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      Greek LiteratureGreek civilization
This study attempts to demonstrate that ancient Greek authors and vase painters (mostly of the late sixth and early fifth centuries) were well attuned to the many bodily gestures and positions exhibited by dogs in real life and utilized... more
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      ClassicsAnimals in CultureAnimal-Human InteractionGreek civilization
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      Ancient Greek HistoryGreek civilizationArchaic and Classical GreeceModern and Contemporary Greek History
Οι πρώτες συστηματικές προσπάθειες για τη θεσμική συγκρότηση του νεοσύστατου ελληνικού κράτους κατά την περίοδο της απόλυτης μοναρχίας (1833-1843). Παρουσιάζεται: Α΄) το θεσμικό έργο της περιόδου, Β΄) η πολιτική με την οποία... more
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      Greek HistoryGreek civilizationHellenic HistoryΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ
Σ΄αυτή την εργασία που έγινε στα πλαίσια του ΕΑΠ (ΕΛΠ 11) σκιαγραφείται το φαινόμενο του "εθνικού διχασμού" στην Ελλάδα των αρχών του εικοστού αιώνα, οι απαρχές του, η κλιμάκωσή του και η κορύφωσή του κατά τη διάρκεια και ως το τέλος του... more
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      Greek HistoryModern Greek HistoryGreek civilizationHellenic History
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Σπουδές στον Ελληνικό Πολιτισμό Ελληνική Ιστορία / ΕΛΠ11 Τοπαλίδης Ιορδάνης 2η ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ: Ο ρόλος του βυζαντινού στρατού ως πολιτειακού και πολιτικού παράγοντα και ο θεσμός των θεμάτων από τον 8 ο μέχρι τα μέσα του 11 ου αιώνα. Περιεχόμενα:... more
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      Greek HistoryMedieval HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine History
In order to provide a typical example of the interactions that affected the Chinese area through Xinjiang we will summarize our critical observations regarding Zaghunluk near Qiemo in the Taklamakan Desert. Zaghunluk lies in Xinjiang, an... more
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      Greek civilizationChinese civilization
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyAncient Greek HistoryGreek civilizationLate Helladic IIIC Mycenean IIIC
In the introduction of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle urges his audience to be ‘like archers’ (καθάπερ τοξόται) in aiming at knowledge of the good. The expression poignantly captures his view of ethical enquiry. In this article I... more
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      Moral PhilosophyGreek civilizationHistory of PhilosophyEarly Greek Thought
Η εξέλιξη της τέχνης με γνώμονα τις κοινωνικοπολιτικές συνθήκες απ' την υστεροαρχαϊκή εποχή, ως το τέλος της κλασικής εποχής. Νύξεις για την αρχαϊκή και την ελληνιστική εποχή.
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek and Roman Art
ISBN: 978-618-82477-4-1 Περίληψη Η παρούσα εισήγηση περιλαμβάνει την παρουσίαση μιας εφαρμογής για κινητές συσκευές (τηλέφωνα-tablets) με λειτουργικό σύστημα android για αλλοδαπούς που δεν γνωρίζουν Ελληνικά. Μέσω ενός... more
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      Greek LanguageMobile appsGreek civilizationΤΠΕ
Ομοιότητες και διαφορές μεταξύ του ομηρικού έπους και του έπους του Απολλώνιου Ρόδιου στην παρουσίαση των επικών προσώπων και των σχέσεών τους και τα χαρακτηριστικά του είδους της βιογραφίας και η σημασία της παιδείας στην Αυτοκρατορική... more
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      PhilosophyHomerHellenistic PhilosophyAncient Philosophy
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyNationalismCivil War
The concept of myth is not easily defined; a historical evaluation of myth is therefore not without its problems. Yet the comparison between the different attitudes and conclusions reached by various scholars pose interesting questions,... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyMythosGreek civilizationMythes
“Throughout human history, perhaps even pre-human, there has been a tension between the need for order and the forces that cause change. That tension is greater now than ever, because, in our increasingly globalized world, the rate of... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryModern HistoryCultural History
Essay on the athleticism and on the agonal mentality considered essential components of Greek culture, and on their manifestations, inserted in the religious, ethical-social, cultural and political context of the poleis.
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      Greek Lyric PoetryGreek AthleticsAncient Sports/AthleticsAncient Greek History
Worship of Egyptian deities (especially Isis, Serapis, Harpokrates and Bubastis) spread to most of the Mediterranean coasts starting from the fourth century BC and continued to do so in the third; thus they reached various parts of inland... more
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      Roman HistoryAncient Egyptian HistoryGreek civilizationRoman Civilisation
Με βάση τον αναθηματικό πίνακα του σπηλαίου Πιτσά Κορινθίας (περίπου 540 π.Χ.), μελετούμε την εξέλιξη των ελληνικών αλφαβήτων, των αρχαίων ελληνικών διαλέκτων και το πλαίσιο της αρχαίας ελληνικής θρησκευτικής λατρείας.
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Language
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
Latere, 1985, pp. xxv-44}. egeo. l tcmìini dcUa questione dorico » .} cui atti vengono ota pubblicani a cura di Domenico Mufti. ' La prima sezione, .imperniata sulla lingua. lrarchcologia c le tradizione, si apre con una nlazione dì J.... more
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      Greek HistoryAncient Greek HistoryMycenaeanAegean Late Bronze Age
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Cultural & Social HistoryGreek civilization
“Throughout human history, perhaps even pre-human, there has been a tension between the need for order and the forces that cause change. That tension is greater now than ever, because, in our increasingly globalized world, the rate of... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryModern HistoryCultural History
direitos reservados. É permitida a reprodução parcial ou total desta obra, desde que citada a fonte e que não seja para venda ou qualquer fim comercial. O conteúdo desta obra é de responsabilidade de seus respectivos autores. As... more
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligionHistory
L'eros occupa un posto di non secondaria importanza nella produzione poetica arcaica, né mancano componimenti in cui sono inseriti episodi o situazioni in cui l'equilibrio di coppia viene insidiato e messo in crisi da una terza persona.... more
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      Greek EpicAncient Greek LanguageAncient Greek TragedyAncient Greek Culture
УДК 94(3) ББК 63.3 И 85 Ответственные редакторы С.В. Архипова, J1.J1. Селиванова Обложка заслуженный художник России А.Е. Козинин Рецензенты доктор искусствоведения М.Ф. Киселёв кандидат исторических наук В.Н. Илюшечкин На лицевой стороне... more
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      Urban HistoryAncient Greek HistoryThe emergence of the Greek polis and the concept of StateGreek civilization
«Εκεί που η πλαγιά της Γκιώνας σώνεται στον Κορινθιακό, μέσα από ένα ανάερο κυματισμό γυμνών λόφων, μέσα στο φωτερό θάμπος του ήλιου και του γαλάζιου, βρίσκεται το Γαλαξείδι,η ναυτική πολιτεία της ομορφιάς και του ονείρου» Σύμφωνα με το... more
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      Greek HistoryArt HistoryLiteratureHistory of Science
260 RESEÑAS Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca / CC BY-NC-ND Stud. hist., H.ª antig., 36, 2018, pp. 255-308 PLÁCIDO, Domingo: La crisis de la ciu-dad clásica y el nacimiento del mundo helenístico. Col. Crisis y Nacimientos. Buenos Aires:... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryReviewGreek civilizationarchaic and classical Greek history (political theory; politics, society & religion; philosophy, mythology & anthropology of institutions)
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryGreek civilization
The way in which we shape a particular memory based on tragic facts of the past has an effect on the knowledge we have of that past. In this article, we aim to discern the reliability of two episodes in which Chilon of Sparta and Solon of... more
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      AristotleHistory and MemoryAncient HistoriographyCollective Memory
Το παρόν συγχρηµατοδοτήθηκε από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταµείο) και εθνικούς πόρους στο πλαίσιο της πράξης «ΝΕΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ (Σχολείο 21ου αιώνα) -Νέο Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών» του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράµµατος «Εκπαίδευση και ∆ιά Βίου... more
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      European StudiesGreek LiteratureAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Philosophy
idee Che si parli della Costituzione europea o della crisi economica, che ci si interessi delle potenze mondiali emergenti o dei nuovi localismi -in breve, quando ci occupiamo della nostra identità di italiani, europei, occidentali -è... more
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      European identityAncient PhilosophyIslamophobiaBernard Williams
"Una constante, cuando nos referimos a la mitología griega, consiste en que, a menudo, parece que traspasa la realidad, de manera que ambos mundos, el real y el imaginado, se mezclan. En lo que respecta a las amazonas, existían diversos... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient History
Greek civilization and identity crystallized not when Greeks were close together but when they came to be far apart. It emerged during the Archaic period, when Greeks founded coastal city-states and trading stations in ever-widening... more
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      PhoeniciansHellenismGreek SicilyCollective Identity
È probabile che i greci avrebbero potuto fornire contributi significativi alla fisica sperimentale; se non l'hanno fatto, non è stato per incapacità, ma perché hanno considerato questo genere di attività alla stregua di un lavoro... more
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      AnthropologyHomerCosmology (Physics)Plotinus
Η ισχυροποίηση της εθνικής ιδεολογίας του «βρεφικού» κράτους της Ευρώπης, της Ελλάδας, ήταν το στοίχημα με το οποίο θα έπρεπε να έρθουν αντιμέτωποι οι ιθύνοντες του κράτους γύρω στο 1830, κατά τα πρώτα δηλαδή χρόνια της ανεξαρτησίας του,... more
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      Cultural StudiesHumanitiesGreek civilizationΛαογραφία
για την επετειακή εκδήλωση παρουσίασης του τόμου: «Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας - Διεθνείς Θεσμικές και Πολιτικές Προσεγγίσεις (1800-1830)» στην αίθουσα τελετών του ΕΚΠΑ - 11/11/2021
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      Greek RevolutionGreek war of independenceGreek civilizationΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ
El presente artículo se propone realizar una valoración de la obra del iconógrafo griego contemporáneo Michalis Vasilakis, en el contexto de la tradición de la pintura bizantina. La obra de Vasilakis presenta elementos aparentemente... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryTheologyByzantine Studies
Among scholars of classic philosophy in the West, it is not uncommon to deny the existence of non-Western metaphysics. This seems due largely to culture-specific ideas or standards about what metaphysics is or how it should be done. In... more
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      MetaphysicsAristotleWisdomAncient Greek Philosophy
In this paper, I compare the materialism in Indian civilization defended by Carvaka philosophers and the materialism in Greek civilizations represents by Epicurean philosophers. Carvaka philosophy appeared after Vedic period approximately... more
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      PhilosophyMaterialismEpicureanismIndian civilization
Η ακτινοβολία της ελληνικής γλώσσας και οι επιδράσεις της ως όχημα μετάδοσης του ελληνικού πολιτισμού (Δίγλωσση έκδοση με ρουμανική μετάφραση).
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      Greek LanguageRomanian LanguageGreek cultureHistory of the Greek language
The paper explores the subject of represented identity in the Chroniche de la città de Anchona, written by Gian Mario Filelfo during his stay in Ancona as a public teacher. After a survey of the political and cultural situation on the eve... more
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      Renaissance HumanismItalian HumanismByzantine HistoryForgery, Fakery, Fraud
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      ClassicsGreek HistoryClassical CivilizationGreek civilization
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient Greek LiteratureGreek civilization
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    • Greek civilization