Animal-Human Interaction
Recent papers in Animal-Human Interaction
Though distant in subject, structure and narrative voice, these two novels, Herman Melville‘s Moby-Dick and Toni Morrison‘s Beloved, share unexpected common ground. Both are remarkable for their breathtaking poetic treatment of suffering,... more
ABSTRACT Social relationships guide humans’ and great apes’ behaviors with conspecifics. Inter-individual relationships, based on shared social history, guide behaviors with familiar others; “generalized” relationships, based on the... more
Animal welfare is of increasing concern in zoological facilities (Vasconcellos et al., 2016). What’s more, the turn to focus on individual animals rather than collections is gaining traction from within zoos and aquariums, the public, and... more
Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVI) within zoos and aquariums have become an increasingly studied topic. Influenced by both the broader field of Human-Animal Interactions (HAI), as well as visitor studies conducted in museums, AVI studies... more
Animal Assisted Play Therapy® is a unique, theoretically integrative approach developed by coauthors Dr. Risë VanFleet and Tracie Faa-Thompson. It refers to the involvement of animals in professional mental health, allied health, and... more
El texto ofrece una observación sobre la asimilación iconográfica del uso bélico de animales, usando como ejemplo paradigmático el proyecto Bat Bomb (oficialmente X-Ray) desarrollado durante la segunda guerra mundial y que tuvo un cierto... more
This is a review of the book "Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are" by Frans de Waal. de Waal is a noted ethologist. He concludes that human are smart enough to recognize the intelligence of other animals, although we may... more
Besides being funny and giving a sense of companionship, owning a pet in your household could have some magical influences on its owners' health. A pet will help to reduce anxiety levels, improving physical activity persistence, and... more
This paper explores the interaction between humans and their companion animals after the large tsunami which hit the northeast coast of Japan on 11 March 2011. Interviews, observation and fieldwork were used to assemble ethnographic... more
Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVIs) have become commonplace in zoological institutions and facilities globally. However, most AVI research focuses on the effects of visitors on the welfare of animals, with considerably fewer studies... more
Social media is a powerful tool for sharing information and awareness campaigns concerning environmental issues, especially as they pertain to the conservation of wild, nonhuman animals (henceforth, "animals"). This form of online... more
Monografia w języku polskim, która ukazała się w Wydawnictwie Naukowym "Śląsk" w 2016 roku. Spis treści: Wstęp do ekokrytyki 17 Zagadnienia i problemy badawcze ekokrytyki 19 Przegląd polskich stanowisk wobec problematyki ekologicznej... more
This study attempts to demonstrate that ancient Greek authors and vase painters (mostly of the late sixth and early fifth centuries) were well attuned to the many bodily gestures and positions exhibited by dogs in real life and utilized... more
Véronique Servais est maître de conférences en théories de la communication à l'université de Liège (Belgique) et étudie les systèmes de communication formés par des humains et des animaux. L'ANIMAL ET LE DÉVELOPPEMENT PSYCHIQUE DE... more
Variability in the spatial distribution, depositional contexts, and signi cance of macaws (Ara macao, Ara militaris, Ara sp.) and thick-billed parrots (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha) throughout the pre-Hispanic U.S. Southwest and Mexican... more
The term zoopharmacognosy was first introduced in 1987 as a multidisciplinary study of the self-medication behavior of many kinds of animals. Humans and non-human animals have been observing and interacting with each other since... more
This study explores the meaning of the death of a companion animal through autoethnographic poetry in conjunction with narrative reflections. This method expands the depth and scope of poetry in qualitative research by transforming... more
Enjoying the company of a good-natured dog can lend support to a person in a stressful situation. This presence brings benefits across different areas of human well-being and leads to a decrease in levels of sympathetic activation and... more
Egyptologists have struggled to understand the role of pigs due to the relatively scarce archaeological evidence that attests to their existence in ancient Egyptian life. Yet despite the poor record at our disposal, a picture has emerged... more
This study reviews ethological literature and the views of working riders on the manners in which horses communicate nonverbally; explores social-scientific paradigms of human nonverbal communication as presented in the academic... more
Dziękuję za świńskie oczy to ważny głos w debacie na temat naszego stosunku do innych zwierząt. Autor nie tylko pokazuje, że zwierzęta są niezastąpionym źródłem wiedzy o świecie, w tym o ludziach, ale również jak bardzo potrzebna jest... more
Animal welfare is a complex matter that includes scientific, ethical, economic and other dimensions. Despite the existence of more comprehensive approaches to animal welfare and the obvious shortcomings of the 'Five Freedoms', for... more
As a marine social scientist, for the better part of the last decade, my life has been ‘submerged’ in the idea and image of sharks (in particular white sharks) and how we interact with them symbolically and physically. It has been a... more
The present article situates the systemic efforts to annihilate stray dogs within the wider picture of Ottoman modernizing reforms in the nineteenth century. The period under investigation witnessed an increasing desire on the part of the... more
Present research was intended to investigate the relationship between pet attachment and empathy among young adults. CENSHARE Pet Attachment Survey (Holcomb, Williams, & Richards, 1985) was used to measure pet attachment and... more
The purpose of my Master’s Thesis research is to determine if and what type of relationship exists between owner-to-dog attachment levels and the degree of aversion used in dog training. I also sought to determine if owner characteristics... more
Modern zoos strive to educate visitors about zoo animals and their wild counterparts' conservation needs while fostering appreciation for wildlife in general. This research review examines how zoos influence those who visit them. Much of... more
Human-horse relationships take the central place in this edited collection examining the horse’s perspective by asking: How are human-equine relationships communicated, enacted, understood, encouraged, and restricted? The contributors... more
Some 2200 years ago, people belonging to the Pazyryk archaeological culture gathered together to bury their dead in mounds on high plateaus in the remote Altai Mountains in the center of Asia. Entire horses—and often groups of horses—were... more
Cat owners and volunteers from a rehoming center were given the Lexington Attachment to Pet Scale (LAPS) questionnaire to assess their level of attachment to their own or rescue cats. In addition, heart rate and blood pressure were... more
A recent field survey of the elite Middle Kingdom cemetery at Beni Hassan has revealed many unusual animal motifs, including examples of creatures that are rarely attested in the artistic record and entirely new scenes. Two case studies... more
""In many cultural fields honeybees reveal themselves as a highly generative species; one that humans have become dependent on. Within the backdrop of Colony Collapse Disorder, this essay examines how live bees are used in the production... more
Paper presented at the HASI Annual Conference, Tel Aviv University, 1-3 June 2021 While research in the emergent field of 'multispecies studies' is diverse, it shares a central aim of expanding our ways of looking at and making sense... more
In this paper, I discuss a specific type of stone tool found at Lepenski Vir: clubs or mallets - which may have been used in fishing as stunners. The significance of large fish species (especially beluga sturgeon) in the diet, settlement... more
When two or more minds meet and share experiences something new is created-co-created-and growth becomes possible. When a subject interacts with one or several other subjects, the subject adds his own subjectivity and thereby impacts the... more
Abstract The moral character of China’s single-child generation has been studied by Chinese researchers since the early 1990s. Recent acts of animal cruelty by college students turned this subject of academic inquiry into a topic of... more
Social sciences have long considered the nonhuman animals in a utilitarian approach, considering them as objects for humanity. However, rapid growing interests are seen on the study of relationships between human and other animal in... more
I leoni (e altri animali) sanno comunicare? Hanno un "logos endiathetos"? Provano gratitudine per i benefici ricevuti? Queste sono fra le domande che animano il dibattito di età imperiale sullo status morale degli animali. La risposta che... more