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  • Lethal Weapon

    Lethal Weapon


    We all might be getting too old for this shit, but what we are not getting too old for is this movie.

    And by the way! Why did nobody tell me this film is technically somewhat a Christmas movie? I would have watched it in December goddammit!

    You cannot go wrong with buddy cop movies as most of the time they work. What makes Lethal Weapon (1987) better than your average buddy cop movie though… well… nothing really. This film…

  • 101 Dalmatians

    101 Dalmatians


    I just watched the original One Hundred amd One Dalmatians (1961) just a couple of months ago. How does the live action remake stand up against the original? Let’s find out together?

    101 Dalmatians (1996) kind of just… exits. It’s charming for sure and it’s a heartwarming watch and I wouldn’t even be sueprised if this is a movie I’m gonna return in a year or two. The problem is that the original animated film exists in our world too.…
