Golhar et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2019;3:9
DOI: 10.20517/2574-1225.2018.58
Mini-invasive Surgery
Open Access
Laparoscopic resection of liver tumors
Ankush Golhar, Vinayak Nikam, Prashantha Rao, Ravi Mohanka
Department of Hepato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplant, Global Hospital, Mumbai 400012, India.
Correspondence to: Dr. Ravi Mohanka, Chief Surgeon and Head of Department, Department of Hepato-Biliary Surgery and
Liver Transplantation, Global Hospital, Mumbai 400012, India. E-mail: ravimohanka@gmail.com
How to cite this article: Golhar A, Nikam V, Rao P, Mohanka R. Laparoscopic resection of liver tumors. Mini-invasive Surg
2019;3:9. http://dx.doi.org/10.20517/2574-1225.2018.58
Received: 21 Aug 2018 First Decision: 23 Oct 2019
Revised: 23 Feb 2019
Accepted: 4 Mar 2019
Published: 17 Apr 2019
Science Editor: Fernando Andrés Alvarez Copy Editor: Cai-Hong Wang Production Editor: Huan-Liang Wu
Laparoscopic liver resection is technically challenging compared to open liver surgery and has a steep learning curve.
Tumors located in the posterior sector, centrally, in proximity of major vascular pedicles or in a background of liver
cirrhosis are surgically more complex with a higher risk of blood loss. There is emerging consensus about indications
for laparoscopic liver resection. While laparoscopic approach is considered standard for left lateral sectionectomy and
minor laparoscopic liver resections in antero-lateral segments, with increasing experience, major resections, parenchyma
sparing resections and even donor hepatectomies are being performed laparoscopically with good outcomes.
Laparoscopic liver surgery is feasible and safe for well selected patients by well-trained surgeons with short-term
advantages and non-inferior long-term oncologic outcomes.
Keywords: Laparoscopic liver surgery, liver tumors, hepatocellular cancer
Laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) is performed for benign as well as malignant liver tumors. Its adoption
has been relatively slow, although the benefits of LLR compared to open liver resection (OLR) are similar
to other laparoscopic surgeries, such as lesser peri-operative blood loss, shorter hospital stay and fewer
post-operative complications[1]. The first international consensus conference to define its role was held at
Louisville (USA) in 2008 where it was suggested that LLR was best suited for solitary lesions smaller than 5 cm in
diameter, located in the anterior segments of liver, away from the hepatic hilum or the vena cava so that
an adequate resection margins could be obtained[1]. The conference also recommended creation of an
international registry for ongoing assessment of outcomes with its increasing adoption by surgeons[1]. More
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Golhar et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2019;3:9 I http://dx.doi.org/10.20517/2574-1225.2018.58
Table 1. Salient features of recommendations by the First European Guidelines Meeting on Laparoscopic Liver Surgery
Indications for LLR
LLR is a valid alternative to OLR in experienced hands for CRLM. As compared to OLR, LLR has better short term
outcomes and equivalent oncological and long term survival outcomes for CRLM
When feasible parenchyma sparing approach should be adopted during LLR, but it should not lead to alteration in the
present indications for liver resection in CRLM
Combined liver and colon resection should be adopted in highly selected cases only for CRLM. Timing of colon and
liver resection in synchronous disease is similar to OLR
2. Benign tumors and
non-colorectal liver
Benign tumors and tumors with malignant potential are suitable for LLR with satisfactory short term post-operative
outcomes. LLR should not alter the indications for liver resection in such tumors
3. HCC
In selected patients LLR offers better short term post-operative outcomes such as decreased morbidity and hospital
stay without compromising oncological outcomes
LLR is an acceptable approach for metastases from neuroendocrine and non-colorectal liver metastases
Indications LLR are similar to those for OLR in case of HCC. Laparoscopic resection for tumors located in posterosuperior (Segment 1, 4a, 7, 8) segments should be done only at experienced centers
In experienced hands major LLR is appropriate option to OLR in highly selected patients
Outcomes of left and right laparoscopic hepatectomy should be reported separately as they vary significantly.
Laparoscopic right hepatectomy should be further developed in major liver centers
4. LDH
In patients with HCC, as for other indications, selective use of intermittent Pringle’s maneuver may help decrease the
blood loss without detrimental effect on liver function
In patients with cirrhosis, LLR may be associated with less risk of post-operative ascites and liver decompensation.
Minor LLR for single and peripheral HCC in selected Child B patients warrants cautious approach and further
evaluation is needed
LDH requires expertise in both liver transplantation and laparoscopic liver surgery
Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy for pediatric liver transplantation offers reduction in blood loss, morbidity and
hospital stay and should be considered equivalent to OLR
Adult liver transplantation: LDH is not yet standardized in terms of donor selection and surgical technique. Its safety
and postoperative outcomes needs to be evaluated in experienced center further
CRLM: colorectal liver metastases; LLR: laparoscopic liver resection; OLR: open liver resection; LDH: laparoscopic donor hepatectomy;
HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma
recently, the second international consensus conference held at Morioka (Japan) in 2014, recommended
that minor LLR to be considered as a standard practice and major LLR as an innovative procedure, under
exploration[2]. The first European Guidelines Meeting on Laparoscopic Liver Surgery at Southampton in
February 2017 summarized available evidence for LLR for different liver tumors, types of resections and
clinical situations. Few salient points relevant to this article have been summarized in Table 1[3].
Detailed understandings of the hilar and segmental anatomy of the liver and adequate experience with
OLR are pre-requisites for performing LLR[3]. The laparoscopic view is caudo-cranial for hilar dissection
as well as the parenchymal transection compared to the antero-posterior view in OLR[4]. Liver being a
heavy and deep seated organ, especially its right lobe, may be difficult to maneuver. Liver tumors most
often develop in a background of liver cirrhosis with stiff parenchymal tissue and collaterals due to portal
hypertension, which makes the operation more difficult and increases the risk of bleeding[4]. Tumors
located in postero-superior or central segments, large tumors and intra-abdominal adhesions secondary
to previous hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) surgeries can further make LLR more difficult[4]. The learning
curve for LLR is steep requiring about 45 to 60 cases before improvements in operative time, blood loss
and post-operative complications are apparent[5,6].
LLR may be performed purely laparoscopic, hand-assisted, using the hybrid technique or by robotic
assisted approaches[4,5,7,8]. Port placement varies by tumor location, type of resection planned, patient
positioning and surgeon’s preference[7]. Generally an umbilical port is used for the camera and directed
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towards the tumor and about 4 to 5 working ports for graspers, suction, ultrasonic or sealing energy
devices, cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator (CUSA) and others are placed on either side of the camera
port at a reasonable distance[7]. In hand-assisted technique, in addition to the regular ports a hand-port is
used to help mobilize the liver and retract both cut surfaces during the transection[7]. The hybrid technique
involves mobilization laparoscopically followed by parenchymal transection and specimen extraction
through a small open incision and may combine the benefits of both techniques[8]. Robot assisted LLR
offers the advantage of a 3 dimensional vision and dexterity of robotic arms whereas parenchymal
transection is performed laparoscopically with access to better retractors and CUSA. Robot assisted LLR
may be more suited for postero-superior segment tumors[4].
LLR involves the following steps, not necessarily in the same order:
• Hilar dissection followed by inflow control is obtained fairly early during the LLR. Inflow control
may be obtained by intra-fascial or Glissonian approach depending on tumor factors and surgeon’s
preferences, as both are safe[3,6,9]. Biliary anatomy can be deciphered using fluorescence, conventional
contrast or combined cholangiography[10]. Either intrabiliary injection of 0.025-0.5 mg/mL indocyanine
green (ICG) or intravenous injection of 2.5 mg ICG fifteen minutes before fluoroscopy can be used to
identify biliary anatomy and plan division of the bile ducts[10].
• Approach for laparoscopic right hepatectomy may be by anterior approach or conventional approach
after mobilisation of liver[3,11,12].
• The transection plane is identified for left or right hepatic resection by unilateral clamping vascular
inflow of same side at the hilum or by fluorescence imaging with ICG[10]. After clamping the portal
pedicle supplying segment to be removed, boundaries of hepatic segments can be visualized following
injection of 0.25-2.5 mg/mL ICG into the portal veins or by intravenous injection of 2.5 mg ICG[10]. For
segmental or non-anatomical resection, the transection plane may be identified using the Glissonian
approach or intra-operative Doppler Ultrasonography[3,13].
• Cholecystectomy: some surgeons although disconnect the cystic artery and duct, retain the gall bladder
for retraction until later in the case.
• Pringle’s maneuver, the practice is variable with few centers not using it at all and others using it in all
cases[3,11]. Parenchymal transection is the most challenging part of the surgery with large variations
in technique, instruments, equipment used between different surgeons also depending on the tumor
size, location and nature of background liver[3,14]. Various transection techniques have been described
including the use of the modern dissectors/ aspirators [laparoscopic CUSA, WaterJet (Helix Hydro-Jet
Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, Tuebingen, Germany), etc.], sealing devices [Harmonic scalpel (Ethicon
Endo Surgery INC - Johnson & Johnson Medical SPA, Somerville, NJ), Ligasure (Valleylab Inc.,
Boulder, Colorado, USA), bipolar sealing devices, etc.], and vascular staplers[3,14]. Superficial transection
can be performed with any energy device, but deeper transection should be performed with an
appropriate device to identify deep vascular structures[3]. While large vessels should be secured with
vascular staplers or Hem-o-lok clips (Weck Closure Systems, Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC,
USA Manufacturer), smaller vessels can be divided using metal or Hem-o-lok clips or sealed with an
energy device[3,14]. Staplers for parenchymal transection should be used with caution because it lacks
precision and identification of the underlying structures[3]. Argon Plasma Coagulator (APC) should be
used for haemostasis with extreme caution due to the potential risk of gas embolism[3]. More recently,
a novel technique has been described, called “superficial pre-coagulation, sealing and transection
method”, which utilizes a soft coagulation system to create a 5 mm zone of pre-coagulation causing
shrinkage and blockage of micro-vessels and bile ducts smaller than 1 mm without causing sparks
and tissue desiccation[15]. This is followed by liver parenchymal dissection using CUSA in a bloodless
plane created by pre-coagulation[15]. Use of the laparoscopic hanging maneuver is also reported by few
surgeons[3,16]. Intra-operative Doppler Ultrasonography (IOUS) is used for confirming adequate tumor
margin from the cut surface[11].
• The specimen may be extracted using an appropriate retrieval bag generally through a midline or
pfannenstiel incision.
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For centrally located or deep tumors, visual guidance and tactile feedback are limited, and IOUS may
be essential for tumor localization, assessment for satellite nodules, planning the resection plane and
determining spatial relationship of the tumor with major blood vessels[13]. Sub-capsular tumors can be
identified by intra-operative fluorescence imaging following preoperative intravenous injection of ICG
(0.5 mg per kg body weight) usually given within two weeks of surgery[10]. “Diamond technique” has been
described for centrally located parenchymal sparing liver resection[17].
Anatomic liver resection for tumors located in postero-superior (segment 7, segment 8) segments and
segment 4a are technically difficult because of difficulty of access and are associated with more blood loss,
risk of conversion to open surgery or change to hemi-hepatectomy[18-21]. Strategies such as use of a spacer,
left lateral position, intercostal ports, hand-assisted, robot-assisted or other approaches have demonstrated
reduced blood loss and need for conversion in such tumors[18-21].
Only few cases of isolated laparoscopic caudate lobe resection are reported as it is technically challenging[22,23].
Laparoscopy provides good vision of the caudate lobe between the hilar plate and the vena cava from
the right side. Division of the gastro-hepatic ligament facilitates visualization and resection from the left
side[22,23]. LLR is safe and non-inferior to OLR in the cirrhotic liver too, with lesser blood loss and shorter
hospital stay reported in few studies[24].
The degree of difficulty of LLR depends upon multiple factors[25]. A retrospective analysis has found a
good agreement between the difficulty level assessed by the surgeon and a difficulty index based on tumor
location, extent of liver resection, tumor size, proximity to major vessels, and liver function[25]. Although
such scoring systems need further refinement and prospective validation, they can be helpful in assessment
of trainee surgeon’s skills, guide their training, better estimate risks of the procedure[25]. Appropriate
patient selection, practicing and honing LLR skills is paramount for success[25]. Most laparoscopic liver
surgeons would accept tumor size of < 5 cm, fewer than three lesions without macroscopic vascular
invasion or the need for biliary reconstruction as criteria for LLR[2,26].
Short term outcomes
Comparison of LLR and OLR
LLR has been found to be significantly better compared to OLR for minor hepatectomies for short-term
outcomes such as the operation time, blood loss, and post-operative hospital stay[27]. Although there are
numerous case-reports and retrospective series of LLR, few well-designed randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) and meta-analyses are currently available[27-35]. Meta-analyses show that LLR has clinical benefits
over OLR with significant reduction in blood loss, blood transfusion, complications and hospital stay with
comparable operative time and resection margin positivity. However potential biases due to low statistical
power of many studies included in the meta-analyses cannot be undermined[28-35]. The results of these
studies are summarized in Table 2.
Long term outcomes
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Current evidence suggests that local tumor recurrence, disease free survival and overall survival are similar
between laparoscopic and open resections[39-42]. The results of these studies are summarized in Table 3. Although
meta-analyses indicate that LLR for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is comparable to OLR in oncological
and survival outcomes, they lacked RCTs[36-39].
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Table 2. Previous studies comparing laparoscopic and open liver resection
Blood loss
Simillis et al .[28]
8 studies
No significant
No significant
No significant
No significant
Zhou et al .[29]
21 studies
No significant
No significant
Rao et al .[30]
Systematic review
10 studies
No significant
No significant
Fancellu et al .[31]
9 studies
No significant
No significant
Li et al .[32]
10 studies
No significant
No significant
Xiong et al .[33]
16 studies
No significant
No significant
Yin et al .[34]
15 studies
No significant
No significant
Fretland et al .[35]
No significant
No significant
No significant
No significant
LLR: laparoscopic liver resection; OLR: open liver resection; RCT: randomized controlled trials
Colorectal liver metastases
Recently published meta-analysis on LLR for colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) concluded that LLR
is a beneficial alternative to OLR in selected patients and does not compromise oncological outcomes
including surgical margins, tumor recurrence, disease-free survival or 5-year overall survival, with even a
possibility of better 3-year overall survival[40]. Even though this meta-analysis used propensity matching for
compensating for selection bias, differences in proportions of major and minor resections and studies with
low statistical power might be a potential source of bias[40]. In a recently completed randomized control
trial (OSLO-COMET trial) of 280 patients with CRLM, randomized either to laparoscopic (n = 133) or open
(n = 147) liver resection; blood loss, operative time and resection margins were similar in both groups[38]
while the post-operative hospital stay was shorter with laparoscopic surgery (53 h vs. 96 h), complications
were significantly less (19% vs. 31%), costs were similar at four months while patients in the laparoscopic
group gained 0.011 quality adjusted life years[35].
The scope for LLR is increasing with improvements in LLR skills, availability of surgical gadgets and
use of the robotic platform[41]. Robotic assistance is promising to aid difficult LLRs such as posterosuperior resections, non-anatomical resections along angulated or curvilinear resection planes, those
requiring complex vascular and biliary reconstructions, but these need further refinement in skills and
prospective validation[41]. Even single incision laparoscopic liver resection has been reported in very
suitable tumors[42-44]. Few surgeons have reported the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic re-resections
for malignant liver tumors, with a satisfactory conversion rate of 15%, although with significantly greater
blood loss and operative time compared to primary LLR[45,46]. Laparoscopic re-resection of liver tumors
may be feasible even after previous OLR, up to two prior LLRs, after previous major hepatectomy, even in
cirrhotic livers and postero-superiorly located tumors[47]. Recent advances in LLR also include laparoscopic
living donor hepatectomy and laparoscopic associating liver partition and portal vein ligation amongst
LLR is becoming widely accepted for the treatment of both benign and malignant liver tumors especially
HCC and CRLM. Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy and minor laparoscopic liver resection are now
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Table 3. Studies comparing long-term outcomes of laparoscopic and open liver resection for HCC
1-year survival
1-year DFS
3-year DFS
5-year DFS
Overall and
Parks et al .[36]
L - 92%
O - 91.3%
L - 77.7%
O - 76.5%
L - 61.9%
O - 56.5%
Kim et al .[37]
Case matched
with PSM
L - 100%
O - 96.5%
L - 100%
O - 92.2%
L - 92.2%
O - 87.7%
L - 81.7%
O - 78.6%
L - 61.7%
O - 60.9%
L - 54%
O - 40.1%
Han et al .[38]
Case matched
with PSM
L - 91.6%
O - 93.1%
L - 87.5%
O - 87.8%
L - 76.4%
O - 73.2%
L - 69.7%
O - 74.7%
L - 52%
O - 49.5%
L - 44.2%
O - 41.2%
Takahara et al .[39] Case matched
with PSM
L - 95.8%
O - 95.8%
L - 86.2%
O - 84%
L - 76.8%
O - 70.9%
L - 83.7%
O - 79.6%
L - 58.3%
O - 50.4%
L - 40.7%
O - 39.3%
HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; DFS: disease free survival; PSM: propensity score matching; L: laparoscopic liver resection; O: open liver
resection; NSD: no significant difference; NA: not available
considered standard approaches. Major laparoscopic hepatectomy has been shown to be feasible and
safe at few select experienced centers. Few meta-analyses have shown that LLR is better than OLR with
better short-term and cosmetic outcomes. Long-term oncologic and survival outcomes have been found
to be similar to open liver resection in case-matched studies. Although LLR has a steep learning curve,
indications for it are expanding fast with advances in laparoscopic techniques and skills.
LLR is a safe and effective approach to liver surgery for well selected patients in the hands of well trained
surgeons with experience in hepatobilliary and laparoscopic surgery. The current scientific support in its
favour is limited to case series, expert consensus recommendations, guidelines, meta-analyses with very
few matched controlled studies and a single randomised controlled trial.
The learning curve is still a problem.
Randomized trials and structured training will help benefit more patients with the advancement in this
Authors’ contributions
Wrote part of the article: Golhar A, Rao P
Wrote part of the article and reviewed: Nikam V
Conceptualized the article, researched and wrote the outline and part of the article: Mohanka R
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
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© The Author(s) 2019.
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