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DNA and other evidence suggests the early history of the Hebrew Old Testament concerns two entirely separate people united by monotheism and military conquest. The first, taking the name of Israelites from Israel (Jacob), the grandson of... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsIslamic HistoryAncient HebrewEthiopia
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmaticsHebrew BibleAncient Hebrew
Hebrew philologists disagree on how to describe the biblical Hebrew verbal system. We especially disagree about the difference in meaning between the main verb forms: yiqtol and qatal, wayyiqtol, weyiqtol, weqatal: is it tense, taxis,... more
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleModalityAncient Hebrew
Der folgende Wortschatz bezieht sich primär auf den TANACH, doch wird allgemein auch darge-legt, wie die betroffenen Begriffe im Neuhebräischen gebraucht werden. Grundsätzlich wird der Wortschatz der hebräischen Mosestora sowie der... more
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      Hebrew BibleAncient HebrewHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastAltes Testament
This work analyzes Iron Age graffiti from the site of Kuntillet ‘Ajrud, Israel from a form critical perspective, drawing upon parallels in the corpus of Egyptian dedicatory graffiti. I also discuss the tension between orality and literacy... more
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelAncient HebrewNorthwest Semitic EpigraphyIsraelite Religion
"Chronology is the backbone of history" is usually taught in schools but what is very disturbing is the total absence of reliable chronology to fix the Exodus because the date goes from 2100 to 650 BC (Sparks: 2015, 60); such a 1500-year... more
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      Ancient HebrewHyksosRelative-Absolute datingHebrew Bible and Ancient Near East
(A d'var Torah based on a talk by Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe)
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionEgyptology
In the first place the paper focused on levirate marriage deals with the roots of levirate and occurence of levirate in the ancient societies especially in the Hittite empire. The next section discusses about Hebrews who took levirate,... more
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      Ancient HebrewThe HittitesAncient Near Easter Law, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Semitic LanguagesThe Hittites, Ancient History, Ancient Anatolia
Il Convegno ha l’obiettivo di indagare le modalità di rappresentazione dell’altro in seno alle comunità cristiane del primo millennio. Nelle opere polemiche di parte cristiana si assiste spesso a una assimilazione dei giudei alle eresie e... more
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      Hebrew LiteraturePatristicsHebrew BibleEarly Christianity
This paper offers a critical analysis of Rabbinic sources concerning the the history of Loshon HaQodesh. The paper first attempts to define the language known as "Loshon HaQodesh" and then trace its origins through Midrashic and Talmudic... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesTheologyHebrew Language
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      Semitic languagesHebrew LanguageAncient HebrewAncient Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
It is well known to both translators and students of the Bible, that some words or verses are very difficult, not only to translate but also to understand. The Hebrew text of Ruth 2:7b is one of them. The purpose of this paper is to... more
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      Hebrew BibleAncient HebrewBiblical InterpretationTranslation
Im Folgenden wird der Hauptwortschatz des hebräischen Alten Testaments (TANACH) und aus der Mischna alle Traktate der 1. Ordnung (Berakhoth, Pea, Demai, Kilayim, Scheebi‘it, Trumot, Ma‘aserot, Ma‘aserot Scheni, Challah, Orla und... more
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      Hebrew LanguageNew TestamentTalmudAncient Hebrew
The overall aim of the project is to develop a method to integrate these fields, using cutting edge machine learning techniques, with the goal of getting a much more complete picture of the development of the text and language of the... more
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      Machine LearningAncient Hebrew
The author, on the basis of the study of the commentaries and prefaces to Wu-jek's Bible of 1599, depicts the image of the Jews, their language and their customs as it was presented by Jakub Wujek and his contemporaneous fellow Jesuits.... more
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      Ancient HebrewJews in PolandChristian HebraismReformation
The purpose of the present article is the contrastive analysis of the semantic aspect of the lexemes דָםּ (dam), krew and blood, respectively in biblical Hebrew, Polish, and English. Apart from its fundamental meaning referring to the... more
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      Hebrew LanguageSemanticsHebrew BibleVocabulary
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleOld Testament Prophecy
The Third meeting of the joint Research Seminar in Ancient Hebrew Language of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Department for Bible, and Tel Aviv University, Department for Hebrew Culture Studies will take place in Halle... more
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleQumranic StudiesAncient Hebrew
Der folgende Wortschatz bezieht sich primär auf den TANACH, doch wird allgemein auch dargelegt, wie die betroffenen Begriffe im Neuhebräischen gebraucht werden. Grundsätzlich wird der Wortschatz der hebräischen Mosestora und der Großen... more
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      Hebrew LanguageAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Altes Testament
This paper explores the definition and role of tummah in the book of Job. I maintain that tummah is Job’s foundational character trait and essential for fusing diverse and often conflicting elements of his character into a comprehensible... more
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesAncient HebrewBook of Job
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      Hebrew LanguageAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Hebrew LanguageModalityAncient HebrewTense and Aspect Systems
A Casa da Vivência Judaica em Gouveia é um espaço de conhecimento histórico da cidade, que retrata o papel da comunidade judaica medieval e cristã-nova da época moderna na construção do centro histórico, enquadrando a importante Inscrição... more
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      Jewish HistoryAncient HebrewMedieval Jewish HistoryEpigraphic Hebrew
Although the sound change w>y in Biblical Hebrew is well - known, it has not received significant attention until now. This paper provides a synchronic analysis to this phenomenon. The shift is partly morphologically, partly... more
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      PhonologySemitic languagesHebrew LanguageAncient Hebrew
A denominative verb is one that is derived from a noun. Hebrew nouns are commonly either primary nouns (i.e. without any link to a verb) or else derived from a verb. But in some cases (330 appearing in this list) it is the verb that is... more
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Hebrew LiteratureTheologyHebrew LanguageLiterary Criticism
Volume IX offers a valuable enhancement of the 8-volume Dictionary of Classical Hebrew (1993–2011). In DCH I–VIII, each volume had its own English–Hebrew Index, but this volume presents a much improved gathering together of all those... more
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      Hebrew LanguageLexicographyAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
Part Three - Initial Problems with the Westminster Hebrew Morphology Database Being Lemmatized to the Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament.
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      Languages and LinguisticsHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleOld Testament
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      Hebrew LanguageBible TranslationAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew
The present article delves into the syntactic role of Biblical Hebrew verb forms with an inflected prefix and the suffix final nun. In the research literature, there are two central arguments concerning this phenomenon. As per the first... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSemitic languagesHebrew Language
​ ​ The Ophel Inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
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    • Ancient Hebrew
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      Hebrew LiteratureTheologyHebrew LanguageBiblical Studies
This magnificent book, published by Macmillan a month after the Faruqis’ deaths, presents the ‎entire world view of Islam-its beliefs, traditions, institutions, and its place in the cultures in which ‎it has taken mot. THE CULTURAL ATLAS... more
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      Cultural StudiesIslamic ArtMesopotamian ReligionsIslam
This history emphasizes the continuous linguistic accumulation, manifold connections and mutual enrichment among various Semitic languages, which have shared a long and complex history. The Middle East is the oldest field of cultural... more
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      Comparative LiteratureArabic Prose LiteratureSemitic languagesMiddle East Studies
Three inscriptions from the First Temple period contain the phrase ybrk (w)yšmrk. Several explanations have been suggested for the spelling ybrk with a single k (כ) instead of the expected ybrkk. One approach proposes that this is a... more
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      Ancient HebrewNorthwest Semitic EpigraphyBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
This thesis provides an overview of the literary characteristics of the Book of Jonah and discusses the literary categories that scholars have associated with it, namely historical, imaginative, or humorous literature. After a... more
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      LiteratureOld TestamentAncient HebrewHebrew Bible and Ancient Near East
The identification of the character Job and his placement in the Biblcal history has been an issue taxing scholars for generations. The Russian Orthodox and Slavonic traditions, some Jewish traditions, and David Gibson in his book on the... more
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      ArchaeologyHebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyBiblical Studies
De studie van het Midden-Oosten wordt vandaag de dag mede bepaald door de bestudering van talen uit de regio. Enkele decennia geleden was dat nog veel meer het geval. Eén van de mensen die van deze bestudering van talen zijn specialiteit... more
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleUgaritic LanguageAncient Hebrew
By request I found my original file and am uploading it here. With the decipherment of Paleo-Hebrew Script, I published this Lesson Manual. More explanation is needed concerning determinatives, both prefix and suffix; but I hope this... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleAncient Hebrew
Mormon’s Chronological Summary of the Period from the 19th Regnal Year of the Reign of MosiahI to the Coming of the Limhites and Mormon’s Synopsis of the Book of Mormon Prophetic Calendar A small scrap of paper entitled “Caractors” (also... more
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      ReligionChristianityAncient Egyptian ReligionHebrew Language
Within a literary ontology, YHWH in the Hebrew Bible is technically also a fictional entity or object. In Hebrew Bible scholarship, a variety of philosophical issues surrounding fiction have received sustained and in-depth attention.... more
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      Fiction WritingCritical TheoryReligionHebrew Literature
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBible Translation
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      Hebrew LanguageAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Torah/Pentateuch
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      Hebrew BibleAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Biblical Hebrew
Überblick über Stand und mögliche Perspektiven der Hebraistik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Vortrag in Hamburg, Juli 2015 / Survey of present state and possible perspectives of the study of the Hebrew language in Germany - Paper... more
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew LanguageAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
Most of this book, _Identifying Biblical Persons_, is available on the Google Books web site: This book is a revised Ph.D. dissertation in Hebrew and Semitic Studies,... more
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      TheologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelHebrew BibleBiblical Studies
par Agnès Tichit. — Agnès Tichit propose ici une grammaire qui, tout en tenant compte de la particularité de l’hébreu biblique vocalisé, sensibilise l’étudiant à l’hébreu moderne non vocalisé, dans le cadre des indications pédagogiques.... more
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleAncient HebrewHebrew Bible and Ancient Near East
16seitige Rezension der neu erschienenen Grammatik für biblisches Hebräisch.
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      Hebrew LanguageOld TestamentAncient HebrewOld Testament Exegesis
This work was carried out under the supervision of Prof. Steven Fassberg ‫תוכן‬ ‫העניינים‬ )
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      Hebrew LanguageQumranic StudiesAncient HebrewHebrew Manuscripts