Mongolian University of Science and Technology
School of Civil engineering and Architecture
A concrete pump is a tool used for transferring liquid concrete by pumping. There are five types of concrete pumps. Although no definitive record exists documenting the first use of a concrete pump, the first patent for a concrete pump... more
In the analysis of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings, beam–column joints are regarded as rigid nodes. In fact, joint deformation may make a significant difference in the lateral response of RC buildings if joints are not properly... more
Currently, the seismic collapse risk of modern code-conforming reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures is often evaluated without considering the behavior of the beam-column (BC) joints since joints designed to meet modern concrete... more
KEYWORDS: fly ash, aerated cellular concrete (ACC), thermal insulation material ABSTRACT The Central Energy System in Mongolia consists of five power plants with a total installed capacity of 796 megawatts (MW). Every year for a heating... more
This study examines the use of concrete waste by-products as a new source of road construction material in Western Australia (WA). The amount of construction waste in Western Australia increases annually, whilst natural rock aggregate is... more
Төслийн баримт бичиг доор дурдсан бүтэцтэй байх бөгөөд хавтаснаас бусдыг нэг тусдаа бүлэг болгон дугаарлах нь зүйтэй.
Автогрейдер нь голчлон авто зам, төмөр замын далан байгуулах, тэгшилгээг хийхэд зориулагдсан машин юм.
Барилгын инженер, Архитектурын сургууль /Улаанбаатар хот, Монгол улс/ Хураангуй-Before larger hydraulic structures are built, they should be analyzed in the laboratory as a physical model. A physical model provides the ability to analyze... more
Before larger hydraulic structures are built, they should be analyzed in the laboratory as a physical model. A physical model provides the ability to analyze hydraulic parameters in detail, and the hydraulic structure can be assessed.... more
Монголын говийн бүсэд уул уурхай, үйлдвэржилтийн хөгжил эрс нэмэгдэн үүнийг даган сууршлын бүсүүд шинээр бий болж хүн амын хүрээгээ тэлсээр байна. Өсөн нэмэгдэх усны хэрэгцээтэй уялдан гадаргын усны нөөц багатай говийн бүсэд он удаан жил... more
Project proposal during Interdisciplinary Joint Project seminar in NUT CPD program. Outcomes of this project will be introduced solution with strategy of new hydropower scheme which would make stable electricity grid system to strengthen... more
In this study, flow past square cylinder has been studied with LBM incorporated with Smagorinsky subgrid scale model at wide range of Reynolds number (102-3.82x105). Numerous results from conventional methods like FD and FVM are compared... more
Шинжлэх ухааны ихэнхи салбар тэр дундаа инженерчлэлийн салбарын судалгааны чухал чиглэл бол тооцон бодох ухаан юм. Ус, шингэнтэй холбогдсон инженерчлэлийн салбарт уг ухаан нь тооцон бодох шингэний динамик хэмээн нэрлэгдэж салбарын чухал... more
In this paper, we present numerical procedure for liquid-solid phase change of water with Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The numerical procedure is composed as follows. Two distribution functions approach will be used to account flow... more
Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has been receiving enormous attention from researcher to solve fluid related phenomena. LBM in fluid dynamics simulation, one meet some difficulties, for instance it becomes unstable for high Reynolds number... more