Tyler Unislawski

Tyler Unislawski Patron

Bachelors in English, Amatuer Reviewer, Blu-Ray and Record collector.

Favorite films

  • Mikey and Nicky
  • The Souvenir
  • Dog Day Afternoon
  • The Red Shoes

Recent activity

  • Casablanca


  • Stagecoach


  • The Heroic Trio


  • Double Indemnity


Recent reviews

  • Casablanca



    A monumental picture in many ways. The political context around the film (as briefly alluded to in Ben Mankiewicz‘s TCM intro) is rich as the German occupation and the US lack of action spoke volumes to our role as major nation that was apart of the allies. It’s a strange piece of media as our protagonist, assuredly a stand-in for the United States in the grand scheme of the conflict, is not painted in a jingoistic light as one would…

  • The Heroic Trio

    The Heroic Trio


    A fun flick. A martial arts extravaganza accomplishing the cartoonish action that Joel Schumacher could never.

Popular reviews

  • Hereditary



    Hereditary is horrifying. Simply put, it scared the holy hell out of me, when most films don’t. Ari Aster’s debut is clearly a tour de force in terms of direction, acting, writing, etc. What makes this horrifying is the slow burn one endures before it knocks your socks off. 

    The films pacing is both masterful and overindulgent. We meet the family learn about them, then Aster gives the audience a swift kick in the pants. After the swift kick, one…

  • Nymphomaniac: Vol. I

    Nymphomaniac: Vol. I


    After sitting in my Netflix Que and seeing a massive surge of Von Trier films being discussed on Reddit and Letterboxd, it was fitting to give this a try. This film seemed less “intimidating” to start with, considering the themes and graphic depictions of symbolic violence he tends to port into his films. I should have been wiser going into this, as the opening Rammstein tune sets this mood of the film. 

    The opening scene encapsulates what is shown throughout…