Administrative Science
Recent papers in Administrative Science
and three ASQ anonymous referees for their valuable comments on earlier drafts, and Tim Bates, Josef Bruderl, Linda Leighton, and Alfred Nucci for sharing their knowledge of other data sources for entrepreneurship research. We also thank... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of age, sex, employment status, and CGPA on the choice of joining the Nigerian Police force as a career path among undergraduate students of Criminology and Security Studies bachelor... more
Bu bibliyografya araştırması, Yönetim Bilimi/Kamu Yönetimi alanının disipliner görünümünü sunmak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Türkiye’de daha önce yapılmış olan bibliyografya çalışmalarına bakıldığında Kamu Yönetimi alanında disipline... more
extraits : avertissement, sommaire, table des matières
2020-2027 Welcome to the Internet Graduate Research Institute, "Dynamic & Divine Education & Service of the Generations". The Internet Graduate Research Institute includes the Academic & Research Department of Economics, Department of... more
Kamu Yönetimi çalışma alanında faaliyet gösteren Türkiye adresli bilimsel dergilerin tam dökümü ve değerlendirilmesi işi, Kamu Yönetimi ile ilişkili dergilerin bilimsel dergiler dünyası içerisindeki konumunu, yalnızca “an itibariyle”... more
We develop a model to explain how images of one's work organization shape the strength of his or her identification with the organization. We focus on two key organizational images: one based on what a member believes is distinctive,... more
The apparent stability of social network structures may mask considerable change and adjustment in the ties that make up the structures. In this study, we theorize and test-using longitudinal data on friendship relations from a radiology... more
Profesor dr. sc. Stjepan Ivanišević rođen je u Trpnju na poluotoku Pelješcu 12. kolovoza 1939. godine, a umro u Zagrebu 29. svibnja 2021. godine.
How did the French Revolution change ordinary lives? "Bureaucrats and Bourgeois Society" asks this question in relation to office clerks working in Parisian administrations. Under new masters, these clerks faced radical changes to work... more
This paper examines the influence of the structural positions of different demographic groups in the science and engineering labor force on their access to the allocation of favorable work experiences and their effect on decisions about... more
... every year, there's got to be a point when you say, "Gee, how much more can I do?" One of the major issues that... more
We compare and contrast the representativeness, practicality, and cost of five generally available and commonly used organizational sampling frames: direct enumeration, unemployment insurance (UI) forms, Dun and... more
U postupku donošenja u Hrvatskom saboru su dva temeljna zakona kojima se regulira državna uprava Republike Hrvatske. Riječ je o Konačnom prijedlogu Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o državnim službenicima te o Prijedlogu Zakona o... more
2008) 'The structure of consensus : network ties, legitimation, and exit rates of U.S. feature lm producer organizations.', Administrative science quarterly., 53 (1). pp. 145-182.
Nauka administracji zrodziła się w Europie kontynentalnej, gdzie była rozwinięta tradycja uprawiania nauki prawa administracyjnego, co nadało nauce administracji charakterystyczny kształt i niemal nieodłączne powiązanie z nauką prawa... more
Representation of group of individuals who are collectively working to achieve specific set of goals and objectives can be simply identified as an organization. In order to achieve organizational goals and objectives, individuals are... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This study clarifies the role of personality trait when reacting to dissatisfying job conditions by applying Hirschman's exit, voice, loyalty, and Rosbult's neglect as employees' response within Malaysian public sector employees.... more
One of the essential objectives of this work is to change the optical approach of the local power phenomenon, opting for the approach of the territorial organization of local power from the perspective of the realities of the contemporary... more
The apparent stability of social network structures may mask considerable change and adjustment in the ties that make up the structures. In this study, we theorize and test—using longitudinal data on friendship relations from a radiology... more
Structured interviews with 996 recently fired or laid-off workers provided data for analyses of the situational and psychological antecedents of both thinking about filing a wrongful-termination claim and actually filing such a claim.... more
The software sector is of growing importance and, due to its degree of dynamism, the identification of capabilities for innovation is vital. This study identifies capabilities variables that distinguish Argentine software companies with... more
This paper reports on a qualitative field study of 16 hospitals implementing an innovative technology for cardiac surgery. We examine how new routines are developed in organizations in which existing routines are reinforced by the... more
Efficient functioning of the local government depends on its territorial organization, which must correspond to the objective needs of building public power structures, capable of responding, in line with European standards, to the new... more
Entrepreneurship has been increasingly promoted as a means to achieve women’s empowerment in the pursuit of gender equal societies by international development organizations, NGO’s as well as national and local governments across the... more
This study clarifies the role of personality trait when reacting to dissatisfying job conditions by applying Hirschman’s exit, voice, loyalty, and Rosbult’s neglect as employees’ response within Malaysian public sector employees.... more
Previous research on hybrid organizations has drawn attention to the accountability gap that is believed to emerge when the provision of public services is transferred to a hybrid organization. In this article we take our point of... more
... The major. [TABULAR DATA OMITTED]. commercial networks, mostly responsible for this stability, were able to establish their dominance and to control entry of new competition by taking over programming from advertising agencies. ...
We thank George Dodge, Jane Dutton, Anne Huff, various colleagues, and Christine Oliver and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on various versions of this manuscript that improved both its content and readability. An... more
The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Authorized Edition. W. W. Norton and Company, 2004. xviii, 567 pp. $10.00 USD (paper). ISBN 0-39332-671-3. Companion Web... more
This paper presents the results of a study on organizational cultures in twenty units from ten different organizations in Denmark and the Netherlands. Data came from in-depth interviews of selected informants and a questionnaire survey of... more