Two great actors show up for a great idea only to find very middling writing and directing waiting to greet them.
Also, wtf is with the daughters? Both look 15 but one acts 20 and the other acts 10?
It’s fitting that Coppola started his feature film career with a film called DEMENTIA 13 and now ends it with a film that could be appropriately retitled DEMENTIA ‘24.
A diabolically shitty film. Somehow looks a lot worse than the 20 year old SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW despite the $130m budget.
You know you film sucks when a mid-80s Jon Voight is arguably the best part of it.
The fact that this was rattling around in his…
Robert Bobroczkyi came off the bench in the fourth quarter and put up better stats in a few minutes of screen time than he did over his whole College Basketball career.