
yemi Pro

when you get right down to it
all cinema is time travel
and all time travel is therapy

Favorite films

  • Get Out
  • Green Room
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Malcolm X

Recent activity

  • Sanctuary


  • Black Mirror: Black Museum


  • Black Mirror: Hang the DJ


  • Black Mirror: The Entire History of You


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • #Alive



    interesting premise but clearly more effort was put into the visual effects & gore than working out the plot and logistics of the actual premise. lots of tense situations that don’t make any sense and end up becoming distractions from the suspense of them. 

    i initially thought this was going to be the 90 minute take on a chapter in the World War Z novel where the character Kondo Tatsumi is trapped in his apartment during the initial Z outbreak. A really great short story—but this movie wasn't short or great sadly.

  • Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul.

    Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul.


    a couple of legit hilarious gags but the story was paper-thin to non-existent so hard to justify the length. very much inspired by the bishop eddie long scandal they probably should’ve dropped a few half hour episodes and called it a limited series.
