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      Social SciencesQualitative methodologyPolitical ScienceQualitative Research Methods
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      Qualitative methodologyQualitative MethodsQualitative Research MethodsQualitative Methodologies
Name Straße PLZ, Ort Bitte bestellen Sie bei Ihrer Buchhandlung oder bei: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | 76520 Baden-Baden | Der Brückenbegriff Governance ermöglicht einer transdisziplinären Politik-und Verwaltungswissenschaft,... more
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      Social SciencesPolitical TheoryPolitical ScienceGovernance
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      Qualitative methodologyQualitative Research MethodsQualitative MethodologiesPolitical Science Methodology
In an age of transnational flows and interdependencies, democratic citizenship cannot be conceptualized anymore exclusively within national boundaries. This paper presents a conceptual map that allows tracing emerging and proposed forms... more
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      Social SciencesPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryPolitical Science
Dual/multiple citizenship has become a widespread phenomenon in many parts of the world. This acceptance or tolerance of overlapping memberships in political communities represents an important element in the ongoing readjustment of the... more
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      Social SciencesPolitical ScienceGlobal CitizenshipCitizenship Theory
(German) Der Beitrag analysiert den zunehmenden Horizontalföderalismus im politischen Mehrebenensystem der Schweiz und fragt nach den Gefahren und Chancen für die Weiterentwicklung der Schweizer Demokratie. Die Evaluierung erfolgt auf der... more
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      Democratic TheoryFederalismDemocracyTheories of Democracy
This article demonstrates the empirical relevance and elaborates the theoretical foundation of a “polity-centered” causal mechanism of international environmental regulation which has been only superficially touched upon in international... more
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      Environmental PoliticsGlobal Environmental PoliticsRegime TheorySymbolic Politics
Methodological reflections about case study research have increased within recent years. According to our account, there are three distinct approaches to case studies: co-variational, causal process tracing, and congruence analysis. The... more
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      Qualitative methodologyCase Study ResearchQualitative Research MethodsCase Study Methodology
The article traces the foreign relations of 81 European regions by looking first at the constitutional competences which these regions enjoy within their nation-states. We discover that the regions in federal states have expanded their... more
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    • European regions
Since the 1990s, a new metropolitan regionalism has stimulated many reform attempts in the United States to change or introduce new forms of metropolitan governance. The article aims to provide a differentiated view on the goals and... more
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      GovernanceNew regionalismMetropolitan Governance
In the theoretical debate on metropolitan governance, we are witnessing new discourses beyond the traditional dispute between localists and regionalists. New dichotomies emerge, for example, “jumping of scale” versus “relativation of... more
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    • Metropolitan Governance
(German) Der Aufsatz beschreibt die historische Entwicklung und die jüngsten Formen politischer Steuerungsansätze in sechs westdeutschen Großstadtregionen. Es sind dies die Regionen Hamburg, Bremen, Hannover, Frankfurt, Stuttgart und... more
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      GovernanceMetropolitan Governance
To what extent are we experiencing a transformation from ‘spaces of place’ to a ‘space of flows’ as proposed by Manuel Castells? Applying his thesis to the political system leads to the following implications. Socio-economic processes of... more
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      GovernanceEuropean regionsCross-Border Regions
In almost all subfields of political science in the last third of the twentieth century, it was claimed that we are witnessing a transformation of political order from hierarchies to networks. This paper traces institutional change during... more
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    • Transboundary Cooperation
(German) Der Aufsatz untersucht die historische Entwicklung der rechtlichen Regelungen im Bereich der außenpolitischen Kompetenzen in den Föderalstaaten Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich seit dem Westfälischen Frieden von 1648. Die... more
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    • Sovereignty
The Westphalian system of sovereign nation-states is being challenged as national administrations lose their `gate-keeper-role' between domestic and international politics. But what kind of political system is emerging `after Westphalia'?... more
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      Multi-level Governance (Political Science)Multi-level governanceBorder Regions
(German) Der Schutz des Bodensees ist eines der ersten und erfolgreichsten Beispiele für internationale Zusammenarbeit zum Schutz der Umwelt. Während in den sechziger Jahren noch ein »Umkippen« des Bodensees befürchtet wurde, begann man... more
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      Transboundary CooperationCooperation on Transboundary WaterSymbolic PoliticsTransboundary Water Issues
(German) Der Artikel beschreibt die Bildung und den Wandel politischer Institutionen in europäischen und nordamerikanischen Grenzregionen im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts und liefert damit einen Beitrag zur Diskussion um ein Regieren in... more
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      Border RegionsTransboundary Cooperation
This article focuses on a comparison of states and markets in the management of transboundary water. Borders are often harbingers of change and areas of innovation. Nation states have struggled mightily to overcome problems of shared... more
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      GovernanceTransboundary CooperationCooperation on Transboundary WaterTransboundary Water Issues