

Healthy Choice and American Airlines got together for this promotion. . .

Favorite films

  • American Movie
  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • First Blood
  • Life Is Sweet

Recent activity

  • Knight and Day


  • The Shadow


  • Joe Pera: Slow & Steady


  • Eight Days a Week


Recent reviews

  • Knight and Day

    Knight and Day


    This never has the willingness to be a full-on Mission Impossible parody so it ends up just being Diet M:I with a very muddled espionage plot that verges into Rom Com at random moments (but can't commit to that either). A flittering of charm will breeze by sometimes, there is a total of two jokes, and a chase sequence you will be certain Tom has literally performed on the same street before *and* after this movie.

  • The Shadow

    The Shadow


    Ya know what, this isn't too bad! I technically had watched it as a kid but have zero memory of it other than thinking it stunk, but also I don't think any kid would really enjoy too much of what this offers. Baldwin isn't as stuffy as I assumed he would be, he sneaks in his comedic-mode pretty often and the Shadow powers are quirky too. There is loads of fun film stuff, special effects, sets, lots of huge matte…

Popular reviews

  • Eight Days a Week

    Eight Days a Week


    A indie hexafusion of Clerks - Adventures of Pete & Pete - The 'Burbs - and American Pie (even though this predates it) with more than its share of cringe inducing moments heaped on top. I gave this a watch as a test of nostalgia because I remember thinking this was a hidden gem back when I was working at a video store in the early 00's and that is probably the only time frame this movie can fully land; as…

  • The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

    The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover


    Incredible production, script, design, performances and its really grody! The first 15 minutes force your brain to try and re-calibrate itself as your expectations go haywire, but it gets into a groove and you are on your way. Plan for a shower afterward though.