Published by :
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 07, July-2021
Women Security System
Sagarika Das
ECE Department
NMIT, Bengaluru-560064
ECE Department
NMIT,Bengaluru – 560064
Shweta Dasar
ECE Department
NMIT, Bengaluru-560064
ECE Department
NMIT, Bengaluru-560064
Abstract— The Woman Security System(WSS) is used to
intimate the parents/concerned person as well as police about
the current location of the women who is in emergency and crisis
.Our WSS model will help women to protect themselves from
harassment in future in India and across the Globe as crimes
are increasing day by day. The mai advantage of this device is ,it
kept separate from emergency switch button. The emergency
switch button is tied to one of the buttons of attire which can be
hide from attacker. The main device includes GPS & GSM
module. The GPS system will track the current location, while
GSM system will send the message to the numbers saved in the
system. When system switched on, it tracks location by GPS &
send messages to the person who can help her. This security
system have the facility to record audio which can be used later
for investigation purpose and can send an alert call and message
to the pre-set person’s contact with the instant location every
2 minutes and can be tracked live using this application.
The aim of this project is to develop a self defense
system especially for women to protect themselves from
physical harassments. This would help to minimize the
sufferings of women against attacker.
In the emergency situation ,it is not possible for women
to protect herself and operate the smart phones and she
cannot press alert button when they are in risk situation and
as well as immediately they cannot send their location to the
police and family members. In this present era women have
equal rights equal rights and women are taking equal
responsibility in their workplace .Even women are doing
work in all shift. Every day women and young girls are being
assaulted, molested, and raped in streets, public transport,
public spaces .
This model will help to protect females because this
model is done in “JACKET” ,it consist of GPS Tracker
which tracks the location time to time. GSM Module is used
to send the information to respected persons which number is
stored in system. The jacket consist of temperature sensor
along with buzzer which beeps at some frequency to give alert
notice to nearby people. Also also used electric shock sensor
for women protection like when a culprit or rapist or thief
attacks a women he will get electric shock so that women can
Shrinivas Rao
ECE Department
NMIT, Bengaluru-560064
immediately call near people or she can call to her helpers to
save her. Here we present implementation of WSS system
with following features
• The voice memory chip APR 9600 module produce alert
voice and it will create voice sound whenever it is
• It is portable can be carried, which will track the location
of women, captures the image of culprit and make alert
call to the registered family numbers when the person is
in danger
• Temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature of
women, it converts the input data into electronic data. The
heart rate sensor measures our heart rate in Beats per
Minute using an optical LED light source and an LED
light sensor. The light shines through our skin, and the
sensor measures the amount of light that reflects back.
• ESP32-CAM is a low-cost development board with Wi-Fi
camera. It allows creating IP camera projects for video
streaming with different resolutions.
From the perspective of security of women many devices
are already in used. All devices have its own features ,
advantages and drawbacks . A System Smart Safety Device
for Women using IoT was presented earlier[1]. This system
devices for women require human intervention for activating
the device such as pressing the button or shake the device etc.
Hardware comprises of a wearable “Smart gadget”[2] which
continuously communicates with Smart phone that has access
to the internet. The implementation of the smart gadget is
basically split into two sections the first part ensures to
Capture the image of the Culprit. It will get automatically
triggered when any suspected motion came in front of the
camera, the device will capture the image of the culprit and
send it as an attachment to the concerned E-mail Id along with
the location of the Victim.
Another security device proposed a system on
Development of Suraksha, a Women Safety Device[3]. The
crimes against the women reduced with the help of a device
called Suraksha. This paper presented the basic idea
underlying Suraksha which is to send a warning giving an
instant location of the distressed victim to the police so that
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by :
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 07, July-2021
the incident could be prevented and the culprit arrested This
device is not sufficient to protect girl against crime.
In another study, ProTech Implementation of an IOT
women security device[4] is presented. Due to increase of
crimes rate against women, safety of women is a major
concern in this era. For self-defence the device produces
shock to the attacker through a nerve stimulator and rings a
buzzer on pressing a button which will help person to protect
herself. It also allows to record evidence via a video camera
which gets activated through the button and stores the footage
in the Raspberry Pi. The prototype model consists of a GSM
and GPS module which is activated by voice command
through an Android Application. When the user will say the
“emergency” in his mobile application the device will send
SMS alert, containing the location of the user as well as auto
dial the pre-set emergency contact number.
A study proposed by B. Sathyasri , it will intimate the
parents and police about the current location of the women.[5]
A GPS system is employed to trace the present position of the
victim and a GSM is employed to send the message to the
pre-defined numbers. This work had proposed about the
violence against women (VAW) and also different health
issues of women. We have designed and presented a skeleton
of a user friendly mobile application named Women
Empowerment which can contain totally laws associated.
One more women security system is presented Amrita
Personal Safety System (APSS), a new technology to protect
women from potential rapists and sexual offenders. APSS is
an invisible , wearable and easy-to operate electronic device
which will help women to communicate with family and
police at the first sign of trouble. The device will remain
invisible to the criminals, so can be easily triggered by the
user with multiple options which will ensure steady and
secure communication.
“VithU” is an emergency App , by pressing the power button
of our Smart phone 2 times consecutively ,it will start sending
alert messages every 2 minutes our contacts which is feed
into the app as the designated receivers or guardian.
Jivi2010 is a feature of Jivi mobile ,consists of fully
dedicated SOS button designed for women. In case of
unfortunate times, person needs to long press the SOS button
and immediately the phone starts calling 5 pre-stored
numbers one after the other. In case any of the numbers is
busy or does not take the call, a SMS is sent to that number.
WSS model consists of following hardware and software
• Arduino is an open source for integrating electronics
with easy to use hardware and software(IDE).
• ESP8266 is a UART to Wi-Fi module which provides an
easy way to connect any small Microcontroller platform
like Arduino.
• GPS (Global Positioning System) technology is used to
monitor the current location of any object or vehicle
continuously using satellite signals
• The SIM900A is a common GSM/GPRS module found
in various cell phones and PDAs.
LCD modules are widely utilized in embedded projects
due to their low cost, wide availability, and programmer
friendliness. We use LCD display in our daily lives,
whether at PCOs or calculators
The LM35 series sensors are precision integrated circuit,
whose output voltage is directly proportional to the
Celsius temperature
A buzzer is a little yet effective component that may be
used to bring sound to our project or system
Heartbeat sensor is used to measure the heartbeat of
victims Heartbeat of any person will change when he/she
is in trouble.
Embedded C is a very useful software extension
working on C programming language for different
embedded systems
ESP 32 Cam
Fig 1. Details Block Diagram of Implementation
In the existing systems , it is mentioned many Android
applications having similar feature on this application. Draw
backs of all those devices are, victim’s location is sent only
once to the registered contacts may be in form of SMS,
EMAIL etc.
Fig.2 Flowchart of implementation
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by :
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 07, July-2021
But in practical situations, the victim may not be at same
place , she may be move away from previous place. The
unique feature of this model is, location is sent continuously
for every two minutes till “STOP” button in the application
is pressed .We can set the time also. So, even if the woman
can move freely around in the city, because of this feature of
continuous location tracking.
On clicking power button of device, app sends live
location of the user to the nearest police station and to the
family members whose number is saved in system. In case the
user clicks the button while in a public transport, the system
is able to recognizes the vehicle and marks it red on the map
which is being monitored by the police.
Our Proposed Model is wearable device After switch on
power supply to device, sensors will start taking readings.
This measured reading is sent
to Microcontroller
continuously. Microcontroller will keep on comparing this
readings with the threshold values set to it. This threshold
values are different for different person After comparing this
threshold values, Microcontroller will generate “Help”
message .Here our model generate buzz sound ,using buzzer.
GPS is used to track location continuously. We can monitor
changes in sensors values continuously as well as position of
device can also be tracked and monitored. At the receiver side
,we used laptop, mobile phone, raspberry pi etc. can be used
to see sensor values and position. The device at receiver
should be connected to internet in order to receive data from
In this project we used ATMEGA328 micro controller unit,
GSM, GPS, vibration sensor and voice memory chip APR
9600 program is c embedded and apps for IoT. Programmed
in ATMEGA328 for reading location from satellite, when the
vibration sensor sense it will send SMS to guardian. This
system is design in such a way that through the hand back
(system) it will send location to our guardian and voice
message will produce. We use detector to detect the vibration
of the hand.
By using this we can protect a women, this device
which is the integration of multiple devices, hardware
comprises of a wearable “The women security system” is
used to intimate the parents/concerned person as well as
police about the current location of the women who is in
emergency and crisis The main device includes GPS & GSM
module. The GPS system is used to track the current location,
while GSM system will send the message to the saved
numbers in the system. When we switched on the device , it
tracks location by GPS and send message to the person who
can help her.
This model can record audio for further investigation
and can give an alert call and message to the Pre -set contacts
with the instant location every 2 minutes and can be tracked
live using our application. Hidden camera detector is also a
distinct feature using which we can ensure our privacy.
displayed on the receiver and send to concern persons through
GSM system is shown in Fig. 3. In this system the main
device is kept separate from emergency switch button. The
emergency switch button is held to one of the buttons of
Fig3. LCD Display of current location of attacker
Fig.4 Image of Alert send to parents when temperature exceeds Threshold
The women security system is used to intimate the
parents/concerned person as well as police about the current
location of the women who is in emergency and crisis.
Current location of the victims tracked by GPS system and
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by :
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 07, July-2021
This model will help to protect women from attacker as
well as help police to arrest them. It will help to track current
location and send information to person who can come rescue
her .This model tries to overcome all flaws which was in
earlier Security system.
Fig.5 Hardware circuit Implementation
Hardware implementation of WSS is shown in Fig.5 .
The main model includes GPS & GSM module. The GPS
system will trace the current location, while GSM system will
send the message to the numbers saved in the system. When
system switched on, it tracks location by Global Positioning
System (GPS) & send messages to the person who can help
her information received in form of message is shown in Fig.6
through GSM .Using this device we can protect her when any
person is in threat.
WSS have the following features
• It is an all-in-one system. There is no need to carry
multiple device. GPS tracking feature tracks the user
current location.
• It can records audio which will help for further
• Internet connectivity is not required for this device
• Device ir small and easy to carry .
• Uses of sofistaced componets,device has high accracy.
• We can store new mobile number
• Monitor all hazard and threats.
Authors are thankful to the Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of
Technology,Bengaluru-560064 for giving opportunities to do
this Project .
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Fig.6 Message sent to authorize person through GSM module
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)