Optimus Prime (WFC)/toys
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A lot of plastic has been sacrificed in the name of this Optimus Prime...
War for Cybertron

It's War Within but with fewer chinstraps and handvents.
- Cybertronian Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2010)
- Accessories: Blaster rifle
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro), Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)
- Based on his appearance in War for Cybertron, Generations Optimus Prime transforms from a red, blue, and silver robot into an "armored truck mode." He comes with a hand-held rifle that is held via either of its two 5 mm posts, and can fold up to store in either mode. He features additional 5mm ports on his forearms, roof, and front-wheel panels. Optimus has a stylized sculpted Autobot insignia on his back, as seen in the game, but it is obscured by kibble.
- An undocumented transformation step includes flipping Optimus Prime's knees out in vehicle mode to form a back bumper with tail lights. Oddly, the toy itself and the package art show Optimus Prime with four fingers on each hand, while he has 5 fingers in the video game. The vehicle mode pictured on the stock photos is minimally mis-transformed: The exhaust pipes have not been rotated to hide the indentations against the vehicle body. The instructions show the rifle being plugged in by its shorter peg, but the packaging depicts the rifle stored by its grip, which keeps the weapon higher off Prime's body, but is also more secure.
- Optimus Prime is part of the first wave of Generations Deluxe Class toys, but he and Cybertronian Bumblebee shipped ahead of their two other wavemates via Toys"R"Us.
- This mold was redecoed into United Optimus Prime Cybertron Mode, Darkside Optimus Prime, and Tribute Optimus Prime.
Fall of Cybertron
- Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2012)
- Part of the first wave of 2012 Generations Deluxe Class toys, Optimus Prime is based on his Fall of Cybertron design, and transforms from a robot to a Cybertronian truck and back. His ion cannon, based on a weapon seen in his concept art, can mount via either of its two 5 mm posts onto ports on his hands, forearms, back, and shoulder smokestacks. The toy is known for being oddly small for an Optimus Prime toy, especially when compared to other toys from the same line. This allows him to be more or less in scale with Grimlock and Bruticus (likewise from the same line), however. Optimus features sculpted fake wheels on his back.
- The TakaraTomy version, part of the first wave of Japanese Generations toys, is noticeably shinier, casting his red and blue plastics in different, metallic shades, having much darker gray and black plastics, coating much of his red plastic in glossy metallic paint, and featuring numerous additional paint highlights, among other deco changes.
- This mold was retooled into Fall of Cybertron Ultra Magnus, and was redecoed into Knights of Unicron Optimus Prime.
Transformers (2010)
- Rage over Cybertron (Multi-pack, 2011)
- Accessories: "blaster" rifle
- A redeco of Cybertronian Optimus Prime with a translucent red front section, additional (painted) "scratched paint" details, some red paint highlights either omitted or changed to yellow and additional yellow circuitry pattern detailing reminiscent of the jammed abilities/mode lock/EMP effect from the War for Cybertron game, available in a Toys"R"Us-exclusive three-pack with redecos of Cybertronian Megatron and Cybertronian Bumblebee.
First Edition
- Matrix of Leadership SDCC Optimus Prime (Deluxe, 2011)
- Accessories: Gun, magnet, dignity-removing wearable Matrix packaging
- Prime: First Edition Matrix of Leadership Optimus Prime converts from robot mode to his truck mode. He comes with a gun than he can wield with his hands, as well as peg onto his hitch in vehicle mode, with different pegs for either configuration. Similar to a previous Optimus Prime toy, he features some faux-kibble in the form of his actual windshield chest being covered by sculpted panels featuring his characteristic windshield-chest. His arms are slightly longer than his original design's arms.
- This figure is an exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con 2011. The toy comes in a packaging shaped like the Matrix of Leadership, which one could wear around their neck, preferably at the convention itself, so passers-by can exclaim "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT?" and then try to get one themselves. The Matrix itself comes packaged in a box that is designed to look like Optimus Prime's chest, and opens accordingly. The chest window doors are sealed with a round magnet.
- The toy itself is an early release of the Deluxe Class Optimus Prime toy from the later "Entertainment Pack" set (see below).
- Optimus Prime vs Megatron: A Rivalry Reborn (Entertainment Pack, 2011)
- Accessories: Gun
- Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro)
- Entertainment Pack Optimus Prime is a slight redeco of the SDCC figure, with some deco differences between the SDCC release; this version has blue on the faux windows instead of gray and some of the added silver deco on the roof/feet, as well as the yellow paint on his lights. His midriff is also darker. Optimus also comes with a similarly-scaled Megatron and PVC figurines of Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, and Raf Esquivel.
- Initial distribution of this set was... spotty at best, with most of the stock going to Canada. However, Toys"R"Us picked up this set, along with most of the "First Edition" line, as part of a huge block of US market exclusives for holiday season 2012.
- Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2011)
- Number: 001
- Accessories: "Cybertronian battle sword", "plasma cannon", cardboard stand
- Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro)
- Part of the first wave of Prime: First Edition Voyager-Class toys, Optimus Prime transforms into a truck, with a similar (but more complex) transformation to his previous Deluxe-Class toy, and features a faux-kibble window-chest panel as well as a detailed truck cab interior. He comes with a "Cybertronian battle sword" and a "plasma cannon", either of which can peg into his hands. The cannon also features a 5mm peg-hole on the underside of its barrel, allowing the sword (or any other compatible accessory) to mount there as a bayonet. They are stored in vehicle mode by pegging them onto either the 5mm-compatible trailer hitch or onto each peg-hole beside it, although the instructions tell you to peg the sword facing forwards onto the hitch, with the cannon mounting backwards onto one of the side pegs. His trailer hitch ends up on his right robot leg, and he has a fake, sculpted, equally-usable trailer hitch on his left leg. He features a cardboard stand as with all "First Edition" toys, but the weak adhesive used for its flaps means it often has trouble supporting the weight of a Voyager class figure for an extended amount of time, the top caving in as the glue gives way. As Optimus only comes with one plasma cannon and the battle sword, one can buy an extra copy for another.
- He is minimally mistransformed in-package and in the stock photo, as his shoulder guards aren't flipped open. His stock photography also shows his plasma cannon as being solid black, when the final cannon is black speckled with silver paint, with slightly more painted silver details on the tips of the barrels.
- The Japanese release of this figure features slightly different colors for greater show-accuracy, including darker reds and blues, and a more metallic silver plastic.
- Optimus Prime also had a slight assembly problem between the head and the neck's ball joint, which causes it to pop off with some movement. This can be fixed by unscrewing the head halves, then properly snap it back before reattaching. This fix also adds some additional head articulation. Though the instructions tell you to rotate the hands while transforming into vehicle mode, this may result in a very slight gap on the front hood panels. Leaving the hands untransformed can thoroughly shut the gaps.
- The First Edition Voyagers were never released in the US, forcing buyers to import him from Canada or Japan... at first. Toys"R"Us later picked up this toy, along with most of the "First Edition" line, as part of a huge block of US market exclusives for holiday season 2012. This second run introduced a deco variant, in which the red paint on, beside, and below the truck side windows is omitted, revealing the patch of brown plastic underneath. As he is packaged in robot mode, with his front wheels and shoulders covering said patch, the only way to identify which version is which while in the box is by looking at the hinge joints beside his two painted torso lights, with the center portions of the hinges being unpainted brown on the variant. All releases of this mold also have a minor issue with the truck mode windvane/robot mode heels refusing to connect solidly to the truck cab in vehicle mode, leaving a visible gap above Prime's windshield.
- Anyone looking to buy this figure on the aftermarket be aware, there is a premium knock-off that's been making the rounds since October 2019.
- Shining Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2012-06-16)
- Accessories: "Plasma Cannon", "Cybertronian Battle Sword", cardboard stand
- One of two exclusive toys at the Tokyo Toy Show 2012 held on June 16th and 17th (the other being United Black Optimus Prime), this is the First Edition Prime mold (see above) done up mostly in translucent plastics. He comes in a grayscale version of the First Edition packaging that is otherwise unchanged from the Japanese package, The figure's deco is identical to the Hasbro version's second run of the figure.
- Dark Guard Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2012-12-01)
- Accessories: "Cybertronian battle sword", "plasma cannon"
- This Japanese-exclusive black-and-gold redeco of First Edition Voyager Class Optimus Prime was available exclusively at the fourteen stores taking part in the Cybertron Satellite promotion. It depicts Prime coated in an alloy reverse-engineered by Ratchet from MECH equipment that protects Optimus against Dark Energon and other techno-biological hazards.
- In 2014, Dark Guard Optimus Prime was re-released as a lucky draw prize for the Transformers Celebration 2014 event held at Ikebukuro Sunshine City store's Toys"R"Us.
- Optimus Prime (Cyberverse Commander, 2012)
- Series / Number: 2 / 001
- Japanese release date: March 31, 2012
- Japanese ID number: EZ-01
- Accessories: 2 "battle cannons"
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Part of the first wave of Prime Series 2 Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Optimus Prime is a smaller-scale toy, and features translucent plastic for his torso so that the toy can be illuminated using the electronic lights featured in the larger playsets. He comes with two translucent "battle cannon" weapons which feature multiple 3mm posts and ports, allowing them to be held by his hands, or store/mount onto numerous ports on his person. Additionally, he features a 5mm port for a trailer hitch.
- The Hasbro release comes with a pack-in file card. In addition to the regular version, Optimus was also released in a special "advance release" assortment alongside Bulkhead, Megatron and Starscream, with each figure including a mini-DVD that contains the Transformers: Prime episode "Masters & Students". Yes, all four of them come with the same episode.
- Like many other modern toys, Optimus was designed with an alternate head sculpt (based on the mouthplate-less face as seen on the show) intended for a later retool, which was gang-molded with the original head. At least one specimen sporting the mouthplate-less head has been found at retail, although since this occurrence has seemingly been limited to an isolated incident, it can be assumed to be a manufacturing error rather than a genuine variant.[1] The mouthplate-less head sculpt was eventually used officially for a later-wave redeco, Nightwatch Optimus Prime (see below).
- Take note that the leg construction (thigh parts with legs consists of rear wheels/fifth wheel hitch & engine compartment/flip out legs combination) can become loose after a long time of play due to being used with transformation. Also, the legs did not seem to securely connect due to the hitch's shallow holes & the front half of the legs' small pegs. Also, attaching weapons with 3mm posts on the Battle Cannons' holes can cause some stress marks.
- This sculpt was later retooled to make Beast Hunters Cyberverse Ultra Magnus.

Add the cannons from my previous release to form Prime "Battle Steel Optimus Prime!"
- Nightwatch Optimus Prime (Cyberverse Commander, 2012)
- Series / Number: 2 / 008
- Accessories: 2 "battle swords"
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Part of the third wave of Prime Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Nightwatch Optimus Prime is a redeco of Series 2 Cyberverse Optimus Prime, using the faceplate-less head sculpt that is gang-molded with the original head. His blue plastic is now gray, his smokestacks and thighs are left unpainted, he loses the Autobot insignia on his right forearm/door, and he gains yellow paint highlights for his eyes and lights, along with various other minor deco differences. Instead of the original release's cannons, he now comes with a pair of swords, which each have a pair of 3mm posts for wielding/mounting.
- Autobot Set (EZ Collection 6-pack, November 24, 2012)
- ID number: EZ-SP1
- Accessories: 2 "battle cannons"
- This redeco of Optimus Prime uses the faceplate-less version of the mold's head and replaces his red plastic with a metallic shade. Apart from this, the metallic red paint on the side cabins/backpack & the front windows/chest does not match with the metallic red plastic. The entirety of the dark gray unpaintable plastic is also replaced with a lighter shade, which also resulted in the tires being cast in the same shade.
- He was only available in a TakaraTomy EZ Collection six-pack with Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Wheeljack. Optimus is slightly mis-transformed in-package, probably to fit in the plastic tray. The stock photos still depict his tires being black.
- Optimus Prime (Cyberverse Commander, 2013)
- Series / Number: 3 / 001
- Accessories: Launcher & missile (combine to form Thunder Lance), Star Saber
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Part of the first wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Series 3 Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Optimus Prime is an all-new mold. He now transforms into a monstrous, flat-nosed truck with spiky fenders at the front and a cage compartment at the back, and comes with the Thunder Lance and Star Saber. Each of the weapons features two differently-placed 3mm posts, allowing them to be held by his hands, or mount onto two ports on the rear vehicle sides, as well as allowing the lance to additionally be used as a pressure-fired missile launcher.
- Undocumented in the instructions, Optimus Prime's front fenders can flip up or down. Probably due to the very small eye holes or a rare case of paint error; All of the copies had the bright metallic blue paint applied onto his lower eye sockets as well. This is present to all of the redecoes below. Likewise, a sculpting/molding issue is present to all releases of this mold: The lower section of his faceplate is slightly lopsided.
- Optimus Prime vs Predaking (Cyberverse Commander 2-pack, 2013)
- Accessories: Launcher & missile (combine to form Thunder Lance), Star Saber
- Part of the "Predacons Rising" subline imprint, Optimus Prime is a redeco of his Series 3 Cyberverse Commander Class toy in a color scheme inspired by Thunder Clash, including a version of the latter's peculiar chest insignia. He comes in a two-pack with a purple and black redeco of Commander Class Predaking.
- Like all Predacons Rising releases, the Optimus Prime/Predaking two-pack was exclusive to Target stores in the United States and Canada and to Tesco stores in the UK, and is also supposed to be exclusive to Carrefour elsewhere in Europe (presumably in France and/or Spain, though there have been no sightings as of yet). It has also been found at Rossmann drug stores in Germany and Ripley stores in Chile and popped up at BigW stores in Australia much later, in mid-2014. Also, like all Predacons Rising multi-pack redecos of Beast Hunters Cyberverse figures, the Cyberverse logo is nowhere to be found on the packaging.
- Beast Blade Optimus Prime (Cyberverse Commander, 2013)
- Series / Number: 3 / 008
- Accessories: Launcher & missile (combine to form Thunder Lance), Star Saber, Battlewing Shield
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Part of the fourth wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Beast Blade Optimus Prime is a jungle-themed green and blue redeco of his Series 3 Cyberverse Commander Class toy, coming with a new Battlewing Shield accessory in addition to retaining both the Thunder Lance and Star Saber. His shield can open up to form wings, and can be pegged onto the ridge on top of the vehicle's cage compartment, or mount onto the screw-hole on his, er, robot butt.
Robots in Disguise
Deluxe Class
- Orion Pax (Deluxe, October 20 2012)
- ID Number: AM-EX
- Accessories: Gun, "Gold Metal R.A." Arms Micron
- A Bic Camera and Joshin Kids' Land exclusive, this redeco is the first release of the Prime: First Edition Deluxe class Optimus Prime figure in Japan, in desaturated hues of plastic (the stock photography provided by TakaraTomy showed Orion Pax's red plastic as more pink than its original toy, this seems to have been a trick of the lighting or a photoshop). He has fewer paint applications than other iterations of the toy, instead utilizing customer-applied foil stickers, including both Autobot and Decepticon insignias of varying sizes.
- While he retains the blaster-cannon accessory, instead of his normal sword, he comes with a gold vac-metal version of the Arms Micron R.A., who originally came with Ratchet.
Voyager Class

The return of Laser Prime! ...sorta. (Hasbro version)
- Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2012)
- Series / Number: 01 / 001
- TakaraTomy ID Number: AM-01
- TakaraTomy release date: March 31 2012
- Accessories: Battle blaster/Cannon & battle sword (Hasbro only), "O.P." Arms Micron (TakaraTomy only)
- Known designers: Takashi Kunihiro (TakaraTomy)
- Part of the first wave of Prime: Robots in Disguise Voyager Class toys, Optimus Prime is a smaller, slightly more articulated mold, and is the first mainline Prime Optimus Prime figure released not to have fake windshield windows on his chest, though they're upside-down relative to truck-mode.
- He now comes with a half-translucent gun which lights up and expands MechTech-style when the lever is pulled. Bizarrely, the main section of the weapon is sculpted to resemble Prime's forearm, with the unfolding part being his in-show gun. Additionally, he comes with an opaque sword resembling the Star Saber, which he can wield two-handed. The gun features a peg on its underside and a port on each side, while the sword features a peg and peg-hole on its hilt in addition to its 5mm handle. In robot mode, either accessory can mount on his hands, on either of his shoulders, or be pegged into either of his half-translucent forearms. In vehicle mode, the top of the vehicle mode cab can also fold back to reveal two additional peg holes, and there are three peg holes (including the fifth wheel hitch) on the back section, although the hitch tends to open up and not hold very well.
- Unlike previous Voyager Class MechTech weapons, the gun cannot be set to stay expanded. This means that Prime is forced to threaten Decepticons with a random block of parts, unless you want to use one of your hands to permanently unfold his weapon.
- As the red parts are entirely painted translucent blue, exercise some caution while transforming or posing him.
- The TakaraTomy release of Optimus Prime has considerable differences from the Hasbro release. His blue and red plastics are darker and metallic, his translucent blue plastic is darker, and a few of his paint operations have been omitted and replaced with customer-applied foil stickers, such as his shins, feet, headlamps, and insignias. His legs, outer forearms and truck mode "sleeper cabin" side panels have been retooled to include 5 mm post-holes as part of the line-wide "Arms Micron" gimmick. As such, he does not come with the Hasbro version's weapons, but instead an Arms Micron partner named O.P. who transforms into a weapon resembling Optimus's in-show blaster cannon.
- AM-01 Optimus was part of a number of special Arms Micron promotional giveaways. Between March 1st and March 30th 2012, those who pre-ordered Optimus online from through one of four different web sites (Amazon Japan, Toys"R"Us, Bic Camera, and Yodobashi Camera) received the bonus promotional Micron Firebolt with their Prime. Meanwhile, buying him from AEON stores got customers the Shadow R.A. toy.
- The Hasbro version of the mold was retooled to make Beast Hunters Ultra Magnus, using the forearms of the TakaraTomy version. The Takara version of the mold was used to make Prime Nemesis Prime.
- Battle Shield Optimus (Voyager, 2012)
- Release date: August 12 2012
- Accessories: "O.P. A", "Pral G", "Sise G", "Jaze G" Arms Microns, sword, trailer
- Exclusive to Japanese Toys"R"Us stores, this redeco of AM-01 Optimus features warmer, metallic shades of plastic, replaces the gray plastic around his windshield-chest with red, and replaces the clear-blue plastics with clear-black. He comes with the Hasbro version's battle sword, which is now a darker, warmer shade. For Arms Microns, he now comes with O.P. A, Pral G, Sise G, and Jaze G, and the latter three can combine to form a golden version of the Cosmotector shield (hence the name).
- If purchased during the summer 2012 promotional period, he also came with a cardboard trailer unit that features Arms Micron mounting points, and can carry a Deluxe Class vehicle (like, say, Bumblebee).
- Golden Optimus Prime (Voyager, November 2012)
- Accessories: "O.P." Arms Micron
- A gold chrome redeco of Voyager class Optimus Prime was the first prize in the Japanese "Arms Up Campaign" and limited to 20 pieces. It included a gold O.P..
- Optimus Prime (Dark Energon Voyager, 2012)
- ID Number: 002
- Accessories: Battle blaster/Cannon, battle sword
- Known designers: Andrew Franks (deco artist)
- Prime: Dark Energon Optimus Prime is a BigBadToyStore-exclusive redeco/retool of RID Optimus Prime, being is cast in translucent red and orange, and three shades of opaque blue. He comes with a new mouthplate-less head.
- Though he was packaged in an individual box, he was initially sold as part of a set with Dark Energon Megatron. He was eventually made available on his own, and all of the Dark Energon Series toys were eventually made available in Singapore as mass-retail releases. The Voyager Class toys, in particular, also saw mass-retail release in the Philippines.
- Optimus Prime + Gaia Unicron (2013)
- Accessories: "O.P" Arms Micron
- This Asian-exclusive redeco of AM-01 Optimus Prime features a sticker-less, extensive paint-job, coating his red parts and half-translucent arms in glossy metallic paint, painting his torso, shins, grille, fenders, and wheel rims silver, painting half of his feet in glossy black, having painted headlights, and featuring a unique "snake" insignia on his roof/right shoulder-pad, due to 2013 being the "Year of the Snake". O.P comes pre-assembled, lacks stickers, and features paint operations.
- He and O.P come in a multi-pack with a similarly-shiny Gaia Unicron (with Bogu).
Weaponizer Class
- Optimus Prime (Weaponizer, 2012)
- TakaraTomt name: Arms Master Optimus
- TakaraTomy release date: September 29 2012
- TakaraTomy ID Number: AM-21
- Accessories: Rifle (Hasbro only), "R.A." Arms Micron & Matrix Blade (TakaraTomy only)
- Part of the first wave of Prime: Robots in Disguise Weaponizer Class toys, Optimus Prime is a large toy, similar in size to Leader Class figures from previous Transformers toylines. He features a simpler transformation and design compared to previous Leader-sized figures, with him having fake chest windows (again) and a simplified, hollow truck rear where his feet, arms, and fake chest windows are plainly visible. He comes with a blaster that can mount onto his hands, shoulder-pads, and the sides of his legs/truck rear.
- His main gimmicks, however, are the two large, blue-and-white mini-guns hidden in his back/hood, which can deploy and "weaponize" either mode. When deployed, the mini-guns swing out from his back/hood and spin, while a red LED inside his torso lights up briefly. The mini-guns swing down to the sides of his head in robot mode, and can also be deployed in vehicle mode when one manually opens the grille. Pushing down on the red lever on the center his torso (in either mode) briefly lights up the LED again and swings the mini-guns back into their hiding places.
- The Hasbro version of this mold was retooled to make Platinum Edition Ultra Magnus.
- The TakaraTomy version, part of the seventh wave of Japanese Prime toys, is dubbed Arms Master Optimus, uses darker, metallic plastics, casts the backs of his thighs in metallic red, replaces his metallic silver paint with glossy gray, and replaces a few of his paint operations with customer-applied foil stickers, such as his insignias, shins, headlamps, the tiny yellow lights on his torso, and the blue deco on his truck panel sides. He has also been retooled with additional 5 mm posts for his thighs, roof, and lower backpack, as well as ports for his forearms, shoulders, smokestacks, fuel tanks, and roof. Instead of the rifle, he comes with a very large Matrix which can tab onto his chest as armor or mount onto the back of the truck cab, with the Matrix also being covered in 5 mm posts and holes so that Arms Microns can be attached to it. He additionally comes with a clear-blue "Shining" version of the Arms Micron, R.A., who can combine with the Matrix to form the colossal Matrix Saber.
- Arms Master Optimus was central to a number of promotional giveaways. A larger version of the cardboard trailer unit that came with Battle Shield Optimus Prime was given away to customers who bought him at Yodobashi Camera and Bic Camera stores. Purchasing him from AEON stores got you a second version of R.A., Shining R.A. GR. Then in mid-November, AEON had a second promotion for the toy, this time offering the Shining Gura B Arms Micron.
Remote-Controlled toys
- Remote Controlled Optimus Prime (2012)
- Accessories: Remote control
- An electronic Optimus Prime, operable by remote control. As well as driving around, the remote control allows you to convert Optimus from truck to robot and trigger his punching action.
Beast Hunters
- Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2013)
- Series/Number: 2 / 001
- Accessories: Two "Ionic Pulse Launchers"/"Eaglefire Missile Launchers", two missiles, Star Saber
- Part of the first wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Voyager Class toys, Optimus Prime transforms into a monstrous, flat-nosed truck, but differs from his Cyberverse toy by having a faceplate-less mouth, and by being equipped with a large four-winged backpack in robot mode. He features a 5mm port for each of his hands, one on his backpack, one near each of his front wheels, and one on each of his two upper wings.
- He comes with the Star Saber, which has a 5mm handle and a post on its hilt, as well as two spring-loaded, missile-firing "Ionic Pulse Launchers" (which are called "Eaglefire Missile Launchers" in the instructions). The launchers each feature a 5 mm post, have flip open prods, and can peg onto the ports near the wheels on his robot back, giving him a pair of back-mounted rocket engines.
- Some units have a waist swivel that is somehow fixed in place, and is unable to rotate. His packaging stock photography also depicts translucent green missiles that are opaque light-gray in the final product. His instructions include the fifth chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series.
- He was redecoed into Go! Hunter Optimus Prime and Go! Hunter Nemesis Prime. This toy also served as the basis of the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Galvatron.
- Beast Hunter Optimus Prime (Ultimate, 2013)
- Accessories: Dragon-hunting sword, dragon-hunting shield, five missiles
- Known designers: Lenny Panzica (Hasbro)
- Part of the first wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Ultimate Class toys, Beast Hunter Optimus Prime is larger than the average Weaponizer or Leader Class toy, and comes with a sword and shield which can mount via 5 mm post in various ways on his hands, forearms, and legs.
- His main gimmick, however, is his quintet of "Firebreath Cyclocannons"—spring-loaded dragon-headed missile launchers mounted on an ornate, rotating circular contraption attached to his back/roof. Turning the handle on top makes the backpack rotate and cycle through each cannon, and pressing the handle's button will trigger and fire whatever cannon is at the top/front. When the cannons are cycled through in robot mode, his eyes and windshield-chest light up, and one can alternatively rotate (but not fire) the cannons and activate his light-up features by pushing down on the fake spiky fenders on his stomach. Out of the package, the handle itself comes detached to allow the rest of the toy to fit.
- His stock photography depicts his three green missiles as translucent when they are opaque in the final product. His instructions include the seventeenth chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series. This toy was originally announced at UK Toy Fair 2013 as "Dragon Disc Optimus Prime".
- His sword would later be reused for Unite Warriors Grand Scourge's Matrix Breaker Sword, and Arcee's Combiner Slayer from the SDCC Exclusive Combiner Hunters set.
- Beast Hunter Optimus Prime (Ultimate, 2013)
- 07 OF 30
- Accessories: Dragon-hunting sword, dragon-hunting shield, five missiles
- This version of Ultimate Class Beast Hunter Optimus Prime is exclusive to Cybertron Con 2013. While Prime itself is unchanged, he has been packaged in the box with his backpack plugged into his back, allowing the cannons to rotate when his spiky stomach-fenders are pushed down. The box itself also has slightly different text and graphical layouts, is encased in a large, slip-on outer covering, and features a designated number as part of the Thrilling 30 line.
- Hasbro's Facebook retrospective of the numbered "Thrilling 30" figures states the name of this figure as "First Edition Beast Hunters Optimus Prime", even though the term "First Edition" doesn't appear anywhere on its packaging.[2]
- Optimus Prime vs. Predaking (multi-pack, 2013)
- Accessories: Two "Ionic Pulse Launchers"/"Eaglefire Missile Launchers", two missiles, Star Saber
- A minor redeco of Beast Hunters Voyager Class Optimus Prime that has the gray parts cast in a darker plastic shade, lacks the black paint operation for the Star Saber's hilt, changes the color of the side windows' paint operations from yellow to green, adds yellow paint operations for the headlights and lacks the silver paint operations above the front windows.
- This version was only available in a two-pack with an ever-so-slightly more redecoed Voyager Class Predaking, which has thus far only been released at Toys"R"Us stores in Portugal, the United Kingdom and Germany. In Germany, it was explicitly advertised as a Toys"R"Us exclusive. This box was available at regular retail in Brazil.
- Beast Tracker Optimus Prime (Weaponizer, 2013)
- Accessories: Rifle, Dragon Sword
- A redeco of Prime: Robots in Disguise Weaponizer Optimus Prime, this figure swaps out the red plastics with forest green, has new green paint applications on his torso, loses the electronics, and gains an additional "Dragon Sword" accessory, a slightly smaller version of the Ultimate Class Beast Hunter Optimus Prime's "Dragon-hunting sword".
- His stock photography is mistransformed, as his back kibble is not resting on his back, but rather fanned out.
- This toy was repurposed as Green Tender Convoy.
- Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2014)
- Series/Number: 3 / 001
- Accessories: Nexus Sword, Vector Shield, cannon, missile
- Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
- Part of the first wave of Beast Hunters Series 3 Voyager Class toys, Optimus Prime is functionally an upsized copy of his Beast Hunters Series 3 Cyberverse toy, though with certain sculpted details based on his larger toys, the replacement of his ball joints with more robust ratchet joints, the addition of thigh swivels, and various deco differences. As a result, his complexity is lower than in his previous Voyager Class toys, but he ends up being much, much more massive.
- For accessories, he comes with (according to his bio) "the ancient weapons of the Primes", such as his Nexus Sword (a reference to Nexus Prime), the Vector Shield (an upscaled, non-transforming version of the shield from his Cyberverse "Beast Blade" toy, and a reference to Vector Prime), as well as a generic cannon with a pressure-fired missile. All of his accessories can peg into his hands, right forearm, backside, and vehicle sides.
- The Nexus Sword is similar to the one included with the original Voyager Beast Hunters Optimus Prime toy, but is shorter and less detailed.
Rescue Bots
- Optimus Prime (2011)
- Optimus Prime transforms into a red and blue semi truck of likely fictitious origin. In keeping with the simplified transformation scheme of the Rescue Bots line, Optimus Prime transforms from truck to robot when his legs are folded down, at which point his head, arms, and hands emerge; folding his toes into position will finish the transformation.
- Of note is that on some samples, the head can sometimes lock into position even when the figure is in robot mode; this could be observed simply by walking into a store and seeing multiple "headless" Prime figures. This can occasionally be corrected by pushing down on the back of the panel or tapping the head, thereby releasing it.
- Electronic Rescue Bots Mobile Headquarters (playset 2012)
- Accessories: Optimus Prime, Cody Burns
- The Electronic Rescue Bots Mobile Headquarters includes an Optimus Prime toy with a seat for the Cody Burns figure. He has a simple transformation that involves folding his legs and standing him up.
- Electronic Optimus Prime (Energize, 2013)
- A large, non-transforming Optimus Prime features a light-and-sound gimmick, which was activated from his Autobot insignia on his chest. His spinning Energon saw can also be activated with a press of the button on his left arm.
- Optimus Prime Rescue Trailer (2013)
- This Optimus Prime toy is a larger sized mold with a similar transformation to the first Rescue Bot toy. He also comes with a trailer, which can hold up to 4 Rescue Bot vehicles or be reassembled into a wing pack for Optimus.
- Optimus Prime Rescue Trailer with Bonus Bumblebee & 2 Human Hero Figures [sic] (2013)
- Another release of the toy, with the Bumblebee car from the Bumblebee Rescue Garage set and two figures, Graham and Cody Burns figures, as a bonus. None of the toys were changed from their original releases.
- Optimus Primal[3] (2014)
- Optimus Primal is a larger mold with light and sound gimmicks, and converts from robot to T-Rex[sic] and back! With push-button autotransformation and electronic lights, sounds, and phrases. Pressing a rubberized blue patch on his dino head activates a chomping jaw gimmick, and his drill-tail tip spins when a plunger on his wrist is pressed.
- Optimus Prime Tow Truck[4] (2015)
- A redeco/new-head retool of the Rescue Bots Hoist the Tow-bot figure, Optimus Prime transforms from robot into a tow truck. Pulling the tow truck's hook up converts him back into a robot. The panel on the top of the cab has been remolded with additional truck detail in place of the Rescue Bots logo on Hoist, while the Rescue Bots insignia on his torso is unpainted.
- He was released as an Amazon exclusive.
- Optimus Prime Rescue Trailer (2016)
- A redeco of the previous Optimus Prime Rescue Trailer without the Energize patterns.
- Optimus Prime (Energize, 2012)
- Accessory: Energon Saw
- Part of the first wave of Energize figures, this Optimus Prime is a redeco of the original mold, with the blue parts being cast in translucent blue.
- Energize Optimus Prime and Cody Burns (2-pack, 2013)
- This Optimus Prime PVC figure is a new mold, wielding an energize saw blade. He also comes with Cody Burns.
- Optimus Prime[5] (2013)
- The Optimus Prime figure is released individually without Cody Burns. He features no changes from his original release, other than the bagged packaging.
- Silver Force Optimus Prime and Bumblebee (2-pack, 2014)
- Available with Silver Force Bumblebee, Silver Force Optimus Prime is a redeco of the Energize non-transforming figure, featuring silver through all his body. It was not sold in the United States, apparently being exclusive to Canadian Target stores.
- Optimus Prime and T-Rex (2-pack, 2014)
- This two-pack includes a redeco of the Optimus Prime toy from the first 2-pack, sporting a now mainly-blue color scheme. The set also includes a non-articulated figure of Trex.
Beam Box
- Beam Box Game System (Expandable Starter Pack, 2013)
- Optimus Prime is a non-transforming figure with no articulation, mounted on a rocky base, and included with the Beam Box Game System itself. Inserting him into the Beam Box unlocks Optimus Prime in the game.
Rescan Series
- Optimus Prime (Rescan, 2014)
- Part of the first wave of Rescan toys, Optimus changes from robot to monster truck and back in a single step. He has 5mm holes in his fists and features metallic red and silver paint.
- Optimus Prime[6] (Rescan, 2014)
- Optimus Prime converts from robot to T-Rex[sic] and back, with his transformation inspired by Beast Wars Megatron. He's smaller than Optimus Primal, though. Pressing a blue panel on the back of his dino head activates a chomping jaw feature.
- Optimus Prime (Rescan, 2015)
- This new smaller mold of Optimus Prime features a similar transformation to the original toy. Unlike most transformable figures in this line, Optimus completely lacks 5mm fist holes. Compared to the finalized toy, the product photo on the back of the box has a number of deco differences, most notably silver thighs and white accents above the front windows in addition to those below. The same box photo and the more deco-accurate stock photo (right) also neglect to fold out his fists, which is the only other step in his two-step transformation.
- Optimus Prime Racing Trailer (Rescan, 2016)
- Optimus Prime Racing Trailer is a transformable figure, different from the previous Rescan version, that comes with a trailer that turns into a ramp for other vehicles to use. He comes packaged with a blue and white redeco of the Rescan Blurr.
- The Optimus Prime robot/cab was subsequently released singly in 2018, and again in 2020 under the Rescue Bots Academy branding with no notable differences. A slight redeco was later released in 2022 as part of the Classic Heroes Team toyline.

Not Domitius Major, we swear.
- Optimus Prime[7] (Rescan, 2017)
- A repaint of the earlier and smaller T-Rex[sic] Optimus Prime figure, but in a colour scheme similar to the Optimus from the "Optimus Prime and T-Rex" two-pack.
- Optimus Prime (Rescan, 2017)
- Yet another new body for Optimus was released in the 16th wave of Rescan toys. He transforms from semi-truck cab to robot in one easy step. He shares a transformation scheme with Arctic Rescue Boulder. This body appears loosely based on the new body live-action Optimus took in Age of Extinction with its somewhat knightly stylings in robot mode.
- Optimus Prime (Rescan, 2018)
- The mold originally released with the Racing Trailer in 2016 was released as an individual figure in 2018. It was re-released in 2020 in Rescue Bots Academy packaging with no notable differences.
Epic Figures
- Epic Optimus Prime (2014)
- Epic Optimus Prime is a 22 inches tall, non-transforming Optimus Prime figure, featuring limited articulation in the waist, shoulders and wrists. His chest can be opened to reveal a command center with a seat and room to display at least three figures. His arms also feature one seat each to accommodate more figurines. The back of his arms and legs are hollow with "shelves" that allow even more figurines to be displayed.
Featured Bots
- Optimus Prime (Featured Bot, 2015)
- Featured Bot Optimus Prime is a non-transforming, super-deformed figure with a spinning saw gimmick, which can be activated by pushing the switch on his left shoulder!
- Optimus Prime (Megabot, 2016)
- Part of the second wave of the Megabot size class toys, Optimus is a minor repaint of the previously released Rescue Trailer Optimus figure, but without the trailer/wing pack.
Flip Racers
- Optimus Prime (Flip Racer, 2017)
- Part of the first wave of individually packed Flip Racers, Optimus Prime transforms automatically from his familiar super-deformed semi-cab to a robot when the vehicle mode is lifted up and placed on its end.
- This figure was re-released in 2019 with a new Flip Racer trailer/launcher accessory under the Rescue Bots Academy toyline.
- Chomp & Chase Raceway (Playset, 2017)
- This playset is a variation of Optimus Prime's dinosaur mode, but as a figure-8 racetrack. A launcher can propel Flip Racers through the track where they can activate a popup Chase and land in a jail. The Flip Racer MorBot is included but any Flip Racer is compatible. The raceway can be extended by attaching the Flip Racers launchers: Bumblebee’s Quick Launch Garage or Airport Blastoff Blades (sold separately).
- Optimus Prime Race Track Trailer (Playset, 2017)

If Hasbro's being wise. they should've made this as Ultra Magnus instead.
- The second Optimus Prime-themed Flip Racer playset consists of a large transforming Prime cab and a separating trailer. The trailer can store up to 20 Flip Racers figures, and also transform into a head-to-head race track over 30 inches long. The set includes Bumblebee and Blurr.
- Optimus Prime Race Track Trailer (Bonus Playset, 2017)
- When bought exclusively at Walmart, this toy would include Flip Racers Heatwave the Fire-Bot and MorBot as bonus.
- Griffin Rock Off-Road Extreme Team (Multipack, 2018)

Prime loves his catchphrase so much, he rolls even when he should fly.
- A new version of Optimus Prime turning into a jet plane was released in a 3-pack alongside Blurr and Chase the Police-Bot.
Knight Watch
- Knight Watch Optimus Prime (2018)
- Accessories: Mini-Con Lance the Raptor-Bot, Mini-Con Scale the Shield-Bot
- Knight Watch Optimus Prime is a large figure that transforms into a T. rex in 1-step. He includes two Mini-Con partner dinosaurs who convert from an Ankylosaurus and a Velociraptor into a shield and lance, respectively.
- Battle for Energon (2012)
- Set number: 98812
- Pieces: 379
- Kreons: Optimus Prime, Megatron, Security Officer, Tank Driver
- Accessories: Energon axe
- This set's Optimusses are based on the Prime incarnation. The larger Optimus is a smaller, simpler build than the first big kit, and makes use of ball-and-socket parts for increased articulation. It also carries a spring-loaded missile launcher. The Optimus Kreon's tampographs are based directly on the Prime cartoon model, though he carries an energon axe akin to the one from the War for Cybertron games. He also has a clear-blue extra "energon" torso piece.
- This set also comes with a Megatron tank/robot build, a miniature bank playset with opening/breakaway vault to hold the set's "ultimate Dark Energon weapon" piece (though it also contains stickers that can make the bank into a museum), and Kreons of Prime-styled Megatron, a human Security Officer and evil human Tank Driver.
- Beast Blade Optimus Prime (2013)
- Set number: A2203
- Pieces: 251
- Kreons: Optimus Prime, Energon Kicker
- Accessories: Robot sword
- In this set, both the buildable Optimus Prime and the included Kreon figure are in the style of Beast Hunters Optimus Prime. In addition to the robot mode having a buildable shield and sword, both it and the vehicle build have two firing missile launchers. Additionally, four hands are included, with two possibilities for each arm. These Optimus Primes come with a buildable Predacon beast Lazerback and an Energon Kicker Kreon.
- Autobot Command Center (Playset, 2013)
- The large "Autobot Command Center" playset comes with a multitude of Prime-based Kreons, but the set's Optimus isn't a Kreon, but a brick-built mini-vehicle based on Optimus's truck mode. The truck also features a pressure-fired net launcher, in order to catch the similarly brick-built Rippersnapper beast.
Robots in Disguise
- Underbite Jetpack Takedown (2015)
- The "Underbite Jetpack Takedown" Optimus Kreon uses the new 2015 style of Kreon hips and torso, with a hollow hip-peg and a central post inside the torso for increased grip... which also makes them incompatible with about four years' worth of Kreons. Based on his appearance in Robots in Disguise, he features a new version of the Optimus helmet, this time lacking a moutplate. He attaches to an included jet pack, armed with two pressure-launch missiles.
- All of the 2015 Transformers Kre-O product was skipped by retailers in the US (at first), seeing release in Canada, Australia and various Asian markets. In late 2015, much of the line was finally released at discount in the US through TJ Maxx and Marshalls stores, including this set.
- Optimus Prime Beast Blaster (2015)
- Optimus got his own large vehicle set, featuring a giant longnosed cab truck with space on the back to connect the included "stasis cell" for transport. That "flatbed" part is rigged to be pushed forward, which pushes a large cannon forward out through the truck's front grill; pushing the cannon all the way forward automatically launches the massive rubber-tipped missile. The somekstacks are also hinged to swing down into "machinegun" mode.
- The set comes with another Optimus Kreon, plus Fracture (who comes with a hoverbike vehicle) and micro-Kreon Mini-Cons Airazor and Divebomb.
- This set was first released in Taiwan and Singapore from January 2015, and later in Canada from May 2015. It was only released in the US in late 2015 through closeout chains like Ross and TJ Maxx.
- Optimus Prime (Custom Kreon, 2015)
- Set Number: B1233
- Pieces:27
- Accessories: Rack, bazooka, dual pick-axe
- Part of the sixth wave of Custom Kreons, and the first (and only) Robots in Disguise-themed wave, Optimus Prime uses the new 2015 Kreon construction with the hollow waist-peg and "raised" hands.. He comes with a buildable parts rack on which to hang/store his extra pieces. Unlike the previous Custom Kreons, he no longer features a chromed helmet, and comes with an extra clear-plastic helmet, torso, legs, and his arms, plus a chromed Bazooka (originally from the Kre-O Battleship sets), and some kind of a dual pick-axe with a clear red staff.
- Despite what the instructions said, the body piece cannot be pegged down between the leg parts installed on the display stand. However this can be amended by putting a 2x1 brick piece.
- For some reason: unlike the stock photos (pictured from the right), This Custom Kreon had a slight QC issue to the opaque and transparent helmets: One had two sides sculpted, while the other one has the small flat square sculpt (similar to the details on Hound's helmet) on the right side. Several samples had two different "variants": One with the perfect transparent helmet & a differently-sculpted opaque helmet, while the other one has the opposite. However: later releases fixes the problem by a running change.
- Beast Hunter Optimus Prime (2016)
- Set number: ???
- Pieces: 251
- Kreons: Optimus Prime, Energon Kicker
- Accessories: Robot sword
- Re-packaged and re-released through budget chains like Dollar General and Family Dollar in the US, this is a seemingly-unchanged version of "Beast Blade Optimus Prime", only with the packaging and instructions omitting any mention or visuals of the kit's large robot build. The set still has all the parts for the large robot build, there's just no instructions for said build so you get to puzzle it out yourself (or look them up online).
- Armor Up Optimus Prime (Custom Kreon,
2017)- Set Number: ??
- Blizzard Strike Optimus Prime (2017)
- Set Number: B5712
- Night Strike Optimus Prime (
2017)- Set Number: ??
- Pieces: 27
- Accessories: 3 buildable blasters (one wielding, two for mounting), 2 shoulder armors, extension parts (arms, legs)
- Set Number: ??
- Released (again) without any prior announcement from Hasbro exclusively through Dollar General stores, this new Custom Kreon Optimus Prime set features extension parts for the arms and legs used for the Kreons included in the China exclusive Armor Hero Captor sets. The Kreon can be displayed without adding any armor parts, of course.
- While the packaging shows twelve figures in the assortment: four characters with three decoes for each figure (Armor-Up, Blizzard Strike and Night Strike), only six of those have been released; Optimus has only been released in the Blizzard Strike deco.
- Hunter Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2013)
- ID number: G11
- Release date: April 27, 2013
- Accessories: 2 missile launchers, 2 missiles, Matrix Saber
- Part of the first wave of TakaraTomy's Go! toys, Hunter Optimus Prime is a redeco of the Voyager Class Beast Hunters Optimus Prime toy. His red and blue plastics are now cast in metallic shades, his translucent green plastic has been replaced with translucent blue, his yellow highlights are more orange-yellow, his yellow-painted side windows are now blue, and his gray plastic is now cast in two different, darker shades. The Matrix Saber, aside from being blue, uses a bluer shade of gunmetal paint for its hilt and handle.
- His packaging stock photography is merely a color-swapped version of Hasbro's stock photos, switching out the green for blue.
- Optimus Exprime (Voyager, 2014)
- ID number: G26
- Release date: January 25, 2014
- Accessories: 2 large swords, 2 kabuto helmets/shields
- Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy), Junichi Akutsu (concept artist)
- Part of the eighth wave of Go! toys, Optimus Exprime is capable of changing from a robot to either a train or (something resembling) a dragon and back again. He can also form the torso of either DaiKenzan (with Kenzan forming the upper torso, head, and arms and Gekisoumaru forming the legs) or DaiGekisou (With Kenzan and Gekisoumaru reversed from their roles in DaiKenzan).
- While not mentioned in his instructions, the train sections which normally hang off his arms can be reversed and his dragon claws can be flipped out to give him a passable set of combat claws.
- Each of his kabuto helmets forms the head for one of the two combined modes. In addition, either of his kabuto helmets can be connected to his robot mode back (allowing his swords to also be stored on his back), and both can be connected to the rear of his train mode simultaneously. In robot mode or combined mode, his kabuto helmets can be held individually as a shield or combined into an even larger shield.
- Optimus Exprime's electronics are slightly less complex than those of Kenzan and Gekisoumaru. In robot, dragon, and train modes, pressing a button sets off red flashing LEDs and causes him to play one of seven sounds or phrases (which do not change depending on the mode). Pressing and holding the button activates a combination mode similar to the ones found in Kenzan and Gekisoumaru. Optimus Exprime calls on Kenzan and Gekisoumaru to combine with him, and then combination music plays as the LEDs flash blue, purple, and red (with the two halves of his Autobot insignia showing different colors!). Completing either combination by snapping the correct kabuto helmet into place ends the combination mode and triggers another phrase.
- Once combined, DaiKenzan has three new phrases (spoken in Kenzan's voice), while DaiGekisou has four (in Gekisoumaru's voice). In either combined form, pressing and holding the button activates an additional, longer phrase for their "final attack". DaiGekisou is armed with a scissors-esque "shuriken" made from combining Optimus Exprime's two swords, while DaiKenzan simply wields them separately.
- Unlike the other Swordbot toys, Optimus Exprime's kabuto helmets form an integral part of one of his alternate modes. The kabuto helmet designed for use with his DaiGekisou combination forms the head of his dragon form, while the kabuto helmet designed for use with his DaiKenzan combination forms the "tail" of the same. He comes with two HUGE swords (with 5mm handles) which can be attached to several places on his kabuto helmets or either alternate form, held separately in his hands, or held both in the same hand (with one held in reverse-grip).
- An additional oddity is that unlike every other toy in the Go! toyline, Optimus Exprime came packaged in a box without a window. This is potentially because of the sheer amount of information TakaraTomy wanted to print on the box, or because they were unable to fit him into the box in robot mode with all of his accessories displayed. Whatever the reason, it left him with a smaller box than the other voyagers in the line, a substantially-altered box layout, and a much shorter profile.
- Adorably, his robot mode feet are molded to resemble itty-bitty versions of his bullet train mode, complete with molded wheels.
- Optimus Exprime's swords were later reused for Figure Subscription Service 4.0 Bludgeon.
- Optimus Prime (Elite Class, 2014)
- Optimus Prime is heavily based on the large Ultimate class toy with the circular dragon cannons. The large disc rig separates to become two large curved swords while the dragon heads become hand held cannons.
- Like most Beast Hunters Construct-Bots, this Optimus never saw release in the United States.
Robots in Disguise (2015)
Virtually every toy in this list has a scannable insignia sticker on it. For Hasbro releases, it temporarily unlocks that toy as a playable character in the Robots in Disguise mobile game, and can only be scanned once per day. TakaraTomy releases simply check that off on their mobile app's collection list. It's honestly quicker and less redundant to say which toys don't have this feature. Meanwhile, scanning the Combiner Force toys' insignia stickers gives the player Tickets, which can be spent by giving them to Cryostase via the main map menu.
Legion Class
- Optimus Prime (Legion Class, 2015/2016)
- Part of the first wave of the 2015 Robots in Disguise line, Optimus Prime is a smaller-scale toy. He transforms from robot to trailer/truck combination and back! Like every Robots in Disguise Legion Class toy, Optimus features 3mm posts on his hands and arms. Due to the size and simplified transformation, he ends up having 6 wheels instead of 10. His scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder. However, the badge is completely impossible to scan in vehicle mode.
- The prototype images showed that Optimus features sharp antennae on his head. This was rounded off for safety reasons in the final product.
- This mold was redecoed into Ultra Magnus.
- In 2016, the figure saw re-release in the Combiner Force subline imprint packaging refresh. Being the tenth use of the sculpt at this point, some instances of mold deterioration have affected the figure, including: the vehicle front's bumper (which affects the space on the head/front bumper transformation), the headlights, and/or the legs, and the hole on the left shoulder is also prone to develop a stress mark due to the right shoulder's slightly "thickened" peg. Although the re-released badge didn't seem to unlock Optimus Prime after it was scanned, a later update to the game amended this.
- Also, the Combiner Force re-release's instructions were erroneously packed with Heatseeker.
- Optimus Prime VS Megatronus (Clash of the Transformers 2-pack, 2015)
- Packaged with Megatronus, this Optimus Prime is a redeco of the Legion Class figure above, with his coloration inspired by his armored form in "Battlegrounds".
- Like his original Legion Class toy, his scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder. And again, the badge is completely impossible to scan in vehicle mode.
- The 2-pack was available as a Toys"R"Us exclusive.
- Blizzard Strike Optimus Prime (Legion Class, 2016)
- Blizzard Strike Optimus Prime is a redeco of the Legion Class Optimus Prime figure, with its deco inspired by Powered Convoy's inner robot from Diaclone. His stock photo is mistransformed: his head is not connected on the the neck, and his truck front is not folded properly in vehicle mode.
- Like his original Legion Class toy, his scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder. And yet again, the badge is completely impossible to scan in vehicle mode.
- Blizzard Strike Optimus Prime has been released twice as well: First in the original Robots in Disguise packaging design, and then again in the Mini-Con Weaponizers subline imprint packaging refresh.
Hyper Change Heroes/3-Step Changers
- Optimus Prime (Hyper Change Heroes / 3-Step Changer, 2015)
- Part of the first wave of Transformers: Robots in Disguise Hyperchange Heroes, Optimus Prime transforms from a futuristic trailer truck to robot in just 3 easy steps! His arms & legs serve as his trailer, while his chest serves as his truck front. He is also one of the few Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime toys which does not feature a faux window chest in robot mode. Both of his arms are articulated with 5mm holes in each hand.
- His scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode chest/truck hood. The badge is easily scannable while in package.
- The Transformers Adventure Easy Dynamic Series release, titled "Big Optimus Prime", features extra paint details and has two additional Autobot symbols on his shoulders. He also includes a different scannable badge, which is compatible with TakaraTomy's Transformers Adventures app. Scanning this will unlock Big Optimus Prime in the collection list. Unlike the American release, Big Optimus Prime is packaged in a windowed box, instead of an an open package.
- Optimus Prime (Clash of the Transformers, 2015)
- Japanese ID Number: TEDEX
- Accessories: Sword
- A redeco and retool of the Three-Step Optimus Prime figure above, this toy is based on Optimus Prime's appearance in "Battlegrounds", and features a small sword.
- As with his original toy, his scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode chest/truck hood. The badge is easily scannable while in package.
- The toy is currently released as a Toys"R"Us Canada exclusive. The toy also released as a Toys"R"Us Japan exclusive in 2016.
- Optimus Prime (Hyper Flip, 2017)
- Hyper Flip Optimus Prime is a retool of the first Three-Step Changer figure, featuring a new pair of fixed arm-mounted cannons. The packaging advertises the figure having the "Hyper Flip" feature, which references his transformation scheme.
- His vehicle mode is mistransformed in the stock photos.
Warrior Class
- Optimus Prime (Warrior Class, 2015)
- Accessories: Axe
- Part of the second wave of Hasbro's Robots in Disguise Warrior Class figures, Optimus Prime transforms into a futuristic trailer truck. Due to his simple transformation scheme, he has a faux window chest in robot mode, while the end of the front trailer kibble has extra toes. Optimus Prime also comes with an axe, which was based on the Energon Axe weapon from the War for Cybertron game. Undocumented in the instructions, Prime's axe can store between his trailer, or plug into ports on either of his shoulders. His scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder and is easily scannable while still in-package.
- While stock photos of the toy feature silver paint on the thigh joints, the actual product features a nearly identical shade of grey paint to match the unpaintable upper legs.
- Optimus Prime was first released as part of the second wave of the Warrior Class assortment, but despite being succeeded by the "Blizzard Strike" redeco in wave 5, which itself was later re-released in the Mini-Con Weaponizers subline imprint packaging refresh, the original red version of Optimus Prime was also re-released in Mini-Con Weaponizers packaging.
- This sculpt was later redecoed into Transformers Adventure Nemesis Prime.
- Optimus Prime (Clash of the Transformers, 2015)
- Accessories: Axe
- A redeco of Warrior Class Optimus Prime based on his appearance in the Robots in Disguise season 1 finale. This figure was released as part of the Toys"R"Us exclusive Clash of the Transformers subline imprint.
- Like his original toy, his scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder. As he's packaged in robot mode, this badge is easily scannable while still in-package.
- The TakaraTomy release of the toy features a different scan-badge on his left shoulder. Scanning this in the Transformers Chronicle app unlocks Clash Optimus on the list.
- Blizzard Strike Optimus Prime (Warrior Class, 2016-2017)
- Accessories: Axe
- Blizzard Strike Optimus Prime is a redeco of the Warrior Class Optimus Prime figure, in light blue and white, and smoke gray parts on the axe and wheels. Like his original toy, his scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder. As he's packaged in robot mode, this badge is easily scannable while still in-package.
- First released as part of the fifth wave of the Warrior Class assortment, Blizzard Strike Optimus Prime was later re-released in the Mini-Con Weaponizers subline imprint packaging refresh.
- This figure was originally solicited as "Arctic Camo Optimus Prime".
- Power Surge Optimus Prime (Warrior Class, 2016-2017)
- Accessories: 2 swords, axe, launcher
- Power Surge Optimus Prime is a retool of the original Warrior Class Optimus Prime figure, now transforming into a 6-wheeled futuristic trailer truck. Optimus now also comes with a pair of swords, which can be attached to his 5mm-compatible hands or the top of the truck/back port to serve as the robot's wings. Most notably, Power Surge Optimus Prime features retooled truck hood/shoulder parts to makes the hands more evident. As a retool of the original Warrior Class Optimus Prime toy, he retains his axe accessory, albeit unpainted just like the Clash of the Transformers Warrior Class toy's. His light blue-colored Launcher can be attached onto his collar.
- Like the original Warrior Class Optimus Prime, the figure features an undocumented feature: His axe can be stored on his vehicle mode trailer. Additional features include storing the axe onto either of his leg hooks, combining the launcher with either of the swords at their hilt, and storing the launcher underneath the vehicle. In a neat bit of engineering, he can fully transform with his swords attached.
- Power Surge Optimus Prime's scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode left shoulder. As he's packaged in robot mode, this badge is easily scannable while still in-package. Like his wavemate Bumblebee, this figure eventually saw release in the 11th wave of the Warrior Class line with the "Combiner Force" packaging. His scannable sticker is also altered, but scanning the badge only unlocks Energon currency, but not the character. This also applies to the original release's badge, but it unlocks eight Ultra Sparks instead.
- First released as part of the seventh wave of the Warrior Class assortment under the Mini-Con Weaponizers subline imprint, Power Surge Optimus Prime was later re-released in the Combiner Force subline imprint packaging refresh.
- This retooled mold was also used to make another Nemesis Prime.

He's basically wearing a Thunder Clash shirt.
- Power Surge Optimus Prime (Clash of the Transformers, 2016)
- Accessories: 2 swords, Axe
- Released as part of the second wave of Clash of the Transformers subline imprint that's exclusive to Toys"R"Us stores, this Power Surge Optimus Prime is a redeco of the toy above, featuring transparent blue parts, white paint applications to the shoulder armor/front truck kibble, his chest, & leg/trailer striping to resemble his larger Power Surge Optimus Prime figure.
- The figure was also released in Japan as a Toys"R"Us exclusive, with a different sticker badge.
- Mega Optimus Prime (2015)
- Mega Optimus Prime is a new larger-sized mold with the similar transformation scheme from the 3-Step Changer toy. It transforms from truck to robot in just 3 easy steps! His deco is based on his appearance in the season finale "Battlegrounds". He also obtains additional articulation on the arms, and sports connector ports for any Robots in Disguise (2015) Mini-Con figures.
- Like the 3-step changer figure, his scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode chest/truck hood. The badge is easily scannable while in package.
- While stock photos of his American packaging give this figure the name "Mega 1-Step Optimus Prime" (with the "1-Step" part translated into French, Spanish and Portuguese), the final product's packaging simply says "Mega Optimus Prime".
One-Step Changers
- Robots in Disguise Collection (6-pack, 2015)
- The new One-Step Optimus Prime toy transforms from a trailer truck into a robot in just one easy step! The toy features a similar transformation to the other One-Step Optimus Prime and One-Step Changer Movie Hound. The figure is only available as a "Special Edition Figure" in a 6-pack with the One-Step figures of Bumblebee, Steeljaw, Grimlock, Sideswipe, and Underbite, all of which are unchanged from their individual releases. This set was exclusive to Target stores in the United States and to Toys"R"Us stores in Canada.
- His scannable badge is featured on the left side of his trailer. Like the Legion Class figures, the badge is impossible to be scanned in robot mode. Due to how the legs are molded, Optimus Prime can ride on Stomp & Chomp Grimlock, but does not activate any of the larger figure's gimmicks.
- Optimus Prime (One-Step Changer, 2016)
- Part of the first wave of the "Mini-Con Weaponizers" subline imprint, this One-Step Changer figure of Optimus Prime is a new sculpt. In the Robots in Disguise mobile game, it was identified alternatively as an "Advanced One-Step" or "Evolved One-Step" figure depending on the user's region, but on the toy's packaging, no such modifiers are featured, and it is available as part of the regular One-Step Changer assortment. This figure shares most of its engineering with One-Step Fracture.
- This One-Step Optimus Prime cannot accommodate with Stomp & Chomp Grimlock.
- Optimus Prime (One-Step Changer, 2017)
- Part of 9th wave of One-Step Changers, and the first of the Combiner Force subline, this Optimus Prime is yet another new mold, with a different transformation scheme (a similar engineering to Age of Extinction's Bumblebee) consisting of pulling the switch on the back (do not hold the truck kibble when you transform him). Like most One-Step Changers, Optimus Prime features limited articulation on the shoulders, and features 5mm compatible hands.
- His scannable badge is on the right side of his vehicle mode's trailer kibble, accessible while in-package. This Optimus cannot ride on Stomp & Chomp Grimlock due to how the legs are molded.
Titan Changers
- Optimus Prime (Titan Changer, 2015)
- A surprise entry in the Titan Hero series, Titan Changer Optimus Prime transforms into a very tall robot to a truck with a veryyy long trailer and back! His hands can also accommodate weapon with 5 mm posts.
- His scannable Autobot insignia is on his robot mode chest. This badge is easily scannable while still in-package.
Mini-Con Battle Packs
- Optimus Prime vs. Decepticon Bludgeon (Mini-Con Battle Pack, 2015)
- Accessories: Battle Axe, 5 armor pieces (combine to form into a weapon)
- Part of the first wave of Mini-Con Battle Pack figures, this Optimus Prime figure is about the size of a Scout Class figure (In Optimus' case, the size of Cyberverse Commander figure), and scaled with Legion Class figures. Its transformation scheme also takes some cues from the Legion Class figure. Battle Pack Optimus Prime also features a transparent orange battle axe & armor pieces, although the chest armor/flip-up mask piece is needed to be assembled first. The included pieces can be combined into a clawed battle axe, or attached to his body to form his armor (although the flip-up mask can restrict his head articulation). Optimus Prime can totally wield the axe dual-handed. As an undocumented feature, the axe can be stored on his truck mode with the tab featured on Prime's right shoulder.
- The figure seems to have some transformation scheme & design related problems in it: The front truck cab's upper two pieces are supposed to be pushed to the front in robot mode, but the piece keeps collapsing back due to looseness when the figure is standing straight (Though pressing the two halves together firmly tends to reduce this issue for a while), while the tab underneath the truck grill does not connect well with the bottom port. Additionally, his 5mm compatible hands have a slight problem with wielding weapons with short 5 mm posts.
- Optimus Prime was also packaged with Bludgeon, a Cyclone Mini-Con which is designed to be launched from the Deployer Crazybolt and Overload toys.
- His scannable Autobot insignia is in his left shoulder. While accessible in Robot Mode (and in-package), the badge is impossible to be scanned in vehicle mode.
- This mold was also used to make Geoffrey Prime.
Power Surge

But does his front vehicle kibble transform into another Optimus Prime? (Hasbro Version Pictured)

At long last, the breastforce has returned! (TakaraTomy Version Pictured)
- Power Surge Optimus Prime & Aerobolt (Power Heroes, 2016)
- Japanese Release Date: 2016-06-25
- Japanese ID Number: TAV50
- Accessories: Sword
- Power Surge Optimus Prime is roughly the size of a Leader Class figure, and transforms into a truck in 7 steps. It comes with the Mini-Con Aerobolt, who transforms from a bird to his chestplate. This triggers electronic lights and sounds, as well as deploying a mask, two shoulder cannons, and a pair of large wings for the larger robot. He is packaged with his front truck kibble detached from his body so he can fit inside his packaging properly.
- The toy was originally solicited as Gigawatt Optimus Prime in the Robots in Disguise Mobile Game.
- The Adventure release of the toy is named Hyper Surge Optimus Prime, and it features a plastic color & extensive paint applications which is inspired by his Generation 1 counterpart's colors.
Crash Combiners
- Strongarm and Optimus Prime (Crash Combiners, 2016/2017)
- Part of the first wave of the Combiner Force assortment, Optimus is a roughly Scout-class sized figure that changes from his futuristic truck with a combiner chest that doubles as his spoiler into a robot in
threefour extremely simple steps. His individual robot mode only has limited articulation on his shoulders. He also has a little green arrow above the connector on the truck bumper indicating where to crash him to combine with other figures. A 5 mm post hole on top of his vehicle mode can accommodate a compatible accessory or Weaponizer Minicon, though he cannot use it in his individual robot mode.
- Optimus Prime comes packaged with Strongarm and is intended to combine with her to form Primestrong's upper torso. Connecting them to each other will activate Optimus Prime's automatic transformation, but Strongarm must be converted manually. He can also combine with any other Crash Combiner figure to form a random Combiner.
- Although no scannable badge is located at his robot mode, the badge was located at his combined mode's left shoulder. The badge was impossible to be scanned while in-package due to the obstruction of the spring-loaded combiner chest kibble. Speaking of impossible, the badges on the re-releases of the toy can't be scanned by the game. The instruction sheet amusingly replaces Optimus's last picture in the transformation process with Sideswipe.
- Lunar Force Strongarm and Optimus Prime (Crash Combiners, 2017)
- This Optimus Prime is a Blizzard-ish redeco (also shared with Strongarm) of the figure above. His scannable badge unlocks the Lunar Force version of Primestrong.
- As with Primestrong, all of the re-releases' badges cannot be recognized by the mobile game.
- Grimlock & Optimus Prime (Crash Combiners, 2018)
- A retool of Crash Combiner Optimus Prime available in a two-pack with Grimlock, featuring a new Optimus Prime-ish Combiner head and new arm parts with a green dinosaur-themed front shoulder pads, and he features a lighter shade of red plastic. Like the previous versions, Optimus Prime can become the top half of any Crash Combiner gestalt, though his official combination is with Grimlock as Primelock.
- The instructions also separated the transformation schemes on the flip-out head and the chest as the 3rd & 4th step. Also, unlike the first toy, Optimus Prime's lower chin is not entirely painted.
- This two-pack was a very late addition to the Robots in Disguise line, with a Hasbro product code number in the same region as the wave 1 Prime Masters from Power of the Primes.
Activator Combiners
- Optimus Prime & Hi-Test (Activator Combiners, 2017)
- Released as part of the third wave of the Activator Combiners subline, this Optimus Prime is a Deluxe-ish figure that transforms from robot to trailer truck in just a few steps. He also comes with Hi-Test, a Mini-Con that can be plugged on the back of his vehicle mode to activate his pop-out weapons.
- Optimus Prime [Clear ver] (EZ Collection, 2015)
- A transparent redeco of the Legion Class Optimus Prime figure, this EZ Collection Optimus Prime is entirely unpainted, save for his face. The toy is free for the first 3000 people to buy over 3000 yen (including taxes) worth of Transformers Adventure products in Toys"R"Us Japan.
- Blizzard Optimus Prime (EZ Collection, 2016-10-01)
- Available with the November issue of Telebi Magazine, Blizzard Optimus Prime is yet another redeco of the Legion Class Optimus Prime figure, sharing the plastic colors with the Clash of the Transformers 2-pack figure, with deco differences & plastic color changes.
- Optimus Prime (Lucky Draw figure, 2015)
- Accessories: Axe
- Adventure Lucky Draw Optimus Prime is a gold vacuum metalized redeco of the original Warrior Class figure (save for some of his unpaintable thighs & upper shoulders) released as a prize for the Transformers Adventure prize draw campaign held between 25 July 2015 and 30 September 2015. To obtain it, entrants needed to send in four robot points clipped from the packaging of Transformers Adventure products.
- Lucky Draw Optimus Prime is limited to 10 pieces.
- Optimus Prime (2015-07-25)
- Japanese ID Number: TAV21
- Accessories: Small Axe, Small Black Blaster, Bumblebee's Sword, Strongarm's Crossbow, Jazz's Lance, Drift's Sword
- Available only for the Japanese markets, this Optimus Prime is a large figure that stands around the same height as a Combiner Wars gestalt, and he transforms from a futuristic trailer truck to robot and back. The figure features 3 gimmicks:
- Pressing the button on his robot mode chest activates the red lights (well, because the blue ones are expensive for the price point) on his chest, and the sounds and voice phrases (provided by Taitem Kusunoki) were played along with the light-up gimmick. Pressing the button for a few seconds will activate his long voice line with transformation sounds.
- Pressing the two gray pieces on his arms makes the spring-loaded 5mm-compatible Decepticon Hunter hilt pop out from his hands.
- Turning the dial on his left shoulder will feature a normal Autobot Insignia, and two Scan-badges.
- Optimus Prime also has a sculpted translucent Matrix panel inside his chest that lights up when his electronics are activated.
- The figure also features a hollow trailer, fit for the Warrior Class-sized toys. The trailer can also be converted into a battle station. Because of the toy's design & transformation, he is kinda show-accurate. Optimus also features 5mm-compatible ports on his trailer, arms, shoulders, legs, knees, waist armor, and the pop-out Decepticon Hunters. He also includes a number of soft rubbery weapons such as his signature axe, the sword, the crossbow, the lance, the katana-like sword, and the black blaster (the only one molded in hard plastic). The weapons can also be combined with the Decepticon Hunters into a dual-bladed weapon, or store into the trailer's inner panels. The weapons can also be wielded by any Warrior Class figures, although the accessories are associated with Bumblebee, Grimlock, Sideswipe, Strongarm, Jazz, & Drift.
- The two badges on his left shoulder are compatible with TakaraTomy's Transformers Chronicle app.
- Optimus Prime (Supreme Mode, 2015-11-14)
- Japanese ID Number: TAV33
- Accessories: "Prime Sword" Decepticon Hunter, 2 Decepticon Hunters, Small Axe, Small Black Blaster, Bumblebee's Sword, Strongarm's Crossbow, Jazz's Lance, Drift's Sword,
- Supreme Mode Optimus Prime is a retool of the first Adventure Optimus Prime figure above. While the toy retained the same transformation, Optimus Prime Supreme Mode features several chromed parts (including his Prime Decepticon Hunter), and a pair of separate Decepticon Hunters, which can be wielded with his gimmick-neutered, newly tooled hands with 5mm compatible C-clips.
- Autobot VS Decepticon Set (EZ Collection 4-pack, 2015)
- Japanese ID Number: TAV35
- This version of Optimus is a redeco of the original Legion Class Optimus Prime toy, featuring additional paint details. He features an Autobot insignia on his faux chest. His head was not entirely clipped down in his stock photos. The stock photos shows him having darker plastics & silver paint as opposed to the final product. This seems to have been a trick of the lighting, as the released toy remained its standard plastic colors & silver paint apps.
- Unlike the Hasbro release, the toy features no scan-badges on the toy, instead it was printed on one small card, along with the other three badges. Optimus Prime was released as a four-pack along with Steeljaw, Underbite, and Grimlock.
- Like the rest of the Adventure EZ Collection sets, some online retailers like Amazon Japan were still selling it 2 year later at greatly reduced prices (70% off).
- Gravity & Optimus Prime Gravity Armor (Mini-Con Battle Pack, 2016)
- Japanese ID Number: TAV41
- Accessories: Battle Axe, 5 armor pieces (combine to form into a weapon), Gravity Mini-Con
- The Adventure release of the Mini-Con Battle Pack Optimus Prime is a repaint of the Hasbro mold, featuring some paint applications to closely resemble his appearances in the cartoon.
- Optimus Prime and Grimlock - Supreme Armor set (4-pack, 2016)
- Japanese ID Number: TAV45
- Accessories: Optimus Prime's weapons (Battle Axe, 5 armor pieces (combine to form into a weapon)), Grimlock's weapons (5 armor pieces (combine to form a weapon)) Gravity Mini-Con, Volcano Mini-Con
- Another release of the Adventure Mini-Con Battle Pack Optimus Prime, this toy features transparent blue battle axe and armor parts.
- Optimus Prime is bundled with Grimlock, and his Mini-Cons Gravity and Volcano, redecoed in different colors.
- Autobots vs Clampdown (EZ Collection 4-pack, 2016-05-31)
- Japanese ID Number: TAV49
- Another release of the EZ Collection Optimus Prime was packed along with Drift, Ratchet, and Clampdown. Whether this release suffers from mold degradation carried from the Combiner Force reissue is unknown for now.
- God Optimus Prime Micron Combination Set (2016-11-26)
- Japanese ID Number: TAV61
- Accessories: God Sword, Dragonblaster, Super Aerobolt Mini-Con, Tricerashot Mini-Con, front truck kibble
- This Optimus Prime is a redeco of Power Surge Optimus Prime, with a deco closer to the Hasbro and cartoon appearances of this form of Optimus, although with some arbitrary pearlized clear white parts. He also comes with "Super Aerobolt" as well as additional Tricerashot and Dragonblaster Mini-Cons.
International Day of Friendship
On July 30, 2015, Hasbro announced that they had made custom pony versions of "best friends" Optimus Prime and Bumblebee along with characters from other franchises in honor of the International Day of Friendship. Both ponies have the Autobot insignia as their cutie marks. These ponies were never released to general retail or as convention exclusives, having been created specifically for this event.
Hero Mashers
- Optimus Prime (Action Figure, 2015)
- Pieces: 8
- Accessories: Decepticon Hunter mace-flail
- Part of the fourth and final wave of Transformers Hero Mashers basic Action Figures —and the second of the Robots in Disguise-themed product— Optimus Prime is a non-transforming action figure with ratchet-joints, about six inches tall. He has multiple peg-holes all over that can be used to mount any Hero Mashers accessory.
- He is designed with a removable head, forearms, thighs, and lower legs, all of which use the same clip-peg/hole joint. This means his pieces can be swapped around in any order, as well as swapped with any other Hero Mashers figure... which includes figures from Marvel Comics, Star Wars, and Jurassic World, meaning you can make some pretty freaky combinations.
- The fourth wave of Hero Mashers was not released in the US, seeing release mostly in European and Australian markets.
Rescue Bots Academy
Flip Racers
- Optimus Prime Launcher Trailer (Flip Racer, 2019)
- Released under the Rescue Bots Academy branding, Optimus Prime is a re-release of his individually packed Flip Racer from 2017, but now tows a new trailer accessory, which opens up and acts as a launcher for Flip Racers. Competing racers are placed into the trailer standing upright in robot mode, but when activated via a plunger button, flips the figures out to race in their vehicle modes.
- Optimus Prime now has unpainted blue hands as opposed to the silver of his original release.

I just flew in from Detroit, and boy are my arms tired!
- Optimus Prime Jumbo Jet Wing Racer (Flip Racer, 2021)
- This large incarnation of Prime transforms from robot (with huge jet wing kibble) to jumbo jet in just four steps. Optimus' jet wings can also transform into a ramp for smaller cars can race down against each other. The jet's wings and tail can open and store smaller cars. Rescan cars do not fit well, but Flip Racers fit easily. The set actually partforms, with the nosecone of the jet detaching and being stored inside the jet wings.
- A new mold of Bumblebee is included with the set, featuring a similarly simple transformation into a Formula One Racer. Expectedly, it is compatible with the racing and storage features of the set.
Mini Bot Racers
- Optimus Prime
Rescan Series
- Optimus Prime (Rescan, 2020)
- The Rescan-sized figure from the Optimus Prime Racing Trailer set, which was previously released singly, was re-released singly again in 2020 under Rescue Bots Academy branding. There are no notable differences.
- Optimus Prime (Rescan, 2020)
- Part of Rescue Bots Academy Rescan Wave 5, this figure is a new mold sharing engineering and a transformation pattern with Rescue Bots Academy Hoist, thematically resembling his larger Optimus Prime Tow Truck form, but without the tow arm. He features prominent smokestacks, and his head sculpt noticeably takes after the new cartoon aesthetic.
- Optimus Prime (Rescan, 2021)
- The only new figure in Rescue Bots Academy Rescan Wave 8, this figure is a new mold, transforming into a monster truck.
- Optimus Prime (All Star Rescan, 2021)
- A redeco of the Optimus Prime Racing Trailer set minus the trailer, Classic Heroes Team Optimus Prime converts from robot mode to truck mode in a single step and features a slightly different deco from the original release, including blue windows instead of black, yellow highlights in place of the light blue and greens, new silver and black paint applications on the legs, and a new Autobot insignia over the chest area.
- This toy was later re-released in a new packaging lacking any Rescue Bots Academy brandings, arguably making it into another incarnation of the character.
Buzzworthy Bumblebee
- Grimlock / Optimus Prime (Crash & Combine, 2021)
- Buzzworthy Bumblebee Crash & Combine Optimus Prime is a redeco of the second Robots in Disguise Crash Combiner Optimus Prime figure. Optimus comes packaged with Grimlock and is intended to combine with him to form Primelock's upper torso.
- The packaging features recoloured artwork of the previous version of Primelock, though curiously Grimlock and Optimus are individually represented by "Evergreen" character art.
Dinobot Adventures
- Optimus Prime (Dinobot Defender, 2021)
- Accessories: Mini-Con Scale the Shield-Bot
- Known designers: Marcelo Matere (Packaging artist)[8]
- Dinobot Adventures Dinobot Defender Optimus Prime is a redeco of the Rescue Bots Rescan Series T-Rex-mode Optimus Prime in brighter colors. He features less blue and more silver than the original release, different yellow highlights, blue eyes instead of yellow in both modes, and light blue instead of black for the chest windows.
- Optimus Prime comes packaged with a blue redeco of Scale the Shield-Bot, who was originally available in red with the Knight Watch figure.
- Optimus Prime T-Rex (2021)
- Known designers: Marcelo Matere (Packaging artist)[8]
- Similar to the toy above, "Optimus Prime T-Rex" is a redeco of the large electronic Rescue Bots Optimus Primal figure in a mostly blue deco with red highlights, and features the same gimmicks as the original release.
Studio Series
- Game: War for Cybertron
- Hasbro ID number: +03
- Accessories: axe head, 2 axe handle pieces, Ion Blaster, Matrix of Leadership, "Kaon Prison Break" backdrop
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Koki Yamada (TakaraTomy)[9]
- Part of the first wave of Studio Series Gamer Edition figures, "Gamer Edition Optimus Prime" is based on his appearance in the War for Cybertron video game and transforms into a Cybertronian truck in 22 steps. Unfortunately, the rear of the truck lacks any covering, leaving his hands very exposed from that angle. Due to his transformation, Optimus does not have the engraved Autobot insignia on his back like his game counterpart and the original Generations figure. He has silver "windows", based on the in-game model but not the opening cinematic.
- Like other Studio Series Gamer Edition figures, his right forearm can be removed to attach his Ion Blaster or any other Gamer Edition blaster via use of a 5 mm post. Unlike other Gamer Edition figures, his forearm can be stored behind his waist when not in use. The Ion Blaster is compatible with Fire Blast effects, using a 3mm post instead of the usual 5mm port for blasters of this size. He also comes with his large battle axe, which is comprised of two handle pieces and a headpiece, as well as a 5mm compatible Matrix of Leadership accessory which is stored inside his chest cavity.
- Notably, Optimus' axe accessory has been designed so it can assume both configurations seen in the game; the larger blade can be left folded in half for a halberd-style weapon, as seen in cinematic cutscenes, or unfolded to make a double-bladed axe, as seen during actual gameplay. His shoulders can also be slid out and the transformation hinges used as butterfly joints to aid in posing with the large axe.
- For storage in vehicle mode, the blaster attaches on the truck bed while the axe head slots on top of the blaster. He has two 5mm ports on the sides of his vehicle mode, so the axe can be split and stored in a slightly more streamlined manner if desired. Unusually for a Studio Series figure, Optimus has no dedicated method of storing his weapons in robot mode. Some buyers have been able to find creative but unintentional methods, such as clicking the Ion Blaster to the thin section of the front bumper where the gaps on either side of the grill are. However, this can potentially scratch the paint, so due caution should be exercised.
- In a borderline unnoticeable case of misassembly, every single one of Optimus' wheels is on the incorrect side, as shown in the vehicle mode product render. The detailing is intended to point down instead of up to replicate the in-game tire model. To remedy this, swap the left wheels to the right side and vice-versa. Some copies have been reported to have scuffs and scratches on the softer blue plastic parts, particularly the back half of the vehicle mode. This appears to be due to the release agent used in casting being insufficient, causing the metal mold itself to scratch the parts as their sprue is removed. It appears to be less common and less severe in later waves than in its initial release.
- Optimus Prime was reissued in mid-2024 with preorders listed on April of that year. It was later retooled into Security Officer Orion Pax.
- A black and red version of the First Edition deluxe Optimus Prime could be seen in the San Diego Comic-Con 2011 Transformers slide show, inside a mock-up of the wearable Matrix of Leadership package done for the convention that year. This figure was presumably a test-shot, as it seems to share plastic colors with Generations Sky Shadow (who was, coincidentally, first revealed at that same Comic-Con).
Arms Up Modes
In the Japanese Prime toyline, Optimus has several powered-up modes when given various Arms Microns in certain configurations:
- Sword Mode (ソードモード Sōdo Mōdo)
- Arms Microns: B.B., C.L., O.P., R.A.
- Optimus's "Sword Mode", depicted on his AM-01 release box-back, which is just him brandishing the Star Saber while C.L. is attached to Optimus's right leg. Woo.
- Sky Master Mode (スカイマスターモード Sukai Masutā Mōdo)
- Arms Microns: B.B. (x2), C.L. (x2), Jida (x2), O.P.
- The more interesting "Sky Master Mode", revealed in the "Cybertron Satellite" segment of "Phantom Transformation! Mind-Diving", has him using O.P. as a blaster, two B.B.s as leg-thrusters, and two sets of C.L./Jida(!) combinations as back-mounted jet packs. The AMW versions of C.L. and Jida, while not as color-coordinated, are a far more economical option than buying two of each Cliffjumper. Good luck with the second B.B.. This mode was created as a "counter" to the aerial combatant Starscream, along with the Energon Sniper Combo Weapon (despite it being a Decepticon-Micron-formed weapon). Apparently, the "Arms Up Mission" game isn't picky about factions.
- Galaxy Prime Mode (ギャラクシープライムモード Gyarakushī Puraimu Mōdo)
- Arms Microns: B.B., Jaze, O.P., Pral, R.A., Sise
- Seen on Gaia Unicron's boxback, "Galaxy Prime mode" has Optimus wearing Gaia Unicron in "Gaia Armor" mode while holding the Star Saber and Cosmotector Super Combo Weapons.
- Ultimate Mode (アルティメットモード Arutimetto Mōdo)
- Arms Microns: B.B., Baro, Baro G, Baru, B.H., B.H. B, C.L., C.L. GR, Dai, Gabu, Gora, Gora II, Igu, Jaze, Jida, Jida R, Noji, O.P., Pral, R.A., Sise, Shining B.B., Shining O.P., Shining R.A.
- This Micron-covered "Ultimate Mode" for Arms Master Optimus was shown in the Cybertron Satellite segment of "Sealed Transformation! The Mystery of Orion Pax". He wears the Matrix on his chest with Baro, Baro G, R.A. and Shining R.A. attached to it, Zori M on his back, Jida R and Igu on his right shoulder, Jida and Noji on his left shoulder, B.H. and C.L. on his right arm, B.H. B and C.L. GR on his left arm, Gora on his right hip and Gora II on his left, B.B. and Shining O.P. on his right leg, and Shining B.B. and O.P. on his left leg. Finally, he wields the Cosmotector and Dark Matter Calibur in his hands. Phew!
- Sky Wing Mode (スカイウイングモード Sukai Uingu Mōdo)
- Arms Microns: C.L., Hades, Ida, Jida, Shining R.A.
- "Sky Wing Mode" is a flight-capable mode for Arms Master Optimus shown in the Cybertron Satellite segment of "Hopeful Transformation! Aim for Planet Cybertron". He wears Hades as wings with C.L. attached, and wields the Matrix Saber as well as a weapon made from Jida and Ida.
- Aqua Screw Mode (アクアスクリューモード Akua Sukuryū Mōdo)
- Arms Microns: Arc S, B.H. B, Baro, Baro G, C.L., C.L. GR, Dai, Gora II, Zamu
- A mode for Arms Master Optimus designed for underwater combat, "Aqua Screw Mode" was shown in Cybertron Satellite segment of "Explosive Sword Transformation! Wheeljack and Dreadwing". C.L. and Baro are combined into a propeller engine and attached to his right foot, their GR and G redecoes do the same for the left, and B.H. B is attached to his right shoulder to act as a radar system. He wears Arc S's blade on his right arm and wields the Giga Tornado Cannon Combo Weapon.
- Space Blaster Mode (スペースブラスターモード Supēsu Burasutā Mōdo)
- Arms Microns: B.H., B.H. B, C.L., C.L. GR, Gora II, Guru, R.A., Shining R.A., Zori M
- Arms Master Optimus's "Space Blaster Mode" is a mode designed for fighting in outer space, introduced in the Cybertron Satellite segment of "Infinite Transformation! Multiplying Enemies". He wears R.A. and Shining R.A. on his shoulders as wings, C.L. and C.L. GR on his back as thrusters, and B.H. and B.H. B on his feet as... more thrusters. His weapon of choice in this mode is the Matrix Blaster.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Optimus Prime (オプティマスプライム Oputimasu Puraimu)
- ↑ TFW2005 reporting on the head sculpt "variant" for Cyberverse Commander Class Optimus Prime.
- ↑ Hasbro Thrilling 30 retrospective on Facebook, mirrored here on TFW2005.
- ↑ Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Primal Figure at Hasbro.com (via Internet Wayback Machine)
- ↑ Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime Action Figure, Ages 3-7 (Amazon Exclusive) at Amazon.com
- ↑ Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime Figure at Hasbro.com (via Internet Wayback Machine)
- ↑ Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime Figure at Hasbro.com (via Internet Wayback Machine)
- ↑ Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime Figure at Hasbro.com (via Internet Wayback Machine)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 "I have worked on all those packages ;)."—Marcelo Matere, Twitter, 2023/06/22
- ↑ Design notes on Gamer Edition Optimus Prime from Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on Instagram
- Articles in need of images
- Character stubs missing toys
- Construct-Bots Autobots
- Cyberverse
- Fall of Cybertron Autobots
- Generations
- Go! Autobots
- Go! combiners
- Hero Mashers Autobots
- Prime Autobots
- Rescue Bots Autobots
- Rescue Bots Academy Autobots
- Robots in Disguise (2015) Autobots
- Robots in Disguise (2015) combiners
- Studio Series Autobots
- Target exclusives
- Transformers (2010) Autobots
- Toys"R"Us exclusives
- Toys"R"Us Japan exclusives
- War for Cybertron Autobots