movie? A couple explores England in a caravan and kills people in the process. Everything is completely bizarre. From the two main actors, to the explicit violence, to the humor. The latter struck me a few times because it took me completely by surprise and made me laugh out loud. The ending is perfect.
    Tja ... Wie soll ich diesen Film beschreiben? Ein Pärchen erkundet mit dem Caravan England und bringt dabei…

  • Sympathy for the Devil

    Sympathy for the Devil


    Nicolas Cage doing Nicolas Cage things. He carries the entire movie, but unfortunately the story is so thin that even his usual over-the-top acting isn't enough to keep the tension going for the entire running time. The scene in the diner was a highlight. Unfortunately, the ending is too weak.
    Nicolas Cage doing Nicolas Cage things. Er trägt den gesamten Film, aber leider ist die Story so dünn, dass auch sein gewohnt überdrehtes Schauspiel nicht ausreicht um die Spannung über die gesamte Laufzeit zu halten. Die Szene im Diner war ein Highlight. Das Ende dann leider zu schwach.

Popular reviews

  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie

    The Super Mario Bros. Movie


    Quite a nice, entertaining movie with lots of references to various Nintendo games. But the fact that something like this actually makes more than a billion in the end is quite astonishing.
    Ganz netter kurzweiliger Film mit jeder Menge Referenzen zu diversen Nintendo Spielen. Aber das so was dann am Ende tatsächlich mehr als eine Milliarde einnimmt ist schon erstaunlich.

  • The Order

    The Order


    The vibe reminded me a little of season 1 of True Detective. Dreary, dark and somewhere in the backcountry. Jude Law plays the washed-up FBI agent, marked by illness, superbly. The supporting roles are also well cast. The only thing I didn't really warm to was Nicholas Hoult as the villain. The score contributes well to the atmosphere.
    Hat mich vom Vibe her ein wenig an Staffel 1 von True Detective erinnert. Trist, düster und irgendwo im Hinterland. Jude…