Between this and Nosferatu I’m convinced that Germany is populated only by British people.
Not very good, is it?
I blame CC&R for this.
The movie equivalent of a trip to Dave & Buster’s: a fine enough distraction for an evening, some neat sights, some annoying assholes, some fun chuckles, but ultimately disappointing and costly. Colman was tragically underused, and Giancarlo’s accent was as silly as his character arc. I feel like half the cast was there under duress. Someone must have good dirt on Tucci.
It’s not good but it doesn’t deserve all the hate it’s getting. It’s a Twinkie with beans, you can’t honestly expect it to be good.
Everything about this movie was perfectly my vibe.
From the title card to the closing credits I found something enchanting. The leads were phenomenal (though I’m already a huge fan of both, so… biased) and the other characters were well done enough that I felt kinda bad when they died but also they kinda deserved it.
Good plot twists and setups pay off well. Some good violence.
Freaking incels suck.
This has been my Holy Grail in the SuSu filmography so when I found it on the Internet Archive I pounced.
Unfortunately, like everything else there, it’s grainy and the sound quality is pretty poor. It’s a recording of a live theater performance so the (very small) audience laughing and clapping comes through louder than a lot of the dialogue.
But, it’s Susan’s semi-autobiographical one woman show… and she’s the same age here I am now which blows my mind.…