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United States of America is a country that provides a foster care system. What is foster care system? According to National Adoption Center, foster care system is ‘a temporary arrangement in which adults provide for the care of a child or... more
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      Adoption and FosteringAmerican Sociology
Thoburn consider the question in the light of recent studies of separated children. It is argued that while the state does not need to fulfil all parenting responsibilities when care is shared with families or children are adopted, for... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkChildren and YouthYoung People
Drawing on the evidence from this evaluation and the wider research literature on adoption and ethnicity, the authors examine the reality and nuances of ethnic matching in practice, and the problematic notion of focusing on ethnicity as a... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkAdoption and Fostering
Angry frustration', 'Promoting security and well-being', 'An ambiguous life', 'The impact of the children' and 'Coping?'. The research provides a greater understanding of the emotional needs of foster carers and has practical implications... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkAdoption and Fostering
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionIntercountry AdoptionAdoption and Fostering
"Table of Contents by Parts/Themes & Chapters 1-25 PART 1 POLICY AND REGULATIONS 1 The Rise and Fall of Intercountry Adoption in the 21st Century: Global Trends from 2001 to 2010 by Peter Selman 2 Social Policy Approaches and... more
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      Health PsychologyEthicsSocial WorkFeminist Theory
Publikace je určena náhradním rodinám, které vychovávají děti s romskými kořeny, zájemcům o náhradní rodinnou péči a odborníkům, kteří s těmito rodinami pracují. Teoretická část, zpracovaná Doc. PhDr. Jiřím Kovaříkem, PhD. a Mgr. Martinou... more
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionFoster CareStereotypes Of Roma As Tigani/Cigany/Zingari/Gypsies
""Recent research on mixed racial and ethnic couple and lone parents in Britain indicates that not only are they a diverse group, but that they also have a diversity of ways of understanding their difference and creating a sense of... more
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicityFamilyAdoption
The article is a manager's guide to radical change programmes and explains why change is often so difficult to manage successfully. Based on practical experience and supported by relevant theory, it provides a definition of types of... more
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      PsychologyOrganizational ChangeE-learningCoaching Psychology
This article examines the matter of private adoptions of minor children and the issues arising from Greek Law 2447/96 on adoptions. It presents the crucial articles of Law 2447/96 which have been amended and in some cases they work... more
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      Adoption and FosteringChild Trafficking
Key words: foster care, emotional availability, Foster carer-Foster child Intervention (FFI) 1 In 2010, in the Netherlands, 24,150 children between 0 and 21 years made use of some form of family foster care. About two-thirds of the... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkAdoption and Fostering
This study describes the impact of separation or fostering/adoption on a child (7-10 years).  Recommendations are also forwarded to the child’s parents so as to minimize the negative consequences following separation or fostering/adoption.
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      CriminologyPsychologySocial WorkEducational Psychology
A B S T R A C T The number of teens entering foster care and those subsequently aging out, has been steadily increasing in recent years. The majority of these teens experience placement instability while in care and do not secure... more
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    • Adoption and Fostering
The digital payments sector of India has matured at a magnifying rate during the last decade fostered by the evolution of paperless payment mechanisms such as UPI, BHIM, E-wallets, mobile banking, etc. The volume and value of Digital... more
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      Ecosystems ServicesAdoption and FosteringDigital ElectronicsNeft Sektoru
Research of the history and current situation with adoptions from overseas to Australia.
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      Intercountry AdoptionAdoption and FosteringInternational/Intercountry Adoption
Real Life Super Heroes provides brief glimpses into the lives of 200 people around the world who were displaced from their birth families as children, or who have a care experienced family member. All of these people have gone on to live... more
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      Foster CareAdoption and FosteringChildren in Foster CareChildren in Out-of-Home Care
Why do we label a child with RAD when it takes two parties to create a secure attachment?
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      AdoptionAdoption and FosteringAttachment Theory, Emotion Recognition and Theory of MindChildren in Foster Care
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      SociologySociology of FamiliesFamily studiesChildren and Families
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      Global HistoryHistory of the FamilyAdoption and FosteringWomen and Gender Studies
How well do you know yourself? You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. This course is highly recommended for mental strengthening.
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryManagementMarketing
The purpose of this paper is to create a context for the therapist to use in offering family therapy to adoptees and their families. Adoptess who manifest behavioral and emotional concerns are often seen as experiencing an attachment... more
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      Foster CareAttachment TheoryAdoption and FosteringPTSD and attachment theory
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      PsychologySocial WorkAdoption and Fostering
Nota: Os conteúdos e pontos de vista expressos nesta publicação não implicam a expressão de qualquer opinião ou posição oficial por parte de qualquer entidade; são da exclusiva responsabilidade dos seus autores. Se desejar entrar em... more
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      ParentingSexualityFoster CareAttachment Theory
Haiti report nominated best of UNICEF research 2016 by the UNICEF's Innocenti Research Center. See summary from page 70-75.
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodMobility/MobilitiesHaitiAdoption and Fostering
This article reports on the findings of a study which tested the feasibility of using respite care in a local authority social services department, firstly to see whether this type of provision might be incorporated into existing, more... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkAdoptionChild Care
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      LawCriminal LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
The purpose of this article is to provide an insight into the effects the New Zealand adoption systems have had for Māori adoptees as they form their identity. I begin by exploring the criteria or ethnic boundaries that have been... more
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      Cultural IdentityAdoption and FosteringMaori
ADOPTION FACT SHEET written by adoptees to counter adoption ideology and pro-adoption lobby groups.
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionIntercountry AdoptionAdoption and Fostering
The article offers a commentary on two passages from the Gnomon of idios logos: § 41 (BGU V 1210, ll. 115–116), which pertains to a quarter of the inheritance left by an Egyptian who adopted a child picked up from a dump-hill, and § 107... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryPapyrologyLegal History
Foster care has been provided for thousands of vulnerable Australian children from the early nineteenth century. Despite the prevalence of this system of care as the preferred means of providing out-of-home care across the country from... more
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      Foster CareAdoption and FosteringLooked after children and care leaversFoster Youth
ABSTRACT OF THE DOCTORAL PROJECT Attachment Focused Care: A Pre-service Training Program for Adoptive Parents And Foster Caregivers by Kristin Tolbert Doctor of Psychology Carlos Albizu University 2010 Irene Bravo, Ph.D., Project Director... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyChild abuse and neglect
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      TheologyHuman RightsAdoptionBioethics Reproductive Technology
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      European HistoryModern HistoryEconomic HistoryRomanian History
The Los Angeles County Civil Grand Jury (CGJ) selected KH Consulting Group (KH) to investigate the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and Probation Department (Probation) programs to prepare transition age youth (TAY) for... more
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      Cognitive, Affective, Social Capabilities Fostered by Mythic Rites & FormsFoster CareSocial Justice in EducationAdoption and Fostering
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      Manuscript StudiesAdoptionQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
The process as opposed to observable behavior caregivers need to address when they parent adopted and foster children. What we see is not what is actually happening as a motivator of problem behaviors. Creating a secure attachment... more
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      AdoptionFoster CareParenting/childcareAdoption and Fostering
Although the Black Lives Matters movement encompasses a wide narrative that includes affirming Black families, Black women, and Black villages, in popular culture it has become synonymous with reform of police violence and the criminal... more
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      Child WelfareAdoptionFoster CareDecolonialization
This was written for adoptees who find a grave at the end of their search
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      AdoptionParenting/childcareAdoption and FosteringAttachment Theory, Emotion Recognition and Theory of Mind
Campaign for Adoptee Equality
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionIntercountry AdoptionAdoption and Fostering
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      Social WorkInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance Education
Since the late 1990s, US, UK and Canadian policy have increasingly focused on improving permanency outcomes for looked-after children. Although the ideal permanency outcome of reunification is attained for about half of the children... more
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      AdoptionAdoption and Fostering
Family is the one which in its every form is the only natural environment for protection, existence and development of a child. Warmth and affection which make the everyday life of a family offer support and a feeling of belonging that... more
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      AdoptionAdoption and FosteringChildren in Foster Care
Parallèlement à l’adoption dite « plénière », il existe en France une adoption « simple », qui ajoute au lien de filiation de l’adopté avec sa famille d’origine un nouveau lien, supplémentaire. De nos jours, cette adoption consiste le... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyHistorical SociologyFrench History
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      Social WorkChild Protection Social WorkAdoption and Fostering
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      ReligionSociologyCultural StudiesSocial Movements
Ricky Brisson - famous orphans advocate, Australian coordinator of International Adoption, fearless warrior who changed lives of more than 400 children around the Globe. This story is about this Legend.
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      Cancer SurvivorshipIntercountry AdoptionAdoption and FosteringAdoption- cross culturally
Submission to Australia's Enquiry. Surrogacy is cruel to neonates because of removal from gestational mother. Babies suffer when they lose their mother at birth and cannot understand that their mother is "merely a surrogate" for the... more
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionIntercountry AdoptionAdoption and Fostering
This paper will draw on Catholic resources to examine the impact of population and consumption vis-à-vis reproduction in the developed world as it relates to theological/ moral obligations to the earth. By examining both natural and... more
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      ChristianityEthicsApplied EthicsTheology
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      Social CareAdoption and FosteringTreatment foster care
The paradigm of vicarious liability which places employees on one side and independent contractors on the other, and declares, “nothing further beyond”, is no longer suitable. There are a range of occupational activities between these two... more
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      Contract LawChild abuse and neglectFoster CareTorts