Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Cuisine"

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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Japanese modern cuisine which originated from Buddhist priests' dishes are really healthy since there are a lot of vegetables in it.
A: "Japanese modern cuisine, which originated from Buddhist priests' dishes, [is] really healthy since there are a lot of vegetables in it."

I changed "are" → "is" because the subject is cuisine, which is singular, so the verb should be singular too.

I put commas around "which originated from Buddhist priests' dishes" because this is something called a nonessential relative clause. If you don't already know, a relative clause is kind of like a mini-sentence that describes a noun. This relative clause here is describing "cuisine."

Well, sometimes relative clauses are essential and sometimes they are not. They are essential if the sentence could not be understood without them.

As an example, imagine I walked up to you and started a conversation by saying this:
"I saw the guy that you were looking for when I was at the mall."

"That you were looking for" describes "guy" and it's essential because there was no way for you to know from the context what guy I was talking about. It's essential. So it doesn't get commas.

However, the situation would be different if you could have known from the context which guy I was talking about. Like, maybe we have been taking about him a lot lately so if I start talking about a guy you're going to assume I mean him. Well then I would put commas around the relative clause: "I saw the guy, that you were looking for, when I was at the mall." Because it could be understood without the relative clause: "I saw the guy at the mall."

In your sentence the relative clause wasn't essential. You had already described cuisine with "Japanese modern" so I could take out "which originated from Buddhist priests' dishes" and still understand what you were saying:

"Japanese modern cuisine is really healthy since there are a lot of vegetables in it."

Perfectly understandable.

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