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Introduction to the recently published collection of essays
Judith Wolfe, Heidegger and Theology, Bloomsbury, 2014, 242pp., $29.95 (pbk), ISBN 9780567033765.
Rough draft of an essay to appear in J. RIvera & J. O. Leary, Handbook of Phenomenology and Theology, Routledge.
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1995
Organizing an edited volume such as this requires the cooperation and assistance of many individuals from family and friends to colleagues, contributors, editors, and external reviewers. An anthology is the most social form of publishing and we are each thankful to all those individuals-first and foremost our contributors-who have directly and indirectly made its publication possible. We would particularly like to express our gratitude to Iain Thomson for suggesting that we pursue this volume and our editors at Continuum/Bloomsbury, David Avital, Sarah Campbell, and Rachel Eisenhauer. We thank them for their patience and confidence. Our gratitude to Delbert Burkett, Seynaeve Professor of Biblical Studies and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Louisiana State University, for his advice and support. We also want to thank Alice Frye for her patient encouragement and assistance as well as Meli Badilla for her generous support and lively spirit.
Scholarship in Heideggerian philosophy can be broadly differentiated into three groups, which evolved in the European and Anglo-American discourses after WWII, namely, first a transcendental (idealist Kantian) approach; second, an Aristotelian approach; and third, a Christian approach to Heidegger's analytic of Dasein and his fundamental ontology. All of these basic positions are a result of Heidegger's philosophy on his way to Being and Time (1927) which he developed both in his broad ranging and fascinating lecture courses in Freiburg, where he taught as Husserl's assistant between 1917 and 1923, and in Marburg, where he taught between 1923 and 1927 (before he returned to Freiburg in 1928 as Husserl's successor).
Comparative and Continental Philosophy, 2019
A review of the 2012 translation of Beiträge zur Philosophie by Richard Rojcewicz and Daniela Vallega-Neu.
The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2019
This paper aims to rebuild the relationship between the Seinsfrage and Catholicism in Heidegger's meditation and to shed light on his critique to Christianity (in terms of Christentum) as a philosophical necessity rooted in his broader critique of modernity in the context of the Black Notebooks. In order to reach these purposes, this contribution will be articulated in two parts: in the first one, I will rebuild Heidegger's relationship to Catholicism and in the second one, I will focus on Black Notebooks as important tools in understanding Heidegger's critique to Catholicism, a critique that is built on three levels: historical, speculative and political. The essay will show how the Schwarze Hefte illuminate Heidegger's attempts to answer the question of Being in an incessant tension with the coeval seven major treatises on the Seinsgeschichte, in which Christianity, metaphysics and nihilism are inextricably tied together.
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Historisk tidsskrift, 2021
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La Revue de la BNU, 2017
Habitat International, 2018
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Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 2012
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Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental (RevBEA)