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Nuevo Reglamento publicado en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 22 de noviembre de 1994
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Nuevo Reglamento publicado en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 22 de noviembre de 1994
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La vicenda originatasi nel 2009, quando la Commissione europea ha irrogato nei confronti di Intel una delle sanzioni piu alte mai comminate ad una singola impresa per aver abusato della propria posizione dominante nel mercato dei... more
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      Political ScienceCommission
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      LawConstitutional Law
Due to the spread of Covid-19 in the first months of 2020, almost all Universities across Europe had to close their buildings and migrate online. This rapid shift towards the provision of education online has been characterized by the... more
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      Online and Distance EducationPrivacy and data protectionGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Emergency Remote Teaching
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      European Criminal ProcedureEuropean Criminal LawEuropean Criminal Justice System
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      Economic HistoryBanking LawCooperative BanksHistory of Business Law
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      Banking LawCooperative LawCooperative BanksHistory of Business Law
informazione per l'approvazione interna dell'operazione interessata: "autocensura", "messa in guardia" e riequilibrio dell'assetto informativo delle parti. -4. La funzione della disclosure tra vecchio e nuovo sistema: le opinioni della... more
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      Corporate LawCorporate GovernanceDisclosureConflict of Interests
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      Financial Crisis of 2008/2009Financial DerivativesFinancial RegulationDerivative Markets
The purpose of this paper is to compare US and Italian financial crowdfunding regulation. Emphasis is given on the protection of crowdfunders. As a starting point, the paper outlines the theoretical framework underlying the classic retail... more
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      Securities LawBehavioral FinanceLaw and EconomicsCrowdfunding
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      Global Financial CrisisFinancial RegulationCredit RatingsAgenzie Di Rating
La nuova commissione di massimo scoperto e la remunerazione per la messa a disposizione di fondi nel decreto anti-crisi
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      Banking LawBanking Contractsbanking ServicesContratti Bancari
ampio estratto dell'ordinanza è stata già pubblicato in Società, 2010, pp. 1257 ss., con articolato ed approfondito commento, prevalentemente critico, di SOLDATI, Tutela cautelare d'urgenza e nullità della clausola statutaria, della cui... more
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      Partnership LawLaw on Partnership and CorporationLimited Partnership
________________________________________________ REPORT -PARTE GENERALE CASIMIRO A. NIGRO GIOVANNI ROMANO 25 Novembre 2011 2
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      Alternative InvestmentsFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Hedge FundsGlobal Financial Crisis
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      Alternative InvestmentsRegulation of financial marketsAlternative Investment Fund Managers DirectiveDodd Frank
Perugia, 31 Marzo 2015
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      Cooperatives and bankingCooperative BanksBanche popolari
D'ora in poi, ''CFG''. 2 V., al riguardo, JOHNSON, Exigent and Unusual Circumstances: The Federal Reserve and the US Financial Crisis, in ALEXANDER e MOLONEY (a cura di), Law Reform and Financial Markets, Cheltenham, 2011, 269 ss., ove... more
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      Alternative InvestmentsFinancial MarketsFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Hedge Funds
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      European LawBanking LawDiritto BancarioDIRITTO SOCIETARIO
Divieto di apporto di lavoro nell'associazione in partecipazione (d.lgs. n. 81/15) L'ultimo atto di riforma delle Banche popolari (d.l. 2 n. 3/15 conv. l. n. 33/15) I finanziamenti all'impresa in crisi Pubblicità e garanzia nel contratto... more
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      Diritto commercialeDiritto BancarioDiritto Dell'Unione EuropeaUnione bancaria