Recent papers in Actuators
Camless internal combustion engines offer improvements over traditional engines in terms of torque performance, reduction of emissions, reduction of pumping losses and fuel economy. Theoretically, electromagnetic valve actuators offer the... more
We report on our empirical studies of a new controller for a two-link brachiating robot. Motivated by the pendulum-like motion of an ape's brachiation, we encode this task as the output of a "target dynamical system." Numerical... more
Background • Approaches to IP integration of WSNs so far: Pure TCP/IP solutions: sensor nodes implement the TCP/IP stack (or a compatible set of protocols such as 6LoWPAN in 802.15.4 networks); and Gateway solutions: System Architecture... more
This paper aims to develop and validate an ANSYS finite element model to predict both the cured shape and snap-through of unsymmetric bistable laminates actuated by piezoelectric macro fibre composites attached to the laminate. To fully... more
In recent years, a few articles describing the use of neural networks for nonlinear active control of sound and vibration were published in this journal. Using a control structure with two multilayer feedforward neural networks (one as a... more
This paper introduces biohybrid microsystems actuated by cardiomyocytes, such as microcantilever, microrobot, and micropump. The microfabicated biohybrid microcantilever can measure the contractile force of self-organized cardiomyocytes.... more
This paper studies the grasp stability of two classes of threephalanx underactuated fingers with transmission mechanisms based on either linkages or tendons and pulleys. The concept of underactuation in robotic fingers-with fewer... more
ence on Roborics and A U~O I W K 2. S h i l l e r S. 3ubowsky l a s e a r c h Assisunc Pro terror The mtioa of c u r r e n t i n d u s t r i a l n r n f p u l a t o r s is t y p i c a l l y c o n t r o l l e d so L ! C tasks are not done... more
This paper presents a control methodology that enables nonlinear model-based control of pulse width modulated (PWM) pneumatic servo actuators. An averaging approach is developed to describe the equivalent continuous-time dynamics of a PWM... more
Valve-controlled hydraulic actuation systems are favored in many applications due to their fast response, high power-to-weight ratio, and stability under variable working conditions. Efficiency, however, is the main disadvantage of these... more
Improving the functional stability of shape memory alloys (SMAs), which undergo a reversible martensitic transformation, is critical for their applications and remains a central research theme driving advances in shape memory technology.... more
Publtc reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching eKisting data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Internet of Things(IoT) in recent days playing a vital role in networking related applications. However, there are several protocols available for building IoT applications, but RPL and CoAP are important protocols.There is a customized... more
Due to pursuance along expand within measure accidents the death sum is increasing but it is a main subject than absolute can’t imaging. The rationale for street accidents are the driver’s potation consumption. The death dimension... more
The aim of this experimental study is the implementation of a practical and efficient closed-loop feedback control of the turbulent flow over a NACA-4412 airfoil equipped with leading-edge zero-net-mass-flux actuators. By using prior... more
In this paper, modern civil aircraft electrical actuators are modeled, analyzed and controlled using Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC). The aircraft actuators aremodeled in PSIM and the obtained results verify that FLC is superior compared to... more
Electrically conductive materials capable of bending and stretching are useful for a wide range of applications such as smart clothing, flexible displays, stretchable circuits, strain gauges, implants , high-deformation... more
Smart Materials are also known as advanced materials or intelligent materials or responsive materials. These materials can be defined as advanced materials that can respond smartly to environmental changes. The general feature of all... more
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are traditionally proprietary and well protected. Due to increasing use of commercial/open source technology and communication protocols, there are growing concerns about the... more
The present work concentrate on the study of the components of the excavator in order to identify the problems faced while performing the lifting and digging operations and to provide a design solution by using CAD-CAE systems.For light... more
A state-feedback controller was designed to simulate the Starling response of the heart in a mock circulatory system (MCS). The controller drives a voice coil actuator (VCA) to follow a reference volume, and thus generate the desired... more
This paper proposed an Engineering Implementation scheme on fault diagnosis for a real quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with actuators fault. A novel nonlinear observer is utilized to estimate the state of the system and to... more
This paper analyzes the performances of an embedded closed-loop control system with a compensated magnetostrictive actuator (e.g., a Terfenol-D based device) for micropositioning tasks. The control system and the compensation algorithm... more
A wearable robot with linear actuators is required to maintain over the desired payload over whole range of knee joint angle even when the user is walking, sitting down/standing up while holding up weights. However, in knee-flexion... more
Pump-controlled hydraulic circuits offer an energy-efficient solution for many applications. They combine the high power to weight ratio of hydraulic technology with the ease of control of electric technology. Pump-controlled circuits for... more
Bio-inspired hand-like gripper systems based on shape memory alloy (SMA) wire actuation have the potential to enable a number of useful applications in, e.g., the biomedical field or industrial assembly systems. The inherent high energy... more
Microelectromechanical (MEM) Accelerometers measure the accelerations or vibrations experienced by objects due to inertial forces or mechanical excitations. To improve their proof mass displacement, several alternatives have been used,... more
This paper describes a prototype and analytical studies of a spherical rolling robot, a new design of an omnidirectional robot system. The robot can arbitrarily begin to move in any direction to the target, and autonomously roll and reach... more
Robust and early detection of oscillatory failures in the electrical flight control system of an aircraft is a crucial issue. Oscillatory failures, if not detected and passivated in time, can lead to strong interactions with loads and... more
In Part I of this paper, we presented the fundamentals of the theory of IDA-PBC. In this part, we discuss the main new results and the practical applications of this control design approach as well as the current open problems and future... more
The hyper-automaton is introduced as a model of complex control algorithms. The model reflects basic aspects of control algorithms: presence of an external environment, cyclic and event-driven functioning, synchronism, hierarchical... more
ABSTRACT Application of a fuzzy logic controller to a class of hydraulically actuated industrial robots is investigated. A simple set of membership functions and rules are described which meets certain control requirements. An off-line... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
This paper presents a concrete way of linking the JADE multi-agent system with the equipment (eg PLC, DCS, SCADA, HMI) comprised into a distributed industrial control system based on agents, using OPC servers. The differences between... more
The application of conducting polymers for the direct conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy in electromechanical actuators is analyzed using theoretical and experimental results. Basic principles of operation, predicted... more
This paper addresses the problem of path generation and motion control for the autonomous maneuver of a farm vehicle with a trailed implement in headland. A reverse turn planner is firstly investigated, based on primitives connected... more
This paper defines and compares fault tolerances of a triple flight control architecture to a quadruple type, and investigates the impact of worst case failures on transient response of an aircraft. New insight in computing fault coverage... more
Continuous-facesheet and segmented Boston Micromachines Corporations' (BMC) Micro-Electrical Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Deformable Mirrors (DM) have been tested for their response to high-power visible-wavelength laser light. The... more
ABSTRACT Ultrasonically Assisted Machining (UAM) is an emerging technology that has proven to be very efficient in improving the surface finishing in material machining such as turning, milling, and drilling. Smart material actuators are... more
An experimental study is conducted to characterize the performance of a pulsed-plasma jet (called a "spark jet" by other researchers) for potential use in supersonic flow control applications. A pulsed-plasma jet is a high-speed synthetic... more
The paper deals with low-level fieldbus interconnections intended for use in simple digital measurement and control applications employing ASI (Actuator-Sensor-Interface), which specifies an industrial communication connection between the... more