Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Budget"

Synonyms of "Budget" and their differences

Q: Please prepare the budget by comparing the actual costs. ve Please prepare the budget comparing the actual costs. arasındaki fark nedir?
A: When you use ‘by’, it shows the means and method which you accomplish the task.
When you don’t use ‘by’ it means that the second task was included or done along with the first one, but it is not necessarily the means to accomplish it. Or it is its main characterizing feature.

“Build the house by raising the walls”, this is what you need to do to accomplish building the house.
“Build the house raising the walls”, this is done as part of building the house, and it is included in the process.

You can say :
“Build the house painting the walls as you go”, as painting the walls could be part of (included in) the building process.

But you can’t say:
“Build the house by painting the walls as you go”, as it is illogical to build a house through painting the walls.

“Make the cake by following the recipe” ✔️the method to make it. (logical, since following a recipe can be a method)
“Make the cake following the recipe” ✔️part of the process (logical, since following a recipe can be part of the process)

“Make the cake by decorating it at the end” ✖️cannot be done (illogical, since decorating can’t be a method to make a cake)
“Make the cake decorating it at the end” ✔️can be done as part (logical, since decorating can be part of making a cake).

Edit: in your sentences, since “comparing the actual costs” can be the method used to accomplish the task (preparing the budget), and can be part of the task and included in it, they are both correct, but with different meanings as explained.

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