Veronica Shirley

Veronica Shirley

Favorite films

  • 3 Women
  • Psychos in Love
  • Gloria
  • Funny Ha Ha

Recent activity

  • Black Roses


  • Demons


  • Thirteen


  • Meet Me in the Bathroom

Recent reviews

  • Thirteen



    This movie is just as I remember it being (perfect).

    As a millennial who grew up in LA, who spent a lot of time on Melrose and in Venice Beach around the millennium, this hits extra hard. I wanted to be like these scary girls (I totally knew an Evie) but I was definitely not like them at age 13. By age 17, for me when this movie came out, I was finally getting to their level kinda but never this bad lol geez

    To all the cool girls that were bad influences on us and changed our lives forever.

  • Minnie and Moskowitz

    Minnie and Moskowitz


    “That’s some kookamunga wine.”

Popular reviews

  • Empire Records

    Empire Records


    This movie was so pivotal for me. At my drama camp, we would have an Empire Records Day every summer and the coolest girl I ever met, who was two years older than me, told me to watch it. She had major Corey energy and spearheaded the Empire Records Day every year. My world was rocked at age 14. If she happens to be reading this, Jessica, I’m referring to you. 

    This movie made a lot of things click for…

  • Vampire's Kiss

    Vampire's Kiss

    Wtf lol