Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering Vol. 10, No 2, 2012, pp. 169 - 178
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1202169T
UDC 004.421:72=111
Bojan Tepavčević, Vesna Stojaković
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences,
Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Serbia
Abstract. In the past decade, digital technologies had a great impact on contemporary
architectural practice, design and theory. CAD/CAM technologies opened up new
opportunities by allowing design and production of complex geometric shapes. One of
the first applications of computational process in architecture was based on using
shape grammars, a rule-based expert systems in artificial intelligence generating
geometric shapes. Early applications of shape grammars in art and architecture
started shortly after its invention during the 70ies and 80ies of the XX century,
however, their potential as a generative design tool still has not been fully exploited in
practice. Despite their popularity in academic circles, shape grammars have not found
a widespread place/usage in computer aided architectural design.
Role of shape grammar as a generative design and analysis tool and their influence on
contemporary architectural design and theory are examined in this paper. Also, new
and ongoing issues concerning shape grammars are discussed in order to indicate
further directions of their usage.
Key words: shape grammar, rule-based systems, computational design, procedural
Most architects today use computers as an efficient representation tool for modelling
and drafting architectural forms. One of the first applications of digital technologies in
architectural practice was related to writing scripts, which is a set of instructions assembled
in order to solve complex design problems providing help with the decision-making process.
During the second half of the 20th century, a number of architects recognized
computation as a powerful tool for solving certain architectural problems. In the 60ies Allen
Received June 06, 2012
Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological
Bernholtz and Edward Bierstone utilised computational algorithms in order to decompose
complex design problems into simple sub-problems and then to recompose a solution [1]. At
the same time, computational algorithms were used in calculation of tensile structures for the
first time. One of the first attempts of using computational approach in art and architecture
started with work of George Stiny and James Gips. In their seminal article published in
1971, they founded Shape grammar, first design-oriented generative system [2]. Five years
later another Stiny's text “Two exercises in formal composition” became the foundation for
many applications of shape grammars in architecture [3]. Up until today there exists
practical concern for shape grammar in architecture, but it has not been fully implemented in
conventional CAD applications.
An overview of the roles of shape grammar applications in architectural design,
practice and ongoing issues are presented in this work. The objective of this paper is to
describe, analyze and evaluate different approaches as well as to reveal new directions in
usage of shape grammar in the future.
The term shape grammar may be described and considered on two levels - computational
and visual-spatial.
In computational theory, shape grammars are specific classes of rule-based expert
systems in artificial intelligence which generate geometric shapes. A shape grammar consists
of shape rules and a generation engine that selects and processes rules recursively, starting
from an initial shape. Rules are used to specify a way of replacing particular shapes and to
describe the manner of replacing. Underlying the rules are geometric transformations i.e.
translation, scale, rotation, reflection, that permit one shape to be a part of another [4]. A
distinctive feature of shape grammar is that a set of finite number of rules and shapes may
generate an indefinite number of design solutions. Moreover, it can be used as an analysis
tool, for decomposition of complex shapes and as a synthesis tool, generating complicated
forms starting from a simple shape [4].
Shape grammar can also be defined as a formalism to represent visual, or even spatial,
thinking. The phrase ‘shape grammars' more literally refers to visual design grammars. In that
sense, shape grammar represents the philosophy of looking at the world that is not through
learnt or imposed decompositions, but through those that have a practical meaning at that point
in time [5]. It is important to emphasize that spatial aspect of shape grammars was crucial for its
implementation in contemporary architectural theory and design framework. Application of
shape grammar in architectural theory and design had a history four decades long. In the
academic circles of architects, shape grammar was adopted long before conventional drafting
CAAD (Computer-aided architectural design) tools were developed.
Generative grammars is a notion originally coined to describe natural languages, but
found other multiple applications very soon. It was introduced in theoretical linguistics by
Noam Chomsky in the late 1950s, and it was very important in creating and development of
formal grammar and rule-based systems in computer science theory. Relying on logic of
Chomskyan generative grammar, shape grammar is also based on usage of formal language
semantics and formation rules. Differing from classical rewriting grammar, shape grammar
Shape Grammar in Contemporary Architectural Theory and Design
symbols are rewritten to represent geometric entities. In other words, rule-based system
relying on shape grammar became a framework for computational theory of design.
One of the key concepts in architectural theory in the second half of the 20th century
was the concern for architectural elements. Analogy between traditional grammar in
linguistics on one side, and language of geometric transformation and architectural elements
on the other, was very influential among certain circles of architects in the 1970s. Peter
Eisenman was among the first architects who explored application of generative grammar in
architecture inspired by Chomskyan linguistics theory. Generative grammar was a theoretical
framework for the series of his housing projects in 1960s.
Unlike Eisenman's approach, shape grammar has also been used in exploring new
aesthetics generated by computational algorithms. The “essence of the architectural type”
that relied on the new computational medium quickly became an interesting subject
matter in design education [6].
In the late 1980s, Harvard Graduate School of Design introduced the first programming
course obligatory for architects. TopDown software suitable for architects, was written
mainly at UCLA by Robin Liggett and William Mitchell and it partly dealt with shape
grammars logic. The course did not achieve expected success because students were
asked to engage in the actual coding process [6]. However, many shape grammar related
projects of that time, including the previously described example, imply great potential in
the field of architectural heritage, design and theory. In architecture shape grammar applications
have been used for the purposes of synthesis and analysis and as a combination of both
approaches. Evolution of shape grammar in the context of computational design and
contemporary architectural theory is given in Fig 1. This organization chart is designed to
summarize the development of the key ideas that lead from the foundations of the shape
grammar in architecture to the recent investigations. To estimate future tendencies of the shape
grammar applicability in architecture, understanding of this transformation process is crucial.
Fig. 1. Evolution tree of the shape grammar application in architecture.
Described analysis of the shape grammar development and sequential transformations
in the means of applicability improvement, provides evidence that many architects recognised great advantages of this approach. Use of a shape grammar as an analytical tool and
as a design tool in the area of architecture and urbanism is given in the following sections.
The most influential examples are evaluated in order to reveal expected directions of future development.
Until the last decade of the twentieth century, application of shape grammar was
developing as a tool for analysis. Through its first applications, shape grammars became an
established paradigm in the theory of computational design.
The first analytic study with shape grammars was given by Stiny in his 1977 paper, “Iceray: a note on the generation of Chinese lattice designs”, setting the layout for the shape
grammar application standards in further research [3]. In the next year, Stiny and Mitchell
published the work “The Palladian grammar” that initiated an ambitious and influential
research on how shape grammar can be used in a study of an architectural style [7]. They
proposed a method based on parametric shape grammar for generating ground plans of
Palladio's villas as a definition of the Palladian style. Specifying the shape grammar rules,
they recast parts of Palladio's system of proportion and “architectural language” in a modern,
“generative form”.
Rules defined in “Palladian Grammar” were based on examples of villa plans drawn in
the Quattro Libri dell'Architettura by Andrea Palladio in 1570. Mitchell and Stiny followed
Wittkower's opinion about ground plans as the most distinguishing feature of Palladio's villa,
and that is why other aspects of Palladio's architectural system, such as decorative elements
or villa facades, are not considered in their work [7, 8]. As Stiny and Mitchell noted, the
definition of Palladian style by use of the parametric shape grammar, initiated other issues
and questions of aesthetics and historical interest to be investigated. Grammar, for example,
can be used to distinguish stylistic features in neo-Palladian movements that are canonical in
Palladian sense from those that diverge from Palladio's standard architectural usage [7].
In the following years, analytic grammar has been extensively used in numerous works,
revealing general strategies and creating a knowledge base for understanding particular
architect's composition. During the 80's and 90's, shape grammar was used to analyse works
of Giuseppe Terragni, Frank Lloyd Wright, Glenn Murcutt and Christopher Wren [9-12] as
well as for the vernacular styles of Japanese tearooms, Taiwanese traditional houses and for
the landscape architecture of Mughul gardens [13-15]. Among these works, the Koning's and
Eisenberg's grammar written for the Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie houses are notable for
being the first three-dimensional architectural grammar, inspired partly by Stiny's earlier
work on kindergarten grammars and the alleged influence of Froebel on Wright's
architecture [3,10].
Compositional forms for Wright's prairie-style houses are derived from shape rule
schemata. Establishing the location for a fireplace was crucial, since it takes the central place
in Wright's prairie-style houses design [10]. Once a fireplace is established, living zone and
service zone can be added by schemata 3-7 (fig. 2). The basic compositions enumerated in
Figure 2 can be further refined through the design process.
Shape Grammar in Contemporary Architectural Theory and Design
Fig. 2. Koning's and Eisenberg's compositional forms for Wright's prairie-style houses.
Implementation of shape grammar as an analytical tool was even more broadened in
past decade. According to the presented development of the shape grammar that was used
for the analysis of architectural objects, we conclude that shape grammar as an analytical
tool has an important role in previous and future researches in the area of architecture.
Expansion of digital technologies and constant refinement of its practical use in the
studies of architecture provides a necessary base for a high potential new approach.
The main issue is not based on modelling geometrically and historically accurate
buildings, but based on qualitatively correct model that define complex dependencies
between architectural elements. In that sense, analytic grammar can serve as the platform
for studying architectural typology on more complex levels that cannot be carried out
without the appropriate computational background.
Developing new, original designs by using shape grammars emerged from analytic
approach and combining existing rules and grammar language. In 1981, Knight proposed
a method for creating new grammar language and design based on the existing one [3,16].
Starting from a known style, its spatial relations and underlying grammars, she
transformed rules in order to create a basis for the new grammar and style. As Knight
noted, it can be used to characterize the historical evolution of known styles into
succeeding ones as well as to develop new designs [3]. Therefore, this approach to shape
grammar is both analytical and synthetic.
In the early 90ies shape grammars were used for teaching architectural composition.
Students of architecture at MIT, Harvard, UCLA and Yale used the shape grammars to
learn about the architectural design language of certain buildings and apply various
modifications in order to generate their own new languages.
In the following years, shape grammar was more developed as a generative design tool
within research projects in the Design and Computation PhD program at MIT. Within
their PhD studies and further scientific research, Birgul Colakoglu, Jose Duarte and
Lawrence Sass gave a noticeable contribution to the utilisation of shape grammars as a
generative design tool.
Birgul Colakoglu explored the application of an informal shape grammar in order to
form new house designs that carry stylistic characteristics of an existing traditional
“Hayat” houses designed in the Ottoman style in 18th and 19th century in Sarajevo. New
house forms were intended to be used to generate “interpolations” of the existing type in a
given architectural context [17].
Jose Duarte developed shape grammar system based on Alvaro Siza Vieira's
Malagueira housing projects. Duarte's grammar based system was able to derivate houses
based on the work on housing projects for living that were still being designed and
constructed. Duarte's shape grammar was based on the corpus of the thirty-five houses
designed by Alvaro Siza at Malagueira, near Evora in Portugal, between 1977 and 1996.
The Malagueira grammar was developed with Siza's support and therefore it could be
perceived as a natural extension of Siza's work at Malagueira [18]. According to Crisman,
even Siza himself, could not accurately discern between houses that he designed and
those that were derived by computer programs [19]. The work of Jose Duarte was
significant because he proposed a successful model with the ability for generating diverse
non repetitive mass housing.
Another significant contribution of shape grammar application in architectural design
is given by Lawrence Sass. In his research projects in the past several years, Sass
introduces a novel method to generate house designs completely from 3/4” plywood sheet
using a shape grammar routine and CNC fabrication process [20]. Shape grammar routine
is used to subdivide initial solid shape into constructible components for digital
fabrication on CNC cutting machine. Sass' approach is addressed to the fast and
transportable housing production based on changing needs for a digital fabrication that
are low cost and custom designed [5]. According to Sass, his approach provided an
efficient solution for the improvement of low quality connections between panels of current
wood frame housing construction, that are usually caused by manually driven construction
tools [20]. He proposes a novel approach to design and construction that combines friction
fit assembly and CAD representation [21]. In contrast to conventional construction, this
method does not need special fasteners at connections between panels. It can be made by
one material type with integral attachments. Shape grammar is used to define assembly
methods and tool cuts for the elements that are held together by friction only.
Shape Grammar algorithms have been applied on several projects designed by Gehry
Partners. These applications are directed toward rationalization of the surface forms to
address specific constructability requirements [22]. In Gehry Partners office, surface
fabrication strategy driven by shape grammar logic was conducted for the first time on
Shape Grammar in Contemporary Architectural Theory and Design
Experience Music Project in Seattle. Shape grammar approach in Gehry's design projects
based on assumption that surface forms on any curvature can be constructed from flat
sheets, deformed within some limited range. In addition, it is presumed that the dimension
of surface sheets is determined from values of Gaussian curvature [22]. The design
surface was initially decomposed by subdivision surface algorithm derived from Mitchel
and Stiny Mughul garden grammar [15]. The basic grammar production rule subdivides a
square into four smaller squares. Depending on local surface curvature, basic rule may be
recursively re-applied in order to get smaller, flat square regions of various sizes. There
are limitations of the initial grammar based algorithm that produce more subdivisions than
necessary in a relatively predictable pattern of equal sized regions. This rule-based
algorithm is then improved and more efficient results are obtained in the following design
phases. Rather than simply splitting the region in the middle, grammar algorithm is
improved in searching for the optimal layout of subdivision surface (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Subdivision grammar results applied to Gehry's Experience Music Project in Seattle.
First commercial 3D modelling application with procedural modelling approach based
on a novel shape grammar language (CGA shape), CityEngine, was released by the Swiss
company Procedural Inc. in 2008 CityEngine was developed at ETH Zurich by Pascal
Müller during his PhD research at ETH Computer Vision Lab. CityEngine uses procedural
modelling approach, which means that it automatically generates models through a set of
rules that iteratively refine a design by creating more and more details. In the context of
buildings, by applying a CGA shape grammar, rough volume model of a building facade
is generated and finally details that retain flexibility to future changes are added. Model of
a building has a hierarchical structure and contains semantic information important for
reusing design rules for creating procedural variations [23].
CGA shape grammar for procedural modelling was developed in order to allow
creation of virtual cities using the two dimensional street networks [24]. Its further
application in procedural modelling allows buildings to be modelled with high visual
quality and level of detail [23] as well as automated image-based modelling from single
facade images of arbitrary resolutions [25].
Fig. 4. Various (hypothetical) views of the ancient Pompeii, based on real building
footprints modelled with CGA shape grammars.
Procedural modelling with CGA shape grammar has been already extensively used in urban planning, architecture, archaeology and digital cultural heritage. It was used for realworld 3D reconstruction of the centre of the Munich, Rotterdam, and Marseille as well as for
master plan design of sustainable city Masdar and Nanjing [26]. Also procedural modelling
with CGA grammars was used to visualize and reconstruct uncertainty of ancient cities and
devastated buildings. Procedural 3D reconstruction of Puuc-style buildings in Mexico is a
prime example of expressing uncertainty of devastated buildings. CityEngine has been used
for procedural reconstruction of Puuc-style building in Kuiuic, Mexico. In this 3D reconstruction shape grammar rules use “control parameters”, which are the set of shape attributes
to control the overall result of a grammar rule set and it can be read from the GIS database.
By “control parameters”, range of possible values for each building type is expressed. By
simple modification of “control parameters” of the grammar rule set, each building type can
be generated in about 5 to 10 minutes [27,28]. Another example that utilizes CGA shape
grammar tools in 3D procedural reconstruction cultural heritage is virtual reconstruction of
Ancient Pompeii. In collaboration with archaeologists who provided ground plans and
drawings/sketches of building types in ancient Pompeii, Haegler, Müller and van Gool created 190 design rules to model complete city including the streets and placement of trees
[28]. The resulting model has about 1.4 billion polygons at its highest level of detail (fig 4).
Despite the popularity of the researches of shape grammar in academic circles, application
in architectural practice remains limited. Decisive reason for its limited usage in architectural
practice is a lack of commercial 3D software application that contains shape grammar tools. A
key point that influences a future role of shape grammar in the domain of architecture is the
Shape Grammar in Contemporary Architectural Theory and Design
release of a first commercial version of software that utilizes shape grammar logic. This opens a
new perspective for its further usage in architecture and urban design.
Designing with grammars is deeply rooted in contemporary architectural theory and
design. Analogous to traditional grammar, language of architecture has its own
grammatical rules that govern the process of analysing, designing and creating buildings.
Any kind of architectural form can be interpreted as a formal grammar system with its
own set of formation rules, syntax and semantics of grammars. Among other rule-based
systems, shape grammars take an important place in contemporary architectural theory
and design. Shape grammars were successfully used as a computational design tool over
period of four decades. As it is shown in the paper, shape grammar found its usage in
many fields of architectural design, urban planning and cultural heritage.
Despite their applicability in many aspects of architectural design, shape grammar has
not yet exploited its full potential. Shape grammar system used in the XX century has not
been designed to operate automatically. Also, design with classical grammars demands
people with high computer programming skills.
Development of a software package with a high level of automation and visual editing
tools for designing a grammar, such as CityEngine, makes the shape grammar more applicable to common users among architectural professionals. Numerous interesting examples of
procedural modelling with CGA grammars confirm that shape grammar has a significant role
in the future as a computational tool in architectural design. Vast expansion of such design
approaches in such a short time period, initiates the conclusion that close future development
will drastically improve shape grammar usability in the area of architectural design. Hence,
the presented analyses and evaluation of previously described architectural projects are very
important for understanding the future value of the shape grammar logic.
1. I.M. Rocker, “When code matters”, in Architectural Design, vol.76, M. Silver Ed., Wiley, 2006, pp. 16-25.
2. G. Stiny and J. Gips, “Shape grammars and the generative specification of painting and sculpture”, in:
The best computer papers of 1971. Auerbach; 1972, pp. 125–35.
3. T. Knight, “Applications in architectural design, and education and practice”, Report for the NSF/MIT
Workshop on Shape Computation, 1999, pp. 1-11.
4. E. Fasoulaki, “Integrated Design: A Generative Multi-Performatiove Design Approach “, master thesis,
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5. M. Özkar, J. Stiny, “Introduction to Shape Grammars”, in SIGGRAPH Course 2009.
6. M. McCullogh, “20 Years of Scripted Space”, in Architectural Design, vol.76, M. Silver Ed., Wiley,
2006, pp. 12-15.
7. G. Stiny and W. J. Mitchell, “The Palladian grammar,” In Environment and Planning B 5 1978, pp. 5-18.
8. R. Wittkower, “Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism”, Alec Tiranti, London, 1952.
9. U. Flemming, “The secret of the Casa Guiliani Frigerio,” Environment and Planning B 8, 1981, pp. 87-96.
10. H. Koning and J. Eisenberg, “The language of the prairie: Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie houses”,
Environment and Planning B 8 1981, pp. 295-323.
11. N. L. R. Hanson and A. D. Radford, “On Modelling the Work of the Architect Glenn Murcutt,” in
Design Computing 1986, pp. 189-203.
12. H. Buelinckx, “Wren's language of City church designs: a formal generative classification”,
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 20 1993, pp. 645-676.
13. T. W. Knight, “The forty-one steps,” Environment and Planning B 8, 1981, pp. 97-114.
14. S-C Chiou and R. Krishnamurti, “The grammar of Taiwanese traditional vernacular dwellings”,
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 22, 1995, pp. 689-720.
15. G. Stiny and W. J. Mitchell, “The grammar of paradise on the generation of Mughul gardens”,
Environment and Planning B 7, 1980, pp. 209-226.
16. T. W. Knight, “Languages of designs: from known to new”, Environment and Planning B 8, 1981, pp.
17. B. Colakoglu, “An Informal Shape Grammars for Interpolation of Traditional Bosnian Hayat Houses in a
Contemporary Context”, Generative Art and Design Conference, Milan, Italy December 2002. pp.15.1-15.9
18. J.P. Duarte, “Towards the mass customization of housing: the grammar of Siza's houses at Malagueira”,
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 32(3), pp. 347-380.
19. J. Crisman, “Jose Duarte and Shape Grammars”, retrieved July 18, 2011, from http://jonathancrisman/blog/?p=293
20. L. Sass, “Wood frame Grammar: CAD scripting a wood frame house, CAAD Futures Conference,
Vienna, 2005, pp. 1-10.
21. L. Sass, “Synthesis of design production with integrated digital fabrication”, Automation in Construction
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22. D. Shelden, “Digital Surface Representation and the Constructibility of Gehry's Architecture, PhD
Disseration, MIT, 2002.
23. P. Müller, Peter Wonka, Simon Haegler, Andreas Ulmer, Luc van Gool, “Procedural Modeling of
Buildings”, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2006, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2006, pp. 1-10.
24. P. Müller and Y. Parish, “Procedural modelling of Cities, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Los
Angeles, CA, USA, 2006, pp. 301-308.
25. P. Müller, G. Zeng, P. Wonka, L. van Gool, Image-based Procedural Modeling of Facades, Proceedings
of ACM SIGGRAPH 2007, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2006, pp. 301-308.
26. Procedural Inc. Showcases, retrieved July 21, 2011 from http://www.procedural.com/showcases/showcase.html
27. P. Müller, T. Vereenooghe, P. Wonka, I. Paap, L. van Gool, “Procedural 3D Reconstruction of Puuc
Buildings in Xkipché”, The 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archeology and Cultura
Heritage VAST 2006, Eurographics Symposium Proceedings, Aire-la-Ville, 2006, pp. 139-146.
28. S. Haegler, P. Müller, L. van Gool, Procedural Modeling for Digital Cultural Heritage”, Journal on
Image and Video Processing Vol 2009, feb. 2009, pp. 1-11.
Bojan Tepavčević, Vesna Stojaković
U poslednjih deset godina, digitalne tehnologije imale su ogroman uticaj na process arhitektonskog
projektovanja, građenja i teoriju savremene arhitekture. CAD/CAM tehnologije pružile su nove
mogućnosti u projektovanju i izgradnji objekata kompleksnih geometrijskih formi. Najraniji primeri
primene računarskih algoritama u arhitekturi koristili su se gramatikom oblika, ekspertskom sistemu
veštačke inteligencije baziranom na pravilima koji generiše geometrijske oblike.
Prvi primeri primene gramatike oblika u umetnosti i arhitekturi nastali su odmah nakon njihovog
nastanka tokom 70-tih i 80-tih godina XX veka, ali njihov potencijal kao generativnog projektantskog alata,
ni do danas nije u potpunosti iskorišten u praksi. Uprkos svojoj popularnosti u naučno-akademskim
krugovima, gramatika oblika se nije postao uobičajena alatka u računarski podržanom arhitektonskom
U ovom radu je istražena uloga gramatike oblika kao generativnog i analitičkog alata i njenog
uticaja na savremenu arhitektonsku teoriju i praksu. Takođe, prikazane sui nove tendencije u primeni
gramatike oblika u cilju definisanje daljih pravaca njenog razvoja.
Ključne reči: gramatika oblika, sistemi bazirani na pravilima, dizajn računarskim algoritmima,
proceduralno modelovanje.