Seoul National University
Institute For Peace And Unification Studies
New institutionalism, constituting a middle-range theory in the social sciences over the past decade, has failed to explain the ways whereby an institutional change takes place. Viewing the world through a lens that targets the... more
Throughout the twentieth century, states across East Asia committed many relatively undocumented atrocities, with victims numbering in the millions. The contributors to this insightful volume analyze many of the most notorious cases,... more
The institution of nuclear power in Japan appears to be drifting; nevertheless it persists. For the past 60 years, conservative politicians, technologists, and electric companies have acted in concert, for different reasons, to achieve a... more
This paper seeks to understand why the United States treated Japan and Korea differently in the revisions of bilateral nuclear cooperation agreements. On the sensitive issue of grating its allies the rights of developing enrichment and... more
North Korea is perilously close to developing strategic nuclear weapons capable of hitting the United States and its East Asian allies. Since their first nuclear test in 2006, North Korea has struggled to perfect the required delivery... more Examines intra-alliance politics between the United States, Japan, and South... more
This article compares the different trajectories of nuclear power policy in Japan, Taiwan and Korea in the post-Fukushima era. The Fukushima nuclear accident ratcheted up the level of contention between civil activism and supporters of... more
본 논문은 북핵을 핵이라는 보편적 연구 대상으로 삼아야 한다는 문제의식에서 출발 한다. 본 논문은 핵연구의 세 부문, 즉 핵비확산, 핵통제·폐기, 핵억제의 맥락에서 북핵 및 비핵화를 분석하고, 각 부문에서의 문제점과 가능성을 분석한다. 첫째, 비핵화는 북한의 NPT체제로의 복귀이다. 북한 핵무장 동기(수요측면)는 대외적 생존뿐만 아니라 정권 정당성과도 밀접하게 관련되어 있으며, 북한에의 기술이전(공급측면)은 강대국간 견제,... more
This article addresses the underexplored question of why some state violence cases in Asia are not followed by transitional justice even during a democratic transition. It explicates the two factors that obstruct or delay seeking truth... more
With respect to China and its neighbors, what are the political implications when a great power advances economically into small states? This paper presents an asymmetry-coercion linkage to explain the relationship between a great power... more