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It means that as a senior carer I am accountable and responsible for the care of the individuals within my working environment. The manager understands that I am to protect vulnerable persons from abuse/neglect and actively report any... more
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      Social CareSocial Care For Older PeopleHealth and Social CareLevel 3
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      ManagementSocial CareProcedures
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      Social WorkChildren and FamiliesSocial CareYoung Carers
Article rédigé collectivement au sein du groupe Avec Elles de Médecins du Monde Belgique «Soigner ceux que le monde oublie peu à peu», porter leur voix et leurs réalités auprès du grand public et des décideurs à travers la notion de... more
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      Health Care PolicySocial CareCommunity ParticipationHealth Advocacy
Shared decision-making and person centred care (PCC/SDM) are increasingly embraced framework conceptions on how to organise health care's interaction with patients. Although underlying ethical motivation may vary, PCC/SDM holds ideals of... more
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      Forensic PsychologyApplied EthicsSocial WorkBioethics
Purpose-This paper analyses how neighbourhood governance of social care affects the scope for frontline workers to address health inequities of older ethnic minorities. We critically discuss how an area-based, generic approach to service... more
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      Social CareEuropean Neighbourhood PolicyOlder Adults
Migrant workers are considered an economic utility, especially for secondary labour markets such as that of long term care. The dynamics of migrant workers across the globe are governed by interacting macro, state level, and micro,... more
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      EconomicsAgingSocial CareEuropean Union
The moral argument for supporting carers is clear and irrefutable. This report takes the argument beyond morality and demonstrates that supporting carers improves health outcomes for patients and carers; reduces unwanted admissions,... more
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      Social CareFamily Caregivers/CarersInformal Caregivers/CarersSocial Care For Older People
Situated practice research offers rich possibilities for recognising and developing practitioner knowledge in social care. In this article, I document the application of anthropological methods and thinking within a research programme in... more
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      Knowledge ManagementAction ResearchAutismSocial Care
Love Spells & Rituals for Another World March 2021, English 240 x 300 mm, 128 pages, soft cover, ISBN 978-1-80049-214-1 Independent Publishing Network Edited by Lilly Markaki and Caroline Harris Designed by Toni Brell With... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryQueer TheoryGender and Sexuality
RESUMEN El trabajo de cuidado sigue siendo una tarea feminizada y esto impacta en la brecha de género actual. Por ello, abordar aspectos que permitan la redistribución de los cuidados entre los géneros, así como su resignificación, son... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial Care
The developed world's population is aging, due to trends of increased life expectancies and decreased fertility rates. These trends are predicted to increase demand on long-term care services. At the same time, the long-term care... more
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      Comparative LiteratureSocial PolicyLong Term CareSocial Care
le cadre d'un projet de recherche intitulée économie sociale et libéralisation des services : le cas des services de proximité. Cet article constitue le premier volet de cette recherche.
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      BusinessSocial CareVouchers
The most common adverse effects that children who grow up in residential care experience include: developmental delays; behavioural problems; attachment disorders; lack of life skills; institutionalisation; and difficulty forming and... more
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      Child DevelopmentSocial CareTransition from Residential CareChildren's Rights
“Feminist Sosyal Politika: Bakım, Emek, Göç” adlı bu kitap sosyal politika alanını feminist bir mercekle inceliyor. 1990’lara değin sosyal politikanın odağına oturan erkek işçinin dışında, ev içi ücretsiz emek, güvencesiz kadın emeği gibi... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial PolicySocial CareInternational Migration
Social care policies from the UK and Spain are analysed in this paper. They have been selected with a view to showing illustrative cases concerning the contract culture between sectors who were involved in the mixed economy of welfare... more
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      Public AdministrationWelfare StateSocial CareSocial Care For Older People
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      Social WorkSocial CareSocial PedagogyPedagogía social
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      Long Term CareSocial Care
This article surveys recent developments in relation to the dimensions of ethnicity and ethnic disadvantage in social policy research and practice, with a focus on social care. While there has been limited increase in attention to... more
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      Research MethodologyDiversityRace and RacismRace and Ethnicity
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      Social CareReflective PracticesVulnerable GroupsSocial Care Legislation
22 (2) 2017 Reflexiones desde la antropología en torno al cuidado | Institut català d'antropologia 1/2 22 (2) 2017 Reflexiones desde la antropología en torno al cuidado Coordinado por María... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial CareSocial Care For Older People
A commentary on the events subsequent to the five years after the publication of the Health & Social Care Professionals Act (2005)
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      Social CareSocial Care For Older People
The gap between the theory and the practice of working with Black and minority ethnic groups presents an ongoing conundrum for social work. This exciting textbook presents a new theory based on a rich understanding of the constraints and... more
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      Social WorkSocial CareSocial Worker's Knowledge Attitudes and Behavior Concerning Future Care and Custody PlanningHealth and Social Care
El documento de trabajo pone en evidencia el estatus laboral de las trabajadoras asalariadas del hogar en Bolivia, sin que se perciba por parte del Estado y la sociedad la constante vulneración de derechos de la que son objeto, a pesar de... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial CareWork and LabourGender and Labour
There are four key stages to the project. The first is to chart and review the major trends of comparative family research in the EU in 8 'Existential Fields' (EF). The second is to critically review existing research on the family, and... more
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      Social WorkSocial CareSocial Welfare
Σε μια εποχή όπου σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο ενισχύεται η κυριαρχία της αγοράς, αναδομούνται οι εργασιακές σχέσεις και εντείνεται η κοινωνική ανασφάλεια, η διαμόρφωση ενός δικτύου κοινωνικής προστασίας ευάλωτων κοινωνικών ομάδων και... more
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    • Social Care
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      Social CareCreative ArtsUndergraduate
European Prison Observatory declaration as conclusion of collective work on alternatives to imprisonment. Inspired on Portuguese experience on decriminalization of drug use.
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      Social WorkSocial CareSociology of prison lifePunishment and Prisons
This study has investigated what sources of data exist on the subject of elder abuse in care home and hospital settings in England. It was commissioned by the Department of Health and Comic Relief. We used a broad definition of elder... more
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      Data MiningData AnalysisAgingSocial Care
Jedną z konsekwencji drugiej wojny światowej, będącej jednocześnie jednym z największych problemów społecznych powojennej Polski była niespotykana dotąd na tak wielką skalę ilość samotnych matek i nieślubnych dzieci. Zachwianie... more
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      Single MothersSocial CareSocial PedagogyIllegitimate children
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      HistoryModern HistorySocial WorkGender History
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      Social CareIntellectual DisabilityComparative StudySocial Studies
Since the end of the Second World War, housing exclusion is ruled by a central standard time: The turnover of the poor inside the social services. The duration of stay in relief accommodations is indeed very often restricted. As many... more
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      SociologySocial WorkSocial PolicyMobility/Mobilities
This article discusses the relationships between three concepts that are key for contemporary disability policies: social model of disability, independent living, and care. The first part explores the impact of the social model and... more
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      Social PolicyDisability StudiesHuman RightsSocial Care
El libro sitúa el cuidado como un problema multidimensional en el que concurren desigualdades y desconocimiento de variada índole, entre Estados, grupos nacionales, clases sociales, etnias, géneros y generaciones.
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      Gender StudiesSocial CareMigration Studies
Análisis del impacto de la pandemia en el cuidado de mayores y dependientes desde la perspectiva de quienes cuidan. La investigación ha sido coordinada por Dolors Comas-d'Argemir (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) y han participado equipos de... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial Care
Background: The major problem facing health and social care systems globally today is the growing challenge of an elderly population with complex health and social care needs. A longstanding challenge to the provision of high quality,... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringMedical SociologySocial Theory
Positive thinking' is widely advocated and encouraged, particularly in the area of serious illness. Yet what positive thinking really means for people remains elusive. Research undertaken with carers of people with cancer finds that... more
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      Positive PsychologyCancerSocial Care
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      Social CareFiscal federalism and decentralization20th Century SpainCommunity and Social Services
Sedan mitten av 1960-talet har narkotikaproblemet varit ständigt närvarande i politiken. Utredning har följt på utredning, lagar har stiftats, straff har höjts, informationskampanjer sjösatts och nya vårdmetoder har lanserats. I boken... more
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      HistoryModern HistorySocial WorkDrugs And Addiction
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      Gender StudiesAgingSocial CareEnvejecimiento
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), sendo permitidas reprodução, adaptação e distribuição desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados. Resumo Este... more
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      Sociology of ReligionSocial CareGender and religion (Women s Studies)Pentecostalism
Este trabajo analiza el caso de un jardín comunitario católico ubicado en un barrio lindante a una villa del sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. En particular, aquello que se estudia es la articulación entre emociones y temporalidades... more
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      Sociology of ReligionGender StudiesSocial CareEarly Childhood Care and Education
This book introduces Japan’s current policy initiatives directed at eldercare and international labor migration, and, wherever appropriate,it adds a comparative perspective from Germany. The book shows how eldercare is currently being... more
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      Political SociologyJapanese StudiesComparative PoliticsPolitical Economy
OBJECTIVE To review systematically the evidence on the costs and cost-effectiveness of deinstitutionalisation for adults with intellectual disabilities. Design Systematic review. POPULATION Adults (aged 18 years and over) with... more
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      Social CareIntellectual DisabilityDeinstitutionalisationIntellectual Disability and Deinstitutionalization
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo analizar cuáles son las estrategias para el cuidado en salud de enfermos crónicos y agudos desarrolladas por los hogares en el Uruguay actual. El interés por conocer las estrategias... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesSocial CareGender Equality
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Od usługi do troski -o wielości pojęcia opieki w pracy socjalnej Wstęp Opieka społeczna jest pojęciem, która na przestrzeni ostatniego ćwierćwiecza skutecznie rugowano ze słownika pojęć pracy... more
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      Social PolicySocial CareThe Ethics of Care
This thesis investigates the employment of personal assistants (PAs) by disabled individuals in the UK. Personal assistance is considered to be one of the most essential services necessary for disabled people to achieve ‘independent... more
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      Disability StudiesSocial CareDisabled people movementAutonomy