Recent papers in NLP
This study extracted and analyzed the linguistic speech patterns that characterize Japanese anime or game characters. Conventional morphological analyzers, such as MeCab, segment words with high performance, but they are unable to segment... more
Programarea neuro lingvistica presupune ca limbajul non-verbal că poate fi descifrat prin sistemul reprezentațional VAKOG. Conform teoriei sistemului VAKOG fiecare persoană are un mod dominant pentru reprezentarea internă a realității... more
Natural Language Processing is a programmed approach to analyze text that is based on both a set of theories and a set of technologies. This forum aims to bring together researchers who have designed and build software that will analyze,... more
This paper presents a new approach for knowledge extraction from patent document for the use of design engineers. It is based on the Inventive Design Method (IDM) which derives from TRIZ, the theory of inventive problem solving whose goal... more
How can we use NLP for quarrels, misunderstandings, and communication problems?
The report addresses the basic problems of the Arabic language formalization based on analysis of linguistic errors in software products. Reviewing the principles of modern information systems operation the authors come to the conclusion... more
Punjabi language is most widely spoken language of Pakistan (Abbas, Chohan, Ahmed, & Kaleem, 2016). Punjabi is under developed language because of which, upcoming generations are shifting to other technically and digitally developed... more
Most coreference resolution models determine if two mentions are coreferent using a single function over a set of constraints or features. This approach can lead to incorrect decisions as lower precision features often overwhelm the... more
Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra, leading academician has published his book on "NLP FOR TEACHERS", keeping Innovation in education as a periodic inception of Quality. The excellence framework of teaching as an expertise and with high demand for... more
In this paper, we introduce EVALution 1.0, a dataset designed for the training and the evaluation of Distributional Semantic Models (DSMs). This version consists of almost 7.5K tuples, instantiating several semantic relations between word... more
In this digital world, artificial intelligence has provided solutions to many problems, likewise to encounter problems related to digital images and operations related to the extensive set of images. We should learn how to analyze an... more
Published in Dacoromania Litteraria, no. 3, 2016: 10-44 The article examines the concept of contemporary community as commoning, at the intersection of action, performance or... more
The present paper describes a three stage technique to parse Hindi sentences. In the first stage we create a model with the features of head words of each chunk and their dependency relations. Here, the dependency relations are... more
The paper defines and shows how to use the Minimal Ratio – an exact metric that expresses the ratio between the measured value and the limits of the confidence interval calculated according to the formula Fischer’s exact test is based on.... more
Energy is a vital input for social and economic development. As a result of the generalization of agricultural, industrial and domestic activities the demand for energy has increased remarkably, especially in emergent countries. This has... more
Low-density languages are also known as lesser-known, poorly-described, less-resourced, minority or less-computerized language because they have fewer resources available. Collection and annotation of a voluminous corpus for the purpose... more
In this paper we present an approach for extracting multiple connections or links between subject and object from natural language input (English), which can have one or more than one subject, predicate and object.
Generally, computer system is handled by the English language only. But the person who is unaware of the English language and structure of query language cannot handle the system. This paper proposed a new approach for accessing the... more
Lemmario, Rimario e Concordanze della Divina Commedia e dei principali canzonieri del Duecento e del Trecento. Opzioni di ricerca: a) occorrenze di una forma data: classica ricerca per identità di stringhe b) occorrenze di un lemma (in... more
This paper describes an experimental, strengths-based program for the treatment of substance abusing offenders under criminal justice supervision in the United States Probation Department. The program is based upon new physiological... more
The paper deals with the concepts of fragmentation and reconstruction in the field of portraiture. Taking a portrait as a large fragment of information, we look into ways in which it can be optimised and reduced such that it remains valid... more
After the success of human genome project, proteome is a new emerging field of biochemistry as it provides the knowledge of enzymes (proteins) interactions with different body organs and medicines administrated into human body. Therefore,... more
(Available also .doc older version written in Arabic) "Since 1997, the MS Arabic spell checker was integrated by Coltec-Egypt in the MS-Office suite and till now many Arabic users find it worthless. In this study, we show why the... more
This paper presents methodologies involved in text normalization and diphone preparation for Bangla Text to Speech (TTS) synthesis. A Concatenation based TTS system comprises basically two modules- one is natural language processing and... more
Hate speech and fringe ideologies are social phenomena that thrives on-line. Members of the political and religious fringe are able, via the Internet, to propagate their ideas with less effort than in traditional media. In this article we... more
The information resulting from the use of the organization's products and services is a valuable resource for business analytics. Therefore, it is necessary to have systems to analyze customer reviews. This article is about categorizing... more
The article introduces discourse analysis as a fruitful approach to psychotherapy change-process research. Extracts are presented from a successfully resolved, client-specified, problematic theme that was selected from a successful... more
In chapter 10, Linday Finlay writes with Anna Madill , to describe and explain some different ways to analyse data. Four contrasting types of analysis are outlined with practical exemplars: narrative, thematic, discursive and creative.... more
I was pleased to be invited to provide this article because it gives me the opportunity to share with my NLP colleagues how useful transactional analysis can be when the two approaches are combined. I often think of it as the Enneagram... more
Building Rapport with NLP for dummies
In Your Hands: NLP in ELT by Jane Revell and Susan Norman is an attractive book which presents the core concepts and principles of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). For those who may not already know, NLP is an approach that is... more
Over the past three decades, the business world has embraced neurolinguistic programming's (NLP) persuasion techniques. NLP can also help fundraisers secure that major gift.
Arabic Morphological Analyzer (Including Stemming and Root Extraction) and Part-Of-Speech Tagger Qutuf (قُطُوْف): An Arabic Morphological analyzer and Part-Of-Speech tagger as an Expert System. Qutuf is aimed to be the Core of a... more
Język oparty na zmysłach jest potężnym narzędziem w porozumiewaniu się i wywieraniu wpływu na innych. Człowiek nieodmiennie używa języka odpowiadającego preferowanemu przez niego systemowi reprezentacji. Tę samą myśl ludzie wyrażają... more
Einleitung 1 Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des NLP 2 Eine erste persönliche Erfahrung mit NLP 3 Eine erste inhaltliche Begegnung 4 Erster Ausbildungsversuch... more
How can an evangelist convert a hardboiled sophisticate? Why does a POW sign a "confession" that he knows is false? How is a criminal pressured into admitting his guilt? Do the evangelist, the POW's captor, and the policeman use similar... more
Effect of neurolinguistic programming training on self-actualization as measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory. (Link) Experiences of young people who have undergone the Lightning Process to treat chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic... more
ED377009 - Ericksonian Approach to Experiential Education, Part 1: Developing the Stance of the Practitioner; Part 2: Tailoring Interventions; Part 3: Applying Specific Ericksonian Techniques. ... Ericksonian Approach to Experiential... more
Text can be analysed by splitting the text and extracting the keywords .These may be represented as summaries, tabular representation, graphical forms, and images. In order to provide a solution to large amount of information present in... more
NLP ve sair self help tekniklerinin doğası üzerine bir itiraz
NLP technique charts for easy use and reference for NLP Practitioners only
Sana'ani Dialect to Modern Standard Arabic: Rule-based Direct Machine Translation ICAI'11 Vol I - ISBN #: 1-60132-183-X ICAI'11 Vol II - ISBN #: 1-60132-184-8 ICAI'11 Set - ISBN #: 1-60132-185-6 Authors: Yahya Alamlahi,... more