
zepeda Pro

Favorite films

  • 12 Angry Men
  • Akira
  • Fireworks
  • The Shining

Recent activity

  • Mission: Impossible II


  • Six Schizophrenic Brothers

  • Casino


  • The Father


Recent reviews

  • Six Schizophrenic Brothers

    Six Schizophrenic Brothers


    Many people here seem to be decrying the series for its trashy, exploitative true crime aesthetics. Though I haven't consumed either of them, you should propably know that this is based on a book called "Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family" by Robert Kolker. The series banner on MAX even features the staircase picture that serves as the book's cover.

    The book has been received positively, and I reckon…

  • The Father

    The Father


    The plot is predictable, but so is the disease: it comes and slowly robs you of everything you once were while also wreaking havoc to the lives of those around you utterly to the point where it's either the nursing home or dying after choking on a piece of food because you can barely eat properly anymore and even the people you live with can't deal with how much shit gets increasingly piled on top of them thanks to your rotting mind.

    And nobody can do jack shit about it.

Popular reviews

  • Fargo



    Watching this movie and comparing its dialogue w/ Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri REALLY nails how it can make or break a movie. Here it gives life to the setting, while McDonagh's overwritten script pushes away instead of pulling me in, despite both movies having their fair share of rounded characters.

  • The City of Pirates

    The City of Pirates


    Framing device metaficcional ou não, o filme é Laerte do início ao fim. O formato de vinhetas acaba culminando em uma visão bem impressionista tanto da pessoa quanto da sua obra, mas sempre mantendo o mesmo tom trangressivo e irreverente que me fez amar as tirinhas d'os Piratas do Tietê quando eu era criança. Filme divertido e bem animado pra cacete, contendo quantidades industriais de GENDER.

    50 pontos para quem resistir o impulso de gritar "LAERTE, NÃO ENTENDI" ao final.
