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Current dynamic epistemic logics often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added for groups of agents. We propose new versions that extend the underlying static epistemic languages in such a way that completeness proofs... more
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      Modal LogicEpistemic LogicCommon KnowledgeDynamic Epistemic Logic
Sign language is the basic means of communication among hearing-impaired people. Systems that could act as interpreters between vocal and hearing-impaired people would facilitate the life of deaf and integrate them in the society. Such... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceAIML
Data mining technique in the history of medical data found with enormous investigations found that the prediction of heart disease is very important in medical science. In medical history it is observed that the unstructured data as... more
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      Data MiningNetwork SecurityAIML
We investigate an alternative presentation of classical and pos- itive modal logic where the coalgebraic cover modality is taken as primitive. For each logic, we present a sound and complete Hilbert-styl e axiomatiza- tion. Moreover, we... more
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      Modal LogicAIMLSequent Calculus
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      Modal LogicAIML
In terms of validity in Kripke frames, a modal formula expresses a universal monadic second-order condition. Those modal formulae which are equivalent to first-order conditions are called elementary. Modal formulae which have a certain... more
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      Modal LogicAIML
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      Modal LogicVolumeFirst-Order LogicAIML
In this paper we prove that Japaridze's Polymodal Logic is PSPACE-decidable. To show this, we describe a decision proc edure for satisfiability on hereditarily ordered frames that can be applied to obtain upper complexity bounds for... more
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      Modal LogicComputational ComplexityAIMLBoolean Satisfiability
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      MathematicsModal LogicComputer ScienceAIML
The paper considers a class of modal logics uniformly axiomatized by a special infinite schema of formulas, generalizing a logic studied by G. E. Hughes [Stud. Log. 49, No. 2, 175–181 (1990; Zbl 0719.03010)]. Although the axioms generated... more
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      Modal LogicAIML
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      MathematicsModal LogicComputer ScienceAIML
This paper presents a Neural Network Classifier to be implemented in corner detection of chain code series. The classifier directly uses chain code which is derived using Freeman chain code as training, testing and validation set. The... more
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    • AIML
In the modern era of technology, chatbot is the next big thing in the domain of conversational services. A chatbot is a virtual person who can effectively talk to any human being using interactive textual as well as verbal skills. There... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAIMLChatbot
In this article we study interpolation properties for the minimal system of interpretability logic IL. We prove that arrow interpolation holds for IL and that turnstile interpolation and interpolation for the -modality easily follow from... more
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      Modal LogicMolecular EcologyFixed Point TheoryAIML
This paper is based on a project at the University of Barcelona to develop the skills to diagnose the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in students of psychology and psychiatry using a chatbot. The problem we address in this paper is to... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyHuman Computer InteractionDepressionEmbodied Cognition
Chatterbots use Artificial Intelligence techniques to increase the interaction between man and machine. This article describes the creation of a chatterbot called CyberPoty, which is available in an site Distance Education, answering... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)NLPAIMLChatbot
abstract. A logic LTD is defined, inspired by [37]. It is syntactically like basic modal,logic with an additional unary operator but it has an interval-based semantics on structures with arbitrary lin ear frames. � ,is interpreted as... more
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      MathematicsModal LogicComputer ScienceNegation
We observe that the known fact that dierence logic and hybrid logic with universal modality have the same expressive power on Kripke frames can be strengthened for a far wider class of general frames. This observation, together with a... more
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      Modal LogicHybrid LogicAIML
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      Modal LogicFirst-Order LogicAIML
We consider multi-modal logics interpreted over edge-labelled graphs with a modality # , where # ϕ means 'ϕ is accessible by an edge with some label'. In a logic with finitely many edge labels, # is definable, but if the set of labels is... more
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      Modal LogicAIML
In this paper we identify modal logics of some bimodal Kripke frames corresponding to geometrical structures. Each of these frames is a set of 'geometrical' objects with some natural accessibility relation plus the universal... more
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      Modal LogicAIMLTemporal Logic
We provide a detailed analysis of very weak fragments of modal logic. Our fragments lack connectives that introduce nondeterminism and they feature restrictions on the modal operators, which may lead to substantial reductions in... more
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      Modal LogicAIML
In this paper, an educational software used to enhance the skills of children in the area of math is presented. This software has a tutor who guides the child in different activities. The tutor exhibits personality traits and emotions in... more
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      Personality PsychologyMathematics EducationIntelligent Tutoring SystemsEmbodied Conversational Agents (ECAs)
This paper aim is to average the use of techniques of decision trees, in combination with the management model CRISP-ADM, to help in the prediction of heart diseases. It is widely based on decision trees, an important concept in the field... more
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      Data MiningNetwork SecuritySoftware ArchitectureAIML
Detailed and expressive e-learning specifications like IMS LD [1] are necessary to create efficient e-learning applications. E-learning specifications that meet these demands tend to be long and detailed such that authoring e-learning... more
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      ComputersAIMLConformance Testing
En este documento se presentan los diferentes tipos de agentes conversacionales como lo son: los Agentes Conversacionales Animados, Humanos Virtuales Creíbles, Asistentes Virtuales, así como sus características, áreas de aplicación, y... more
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      Conversational agents, 3D virtual worlds, human-computer interactionEmbodied Conversational Agents (ECAs)AIML
Abstract. This paper presents educational software based on a math tutor for elementary school children. This software teaches the basics operations of mathematics through a virtual tutor endowed with personality. The virtual tutor is a... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance EducationSerious Games