Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Stretch"
Ý nghĩa của "Stretch" trong các cụm từ và câu khác nhau
it's a stretch có nghĩa là gì?
it can mean that someone is exaggerating the truth or that someone’s subject of a story is too far from the original subject.
stretch of water có nghĩa là gì?
@OKUMALC50 These example sentences don't imply that they are part of a journey at all.
stretch one's legs có nghĩa là gì?
usually after sitting at a table for long hours (working / even having a long meal) you would want to “stretch your legs” meaning to go for a walk or at least move away from that spot physically.
all the best on your last stretch!
what is stretch ?? có nghĩa là gì?
what is stretch ?? có nghĩa là gì?
we do this thing where any task your undergo we refer to it as a journey and mentally an actual walk of land
and if the journey is long enough we refer to it as a stretch ie the path you take in watever you are doing .
stretch literally means though the time you are taking to do whatever you are doing ( what the person is wishing you luck for)
another thing that comes to mind is running track
if you a doing laps and you are on your last lap we refer to it as the last stretch
same as your journey to complete your task
I hope this helped.
and if the journey is long enough we refer to it as a stretch ie the path you take in watever you are doing .
stretch literally means though the time you are taking to do whatever you are doing ( what the person is wishing you luck for)
another thing that comes to mind is running track
if you a doing laps and you are on your last lap we refer to it as the last stretch
same as your journey to complete your task
I hope this helped.
stretch mark có nghĩa là gì?
it's scarring due to weight gain, weight loss etc.
Câu ví dụ sử dụng "Stretch"
Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với
1-To stretch
2- To harass.
1-To stretch
2- To harass.
I need to stretch before working out
I had to stretch to reach the top counter
Don’t harass me anymore.
I had to stretch to reach the top counter
Don’t harass me anymore.
Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với stretch out/smooth out.
I need to stretch out my legs before going to the gym.
I need to smooth out this rough draft of writing before turning it in to my professor.
I need to smooth out this rough draft of writing before turning it in to my professor.
Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với stretch oneself too thin.
It's not an everyday phrase, but in cases where you want to say yours or somebody else's workload is too much to handle, then you can use it.
"I don't want to stretch myself too thin and work another job."
So it's a phrase that can definitely be used, as long as the situation warrants it.
Hope that helped!
"I don't want to stretch myself too thin and work another job."
So it's a phrase that can definitely be used, as long as the situation warrants it.
Hope that helped!
Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với stretches along.
The river stretches along the countryside. The crack stretches along the wall. The line stretches along the paper. It means to go across for a long distance
Từ giống với "Stretch" và sự khác biệt giữa chúng
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa stretch và expand ?
Stretching usually refers to an increased (linear) dimension and expansion refers to an increased capacity.
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa a long stretch of students to teach và a long stretch of teaching students ?
A long stretch of students. - There is a line of students. I don't know what age, but there are a lot of students.
A long stretch of teaching students. - I am thinking of a long line of university students who are majoring in education.
A long stretch of teaching students. - I am thinking of a long line of university students who are majoring in education.
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa stretch out và smooth out ?
stretch out means to pull the ends out
Smooth out means to remove wrinkles and make it flat
Smooth out means to remove wrinkles and make it flat
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa stretch và workout ?
stretch: warm up and pre workout to make sure your muscles are ready.
workout: physical activity after stretching like dance, running, or sit ups.
workout: physical activity after stretching like dance, running, or sit ups.
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa to stretch và to stretch out ?
There's really no difference.
When we say "stretch" often it can refer to stretching the body, like yoga. "I'm going to stretch before I exercise"
If we say stretch out, we're usually referring to something specific that we're stretching. "I'm going to stretch out my jeans so they don't wrinkle" "I'll stretch out my legs because I've been sitting too long"
Hope that helps!
When we say "stretch" often it can refer to stretching the body, like yoga. "I'm going to stretch before I exercise"
If we say stretch out, we're usually referring to something specific that we're stretching. "I'm going to stretch out my jeans so they don't wrinkle" "I'll stretch out my legs because I've been sitting too long"
Hope that helps!
Bản dịch của"Stretch"
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào? stretch
@kimchi_tofu_lychee thanks😀
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào?
I studied at a stretch for 3 hrs
would you correct my mistakes?
I studied at a stretch for 3 hrs
would you correct my mistakes?
“I studied for 3 hours.”
“I studied for 3 hours straight.”
“I studied for 3 hours straight.”
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Anh) như thế nào?
I studied at a stretch for 3 hrs
would you correct my mistakes?
I studied at a stretch for 3 hrs
would you correct my mistakes?
Yes, I would correct your mistakes. This sentence does not sound natural. Generally, the phrase that indicates a particular period of time is placed before the phrase "at a stretch".
For example, one could say, "I have fasted for seven days at a stretch". In this example, the time period (seven days) is placed before the phrase "at a stretch".
In your case, you could say "I studied for 3 hours at a stretch".
You could also say "I studied for a 3 hour stretch". I would prefer to use this sentence as I feel that it flows better, but both sentences make sense grammatically.
Both phrases simply mean that you studied for a 3 hour period without stopping.
Hope this helps :)
For example, one could say, "I have fasted for seven days at a stretch". In this example, the time period (seven days) is placed before the phrase "at a stretch".
In your case, you could say "I studied for 3 hours at a stretch".
You could also say "I studied for a 3 hour stretch". I would prefer to use this sentence as I feel that it flows better, but both sentences make sense grammatically.
Both phrases simply mean that you studied for a 3 hour period without stopping.
Hope this helps :)
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào? I started to use 'stretch pole'. it's a good goods for exercise.
I've started using a stretch pole. It's a nice tool for exercising.
I've started using a stretch pole. It's a nice tool for exercising.
Những câu hỏi khác về "Stretch"
Hãy chỉ cho tôi làm thế nào để phát âm stretch. What is the difference between "stretch" and "stretching"?. Feel free to just give some examples...
"The infinitive is the base form of a verb with to. Usually it functions as a noun, although it can also function as an adjective or adverb.
To jump is fun. (noun; subject of the verb is)
I like to ski. (noun; direct object of the verb like)
She had a suggestion to offer. (adjective modifying suggestion)
He called to warn her. (adverb modifying the verb called)
A participle is a verb that ends in -ing (present participle) or -ed, -d, -t, -en, -n (past participle). Participles may function as adjectives, describing or modifying nouns.
The dancing parrots entertained the crowd.
The wrecked sailboat washed up on shore.
But participles have another function. When used with helping verbs such as to be and to have, they are action verbs and form several verb tenses.
She is thinking of the children.
The conference room had been cleaned before they arrived."
To jump is fun. (noun; subject of the verb is)
I like to ski. (noun; direct object of the verb like)
She had a suggestion to offer. (adjective modifying suggestion)
He called to warn her. (adverb modifying the verb called)
A participle is a verb that ends in -ing (present participle) or -ed, -d, -t, -en, -n (past participle). Participles may function as adjectives, describing or modifying nouns.
The dancing parrots entertained the crowd.
The wrecked sailboat washed up on shore.
But participles have another function. When used with helping verbs such as to be and to have, they are action verbs and form several verb tenses.
She is thinking of the children.
The conference room had been cleaned before they arrived."
I’m good at stretch. Bending forward well. I can reach 15 centimeters of floor bottoms. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
"I’m [very flexible]. Bending forward to a toe-touch. I can reach 15 centimeters [past my toes] .
stretching before working cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
Yes, it sounds natural!!
if I follow your stretch, my back will break cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
If I stretch like you, my back will break!
We had a long stretch of really hot day. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
Most of the day was really hot. It was hot for much of the day.
Ý nghĩa và cách sử dụng của những từ và cụm từ giống nhau
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