Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
Decision Making and Quality-of-Information
Paulo Novais1, Maria Salazar2, Jorge Ribeiro3, Cesar Analide1 and José
CCTC, Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, email: {pjon,
analide, jneves}
Centro Hospitalar do Porto, EPE, Porto, Portugal, email:
School of Technology and Management, Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute, Viana do
Castelo, Portugal, email:
Abstract In Group Decision Making based on argumentation, decisions are made
considering the diverse points of view of the different partakers in order to decide
which course of action a group should follow. However, knowledge and belief are
normally incomplete, contradictory, or error sensitive, being desirable to use
formal tools to deal with the problems that arise from the use of uncertain and
even not precise information. On the other hand, qualitative models and
qualitative reasoning have been around in Artificial Intelligence research for some
time, in particular due the growing need to offer support in decision-making
processes, a problem that in this work will be addressed in terms of an extension
to the logic programming language and based on an evaluation of the Quality-ofInformation (QoI) that stems out from those extended logic programs or theories.
We present a computational model to address the problem of decision making, in
terms of a multitude of scenarios, also defined as logic programs or theories,
where the more appropriate ones stand for the higher QoIs values.
Commonly, knowledge and belief are incomplete, contradictory, or error sensitive,
being desirable to use formal tools to deal with these problems [1,2]. Logic and
Logic programs [3] have emerged as attractive knowledge representation
formalism and an approach to solving search problems. In the past few decades,
many non-classical techniques for modeling the universe of discourse and
reasoning procedures of intelligent systems have been proposed [4, 5, 6]. A part
from the need to treat the problem of uncertain information there exists a second
need related to the problem of incomplete information. Logic Programming
presents a powerful and attractive knowledge representation and reasoning
formalism to solve search problems in environments with defective information.
For example, Hommersom and Colleagues [7] work is a good example of quality
evaluation using logic. They used abduction and temporal logic for quality-
Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
checking of medical guidelines, proposing a method to diagnose potential
problems in a timeline, regarding the fulfillment of general medical quality criteria
at a meta-level characterization. They explored an approach which uses a
relational translation to map the temporal logic formulas to first-order logic and a
resolution-based theorem prover.
The objective is to build a quantification process of the Quality-of-Information
(QoI) that stems from a logic program or theory during an evolutive process that
aims to solve a problem in environments with incomplete information. It is
presented a model for group decision making with quality evaluation, along with
the several stages of the decision making process in the context of a Group
Decision Support System (GDSS) for VirtualECare [9].
The Computational Model
With respect to the computational model it was considered an extension to the
language of Logic Programming with two kinds of negation, classical negation, ¬,
and default negation, not. Intuitively, not p is true whenever there is no
reason to believe p (close world assumption), whereas ¬p requires a proof of the
negated literal. An Extended Logic Program (ELP for short) [10], on the other
hand, is a finite collection of rules of the form [4]:
q ← p1 ∧ ... ∧ pm ∧ not pm +1 ∧ ... ∧ not pm + n
? p1 ∧ ...∧ pm ∧ not pm +1 ∧ ...∧ not pm + n
where ? is a domain atom denoting falsity, and q and every pi are literals, i.e.
formulas like a or ¬a , being a an atom, for m, n ∈ N 0 . ELP introduces another
kind of negation: strong negation, represented by the classical negation sign ¬. In
most situations, it is useful to represent ¬A as a literal, if it is possible to prove
¬A. In EPL, the expressions A and not A, being A a literal, are extended literals,
while A or ¬A are simple literals.
Every program is associated with a set of abducibles. Abducibles can be seen
as hypotheses that provide possible solutions or explanations of given queries,
being given here in the form of exceptions to the extensions of the predicates that
make the program. To reason about the body of knowledge presented in a
particular program or theory, set on the base of the formalism referred to above,
let us consider a procedure given in terms of the extension of a predicate called
demo, using ELP. This predicate allows to reason about the body of knowledge
presented in a particular domain, set on the formalism referred to above. Given a
question it returns a solution based on a set of assumptions. This meta predicate
(demo) will be defined as: A meta theorem-solver for incomplete information
represented by the signature demo:T,V →{true,false}, infers the
Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
valuation V of a theorem T in terms of the truth values false (or 0), true (or 1)
and unknown (with truth values in the interval ]0,1[), according to the
following set of productions:
demo(T, true) ← T.
demo(T, false) ← ¬ T.
demo(T, unknown) ← not T, not ¬ T.
As a simple example, let us consider the following set of predicates, that stand for
itch: Name x Value
fever: Name x Value
pain: Name x Value
where the first argument denotes the name of the patient and the second one the
truth value (or degree of confidence) that one has on the former. The extension of
predicate itch may now be given in the form (program 1):
¬ itch(X,Y) ←
not itch(X,Y), not abducibleitch(X,Y).
abducibleitch(X,Y) ← itch(X, ⊥ ).
itch(kevin, ⊥ ).
? ((abducibleitch(X1,Y1) ∨ abducibleitch(X2,Y2)) ∧
(abducibleitch(X1,Y1) ∧ abducibleitch(X2,Y2)))
Program 1. Extension of the predicate itch.
where the first clause denotes the closure of the predicate itch. In the second
clause the symbol ‘ ⊥ ‘ stands for a null value, in the sense that it subsumes that Y
may take any truth value in the interval [0,1]. The fourth clause denotes that the
truth value of itch for the patient john is 1. The clauses five and six denote the
fact that the truth value of itch for patient carol is either 0.6 or 0.8, or even
both. The seventh clause stands for the invariant that implements the XOR
operator, i.e. it states that the truth value of itch for the patient carol is either
0.6 or 0.8, but not both.
The extension of predicate fever may now be given in the form (program 2):
¬ fever(X,Y)
← not fever(X,Y), not abduciblefever(X,Y).
Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
abduciblefever(X,Y) ←fever(X, ⊥ ).
fever(carol, ⊥ ).
?((abduciblefever(X1,Y1) ∨ abduciblefever(X2,Y2)) ∧
(abduciblefever(X1,Y1) ∧ abduciblefever(X2,Y2)))
Program 2. Extension of the predicate fever
The extension of predicate pain may now be given in the form (program 3):
¬ pain(X,Y)
← not pain(X,Y), not abduciblePain(X,Y).
abduciblePain(X,Y)←pain(X, ⊥ ).
pain(carol, ⊥ ).
pain(kevin, 1).
Program 3. Extension of the predicate pain.
In program 3 the last three clauses denote the case where the truth value for pain
for patient john is unknown, although in the set {0.3, 0.45, 0.57}.
3. Quality-of-Information
In decision making processes [9, 11] it is necessary to search only the most
promising search paths. Each path must be tested on their ability to adapt to
changing environments, to make deductions and draw inferences, and to choose
the most appropriate course of action from a wide range of alternatives. The
optimal path in an ELP context is the logic program or theory that models the
universe of discourse and maximizes its Quality-of-Information (QoI) factor. Let i
(i ∈ [1,m]) represent the predicates whose extensions make an extended logic
program that models the universe of discourse, as it is given above in terms of the
predicates itch, fever, and pain, where j (j ∈ [1,n]) denote the attributes
of those predicates. Let xj ∈ [minj, maxj] be a value for attribute j. To each
predicate is also associated a scoring function Vij[minj, maxj] → [0,1], that
gives the score predicate i assigned to a value of attribute j in the range of its
Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
acceptable values, i.e. its domain (for simplicity, scores are kept in the interval
The Quality-of-Information (QoI) with respect to a generic predicate P can be
analyzed in four situations and can be measure in the interval [0,1], when the
information is positive and negative, when the information is unknown but can be
selected from one or more values, and when the information is unknown but can
be derived from a set of values, but only one can be selected. If the information is
known (positive) or false (negative) the (QoI) for the predicate term under
consideration is 1. For situations where the value is unknown the QoI is given by:
QoI P = lim N →∞
= 0( N >> 0)
For situations when the information is unknown but can be derived from a set
of values, QoIP = 1/Card, where Card denotes the cardinality of the exception set
for P, if the exception set is disjoint. If the exception set is not disjoint, the qualityof-information is given by:
QoI P =
+ + CCard
Card is
where C
a card-combination subset, with Card elements. The next
element of the model to be considered is the relative importance that a predicate
assigns to each of its attributes under observation, i.e. wij stands for the relevance
of attribute j for predicate i. It is also assumed that the weights of all predicates
are normalized, that is:
∀i ∑ j =1 wij = 1 , for all i.
On the another hand, the predicate scoring function, when associated to a value
x=(x1, …, xn) in a multi-dimensional space, it is defined in terms of its attribute
domains in the form:
V i ( x) = ∑ j =1 wi j ∗ V i j ( x j )
Therefore, it is viable to measure the QoI that occurs as a result of invoking a
logic program to prove a theorem (e.g. Theorem), by posting the Vi(x) values into
a multi-dimensional space and projecting it onto a two dimensional one. For
example, for patient john, a logic program or theory P may be got in terms of the
logic programs 1, 2 and 3 referred to above, being depicted in the form:
¬ itch(X,Y) ← not itch(X,Y), not abducibleitch(X,Y).
¬ fever(X,Y)
← not fever(X,Y), not abduciblefever(X,Y).
Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
?((abduciblefever(X1,Y1) ∨ abduciblefever(X2,Y2)) ∧
(abduciblefever(X1,Y1) ∧ abduciblefever(X2,Y2)))
¬ pain(X,Y)
← not pain(X,Y), not abduciblePain(X,Y).
whose QoI is presented in Figure 1
0.047 pain
Fig. 1. A measure of the QoI for the Logic Program or theory P referred to above
Decision Making in VirtualECare
The VirtualECare project embodies an intelligent multi-agent system aimed to
monitor and interact with its users, targeted to elderly people and/or their relatives.
The system is designed to have several services, beyond the health related ones. It
will be connected not only to healthcare institutions, but also with user’s relatives,
leisure centers, training facilities and shops, just to name a few [9].
The VirtualECare GDSS is a knowledge-driven Decision Support Systems
(DSS) [8], that relies on a database (or knowledge base), and models
representations of the world, following a proof-theoretical approach to computing,
that addresses the truth value of a theorem to be proven in terms of the QoI of the
terms that make the extension of a predicate or predicates under invocation [10].
Our approach of a VirtualECare GDSS follows Simon’s empirical rationality
[12]. The Intelligence stage occurs continuously, as the GDSS interacts with other
components of the VirtualECare system. Identified problems that call for an action
triggers the formation of a group decision. This group formation is conducted in
the pre-meeting phase, when a facilitator must choose the partakers. In order to
Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
form the “best” group one must evaluate the QoI on hand of possible participants,
and not about the participants themselves, registered in the knowledge base
system. The Design and Choice phases occur in the in-meeting stage. In the InMeeting phase, the participants will be working in order to accomplish the
meeting goals and to take de finest decisions. In order to accomplish this goal, the
participants use a knowledge database and exchange information. Once again, the
system must provide a measure of the QoI available. In the Post-Meeting phase it
is important to evaluate the results achieved so far by the group, as well as how
much each group member is acquit with the achieved results
Fig. 2. In-meeting stage with several iterations
The in-meeting stage cycles through a set of iterations, similarly to the circular
logic of choice of Nappeelbaum [13]. In Nappelbaum model a sharpening spiral of
the description of the problem cycles through option descriptions, value judgments
and instrumental instructions, towards a prescribed choice. We further extend this
approach, in line with Jones and Humphreys model of the Decision Hedgehog
[14]. Instead of constructing and prescribing the solution to the decision problem
within a procedural context of a single decision path, we suggest the exploration
of potential different pathways to develop contextual knowledge, enabling
collaborative authoring of outcomes.
In this way, the QoI is evaluated within each iteration, for every possible
pathway. The knowledge system is scanned for the needed information with a
previously agreed threshold of the QoI being measured [10, 15]. If the QoI
measure does not reach the necessary threshold, new information and/or
knowledge is searched for and the process restarts. Figure 2 illustrates the
situation where the quality threshold is only reached on a step-by-step process,
attaining a point in time when the decision is made. In each iteration, we can use
different approaches to generate alternatives and criteria, namely Idea Generation,
Argumentation and Voting techniques, to support the decision-making process [8].
Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
0.047 pain
Fig. 3. A measure of the QoI of a possible making decision scenario for the patient john
Even when time compels the group to make a decision, well before the quality
threshold had been reached, the evaluation of the QoI that drives the inference
process is paramount, once it gives us a measure of the confidence that we put on
the decision itself. At any moment, we are faced with different making scenarios,
each one with its proper QoI (Figure 1). For example, in Figure 3 (a) it is depicted
the QoI for one scenario that evolve from programs 1, 2 and 3 with respect to the
patient john, and in (b) the same representation but having now into consideration
the predicates relevance. It is now possible to define an order relation over the
different scenarios, in terms of its QoI; i.e the scenario (theory) to be selected is
the one that presents the greatest truth value.
Qualitative models and qualitative reasoning have been around in Artificial
Intelligence research for some time, in particular due the growing need to offer
support in decision-making processes. This area brings together research and
evaluation projects in which healthcare decision-making plays a vital role. Indeed,
decision-making with healthcare implications spans a broad area, and is relevant at
the national, regional, local, and patient levels, and in the public and private
spheres. The main focus of our studies in this field is decision-making at the
patient level; although, as future work, we intend to study the problem at the
organisational and societal levels. Our work addressed the problem of group
decision making, modeling it in terms of a multitude of scenarios, defined as logic
programs or theories, being its selection based on its soundness, here measured in
terms of their QoIs values.
Novais P., Salazar M., Ribeiro J., Analide C., Neves J., Decision Making and Quality-of-Information, in Soft Computing Models
in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010), Corchado E., Novais P., Analide C.,
Sedano J., (Eds.) Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 73, ISBN 978-3-642-13160-8, pp 187-195,
(International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 16-18th June/2010 ), 2010.
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