Recent papers in AIML
In the modern era of technology, chatbot is the next big thing in the domain of conversational services. A chatbot is a virtual person who can effectively talk to any human being using interactive textual as well as verbal skills. There... more
In the lending industry, investors offer loans to lenders for the purpose of repaying interest. If the borrower pays the loan, then the lender will make a profit on the interest. However, if the borrower fails to repay the loan, the... more
En este documento se presentan los diferentes tipos de agentes conversacionales como lo son: los Agentes Conversacionales Animados, Humanos Virtuales Creíbles, Asistentes Virtuales, así como sus características, áreas de aplicación, y... more
"Este trabajo de investigación se origina a partir de un proyecto realizado en la institución relacionado con un agente conversacional corpóreo, ya que actualmente el uso de los Agentes Conversacionales Animados ha ido creciendo. Estos... more
We provide a strongly complete infinitary proof system for hybrid logic. This proof system can be extended with countably many sequents. Thus completeness proofs are provided for infinitary hybrid versions of non-compact logics like... more
"Este trabajo de investigación se origina a partir de un proyecto de la Universidad de Barcelona para desarrollar habilidades en el diagnóstico del Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada a estudiantes de psicología y psiquiatría utilizando un... more
Sign language is the basic means of communication among hearing-impaired people. Systems that could act as interpreters between vocal and hearing-impaired people would facilitate the life of deaf and integrate them in the society. Such... more
5 Глава. Алгоритмы языка программирования SLIMD Semantic Logical Intelligence magnetic domains и правила науки Лингвистика используемые для реализации технологии Загрузки Сознания программно Mind Uploading Whole Brain Emulation. Алгоритм... more
A chatbot is a machine conversation system which interacts with human users via natural conversational language. Software to machine-learn conversational patterns from a transcribed dialogue corpus has been used to generate a range of... more
The Global Hyperorgan is an intercontinental, creative space for acoustic musicking. Existing pipe organs around the world are networked for real-time, geographically-distant performance, with performers utilizing instruments and other... more
This paper aim is to average the use of techniques of decision trees, in combination with the management model CRISP-ADM, to help in the prediction of heart diseases. It is widely based on decision trees, an important concept in the field... more
In this paper we identify modal logics of some bimodal Kripke frames corresponding to geometrical structures. Each of these frames is a set of 'geometrical' objects with some natural accessibility relation plus the universal... more
Abstract. This paper presents educational software based on a math tutor for elementary school children. This software teaches the basics operations of mathematics through a virtual tutor endowed with personality. The virtual tutor is a... more
We provide a strongly complete infinitary proof system for hybrid logic. This proof system can be extended with countably many sequents. Thus completeness proofs are provided for infinitary hybrid versions of non-compact logics like... more
Reduction axioms for epistemic actions Barteld Kooi⁄ and Johan van Benthem Abstract: Current dynamic epistemic logics often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added for groups of agents. We propose new versions that... more
This paper is based on a project at the University of Barcelona to develop the skills to diagnose the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in students of psychology and psychiatry using a chatbot. The problem we address in this paper is to... more
This paper is based on a project at the University of Barcelona to develop the skills to diagnose the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in students of psychology and psychiatry using a chatbot. The problem we address in this paper is to... more
We provide a strongly complete infinitary proof system for hybrid logic. This proof system can be extended with countably many sequents. Thus completeness proofs are provided for infinitary hybrid versions of non-compact logics like... more
This paper makes the next essential step after the past twenty years. It solves one of three problems put by R. Goldblatt in [6] (see also [7]): to axiomatize the modal logic of the frame (R ; )
We develop a new version of the well-known filtration method in modal logic, allowing us to construct large countermodels and to solve some open problems on the finite model property for products of modal logics. This filtration is based... more
In terms of validity in Kripke frames, a modal formula expresses a universal monadic second-order condition. Those modal formulae which are equivalent to first-order conditions are called elementary. Modal formulae which have a certain... more
Data mining technique in the history of medical data found with enormous investigations found that the prediction of heart disease is very important in medical science. In medical history it is observed that the unstructured data as... more
We present a complete axiomatization of a logic denoted by MTML (Mereo-Topological Modal Logic) based on the following set of mereotopological relations: part-of, overlap, underlap, contact, dual contact and interior part-of. We prove... more
We investigate an alternative presentation of classical and pos- itive modal logic where the coalgebraic cover modality is taken as primitive. For each logic, we present a sound and complete Hilbert-styl e axiomatiza- tion. Moreover, we... more
Model combination in classification, density estimation and clustering and forecasting has become a promising research area where better results are obtained compared to using single models. Bayesian inference offers two approaches for... more
Current dynamic epistemic logics often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added for groups of agents. We propose new versions that extend the underlying static epistemic languages in such a way that completeness proofs... more
Labelled tableaux are extensions of semantic tableaux with annotations (labels, indices) whose main function is to enrich the modal object language with semantic elements. This paper consists of three parts. In the first part we consider... more
Distância vem despertando muito interesse de pesquisadores de diversas áreas. Por isso, também vem sendo muito abordada em congressos, workshops e seminários. Muito se discute sobre a união entre tecnologia e educação visando complementar... more
Intelligent Pedagogical Agents (IPAs) can be thought of as embodied intelligent agents that are designed for pedagogical purposes to support learning. They can be designed in particular for virtual worlds. Virtual worlds are becoming an... more
Reduction axioms for epistemic actions Barteld Kooi⁄ and Johan van Benthem Abstract: Current dynamic epistemic logics often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added for groups of agents. We propose new versions that... more
We observe that the known fact that dierence logic and hybrid logic with universal modality have the same expressive power on Kripke frames can be strengthened for a far wider class of general frames. This observation, together with a... more
In this paper we prove that Japaridze's Polymodal Logic is PSPACE-decidable. To show this, we describe a decision procedure for satisfiability on hereditarily ordered frames that can be applied to obtain upper complexity bounds for... more
This paper presents a Neural Network Classifier to be implemented in corner detection of chain code series. The classifier directly uses chain code which is derived using Freeman chain code as training, testing and validation set. The... more