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This is a rough edit of my undergraduate dissertation/project. I hope to expand upon this thesis one day soon.
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      International RelationsPosthumanismDeconstructionSecurity Studies
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      SociologyHuman GeographyPolitical ScienceEnvironmental Politics
A Política Ambiental Internacional (IEP, em inglês) é um campo de estudos fundamental para o desenvolvimento futuro do sistema internacional. Segundo MITCHELL (2009, p. 1, tradução minha) esta área estuda basicamente "[...] a cooperação e... more
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      International RelationsParaguayArgentinaEnvironmental Politics
Goat farming is an important production sector not only for Greece, but also for other Mediterranean countries, as it contributes to the family economy in rural areas. Despite the importance of goat farming, this sector has experienced... more
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      Animal ScienceSustainable agricultureAgricultural PolicyAgricultural Economics
Energy projects may profoundly impact Indigenous peoples. We consider effects of Canada's proposed Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion on the health and food sovereignty of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation (TWN) through contamination and... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesClimate change policy
Implementation of the environmental agendas put forward in the election manifestos of 2014 of eight major political parties is found to be unsatisfactory. There is a need for more synergy between the election agendas and their... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyClimate ChangePolitical Ecology
This is an electronic version of an article published in Environmental Politics Volume 15, Issue 5, 2006, pp.697-712. Abstract This introduction considers three themes that recur across the various contributions to this collection. The... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical ScienceCollective ActionEnvironmental Politics
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental Political TheoryEnvironmental Politics
In September 2019, the third Global Climate Strike organized by the Fridays For Future (FFF) protest campaign mobilized 6000 protest events in 185 countries and brought 7.6 million participants out ...
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      Social MovementsClimate ChangeProtestEnvironmental Politics
As the world continues to fail to reduce and control global surface temperatures so the use of solar radiation management (SRM) technology is becoming increasingly likely. This article examines whether capable individual states and other... more
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      Security StudiesEnvironmental PoliticsJust War TheoryCopenhagen School/Securitization
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySouthern Studies (U.S. South)CancerEnvironmental Politics
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      Environmental PoliticsCritical GeographyMiningNew Mexico
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesVirtue EthicsEnvironmental Ethics
Вперше у вітчизняній історіографії здійснено комплексне дослідження етапу становлення екологічної політики США, який тривав з кінця XIX ст. до Другої світової війни. Розглянуто чинники зростання інтересу американського суспільства до... more
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      U.S. historyEnvironmental HistoryEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceEnvironmental Politics
The only account of the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior by somebody who was actually on board. Robie was on board as a journalist for 11 weeks leading up to the sabotage by French secret agents. His media coverage of the Rainbow Warrior... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsIndigenous PoliticsPolitical JournalismEnvironmental Politics
In September 2019, the third Global Climate Strike organized by the Fridays For Future (FFF) protest campaign mobilized 6000 protest events in 185 countries and brought 7.6 million participants out onto the streets. This report analyses... more
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      Social MovementsClimate ChangeProtestEnvironmental Politics
This chapter builds on, modifies, and criticizes recent provocative arguments concerning post-political environmental apocalyptic discourses. We develop a notion of contestatory apocalyptics, provide some examples and differences between... more
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      Human GeographyClimate ChangeApocalypticismEschatology and Apocalypticism
Kassirer, S. (2012), Saving Palmachim Beach: Media Representations and Organizational Aspects of a Public Environmental Campaign. Thesis for M.A. degree. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, The Porter School of Environmental Studies. (in... more
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      Social MovementsSocial SciencesIsrael StudiesEnvironmental Communication
The US environmental movement has borne a number of fruits, from an array of legislative accomplishments to a new, widely commemorated holiday ‐ Earth Day. Theoretical insights based in literatures on symbolic politics, collective memory,... more
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      Political CultureEnvironmental PoliticsHolidays
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental HistoryGerman IdealismEnvironmental Ethics
Energy poverty remains a challenged concept without firm establishment in public policy on a national and international level. This paper addresses those still skeptical about the very idea of energy poverty and provides arguments to... more
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      Environmental SciencePovertyEnergy PolicyEnvironmental Ethics
Does capitalism generate prosperity and well-being in an atmosphere of freedom, as its defenders claim, or is it an unjust system in which workers are exploited for the benefit of a capital-owning minority, as its critics assert? Does... more
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      MarxismDiversityWorking ClassesCapitalism
This detailed and intellectually rigorous text is the fruit of nine years of study by Caroline Gatt, outlining her ethnographic account of the international environmental movement through a study of Friends of the Earth (FoE) and Friends... more
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      AnthropologySocial ActivismEnvironmental PoliticsOntological Turn
This project is an attempt to produce a graphic, interactive and global history of modern environmentalism. It connects key people, ideas, movements and case studies to show the connections between different strains of environmental... more
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      Environmental HistoryEnvironmental PoliticsEnvironmental JusticeEnvironmentalism
The Green Party should be able to outline the contours of the future ecological society and map the path leading in its direction. This means translating principles, evidence and institutional and technical capacity into programmes and... more
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      Political EcologyCommunity EcologyUrban StudiesEcology
This paper presents a retrospective of the changes in Brazilian speleological legislation and how it has created conflict with respect to the protection of speleological heritage. Pondering the role of civil society and questioning the... more
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      Environmental LawEnvironmental PoliticsSpeleologyLegislação Ambiental - Políticas Ambientais
City-based citizenship (city-zenship) and its ecological ramifications increasingly inform people’s social and political lives, rendering the link between ecological citizenship and political city-zenship a topical subject for analysis.... more
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      Urban PoliticsSustainable Urban EnvironmentsEnvironmental PoliticsEnvironmental Sustainability
Czy ochrona środowiska może stanowić fundament dla pokojowego współżycia społeczności w rejonach konfliktu? Bazując na koncepcji zaawansowanego zapobiegania konfliktom (ACP) uznajemy, że taka sytuacja jest możliwa dzięki (często ukrytym)... more
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      Social MovementsPeace and Conflict StudiesViolenceMiddle East Studies
This chapter provides a detailed introduction to the metaphor of the perfect moral storm and its application to climate change. It sketches each of the main elements of the stormits global, intergenerational and theoretical dimensions-and... more
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      Earth SciencesPolitical PhilosophyClimate ChangePolitical Science
This article documents the use of tipping points in climate change discourse to discuss their significance. We review the relevant literature, and discuss the popular emergence of tipping points before their adoption in climate change... more
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      Dynamical SystemsClimate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesClimate change policy
For many contemporary media celebrities, the environment—and in particular, climate change—is the new black. One cursory gaze across the global media-scape confirms this: Leonardo DiCaprio has produced and starred in Before the Flood... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyCommunication
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      Political ScienceCollective ActionEnvironmental PoliticsInterest Groups
This paper seeks to critically assess how "radical" sustainability approaches that challenge "mainstream" development trajectories-and politics-are crafted and contested within local government. We explore the extent to which these... more
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      Organizational CulturePoliticsEnvironmental PoliticsEnvironmental Sustainability
In this annotated bibliography towards the development of environmental politics, looking at issues of justice, Iris Young's Responsibility for Justice, argues that we should think about personal responsibility in relation to social... more
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      EconomicsSustainable CommunitiesEnvironmental policyPolitical Ecology
This article examines China's rapid and large-scale renewable energy expansion and the challenge it presents to orthodox approaches to sustainable energy diffusion that emphasise soft interventions and stakeholder participation. We show... more
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      Political ScienceEnvironmental PoliticsChina
How do societies negotiate the apparently competing agendas of environmental protection and social justice? Why do some countries perform much better than others on this front? Democracy in the Woods addresses these question by examining... more
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      Comparative PoliticsDevelopment StudiesClimate ChangeCommons
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      Climate ChangePolitical ScienceEnvironmental Politics
Problems of elite capture continue to present challenges for sustainable and equitable forest governance around the world. Our understanding of elite capture, however, remains limited by conceptual approaches that pay insufficient... more
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      Development StudiesForestryCommonsPolitical Ecology
The expansion of renewables is still dependent on appropriate policy support. Yet, in the wake of the economic crisis, even pioneer European countries have begun to dismantle the set of measures implemented in the past decades. Policy... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesEnvironmental policyRenewable EnergyEnvironmental Studies
The intellectual debate between green political economy and neo-classical economics is one that lies partly within the framework of the academic production of knowledge, but is also a debate that goes far beyond the academy. This is also... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental PoliticsHeterodox EconomicsEnvironmental Sustainability
Post-normal science (PNS) is presented by its proponents as a new way of doing science that deals with uncertainties, value diversity or antagonism, and high decision stakes and urgency, with the ultimate goal of remedying the pathologies... more
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      SociologyPublic AdministrationEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceEnvironmental Politics
This paper examines local sustainability concepts in Connemara, a predominantly rural region in the West of Ireland, to show how they are (re-)constituted through people’s interactions with social and biophysical environments. We argue... more
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      Environmental SociologyEthnographyEnvironmental policyEthics & Social Sustainability
In its immediate aftermath the Eastern European revolution of 1989 was interpreted as a ‘rectifying revolution’: the experiment of 1917 had been cast off, liberal institutions were copied from the West and no new ideas were launched.... more
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      Eastern EuropeCritical GeopoliticsPolitical EcologyEnvironmental Politics
Outlines the main features of direct action. It covers its links to radical ideologies and its intersections and differences with civil disobedience, constitutional action and symbolic action. It addresses criticisms of direct action from... more
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      AnarchismEnvironmental PoliticsCivil disobedienceDirect Action
An issue that engaged the alternative music movement in 1970s Sweden was what “political music” could be. In hindsight, the movement has often been associated with political dogmatism, orthodox marxism and... more
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      Environmental Politics1960sProgressive Music
O tema central do presente ensaio versa sobre a mudança climática e seu impacto na agricultura e pecuária brasileira e argentina, espe-cialmente no que respeita à geopolítica da mudança climática e a produção de... more
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      Latin American StudiesClimate ChangeEnvironmental PoliticsGlobal (North/South) Environmental Politics
This book addresses a central dilemma facing efforts to promote environmental sustainability: while environmental challenges including climate change threaten the very fabric of our lives, ambitious efforts to address these rarely... more
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      Political TheoryLiberalismEnvironmental Political TheoryEnvironmental Politics