Americanas 17072024
Americanas 17072024
Americanas 17072024
– Em Recuperação Judicial
CNPJ/ME nº 00.776.574/0006-60
NIRE 3330029074-5
As Deliberações produzem efeitos a partir da data das assinaturas pelo Grupo Americanas e
pelos Credores Aderentes, vinculando o Grupo Americanas e seus Credores Concursais, bem
como os seus respetivos sucessores e/ou cessionários a qualquer título, sem prejuízo da
posterior homologação Juízo da 4ª Vara Empresarial da Comarca da Capital do Estado do Rio de
Janeiro (“Juízo da RJ”).
A íntegra das Deliberações aprovadas ficará à disposição dos acionistas no site de Relações com
Investidores da Americanas ( A cópia das Deliberações aprovadas
também estará disponível no Sistema Empresas.NET da CVM ( e
no website da B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (
A Companhia manterá seus acionistas e o mercado em geral atualizados acerca dos assuntos
objeto do presente Fato Relevante.
The Resolutions take effect from the date of signature by the Americanas Group and the
Adhering Creditors, binding the Americanas Group and its Bankruptcy Creditors, as well as their
respective successors and/or assignee in any capacity, without prejudice to subsequent approval
by the Court of the 4th Commercial Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro (“RJ Court”).
(i) allow the issuance of Private Americanas Debentures (as defined in the Resolutions)
for restructuring and payment of a portion of the Balance of Unsecured Credits
Option II – Post Reverse Auction (as defined in the PRJ), which will be used by their
holders to pay in the Public Americanas Debentures (as defined in the Resolutions)
to be issued in the future, within a period of up to 90 (ninety) Business Days, due to
certain legal requirements applicable to the issuance of public debentures that may
impact the issuance schedule of Americanas Debentures provided for in the PRJ;
(ii) in response to a concern from Option II Unsecured Creditors, provide for the blocking
of the purchase and sale of New Credit Capitalization Shares not covered by the
Creditor Lock-Up Agreement provided for in Clause of the PRJ, for a period of
20 (twenty) days from the Closing Date – Restructuring Option II;
(iii) extend from 12 to 24 months the period for establishing the UPI HNT (as defined in
the PRJ), whose shares will be granted in fiduciary sale to guarantee the payment of
the Americanas Debentures (as defined in the PRJ), provided that, within the same
period, there has been no sale of the entirety of UPI HNT or the entirety of the HNT
stores' commercial locations;
(iv) replace the personal guarantee of Americanas Debentures (as defined in the PRJ)
provided by the companies B2W and JSM with a guarantee on the shares of UPI
Uni.Co., to be constituted in the context of the issue of Americanas Debentures;
(v) allow the segregation of the assets comprising the HNT, Uni.Co, AME and Digital
Assets (as defined in the PRJ) into more than one UPI, in order to establish more
flexible mechanisms for asset disposal processes and maximize the sale value of such
assets to pay creditors;
(vi) to allow the disposal of assets in the normal course of business and of commercial
outlets of HNT stores, including in the form of UPI, with the proceeds of the sale being
allocated to Cash Sweep for the purposes and under the terms of Clause 7.3 of the
PRJ; and,
(vii) change the term and conditions of intercompany credits payment, in order to, among
other measures, subordinate their payment, with transfer of resources, to all other
Bankruptcy Credits.
The full text of the Resolutions approved will be available to shareholders at the Investor
Relations website ( A copy of the approved Resolutions will also be
available on the CVM's Empresas.NET System ( and on the
website of B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (
The Company will keep its shareholders and the market in general updated on the matters
covered by this Material Fact.