Mats ST

Mats ST

★★★★★ Masterpiece
★★★★½ Excellent
★★★★ Very Good
★★★½ Good
★★★ Allright
★★½ Okay
★★ Weak
★½ Bad
★ Shit
½ Disgraceful

Favorite films

  • Chungking Express
  • The Thin Red Line
  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • Once Upon a Time in the West

Recent activity

  • Thirteen Days


  • Jumanji: The Next Level


  • Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

  • Number 24


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Interstellar



    Having just watched this, I needed to get som thoughts down in writing. Interstellar is kind of Nolan's homage to (at least) three of my favorite directors of all time - Tarkovsky, Kubrick and Malick. Days of Heaven meets 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris.

    Nolan has done a lot of research on this one, and in fact got physicist Kip Thorne onboard, contributing with his insights on the topic. With his help, Interstellar actually consists of surprisingly few factual…

  • 180



    It was somewhat powerful in the beginning with graphic images of Holocaust, but when Ray Comfort takes a turn towards abortion, he puts himself on the same level as an agitator as Joseph Goebbels in Nazi Germany.

    It is just a christian piece of shit, agitating against abortion in a sick and disgusting way. It is watchable, but it can(will?) make you angry, so I wouldn't recommend it.