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AI is exponentially incrementing its relevance within contemporary societies. Legal systems are absolutely not exempt from this phenomenon. The essay stresses the need of what is called proactive regulation, as a complementary approach to... more
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      Intelligenza ArtificialeSoft LawHard Law and Soft Law
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      Contract LawLaw of ObligationsEuropean contract lawLaw of Contract
La doctrine récente en théorie et en philosophie du droit examine depuis plusieurs années les transformations du droit dans la mondialisation à partir de l’hypothèse de la formation d’un droit global. Les codes de conduites... more
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      Business EthicsGlobalizationCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational Law
Long recognized in economics and the literature on standards, network effects occur where the value of a standard increases as the number of other agents using the same standard grows. Each additional user draws in more users, creating a... more
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      LawInternational RelationsSocial SciencesInternational Law
How to Design Impactful Laws - Treatise on Legistic and Legisprudence in the Age of Soft Law La loi peine toujours plus à « faire la loi » à l’ère du droit souple et de la globalisation. Afin de produire un impact législatif aussi... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEuropean LawGlobalizationEffectiveness
Yayına Hazırlayan: Eren OKUR Bilge Strateji Dergisi ulusal hakemli bir dergidir. Bilge Strateji Dergisi yılda iki sayı olmak üzere Bahar ve Güz dönemlerinde yayınlanır. Bilge Strateji Dergisi'nin tüm hakları saklıdır. İzinsiz... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityForeign Policy AnalysisInternational Law
The period when corporate social responsibility (CSR) only referred to corporate philanthropic donations has passed. Present day CSR is intimately intertwined with sustainable development, and its growth in the last several decades has... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial EntrepreneurshipCorporate Law
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      International Commercial ArbitrationDamages lawSoft Law
This article suggests a tentative model for the legal conceptualization of the great variety of instruments by which international institutions exercise public authority, brought to light by the thematic studies of this project. If one... more
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      GlobalizationInternational LawGovernanceLegal Theory
The Turkish Competition Authority has published and released for public consultation “the draft Guidelines on the Assessment of Abusive Exclusionary Conduct by Dominant Undertakings” with regard to the prohibition of abuse of a dominant... more
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      Competition LawCompetition PolicySoft Law
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more
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      Critical TheoryBusiness EthicsGeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
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      Business EthicsCriminal LawCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Law
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      Business EthicsGlobalizationCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational Law
En las páginas que siguen recordaremos que es mérito de Ángel Menéndez Rexach haber llamado la atención sobre la categoría de las disposiciones administrativas, por lo que me ha parecido un tema adecuado para contribuir, de forma modesta... more
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      Administrative LawDerecho AdministrativoSoft LawPotestad Reglamentaria
This paper studies institutional investor allocations in socially responsible private equity.
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
Stosowanie unijnego soft law jest w praktyce źródłem wielu wątpliwości. Z jednej strony, dotyczą one możliwości zaskarżania aktów prawa giętkiego przed sądami unijnymi. Z drugiej zaś – sprecyzowania wymaga stopień, w którym soft law wiąże... more
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      Competition LawRegulationJusticiabilitySoft Law
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryBusiness EthicsReligion
El autor examina la viabilidad del compliance como una respuesta efectiva ante los nuevos riesgos que enfrenta el arbitraje. En especial, la mitigación de los riesgos asociados a la ciberseguridad a la luz del Protocolo de Ciberseguridad... more
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      ArbitrationCompliancePrivacy and data protectionArbitraje Internacional
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      American LiteratureBusinessMarketingBusiness Administration
Розглядається питання місця та ролі особливих норм, так званих «м’яких» норм міжнародного права – у регламентації питання прав людини (пацієнта) у сфері охорони здоров’я. Звертається увага як на особливості характеру дії норм м’якого... more
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      Medical LawPublic Health LawHealth LawSoft Law
Summary: This article explores the relationship between law and coercion, in order to discover whether the idea of "soft law" is combinable with a positivist concept of law. The notion of law as a "phenomenon of organized coercion" is... more
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      Legal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawSoft LawGeneral legal theory
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
GONZÁLEZ MARTÍN / ALBORNOZ transfronteriza se lleva a cabo mediante la celebración y el cumplimiento de contratos internacionales, generalmente entre sociedades mercantiles. En el área de la contratación internacional, además de una free... more
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      Private International LawSources of LawSources of International LawSoft Law
La crisi finanziaria deflagrata nel 2008 ha evidenziato il complesso livello di interrelazioni del mercato finanziario su scala mondiale e posto il problema di incrementarne la resilienza. I fora tradizionalmente deputati a discutere sul... more
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      Financial CrisisSoft LawDiritto europeoShadow banking
Globalization frequently attracts negative connotations in terms of legality and democracy. However, the current process of globalization also carries positive developments in terms of good governance and public participation,... more
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      Cultural HeritageSustainable DevelopmentStandardsSoft Law
This paper proposes the enactment of an ex gratia compensation scheme for loss of Indigenous languages in Australia. Although some Australian states have enacted ex gratia compensation schemes for the victims of the Stolen Generation... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyLawCriminal Law
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
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      European StudiesEuropean LawInternational LawCross-border cooperation
Flexibility of international transport, which is a driver of all unification projects in transport law does not necessarily depend on the creation of a single act. There is already a duality of international orders in rail transport... more
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      JurisprudenceComparative LawCivil LawRailway Transport
El sistema de fuentes en derecho internacional carece de una "meta--norma" o, en terminología hartiana, una regla de reconocimiento expresa. El surgimiento soft law o derecho blando se vincula tanto con la indeterminación estructural de... more
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      International LawSoft LawFuentes Del Derecho
On peut comprendre la soft law en distinguant le caractère obligatoire des règles de leur force contraignante. Des exemples pris du droit économique international montrent qu’on ne peut pas simplement qualifier les règles de... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
This paper investigates the effect of eco-labeling on rental rates, sale prices and occupancy rates. The consensus emerging from previous studies appears to be that investors in and occupiers of eco-labeled buildings obtain a bundle of... more
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      Real EstateBusiness EthicsGreen EconomicsCorporate Social Responsibility
This book deepens the study of the law of treaties by offering specific solutions to current legal problems. It provides a high-level theoretical and practical approach, touching upon all major current issues of the law of treaties. It is... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawInternational RelationsInternational Tax Law
El autor revisa las formas en que ha sido entendido el término Soft Law, su importancia para el Derecho, y la rela- ción que guarda el mismo con otras disciplinas de relevancia jurídica. Asimismo, se hace hace una determinación de la... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationSoft LawHard Law and Soft Law
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      International Environmental LawSoft Law
This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical... more
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      Business EthicsBotanyLandscape EcologyGeography
Swilling and Annecke (2012, p. xiv) state that "the balance between synthesis and analysis" is necessary to critically understand the problems of sustainability, and to formulate creative problem solving. The shift from understanding... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
The paper presents the main tensions and problems caused by the global financial crisis to the employment and employment policies in Romania and EU countries. The current crisis has once again confirmed that economies are interconnected... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
Omniprésente mais constituant un phénomène qui échappe souvent à notre perception, la standardisation a pour objet la production de normes de référence destinées aux biens, produits, services et processus. Portant en apparence sur des... more
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      StandardsNormativityStandardizationSoft Law
Human right to water has arguably become a flashpoint issue for debates over the social dimensions of globalization. The social dimension of a globalization is a current and main challenge to ensure that globalization and global... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
Soft law is often seen as a way to overcome certain problems of legitimacy in international law, notably the weaknesses of a voluntaristic conception of international law’s validity. Other perceived benefits of soft law include... more
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      Public International LawSoft Law
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
In the global arena, the cooperation between the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – covers around 42% of the world’s population and some of the world’s most dynamic emerging economies. Initially, the BRICS... more
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      International LawGlobal GovernanceSources of LawSources of International Law
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
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      Business EthicsLawInternational RelationsPolitical Economy
Bounded rationality, opportunism, the primacy of markets and the action of economizing are building blocks of Oliver Williamson's Transaction Cost Economics (TCE). As in all intellectual exchanges, Williamson has used a range of... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
The international norms that are developed as tools of global governance can be placed on a continuum from traditional "hard law" treaties to the vaguest and voluntary "soft law." In this article we develop an analytical framework for... more
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      LawInternational RelationsClimate ChangeInternational Law
Abstract This paper introduces a new dataset from 100 Dutch institutional investors in respect of their domestic and international investments. We focus on institutional investor private equity allocations and provide comparisons to... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights
The problem of contemporary piracy has led to the rise of a complex organizational field. A myriad of organizations have become active in counter-piracy. This chapter sets out to disentangle the field of counter-piracy. A systematic... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawHuman Rights