Recent papers in AIML
Notions of context for natural language interpretation are factored in terms of three processes: translation, entailment and attunement. The processes are linked by accessibility relations of the kind studied in many-dimensional modal... more
Employees are the vital component of any business. The success or failure of the company will be determined by the performance of its personnel. Thus, in order to increase worker productivity, we realized how important it was to finance... more
In the recent times, major changes have taken place in the agriculture field. The emergence of new technologies has improved farming more than ever before. As a result, farmers have started to produce varieties of crops more efficiently.... more
This is calculus in the sense of a method of calculating; it has little to do with the infinitesimal calculus, which is the subject now called just calculus. What this book refers to as propositional logic can also be called propositional... more
The rapid evolution and widespread use of network-based technologies have ushered in a corresponding surge in cyber-attacks, necessitating more advanced security measures to safeguard against these threats. In response, this study... more
The core of the Indian economy and the factor that most affects the nation's socioeconomic progress is agriculture. India's agriculture industry is broad and diverse, with many different players involved. India boasts one of the world's... more
Agriculture produces food, which is a basic need for mankind and also plays a vital role in global economy. Agriculture is regarded as the primary source of employment in the majority of the nations. A number of factors, including... more
It is well-known that every quantified modal logic complete with respect to a firstorder definable class of Kripke frames is recursively enumerable. Numerous examples are also known of "natural" quantified modal logics complete with... more
It is well-known that every quantified modal logic complete with respect to a firstorder definable class of Kripke frames is recursively enumerable. Numerous examples are also known of “natural” quantified modal logics complete with... more
this paper is to nd out the minimal number of variables one needs to prove PSPACE-hardness of the decision problem for standard modal logics. Since this problem (even in the full in nite language) is in PSPACE, we thereby shall get... more
We investigate interpolation and Beth definability in default logics. To this end, we start by defining a general framework which is sufficiently abstract to encompass most of the usual definitions of a default logic. In this framework a... more
Hybrid languages are modal languages that have special symbols for naming individual states in models. Their history can be traced back to work of Arthur Prior in the fifties. The subject has recently regained interest, resulting in many... more
No way to say warm in French. There was only hot and tepid. If there's no word for it, how do you think about it? [.. . ] Imagine, in Spanish having to assign a gender to every object: dog, table, tree, can-opener. Imagine, in Hungarian,... more
Traditionally, Epistemic Logic represents epistemic scenarios using a single model. This, however, covers only complete descriptions that specify truth values of all assertions. Indeed, many-and perhaps most-epistemic descriptions are not... more
Justification Logic is an emerging field that studies provability, knowledge, and belief via explicit proofs or justifications that are part of the language. There exist many justification logics closely related to modal epistemic logics... more
In this article we present a modal logic that extends the basic modal logic ML with two dynamic operators: copy (cp), which replicates the current model, labelling each copy with a different propositional symbol and respecting... more
Improving on work by Schild, De Giacomo and Lenzerini, we establish a tight connection between description logics and hybrid logics, and use this to transfer results on complexity and expressive power from one to the other.
We provide a detailed analysis of very weak fragments of modal logic. Our fragments lack connectives that introduce nondeterminism and they feature restrictions on the modal operators, which may lead to substantial reductions in... more
Es usual que el aprendizaje de las nuevas tecnologias por parte de usuarios inexpertos presente desafios debido a factores humanos y ergonometricos; es por ello que actual mente existe una tendencia a facili tar la interaccion de los... more
Resumen En la actualidad, la popularizacion y expansion de las tecnoloǵias de la comunicacion y la informacion han alterado las formas tradicionales de comunicacion de las personas convirtiendo a las tecnoloǵias en canales casi obligados... more
Resumo. Com o crescimento do número e da heterogeneidade dos equipamentos presentes nas atuais redes de computadores, o gerenciamento eficaz destes recursos torna-se crítico. O que se verifica, porém, é que nem sempre profissionais... more
We propose extending Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL) by an operator i ⊑ Γ ϕ to express that i can distribute its powers to a set of sub-agents Γ in a way which satisfies ATL condition ϕ on the strategic ability of the coalitions... more
We propose an extension to epistemic ATL with perfect recall, past, and distributed knowledge by strategy contexts and demonstrate the strong completeness of a Hilbert-style proof system for its (.U.)-free subset.
In the contemporary fashion landscape, sunglasses have evolved beyond mere eye protection to become a symbol of style and individuality. This paper introduces a Sunglass Recommendation System that leverages facial recognition technology... more
A stable & beneficial industrial process system, enriched with customizable features and quality always required a flexible business model. Keeping the safety aspect in mind and considering the default behavior of the process in... more
• Environmental pollution due to flue gases and toxic waste generated by the industries can cause environmental hazards and causes severe health problems to humans and animals. Since the last few decade suspended particulate matters (SPM)... more
This work is a first approximation to the creation of faces for machines, resulting in amodule that can provide mainly to machines that interact with people, a face capable of simulating the movements of the mouth when speaking and... more
We prove that negative hyper-resolution is a sound and complete procedure for answering queries in disjunctive logic programs. In our formulation, answers of queries are defined using disjunctive substitutions, which are more flexible... more Resumen. Este artículo presenta la plataforma TutorGSI que facilita el uso de agentes conversacionales en entornos de eLearning como Moodle. La plataforma ha sido desarrollada dentro del proyecto eduWAI (eduWAI,... more
A Estação Hidrometeorológica da Fatec Jahu (Jaú-SP) coleta dados meteorológicos que são disponibilizados através de seu website e ficam acessíveis à população. Os dados meteorológicos são utilizados em áreas como a agricultura e... more
By exploiting the algebraic and order theoretic mechanisms behind Sahlqvist correspondence, the theory of unified correspondence provides powerful tools for correspondence and canonicity across different semantics and signatures, covering... more
The present paper establishes systematic connections among the first-order correspondents of Sahlqvist modal reduction principles in various relational semantic settings which include crisp and many-valued Kripke frames, and crisp and... more
We prove an algebraic canonicity theorem for normal LE-logics of arbitrary signature, in a generalized setting in which the non-lattice connectives are interpreted as operations mapping tuples of elements of the given lattice to closed or... more
We prove the canonicity of inductive inequalities in a constructive meta-theory, for classes of logics algebraically captured by varieties of normal and regular lattice expansions. This result encompasses Ghilardi-Meloni's and... more
The theory of canonical extensions typically considers extensions of maps A ! B to maps A ! B. In the present paper, the theory of canonical extensions of maps A ! B to maps A ! B is developed, and is applied to obtain a new canonicity... more
In this paper, we define a multi-type calculus for inquisitive logic, which is sound, complete and enjoys Belnap-style cut-elimination and subformula property. Inquisitive logic is the logic of inquisitive semantics, a semantic framework... more
Los agentes de conversación y los sistemas de diálogo (interfaces de control de voz, chatbots, asistentes personales) están ganando impulso como técnicas de interacción humano-computadora en la sociedad digital. Al platicar con Mitsuku... more
Los agentes de conversación y los sistemas de diálogo (interfaces de control de voz, chatbots, asistentes personales) están ganando impulso como técnicas de interacción humano-computadora en la sociedad digital. Al platicar con Mitsuku... more
Quantified CTL (QCTL) extends the temporal logic CTL with quantifications over atomic propositions. This extension is known to be very expressive: QCTL allows us to express complex properties over Kripke structures (it is as expressive as... more
Along with the development of information and communication technology systems in the era of free digitalization, people are asking for comfort and convenience by supporting their activities. One of them is easy to find artificial... more
Travel Domain runs massively based on customer reviews. The weightage that customer reviews carry is immense. One can always find positive and negative reviews about a particular hotel online. Reviews are ubiquitous in the form of text... more
Until the 1970s, proof theoretic investigations were mainly concerned with theories of inductive definitions, subsystems of analysis and finite type systems. With the pioneering work of Gerhard Jager in the late 1970 s and early 1980s,... more