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2018, Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija
8 pages
1 file
Статья посвящена процедурам доказывания вины в рамках судебного процесса по "Салической Правде".
Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu «Ostrozʹka akademìâ». Serìâ «Fìlologìâ», 2019
Приходько Вікторія Богданівна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, Луцький національний технічний університет, ХУДОЖНІЙ ПЕРЕКЛАД ЯК НАЦІОНАЛЬНО-КУЛЬТУРНИЙ ДІАЛОГ У статті йдеться про художній переклад як національно-культурний діалог. Розглядається міждисциплінарний підхід до перекладу, зокрема його компаративістський аспект. Досліджено генезу розуміння перекладу як діалогу у вітчизняному та світовому літературознавстві та компаративістиці. Встановлено, що переклад-це широкий діалогічний процес між автором і читачем за посередництвом перекладача, що включає в себе рецепцію та інтерпретацію, як основу встановлення діалогу власне між текстом і перекладачем. Зазначено, що дослідження такого діалогу через зіставлення перекладу з оригіналом на рівні тексту дозволяє більш глибоко вникнути в діалектику взаємовідносин між ними. Ключові слова: діалог, переклад, національний, культура, компаративістика, іншомовний дискурс.
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie
In the philosophical works of Kolakowski, the concept of inconsistency is a guideline that moves the subject closer to truth. Truth disappears when consistency prevails, that is a logic, a method, a tradition of thinking. And there is no need to reject the sequence in general, as there is no need to follow it. But there is a confl ict between Kolakowski as the Th inker and Kolakowski as the Human Being. Th e fi rst one tries to fi nd the best way to describe the world with concepts, the second one wants to gain a comfortable existence in the world. Th e fi rst needs doubt, the second wants to feel certainty. Th e philosopher as the Human Being wants to have a fi rm belief in those things the Th inker can only be hopeful of. Th e purpose of the article is to show how the Human Being and the Th inker compete in Kolakowski's works, as their understanding of truth and the ways to it are diff erent. Kolakowski's paradox is that the inconsistency of the mind should advance us towards the truth, but it reinforces doubts whether truth is possible in general. If you replace the inconsistency with faith, the prospect becomes even foggier. Consequently, the author concludes that Kolakowski stayed in the state of uncertainty regarding how to solve the confl ict. Th eoretically, he prescribes the need for faith but does not explain how to practically combine faith and doubt in one head. Th e Th inker oft en wins with the Human Being and then retreats and comes back again. Th e Th inker and the Human Being are not an identical opposition to rational and irrational. It is a confl ict which concerns the two subject guidelines: will to know and will to exist.
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2019
In 1993, the American logic S. Yablo was proposed an original infinitive formulation of the classical ≪Liar≫ paradox. It questioned the traditional notion of self-reference as the basic structure for semantic paradoxes. The article considers the arguments underlying two different approaches to analysis of proposals of the ≪Infinite Liar≫ and understanding of the genuine sources for semantic paradoxes. The first approach (V. Valpola, G.-H. von Wright, T. Bolander, etc.) imposes responsibility for the emergence of semantic paradoxes on the negation of the truth predicate. It deprives the ≪Infinite Liar≫ sentences of consistent truth values. The second approach is based on a modified version of anaphoric prosententialism (D. Grover, R. Brandom, etc.). The concepts of truth and falsehood are treated as special anaphoric operators. Logical constructs similar to the ≪Infinite Liar≫ do not attribute any definite truth values to sentences from which they are composed, but only state certain...
In this paper (amended and more developed one from 15 years ago) Nikić, contrary to many layers of uncritical approaches about the "Amazons" as a bizarre, legendary tribe of women warriors from different parts of the world, finds their true origin and meaning of the name. He reveals the linguistic and historical foundations of a radically different interpretation. Based on a meticulous analysis (language exegesis, historical evidence and documents…), the author proves the indisputable connection between Serbs/Slavs and Amazons, proving that the history of Serbs/Slavs can be reliably moved back several millennia. The paper is an excerpt from the book ЗЛАТНО СЕМЕ [Golden Seed] ( N. Sad, 2022) in which he clarifies many etymological enigmas from Sanskrit and the Serbian languages, confirming their genetic closeness.
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie, 6, 2019
In the philosophical works of Kolakowski, the concept of inconsistency is a guideline that moves the subject closer to truth. Truth disappears when consistency prevails, that is a logic, a method, a tradition of thinking. And there is no need to reject the sequence in general, as there is no need to follow it. But there is a confl ict between Kolakowski as the Th inker and Kolakowski as the Human Being. Th e fi rst one tries to fi nd the best way to describe the world with concepts, the second one wants to gain a comfortable existence in the world. Th e fi rst needs doubt, the second wants to feel certainty. Th e philosopher as the Human Being wants to have a fi rm belief in those things the Th inker can only be hopeful of. Th e purpose of the article is to show how the Human Being and the Th inker compete in Kolakowski's works, as their understanding of truth and the ways to it are diff erent. Kolakowski's paradox is that the inconsistency of the mind should advance us towards the truth, but it reinforces doubts whether truth is possible in general. If you replace the inconsistency with faith, the prospect becomes even foggier. Consequently, the author concludes that Kolakowski stayed in the state of uncertainty regarding how to solve the confl ict. Th eoretically, he prescribes the need for faith but does not explain how to practically combine faith and doubt in one head. Th e Th inker oft en wins with the Human Being and then retreats and comes back again. Th e Th inker and the Human Being are not an identical opposition to rational and irrational. It is a confl ict which concerns the two subject guidelines: will to know and will to exist.
Тhis article focuses on three main problems. Firstly, the connection between the life and work of Lucian of Samosata, which exists implicitly in his fantastic short story “A True Story.” Secondly, the complete clarification of the specific genre of the story in relation to the characteristics of the audience of the work. Thirdly, the specific nature of Lucian as the author of the story, i.e. his roles in that case of a literary critic and master of belles-lettres. The role of the literary critic is related to the culture of the Hellenistic age and has evolved in the epoch of the 2nd-century Roman Empire. The role of the master of belles-lettres is that of the author searching for new ways beyond the classical literary patterns of the past such as Homer’s epic poems. Keywords: life and work of Lucian of Samosata; the fantastic short story “A True Story;” culture of the Hellenistic age; epoch of the 2nd-century Roman Empire; Homer’s epic poems.
Russian Journal of Linguistics, 2015
The paper “The Logic That Can’t Be Lost” by Dmitry Yermolovich gives an overview of submissions, all independent of one another, by a diverse group of professional and amateur translators to a recent English-Russian literary translation contest. The analysis made it possible to identify some trends and patterns in Russian speakers’ approaches to rendering foreign text in their native tongue.
Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu «Ostrozʹka akademìâ». Serìâ «Fìlologìâ», 2020
The article focuses on the problem of the latent informational and socio-psychological influence on people by means of linguistic means, aimed at stimulation a person for actions that are contrary to his interests, system of values and/or gaining political advantage or disparage an opponent in online media resources. It is investigated that the latent impact properties of the dominant language unit “fake» is formed by its denotative and signicative meanings transformation caused by extralinguistic factors. The effective means of such exposure are an «empty denotate», which reflects the phenomena and is actualised by the lexical items «fake» in situations when they denote an unreal class of referents; a diffuse denotate denoting heterogeneous phenomena and extended semantic changes in signification when the lexical items «fake» is used to refer to new objects and acquire a new dimensions. The lexical and grammatical properties of this linguistic unit such as synonyms, euphemisms used...
A paper by Evgenia Komatarova-Balinova was published in 2018 in the proceedings of a symposium in memoriam Irina Shtereva (1942 – 2015). The paper questions in the first place the accuracy of the methods and the arguments used. According to the author, during the 1950’s the concept of the Caucasian origin of the Proto-Bulgars was imposed in the Bulgarian historiography “through the sanction of the Soviet national policy” and reached “the same mythological dimensions as the legendary tale of the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece”. The recently published monograph “The Protobulgar necropolis at Balchik” by L. Doncheva-Petkova, K. Apostolov and V. Russeva is represented as an example of this concept. The paper aims at debunking the “Caucasian myth” through a critical analysis of the arguments set in the book and is essentially a review of the monograph. However the claimed statements and evaluations require an independent critical analysis, which is the purpose of the present work.
İmâm Mâtürîdî ve Te’vîlâtü’l-Kur’ân, 2019
Extensão Tecnológica: Revista de Extensão do Instituto Federal Catarinense, 2021
Journal of Information System and Technology Management, 2019
Volume 5: Education and Globalization, 2017
Robotics and Autonomous …, 2004
Tarih araştırmaları dergisi, 2024
Journal of Neurochemistry, 2005
Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports, 2020
Minerals, 2020
História da Educação, 2022
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008