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본고의 목적은 이론적 연구를 통해 대안적 국제정치경제학 이론의 유의성을 비판적으로 검토, 현재의 미중 갈등 상황 하 한국이 궁극적으로 추구해야 할 평화와 통일을 실현하기 위한 단초를 모색하는데 있다. 그리고 본 연구 결과, 본고는 한국문제를 해석할 이론의 존재론적 전회의 필요성을 제시한다. 미중 통상갈등으로 외화 되는 미국 패권 쇠퇴는 한국에게 미중 양자택일을 강요로 이어지고 있다. 이는 세계 평화와 한반도 평화가 비대칭적... more
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본고의 목적은 한국문제에 대한 질서 중심적 이해로부터의 탈피 가능성을 비판적으로 검토해 보며, 이에 대한 대안으로 영국학파의 국제사회론과 그 중에서도 질서와 정의의 긴장을 통한 한국문제에 대한 재이해의 유의미성을 살펴보는데 있다. 그 동안 한반도를 둘러싼 제 문제들은 강대국들 간 패권경쟁과 함께 역사적으로 구성되어 왔다는 점에서 (신)현실주의와 같은 질서의 안정을 추구하는 이론이 주류적 관점으로 자리잡고 있다. 그러나 이런... more
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      Korean StudiesEnglish SchoolJusticeInternational society
본고는 국제정치학 이론의 서구 중심성의 탈피 가능성을 가늠한데 그 목적이 있다. 본고는국제정치이론에 있어 서구 중심성을 두 가지 차원에서 이해하는데, 하나는 질서 유지적 속성그리고 다른 하나는 서구 경험의 일반화가 그것이다. 그리고 전자의 속성을 지닌 이론들을 신현실/자유주의 등 주류이론이 주로 지니고 있으며, 후자의 경우는 그 밖의 1세대 영국학파 이론가들의 연구에서 나타난다. 그러나 전자의 경우, 존재론의 부재와... more
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      OntologyEnglish SchoolPost-Western IRTCritical and Non-Western IRT
"공산주의라는 이념(그린비)"를 통해 국제정치학의 미래를 가늠해 본다.
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      International RelationsCommunism
본고의 목적은 안보 개념 변화에 따른 경제적 통치술(economic statecraft) 의 위상변화를 살펴보고, 경제 안보적 요소인 희토류 문제를 중심으로 중국의 통치술의 진화와 발전에 대해 검토하는 것이다. 이를 위해 본고는 신흥안보의 관점에서 경제적 통치술의 안보적 연계성을 해석하고, 중국의 통치술이 어떻게 발전했는지를 살펴봤다. 신흥안보 등의 복잡 네트워크화 되어가는 안보개념을 상정하되, 이에 대한 정치경제학적... more
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      Economic securityRare EarthEconomic Statecraft
This study aims to diagnose the current state of the Korean Peninsula by examining the transitional international order. The strategic competition between the United States and China and military conflicts such as the war in Ukraine and... more
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      ParadoxValueKorean PeninsulaNew Cold War
The crisis of the liberal international order, initiated by the 2008 Financial Crisis in the United States, marked the onset of U.S. hegemonic decline. Consequently, China's ascension introduced a rift in the structure of U.S. hegemony,... more
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      European UnionBrexit
The purpose of this study is to examine non-Western international relations theory (IRT) and explore, at the theoretical level, the potential for epistemological autonomy from the confines of Western-centered epistemology prevalent in... more
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      English School of International Relations TheoryNon-Western International Relations Theory
The purpose of this study is to explore what political and ethical priorities should be in the aftermath of a war. The Russia-Ukraine war and Israel's operations against Hamas in Gaza has amplified the calls for the norms of war. In fact,... more
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      Just War TheoryRestorationReconciliationJus Post Bellum
This study analyzes the processes of establishing diplomatic relations and embassies between South Korea and Indonesia, two postcolonial states in the Third World, through the lens of post-hegemonic international political epistemology.... more
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      IndonesiaCold War International RelationsGlobal SouthKorea
The purpose of this study is to find an alternative theory and to critically review significance and limitations of mainstream theories in international politics under the transnational crisis such as climate crisis. This article reviews... more
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      Political SciencePolitics
The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential of postcolonial critical international development studies by critiquing the power dynamics and Eurocentrism inherent in international development research. Through an examination of... more
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      Global SouthInternational Development StudiesPostcolonialismSouth Korean Development
This study aims to propose an alternative theoretical framework prioritizing ontology over epistemology within International Political Economy (IPE). By critiquing mainstream epistemological theories, it seeks to reinterpret American... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational Relations TheoryNeo-GramscianismOntological Turn
I. Introduction Some of scholars suggests that the current conflict between the liberal and authoritarian camps may be seen as a precursor to a "new" Cold War or even a Third World War (Juergensmeyer, 2023). The Russia-Ukraine war has... more
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      Public Health PolicyPeaceKorean PeninsulaUrban Diplomacy
This paper evaluates the relevance of John Rawls's A Theory of Justice in addressing justice within the Anthropocene, focusing on climate change. The Anthropocene marks a period of significant human impact on ecosystems, highlighted by... more
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      GenealogyJusticeJohn RawlsAnthropocene
This study explores the decline of American hegemony, which dominated the latter half of the 20th century following the United States' emergence as a global leader post-World War II. Despite unprecedented economic prosperity and military... more
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      LiberalismChinaUS hegemonyHistory & Politics esp Modern Irish/British International Relations
This article investigates the growing use of robots and automation in military operations, emphasizing the ethical challenges posed to international humanitarian law. The Iraq War marked a key shift, transforming robots from tools viewed... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceWarfareMilitary RoboticsRobots in Military Operations
Emerging technology has gained prominence in U.S. export controls, particularly following the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, which includes the Export Control Reform Act (ECRA) and the Foreign Investment Risk Review... more
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      Emerging TechnologiesStatecraftExport controlsEconomic security
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, marked by Russia's military invasion, has now entered its second year, with no apparent resolution in sight. A notable aspect of this war is the active discourse and legal proceedings concerning war... more
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      EthicsTransitional JusticeJust War TheoryWar Crimes
China, as the world's second-largest economy, contrasts its economic power with the modest international status of its currency, the renminbi (RMB). Despite the declining dominance of the U.S. dollar, the RMB lags behind the euro, pound... more
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      Financial Crisis of 2008/2009Digital CurrencyRMB Internationalizationcentral bank digital currency