European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Dr. Raveesh Agarwal
Professor and Head, Department of Business Administration,
Rajshree Institute of Management & Technology, Bareilly
Mona Chaudhary
Associate Professor, Department of Management
Amity University, Noida
Jayveer Singh
MBA Student, Rajshree Institute of Management & Technology, Bareilly
The objectives of writing this paper is to study the current practices
related to the various waste management initiatives taken in India for human
wellbeing. The other purpose is to provide some suggestions and
recommendations to improve the waste management practices in Indian
towns. This paper is based on secondary research. Existing reports related to
planners/NGOs/consultants/government accountability agencies/key industry
experts/ for improving the system are studied. It offers deep knowledge
about the various waste management initiatives in India and find out the
scope for improvement in the management of waste for the welfare of the
society. The paper attempts to understand the important role played by the
formal sector engaged in waste management in our country. This work is
original and could be further extended.
Keywords: India, Recycling, Waste Disposal, Waste Management
“There are few things certain in life – one is death, second is change
and the other is waste.” No one can stop these things to take place in our
lives. But with better management we can prepare ourselves. Here we will
talk about waste and waste management. Each of us has a right to clean air,
water and food. This right can be fulfilled by maintaining a clear and healthy
environment. Now for the first question, what is waste? Any material which
is not needed by the owner, producer or processor is waste. Generally, waste
is defined as at the end of the product life cycle and is disposed of in
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
landfills. Most businesses define waste as “anything that does not create
value” (BSR, 2010). In a common man’s eye anything that is unwanted or
not useful is garbage or waste. However scientifically speaking there is no
waste as such in the world. Almost all the components of solid waste have
some potential if it is converted or treated in a scientific manner. Hence we
can define solid waste as “Organic or inorganic waste materials produced out
of household or commercial activities, that have lost their value in the eyes
of the first owner but which may be of great value to somebody else.”
(Robinson, W.D.1986). Generation of waste is inevitable in every habitation
howsoever big or small. Since the dawn of civilization humanity has
gradually deviated from nature & today there has been a drastic change in
the lifestyle of human society. Direct reflection of this change is found in the
nature & quantity of garbage that a community generates. We can dispose
the waste or reuse the waste and can earn money through proper
management. Indian cities which are fast competing with global economies
in their drive for fast economic development have so far failed to effectively
manage the huge quantity of waste generated. There are about 593 districts
and approximately 5,000 towns in India. About 27.8 percent of India’s total
population of more than 1 billion (as per Census 2001) lives in urban areas.
The projected urban population percentage is 33.4 percent by the year 2026.
The quantum of waste generated in Indian towns and cities is increasing dayby-day on account of its increasing population and increased GDP. The
annual quantity of solid waste generated in Indian cities has increased from
six million tons in 1947 to 48 million tons in 1997 with an annual growth
rate of 4.25 percent, and it is expected to increase to 300 million tons by
2,047 (CPCB, 1998).
Population explosion, coupled with improved life style of people,
results in increased generation of solid wastes in urban as well as rural areas
of the country. In India like all other sectors there is a marked distinction
between the solid waste from urban & rural areas. However, due to everincreasing urbanization, fast adoption of ‘use & throw concept’& equally
fast communication between urban & rural areas the gap between the two is
diminishing. The solid waste from rural areas is more of a biodegradable
nature & the same from urban areas contains more non-biodegradable
components like plastics & packaging. The repugnant attitude towards solid
waste & its management is however, common in both the sectors.
Universally ‘making garbage out of sight’ is the commonly followed
In India, the urban local bodies, popularly known as the municipal
corporations/councils, are responsible for management of activities related to
public health. However, with increasing public and political awareness as
well as new possibilities opened by economic growth, solid waste
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
management is starting to receive due attention. The various initiatives taken
by government, NGOs, private companies, and local public drastically
increased in the past few decades. Nonetheless, land filling is still the
dominant solid waste management option for the United States as well as
many other countries like India around the world. It is well known that waste
management policies, as they exist now, are not sustainable in the long term.
Thus, waste management is undergoing drastic change to offer more options
that are more sustainable. We look at these options in the hope of offering
the waste management industry a more economically viable and socially
acceptable solution to our current waste management dilemma. This paper
outlines various advances in the area of waste management. It focuses on
current practices related to waste management initiatives taken by India. It
also highlights some initiatives taken by the US federal government, states
and industry groups. The purpose of this paper is to gain knowledge about
various initiatives in both countries and locate the scope for improvement in
the management of waste.
Classification of waste
There may be different types of waste such as Domestic waste,
Factory waste, Waste from oil factory, E-waste, Construction waste,
Agricultural waste, Food processing waste, Bio-medical waste, Nuclear
waste, Slaughter house waste etc. We can classify waste as follows:
• Solid waste- vegetable waste, kitchen waste, household waste etc.
• E-waste- discarded electronic devices such as computer, TV, music
systems etc.
• Liquid waste- water used for different industries, tanneries,
distilleries, thermal power plants
• Plastic waste- plastic bags, bottles, bucket, etc.
• Metal waste- unused metal sheet, metal scraps etc.
• Nuclear waste- unused materials from nuclear power plants
Further we can group all these types of waste into wet waste
(Biodegradable) and dry waste (Non Biodegradable).
Wet waste (Biodegradable) includes the following:
• Kitchen waste including food waste of all kinds, cooked and
uncooked, including eggshells and bones
• Flower and fruit waste including juice peels and house-plant waste
• Garden sweeping or yard waste consisting of green/dry leaves
• Sanitary wastes
• Green waste from vegetable & fruit vendors/shops
• Waste from food & tea stalls/shops etc.
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Dry waste (Non-biodegradable) includes the following:
• Paper and plastic, all kinds
• Cardboard and cartons
• Containers of all kinds excluding those containing hazardous material
• Packaging of all kinds
• Glass of all kinds
• Metals of all kinds
• Rags, rubber
• House sweeping (dust etc.)
• Ashes
• Foils, wrappings, pouches, sachets and tetra packs (rinsed)
• Discarded electronic items from offices, colonies viz. cassettes,
computer diskettes, printer cartridges and electronic parts.
• Discarded clothing, furniture and equipment
In addition to the above wastes, another type of waste called
“Domestic Hazardous Waste” may also be generated at the household
level. These include used aerosol cans, batteries, and household kitchen and
drain cleaning agents, car batteries and car care products, cosmetic items,
chemical-based insecticides/pesticides, light bulbs, tube-lights and compact
fluorescent lamps (CFL), paint, oil, lubricant and their empty containers.
Waste that is considered hazardous is first required by the EPA to meet the
legal definition of solid waste. The EPA incorporates hazardous waste into
three categories. The first category are source-specific wastes, the second
category is nonspecific wastes, and third, commercial chemical products.
Generally, hazardous waste “is waste that is dangerous or potentially harmful
to our health or the environment. Hazardous wastes can be liquids, solids,
gases, or sludge. They can be discarded commercial products, like cleaning
fluids or pesticides, or the by-products of manufacturing processes (EPA
Wastes Website, 2010).
Similarly there is “Non Hazardous waste”. There are many
definitions of hazardous and non-hazardous waste within the US federal
government, states and industry groups. The Department of Defense (DOD)
and The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) define waste as “the
extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of DOD funds or the
consumption of DOD property that results from deficient practices, systems,
controls, or decisions. In addition, “abuse is the manner in which resources
or programs are managed that creates or perpetuates waste and it includes
improper practices not involving prosecutable fraud” (EPA Wastes Website,
2010). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines solid nonhazardous waste as “any garbage or refuse, sludge from a wastewater
treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained
gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and
agricultural operations, and from community activities” (EPA Wastes
Website, 2010). The definition of non-hazardous waste can also include
financial waste. In 2009 the US Presidential Executive Order, Reducing
Improper Payments and Eliminating Waste in Federal Programs was initiated
to eliminate payment error, waste, fraud and abuse in major Federal
government programs due to public zero tolerance of fraud, waste and abuse.
This Executive Order is based upon a transparent, participatory and
collaborative comprehensive framework between the government and public.
Disposal vs. Management
There are common practices to dispose waste from ordinary people.
But disposal of waste is becoming a serious and vexing problem for any
human habitation all over the world. Disposing solid waste out of sight does
not solve the problem but indirectly increases the same manifold and at a
certain point it goes beyond the control of everybody. The consequences of
this practice such as health hazards, pollution of soil, water, air & food,
unpleasant surroundings, loss of precious resources that could be obtained
from the solid waste, etc. are well known. That’s why it is essential to focus
on proper management of waste all over the world. Waste management has
become a subject of concern globally and nationally. The More advanced
the human settlements, the more complex the waste management. There is a
continuous search for sound solutions for this problem but it is increasingly
realized that solutions based on technological advances without human
intervention cannot sustain for long and it in turn results in complicating the
matters further. Management of solid waste which generally involves proper
segregation and scientific recycling of all the components is in fact the ideal
way of dealing with solid waste. Solid waste management (SWM) is a
commonly used name and defined as the application of techniques to ensure
an orderly execution of the various functions of collection, transport,
processing, treatment and disposal of solid waste (Robinson, 1986). It has
developed from its early beginnings of mere dumping to a sophisticated
range of options including re-use, recycling, incineration with energy
recovery, advanced landfill design and engineering and a range of alternative
technologies. It aims at an overall waste management system which is the
best environmentally, economically sustainable for a particular region and
socially acceptable (World Resource Foundation, 1996; McDougall et al.,
2001). This not only avoids the above referred consequences but it gives
economic or monetary returns in some or the other forms.
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Basic principles of Solid Waste Management
1) 4Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
• Refuse: Do not buy anything which we do not really need.
• Reduce - Reduce the amount of garbage generated. Alter our lifestyle
so that minimum garbage is generated.
• Reuse - Reuse everything to its maximum after properly cleaning it.
Make secondary use of different articles.
• Recycle – Keep things which can be recycled to be given to rag
pickers or waste pickers (Kabadiwallahs).Convert the recyclable
garbage into manures or other useful products.
2) Segregation at source: Store organic or biodegradable and inorganic or
non biodegradable solid waste in different bins. Recycle of all the
components with minimum labor and cost.
3) Different treatments for different types of solid wastes: One must apply
the techniques which are suitable to the given type of garbage. For example
the technique suitable for general market waste may not be suitable for
slaughter house waste.
4) Treatment at nearest possible point: The solid waste should be treated in
as decentralized manner as possible. The garbage generated should be treated
preferably at the site of generation i.e. every house.
Based on the above principles, an ideal Solid Waste Management for
a village could be as under.
Figure 1- An ideal Solid Waste Management at a glance
Source- Shrikant M.Navrekar, “Sustainable Solid waste Management: Need of the hour”
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Waste Management System in India
Waste management market comprises of four segments - Municipal
Waste, Industrial Waste, Bio- Medical Waste and Electronic Waste Market.
All these four types of waste are governed by different laws and policies as is
the nature of the waste. In India waste management practice depend upon
actual waste generation, primary storage, primary collection, secondary
collection and transportation, recycling activity, Treatment and disposal. In
India, municipality corporations play very important role in waste
management in each city along with public health department. Municipal
Corporation is responsible for the management of the MSW generated in the
city, among its other duties. The public health department is responsible for
sanitation, street cleansing, epidemic control and food adulteration. There is
a clear and strong hierarchy of posts in the Municipal Corporation. The
highest authority of Municipal Corporation rests with the Mayor, who is
elected to the post for tenure of five years. Under the Mayor, there is a City
Commissioner. Under the city commissioner, there is Executive Officer who
supervises various departments such as public health, water works, public
works, house tax, lights, projection tax, demand and a workshop, which, in
turn, all are headed by their own department heads. The staffs in the Public
health department are as follows: Health officer, Chief sanitary and food
inspector, Sanitary and food inspectors, Sanitary supervisor, Sweepers, etc.
The entire operation of solid waste management (SWM) system is performed
under four headings, namely, street cleansing, collection, transportation and
disposal. The cleansing and collection operations are conducted by the public
health department of city Municipality Corporation, while transportation and
disposal of waste are carried out by the transportation department of city
Municipality Corporation. The entire city can be divided in to different
zones. These zones are further divided into different sanitary wards for the
purpose of solid waste collection and transport operations. Currently waste
management in India mostly means a picking up waste from residential and
industrial areas and dumping it at landfill sites. The authorities, usually
municipal, are obligated to handle solid waste generated within their
respective boundaries; the usual practice followed is of lifting solid waste
from the point of generation and hauling to distant places known as dumping
grounds and/or landfill sites for discarding. The treatment given to waste
once thus emptied is restricted to spreading the heap over larger space so as
to take away the waste from the public gaze. Waste collection is usually done
on a contract basis. In most cities it is done by rag pickers, small- time
contractors and municipalities.
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Waste Collection in India:
Primarily by the city municipality
• No gradation of waste product eg bio-degradable, glasses, poly bags,
paper shreds etc.
• Dumps these wastes to the city outskirts
Local raddiwala / kabadiwala (Rag pickers)
• Collecting small iron pieces by magnets
• Collecting glass bottles
• Collecting paper for recycling
In Delhi - MCD- Sophisticated DWM (Delhi Waste Management) vehicle
There are different sweepers employed in street sweeping and
primary waste collection in each city. Each sweeper is responsible for the
daily cleansing of a fixed area, usually a street including all side lanes.
Domestic solid waste is usually thrown on the streets directly or in plastic
bags from where road sweepers collect it into heaps. These waste are then
transported by hand-cart trolley to the nearby open dumps or to bins, or
directly by tractor trolley to the out-skirt of the cities. The road sweepers are
equipped with a broom, pan, favda (spade/showel), hand-carts, panji (small
pointed hand-rake), gayti (pointed small spade to clean road-side open
drains) and buckets. The waste from street cleansing is collected in
wheelbarrows and thereafter; it is dumped into roadside bins or at open
dumping space along with household waste. Municipal workers collect waste
from collection points (open dumping spaces or bins) into various vehicles
including tractors and bull carts and haul it to disposal sites. In some cases,
the workers collect the MSW from the collection points using chabra
(wooden baskets) and transfer it into the vehicles manually. Normally, bull
carts make only one or two trips a day to the final disposal site; a tractor
makes two or three trips per day whereas refuse collectors/dumper placers
make four trips. Finally recycling and reuse takes place by recycling units in
different cities. Recycling is related to processing of a waste item into usable
forms. The concept of recycling and reuse is well embedded in India largely
due to prevailing socio-economic conditions and partly due to traditional
practices. In India some cities have become a hub for recycling activities as
considerable amounts of recyclable materials also come from adjoining
towns and villages. Recycling industry mainly process paper, plastic, glass
and metals. But recycling is not a solution to all problems. It is not a solution
to managing every kind of waste material. For many items recycling
technologies are unavailable or unsafe. In some cases, cost of recycling is too
high. Recycling forms a big part of informal sector engaged in solid waste
management. Waste recycling has, in fact, both organized and unorganized
sections. The lower segments working as waste and dump-pickers, itinerant
waste buyers, and small traders come under the unorganized segment, while
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
the big traders, wholesalers and manufacturers come under the organized
segment of the waste-recycling sector.
Waste Management Initiatives in India
During the recent past, the management of solid waste has received
considerable attention from the Central and State Governments and local
(municipal) authorities in India. A number of partnerships/alliances are
found to exist in the field of solid waste management in Indian cities. These
alliances are public-private, community-public and private-private
arrangements. To identify the status of existing alliances in the study area, it
is first necessary to identify the various actors working in the field of waste
management. These actors can be grouped as under:
• Public sector: this comprises of local authority and local public
departments at city level;
• Private-formal sector: this constitutes large and small registered
enterprises doing collection, transport, treatment, and disposal and
• Private-informal sector: this constitutes the small-scale, nonrecognized private sector and comprises of waste-pickers, dumppickers, itinerant-waste buyers, traders and non-registered small-scale
enterprises; and
• Community representatives in the form of NGOs, etc.
These actors enter into partnerships for providing various activities
related to solid waste management. These partnerships can be as follows:
• public-private (Local Authority and private enterprises);
• public-community (Local Authority and NGOs); etc
• private-private (waste-pickers, itinerant-waste buyers, waste traders
and dealers, wholesalers, small scale and large scale recycling
enterprises); and
• Public-private-community (Local Authority, private enterprises and
National Solid Waste Association of India (NSWAI) is the only
leading professional non-profit organization in the field of Solid Waste
Management including Toxic and Hazardous Waste and also Biomedical
Waste in India. It was formed on January 25, 1996. NSWAI helps the
Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), New Delhi in various fields of
solid waste management makes policies and action plans and is entrusted the
responsibility of collecting information and various data related to solid
waste management from the municipalities of Urban Class-I
cities(population more than 1Lakh) and Urban Class-II cities(population
above 50,000), collate and disseminate the information to website which is
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
linked to national and international organizations. The association is a
member of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), Copenhagen,
Denmark and provides forum for exchange of information and expertise in
the field of Solid Waste Management at the national and international level.
The other regulatory framework for waste management is related to
Indian government Initiatives for waste management under Jawaharlal Nehru
National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), Urban Infrastructure
Development Scheme for Small & Medium Towns (UIDSSMT), “Recycled
Plastics Manufacture and Usage Rules (1999) amended and now known as
The Plastics Manufacture and Usage (Amendment) Rules (2003), “Draft
Guidelines for Sanitation in Slaughter Houses (1998)” by Central Pollution
Control Board (CPCB), Non-biodegradable Garbage (Control) Ordinance,
2006, Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000, etc.
At the national policy level, the ministry of environment and forests has
legislated the Municipal Waste Management and Handling Rules 2000. This
law details the practices to be followed by the various municipalities for
managing urban waste. Other recent policy documents include the Ministry
of Urban Affairs’ Shukla Committee’s Report (January 2000) the Supreme
Court appointed Burman Committee’s Report (March 1999), and the Report
of the National Plastic Waste Management Task Force (August 1997). In
order to get a sense of the current status of sanitation in India's cities, a
survey was initiated by the Ministry of Urban Development as a part of the
National Rating and Award Scheme for Sanitation in Indian Cities. The
methods used for the survey can be found on the Ministry of Urban
Development website. The Government of India announced the National
Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP) in 2008. As a part of this, the government
proposes to encourage states to develop their own sanitation strategies to
tackle their own sanitation problems and meet the goals of the NUSP. The
rating and award scheme has been taken up under this policy initiative.
The first major initiative was taken by the Honorable Supreme Court
of India in 1998, which resulted in formation of an expert committee to study
the status of SWM in Indian cities. This Committee identified the
deficiencies/gaps in the existing SWM system in the country and prepared
the Interim Report in 1999 on SWM Practices for few cities. As a second
major initiative, in conformance with Sections 3, 6 and 25 of the
Environment Protection Act of 1986, and on the basis on the
recommendations by the Committee, the Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MoEF) of the Government of India, developed and issued Municipal
Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules (MoUD, 2000). These rules
aim at standardization and enforcement of SWM practices in urban areas.
These rules dictate that “Every municipal authority shall, within the
territorial area of the municipality, be responsible for the implementation of
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
the provisions of these rules and infrastructure development for collection,
storage segregation, transportation, processing and disposal of municipal
solid wastes”. The municipal authorities are further required to submit a
detailed annual report on waste management to the Secretary-in charge of the
Department of Urban Development of the concerned State in case of a
metropolitan city; or to the District Magistrate or the Deputy Commissioner
concerned in case of all other towns and cities every year. As per NSWAI,
there are 303 projects till September 2009 running in the country related to
waste management, environment and others. The CPCB in collaboration
with National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI),
Nagpur has undertaken a detailed survey of 59 cities in the country to assess
the existing status of solid waste management in these cities (MoEF –India).
The objective of the survey was to assess the compliance status of 59 cities
with Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 and
initiatives taken for improving solid waste management practices. The 59
cities selected for study cover 35 metro cities. It has been observed that
initiatives for collection of waste from house-to-house and waste segregation
has been undertaken in only seven cities, privatization of transportation of
waste has been done in 11 cities and waste processing facilities have been set
up in 15 cities. Ten waste processing facilities are based on composting; one
of these composting facilities has provision for energy recovery also, four are
based on vermin-compositing, and one facility employs pelletisation and
energy recovery technology. In relation to hospital waste the Government of
India (Notification, 1998) specifies that Hospital Waste Management is part
of hospital hygiene and maintenance activities. This involves management of
a range of activities, which are mainly engineering functions, such as
collection, transportation, operation/treatment of processing systems, and
disposal of waste. If the infectious component gets mixed with the general
non-infectious waste, the entire mass becomes potentially infectious. Before
the notification of Bio-Medical Solid Waste (Management and Handling)
Rules 1998, now amended, waste from houses, streets, shops, offices,
industries and hospitals was the responsibility of municipal or governmental
authorities, but now it has become mandatory for hospitals, clinics, other
medical institutions and veterinary institutions to dispose of bio-medical
solid waste as per the Law. Besides all these initiatives Delhi Waste
Management (DWM) was formed in 2004 as a Special Purpose Vehicle
(SPV) in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) format for collection,
segregation and transportation to landfill sites of municipal waste. Over 1000
employees are employed as a part of this initiative. The overall initiatives
related to waste management in India can be summed up as follows in the
table 1.
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Table -1
India’s Waste Management Initiatives
Policy and Regulation
Institutional Framework
Legal Framework
Environmental Norms
Policy Initiatives
Central Level
State Level
Other Organizations/Associations
74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992
Management and Handling Rules
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995
National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act,
Existing Environmental Standards
Recently Notified Environmental Standards
National Urban Sanitation Policy, 2008
National Environment Policy, 2006
Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution, 1992
National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement
on Environment and Development, 1992
Law Commission Recommendation
Ecomark Scheme, 1991
Key Government Programmes
Total Sanitation Campaign
MNRE's Waste-to-Energy
Other Programmes
Programme Scope and Structure
Experience So Far
Experience on Reforms
Issues and Challenges
Programme Scope and Structure
Experience So Far
Issues and Challenges
Programme Scope and Structure
Experience So Far
Issues and Challenges
Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme
National Biogas and Manure Management
Technology and Practices
Traditional Technologies
Waste Incineration
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Kolkata: SWM Improvement Project
Kanchrapara: SWM through Citizens' Participation
Kollam: MSW Management Project
Chennai: MSW Project
Navi Mumbai: MSW Management Project
Gurgaon: Ultra Modern Waste Management Plant
Namakkal: Zero Garbage Status
Suryapet: Dustbin Free and Zero Garbage Town
Visakhapatnam: SWM Though Citizens Participation
Thiruvananthapuram: Decentralised SWM
CIDCO: SWM System at Areas Adjoining Navi
Key Projects
Chennai: GPRS Equipped Waste Bin
Ahmedabad: Tapping Methane Gas
Goa: Solid Waste Management Corporation
Nagpur: Bye-Laws to Collect Waste Generated in
Nagpur: Management of Construction Debris
Akola: CBO for Waste Management
Yavatmal: Door-to-Door Collection of Solid Waste
Key Initiatives
Rural Waste Management
Tamil Nadu: Zero Waste Mgt. at Vellore District
Maharashtra: Slwm at Dhamner Village
Gujarat: Greywater Mgt. at Fathepura Village
Maharashtra: Greywater Mgt. at Wadgaon Village
Nashik: Wastepaper to Pepwood
Kerala: Post-NGP Initiatives at Kattapana Village
Key Projects
Industrial Solid Waste Mgt.
Key Projects
Andhra Pradesh: 3.66-MW Power Generation Project
Uttar Pradesh: 6-MW Biomass Cogeneration Power
Other WTE Projects
Kolkata: Waste Minimisation of Small-Scale
Industrial Units
Himachal Pradesh: Waste Treatment Plant
Liquid Waste Management
Key projects
Municipal Liquid Waste
Other Noteworthy Water Reuse and Recycling
Industrial Liquid Waste
Source- India Infrastructure report (2009)
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Initiatives taken by Private Companies
There are various private companies that are providing complete
solutions for waste management. For example Subhash Projects and
Marketing Limited (SPML) is a leading Engineering and Infrastructure
development organization with 26 years in Water, Power and Infrastructure.
Today SPML is surging ahead in Urban Infrastructure, Solid Waste
Management, Water and Waste Water Systems, Cross Country Pipelines,
Ports and SEZs, through BOOT/PPP initiatives. “SPML Enviro” is an
integrated environment solution provider arm of Subhash Projects and
Marketing Limited (SPML). It provides complete solution in relation to
collection, transportation & disposal of municipal / hazardous waste,
segregation and recycling of municipal waste, construction & management
of sanitary landfill, construction & operation of compost plant and waste to
energy plant at the Delhi airport and Hyderabad Airport. SPML Enviro has
invested in the necessary resources and partnerships to provide solid and
water treatment solutions. It expertise includes solid waste-to-resources’
solutions – universal, industrial and medical waste. SPML Enviro has teamed
up with PEAT International, North Illinois, USA, a waste-to-resources
company specializing in treating and converting waste to usable resources.
PEAT's proprietary Plasma Thermal Destruction Recovery (PTDR)
technology is an environmentally friendly process, that converts wastes into
non-toxic synthetic gas (which is a valuable source of alternative energy) and
other useful end-products. The PTDR is a proven, cost-effective,
environmentally clean and commercially viable solution for waste
remediation. SPML Enviro together with its joint-venture partners, has
proven capabilities to successfully execute projects on turn-key basis
involving Okhla sewage treatment plant, Delhi Jal Board, Bewana common
effluent treatment, Delhi State Industrial Development Corporation, Delhi
State Industrial Development Corporation, Yelahanka primary/tertiary
sewage treatment plant, Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board,
Okhla common effluent treatment plant, Sewage treatment plant, Mysore,
Karnataka water supply and sewerage board, etc. SPML has also formed a
joint venture with the US based Company INSITUFORM Technologies
(INC.). INSITUFORM is a pioneer in sewer rehabilitation projects world
wide. The Company brings with them a No Dig Technology, that eliminates
replacement of old sewers. In this, pipe within a pipe concept - a liner is
inserted into the sewer, which makes it as good as new.
Initiatives taken by Indian corporate
In India, there are various initiatives taken by many corporations.
For example HCL Info system believes that the producers of electronic
goods are responsible for facilitating an environmental friendly disposal,
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
once the product has reached the end of its life. HCL Info system supports
the ongoing initiative for separate e-waste legislation in India. HCL has been
working on an easy, convenient and safe programme for recycling of e-waste
in India. HCL has created the online process of e-waste recycling request
registration, where customers (both individual and corporate) can register
their requests for disposal of their e-waste. Apart from corporate customers,
HCL has extended its e-waste collection program to retail customers also
through its HCL Touch spread points spread across the country HCL extends
the recycling facility to its users regardless of the fact, when and where they
purchased the product. To promote recycling of electronic waste, Nokia
India launched a 'Take Back' campaign where customers can drop their old
handset in the company’s stores and win gifts. The take-back campaign is
aimed at educating mobile phone users on the importance of recycling ewaste. As a part of this initiative, Nokia encourage mobile phone users to
dispose their used handsets and accessories such as charges and handsets,
regardless of the brand, at any of the recycling bins set up across Nokia
Priority Dealers and Nokia Care Centers. ITC Ltd has chosen energy
management, environmental & waste management and social & farm
forestry as major focus areas for CSR. Specific processes include
recycling/reuse of paper mill back water for dilution of bleached pulp,
recycling of paper machine primary clarifier outlet water for miscellaneous
uses, etc. These are few examples to show that Indian corporate is not behind
in producing initiatives related to waste management.
Challenges in India
Key issues and challenges include lack of collection and segregation
at source, scarcity of land, dumping of e-waste, lack of awareness, etc.
Simple dumping of mixed waste is the practice followed practically
everywhere and especially in the developing countries as they cannot
mobilize financial resources for applying expensive technology propounded
by the developed countries.
In India, “The new Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules 2000”,
which came into effect from January 2004, fail, even to manage waste in a
cyclic process. Waste management still is a linear system of collection and
disposal, creating health and environmental hazards. Urban India is likely to
face a massive waste disposal problem in the coming years. Until now, the
problem of waste has been seen as one of cleaning and disposing as rubbish.
But a closer look at the current and future scenario reveals that waste needs
to be treated holistically, recognizing its natural resource roots as well as
health impacts. Waste can be wealth, which has tremendous potential not
only for generating livelihoods for the urban poor but can also enrich the
earth through composting and recycling rather than spreading pollution as
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
has been the case. Increasing urban migration and a high density of
population will make waste management a difficult issue to handle in the
near future, if a new paradigm for approaching it is not created.
A strong need felt on private sector participation in waste
management but we can not ignore the risk of private sector participation.
Risks of private sector involvement may include a lack of transparency, a
commercial failure that would then lead to disturbance of public services,
or low cooperation between stakeholders. Another important questions is that
how effective are the public-private partnerships? We remember that
Chennai based corporation and French conglomerate Onyx partnered for
garbage collection. But we really don’t know how effective it was in
practical sense. The Corporation paid heavy amount for garbage clearance.
But there were complaints against the company. In any case the company
was simply collecting garbage and dumping it on the dumpsites. There is no
engineering miracle in collecting and dumping waste. The way forward is
proper waste management policies which must be adopted and
responsibilities of each are defined in proper manner and correctly watched,
if the municipal authorities get the private companies (like onyx) to
composting and recycling wastes rather than just dumping it.
There have been a variety of policy responses to the problem of urban
solid waste in India, especially over the past few years, yet sustainable
solutions either of organic or inorganic waste remains untapped and
unattended. For developing countries, recycling of waste is the most
economically viable option available both in terms of employment
generation for the urban poor with no skills and investment. All policy
documents as well as legislation dealing with urban solid waste mention or
acknowledge recycling as one of the ways of diverting waste, but they do so
in a piece-meal manner and do not address the framework needed to enable
this to happen. Critical issues such as industry responsibility, a critical
paradigm to enable sustainable recycling and to catalyze waste reduction
through, say better packing, have not been touched upon. Recycling of only
some types of materials like plastics, paper and metals is not enough. Many
types of new materials mainly used for packaging are not, or indeed cannot
be, recycled in the low-end technology being employed. Besides, there are
serious issues of poor occupational safety provisions of the waste pickers as
well as workers.
In India, new and expensive technologies are being pushed to deal
with our urban waste problem, ignoring their environmental and social
implications. It is particularly true in the case of thermal treatment of waste
using technologies such as gasification, incineration, pyrolysis or
pellatisation. Indian waste content does not provide enough fuel value
(caloric value) for profitable energy production. It needs the addition of
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
auxiliary fuel or energy. Such technologies put communities to risk and are
opposed widely. For example, the United States has not been able to install a
new incinerator for the past five years, while costs for burning garbage have
escalated astronomically with rising environmental standards in other
countries. While the more developed countries are doing away with
incinerators because of high costs (due to higher standards of emission
control), developing countries have become potential markets for dumping
such technologies.
Suggestions for future improvement
The political will is the first priority. Generally Government bodies
and municipalities give priority to present problems which they face but do
not think for future problems due to environmental decay. Their view is that,
they will solve problems when they will face it but not now. Because doing
something for environment does not provide political gains or assure next
time seat. Now questions is that how can we change this mentality? We
believe there should be a positive approach for a long time planning and
implementation. Legislation and its effective enforcement is a key to
sustainability for which the framework requires to be established.
Efforts to improve waste storage and collection are required. This can
be done when each household and locality are provided standard bins that are
placed outside for ease of collection. In areas where this is not appropriate,
centrally located waste collection points should be established that are shared
by a number of households. Wastes need o be increasingly sorted at the
source, to separate materials that can be recycled and to educe the amount of
wastes requiring collection and disposal. Co-operation is required among
communities, the informal sector, the formal waste collectors and the
authorities. An effective Solid Waste Management system should aim at
minimizing manual handling and 100 % collection & transportation of solid
wastes should be achieved.
In solid waste management, one thing became very clear that
segregation at source is to be practiced. There are lots of initiatives to
manage wastes but goes in vein because of not identifying wealth in wastes.
In India, we cannot afford sanitary land filling as land is precious here and
there are lot of municipalities who do not have land as trenching ground. The
source segregation needs lot of study on human behavior against waste
littering. A continuous sensitization programme is to be planned according to
the sentiments of the residents towards their city and ultimately it will work
as wonders. If waste segregation is practiced, the potential threats can be
minimized directly. Besides, the quality of materials retrieved will be better
due to absence of mixing. The pickers can thus, fetch better money on the
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
materials retrieved besides having lesser threats of catching diseases, cuts
and wounds encountered in the usual practice of waste picking.
The adoption and transfer of the technologies from the developed
countries without adapting them to the local or regional perspective would be
fallacious on the part of the developing countries. Therefore, the technical
aspects for a waste management would have to take into account many
points for planning and implementation of strategies according to situation of
the country. It would call for the strengthening of the management sector
which has to go hand in hand with technical planning.
General public can play a very important role. Public participation is
necessary for a proper waste management system. Changes in the habits of
segregation, littering, can change the approach towards wastes. For example
in a heritage town of West Bengal, there was a movement related to waste
management. Within a span of two years it successfully sensitized residents
for segregation at source and not littering in open areas. Now the city is
really becoming clean and other people are also participating in the
In order to improve the system efficiency and increase the coverage
to 100 percent in each city, it is recommended to explore alternative
arrangements for collection of waste like involving private operators. A
mechanism to generate revenue from the citizens should also be developed.
However, the approach to public-private partnerships pursued in the
developed countries cannot be replicated for Indian towns in general. This
approach can only be implemented after some modifications taking into
account the local conditions.
There may be separate parallel decentralized schemes by the
government. Financial support by the community based on decentralized
schemes will provide the right impetus for the development of waste
management method. For example the municipality of Bangalore has a
parallel scheme, “Swaccha Bangalore”, which levies mandatory fees for all
households, businesses and educational institutions to increase its financial
resources. These user fees imply that the residents will expect the
municipality to provide proper waste collection services. It integrates them
into the overall waste management strategy in all localities thereby helping
to reduce the amount of wastes going outside the locality. The levying of
waste collection and disposal fees should be based on waste generation rates
and according to the economic standard of the area, whilst considering the
nature of the waste wherever necessary. However, these fees should not be
levied solely to meet the financial lacunae for management and the
equipment demand.
In India waste management could materialize only if service delivery
will be linked to private sector participation. “It is imperative that the private
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
sector comes forward and enables the public sector stakeholders to devise
appropriate frameworks that result in a win-win for both sides.” Although
there are some initiatives taken by corporate but there is strong needs that all
corporate must come forward to take first step. At least they should manage
their industrial waste rather littering and throwing in the rivers as we can find
many examples in Indian cities like Kanpur, Varanasi, Agra, etc. The private
sector could also play an important role in building the capacities of
municipal bodies. Solid waste management, along with recycling, presents
plenty of opportunities for partnerships. For example, EXNORA is an NGO
in Chennai that focuses on the environment through their solid waste
management program, which works in municipalities throughout Tamil
In fact, despite the lack of proper legal and financial support by
public agencies, the informal sector has a firm standing and gives an
invaluable service to a large section of the society in relation to waste
management. There is an urgent need to understand the vital role of this
informal sector engaged in municipal solid waste management, study their
socio-economic conditions, and to integrate them with the formal sector to
achieve sustainable solid waste management on one hand and improve their
living conditions on the other.
The possible future policy options available with the policy makers
for management of municipal solid waste are to promote either/all of the
existing alliances between private-private enterprises, private-public
enterprises and private-public-community. The selected scenario should be
based on socio-economic, environmental and health considerations. It should
fulfill the basic goal of recycling the maximum waste generated, creating
maximum employment through cleaner methods without bringing any
threat/reducing the potential health hazards to the lower rung of the waste
recycling sector and improving their socio-economic conditions, as well.
Another option is to promote formation of micro-enterprises among
the waste-recycling sector through various policies. It is observed from
various case studies of developing countries like Latin America, Egypt, etc.
that if waste pickers and recyclers get official recognition from the local
authorities and they organize themselves and institutionalize their activities,
there is an overall improvement in the living conditions of these people.
Micro-enterprises in the field of solid waste management sector are a new
process in India and only few examples are available. The Self Employed
Women’s Association (SEWA), Ahmedabad, India successfully improved
the living conditions of women paper pickers, by organizing them into
cooperatives and by searching for easily accessible raw materials in bulk
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
There are several missing links and many loose ends both in terms of
management, technology and professional skill. The solutions need thorough
understanding, for example, deployment of competent persons qualified in
solid waste management (real hard taskmasters and not people who turn up
with a handkerchief to cover their nose to keep the stink away), application
of efficient combination of waste handling equipments in cost effective
manner and streamlining of the handling of waste at various stages
throughout its journey from source of generation to ultimate safe disposal
site, without intermediate dumping and accumulation of waste for days
together. A flawless continuous flow sheet of waste management has to be
developed. Matching financial support, discipline and attitudinal change in
all concerned will obviously be the key for effective and successful waste
management in India.
In India the landfill, sometimes described as `sanitary landfill’, does
not go beyond filling up of low-lying areas with stinking waste conveniently
bypassing the recommended requirements for `sanitary landfill’. In the end,
anything that is emptied at dumping or landfill sites continues to cause
serious environmental depredation. The developed countries do boast that
they handle their waste in a more scientific manner at landfill sites by laying
the dumping grounds with a vulcanized plastic sheet to avoid leaching of
toxic digested and undigested waste into the ground underneath. In our
countries authorities practicing landfill do declare that they assiduously
implement requirements for recommended landfill to assuage citizen
The quantum of solid waste is ever increasing due to many reasons.
Plastics waste is a significant portion of the total municipal solid waste
(MSW). Recycling of plastics should be carried in such a manner to
minimize the pollution level during the process and as a result to enhance the
efficiency of the process and conserve the energy. Newer techniques related
to recycling and reuse of plastic can be adopted.
Any new paradigm should include a cradle-to-grave approach with
responsibility being shared by many stakeholders, including product
manufacturers, consumers, communities, the recycling industry, trade,
municipalities and the urban poor. The Ministry of Urban Development and
Poverty Alleviation, as well as Agriculture, should develop the market for
compost, and if required provide subsidies for compost manure – first to
provide organic soil nutrients to the farmers and to solve the urban waste
problem which continuously is polluting land through uncontrolled dumping.
In order to make proper waste management activity sustain in true
sense, following other points need to be given attention to –
1) Region specific planning: Looking at the geographical, topographical and
cultural diversity of the country it can be divided into five regions such as
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Northern region, Eastern region, Western region, Central region and
Southern region. Each of these regions has different structure. Hence all the
activities should be planned & implemented on regional basis.
2) Planning from below: To make Solid Waste Management a success in true
sense, the planning as well as implementation should start from general
public level planning followed by block level planning, district level
planning and state level planning.
3) Involvement of self help groups, youth groups and small entrepreneurs:
The general public level waste management units can be run by self help
groups, youth groups or small entrepreneurs. This will help in making the
programme self supportive and sustainable.
4) Well planned and effective training policy: Technical training at all levels
(General public to state) forms the backbone of a successful waste
management programme. Adequate training must be given to all those
concerned prior to actual launching of the programme in the field.
It is suffice to say that we require a more stringent integrated and
strategic waste prevention framework to effectively address wastage related
issues. There is an urgent need to build upon existing systems instead of
attempting to replace them blindly with models from developed countries.
To prevent any epidemic and to make each city a healthy city-economically
and environmentally, there is an urgent need for a well-defined strategic
waste management plan and a strong implementation of the same in India.
To achieve financial sustainability, socio-economic and environmental goals
in the field of waste management, there is a need to systematically analyze
the strengths and weaknesses of the community as well as the municipal
corporation, based on which an effective waste management system can be
evolved with the participation of various stakeholders in India. The public
apathy can be altered by awareness building campaigns and educational
measures. Sensitization of the community is also essential to achieve the
above objectives and we need to act and act fast as every city in India is
already a hotbed of many contagious diseases, most of which are caused by
ineffective waste management.
All these above said suggestions are given in relation to India and
will be effective only when we individually feel the responsibility of making
environment clean. As general public, we can not do much in policy and
regulations formulation, adoption of newer technologies related to recycling
and other waste management options but we can play a very important role
in this process if we can adopt only few tips. Here are a few tips to achieve
this goal.
European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
1. Keep ourself informed: It is important that we are in the know
about what is happening on the environment front. Read about how untreated
sewage is thrown into the rivers, attend public lectures about air pollution, &
keep in touch with new policies that affect our environment. The more
informed we are, the better equipped we are to fight such issues.
2. Consume less: Motto: Refuse…..Reduce….Reuse… Recycle .This
means consuming fewer resources, reusing whatever we can and finally
recycling what cannot be reused. This process greatly reduces the garbage.
3. Say ‘No’ to plastic bags: One of the biggest sources of pollution in
Indian cities is the ubiquitous plastic bag. Refuse to accept one. Instead,
carry a cloth shopping bag with us.
4. Separate our garbage: India has one of the world’s most efficient
recycling mechanisms. Use the service of our raddiwalla. Newspapers, bottle
cans and other such recyclables can fetch us money and in the process we
can help to save the environment. Rag pickers, too, perform a vital function
for the city. Kitchen garbage (biodegradable) should be separated from nonbiodegradable waste.
5. Compost our organic waste: Start a vermiculture bin. We can
convince our neighbors to start a vermiculture bin also to produce manure.
6. Stop burning garbage: Ask our neighbors to desist from burning
solid wastes. It may seem harmless but smoke emitted from leaves
contributes to air pollution. Also, when there are plastic in the heap, it emits
dangerous toxic fumes. Leaves can be converted to fertilizer through
composting & plastic can be recycled.
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