Archaeology of the Silk Road
Recent papers in Archaeology of the Silk Road
The commercial relations between communities across the Euro-Asian continent have existed since prehistoric times. The period comprised between 2 BC and 10 AD centuries is especially important because the commercial contacts were promoted... more
Il volume, ampiamente illustrato, è un viaggio affascinante per "Le antiche Vie della Cina", alla scoperta dei lunghi percorsi che hanno cambiato le sorti del mondo. Dalla più conosciuta Via della Seta, alle Vie della Giada, del Bronzo,... more
Co-authored with Ruth Young. Simultaneously published as ‘Zentralasien 500 v. Chr.-600 n. Chr.’ In Dumont Weltatlas der Kunst, heraus. John Onians. Köln: Verlag Dumont, 2004. Reprinted in The Art Atlas, ed. John Onians. London: Laurence... more
Manichaeism, Ordu Balïq/Karabalgasun, Por-Bajin, Uighur/Uyghur
From the 1790s until World War I, Western museums filled their shelves with art and antiquities from around the world. These objects are now widely regarded as stolen from their countries of origin, and demands for their repatriation grow... more
In part two of the article, I discuss finds of western origin glass vessels from the Three Kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula in the social context. Three chronological horizons with glass vessels can be distinguished within the Period of... more
An overview of the hidden agendas of those who transported artifacts across ethnic and cultural boundaries in the name of science and empire, from Europe and the Middle East to China and Latin America.
Εκδόσεις Στοχαστής, Αθήνα 1994 (πλήρης έκδοση) - Stohastis Publishing House, Athens 1994 (complete edition)
The coasts of southern India have historically been the center of an important commercial network that brought the West (and the Mediterranean) into contact with the Far East. After the fall of the Roman Empire, other commercial actors... more
After three years of collaboration and preparation: the Iran exhibition at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn will open next Thursday (April 13) - presenting Iranian archaeology from early sedentism to the rise of the Achaemenids. Many thanks... more
In contrast to the author’s last paper published in the previous volume of JWBC which introduced the visual syntax of the Buddhist mural paintings of the ancient Kucha Kingdom, this paper rather focuses on another aspect of these mural... more
Der Name "Seidenstraße(n)" geht auf den deutschen Geographen und Kolonialisten Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833Richthofen ( -1905 zurück und ist die Bezeichnung für ein System von Handelswegen, welche den Raum des heutigen China in der... more
The concept of the Silk Road first attained prominence in the latter half of the 19th century as part of European attempts to impose economic and political claims upon the lands and peoples of Xinjiang (also known as East Turkestan,... more
Road design/Verkehrsplanung/Specifikimi teknik
University i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
University i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
Today the preservation and commemoration of cultural heritage in Asia occupies a complex place in an increasingly integrated and interconnected region. In comparison to ten years ago we are seeing a significant growth in the level of... more
УДК 94(574) ББК 63.3 Ұ17 "Ұлы Жібек жолы және Қазақ хандығы мыңжылдықтар тоғысында": Халықаралық тарихи-археологиялық конференция материалдар жинағы -Тараз, 22-23 мамыр, 2015 -278 б. = "Великий Шелковый путь и Казахское ханство на рубеже... more
Universiteti i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
What do dice and gods have in common? What is the relationship between dice divination and dice gambling? This interdisciplinary collaboration situates the tenth-century Chinese Buddhist "Divination of Maheśvara" within a deep Chinese... more
the cultural and economic connections between the Levant and the Silk Road in ancient times
本文從方法論上質疑西方主流文藝復興藝術研究中兩個根深柢固的成見,指出其一方面過於強調圖像的政治寓意而忽視了圖像表像的自身邏輯,另一方面則始終堅持西方中心主義,把文藝復興解讀為西方古典的復興。在此基礎上,本文對意大利錫耶納畫派代表人物安布羅喬.洛倫采蒂(Ambrogio Lorenzetti,約 1290–1348)的主要作品〈好政府的寓言〉(Allegory of Good and Bad... more
An examination of silks from Qinghai and in the collections of the National Silk Museum in China, along with evidence from murals, documents the popularity and spread of textiles produced in Central Asia into the Trans-Himalayan regions... more
The Turfan Collection in the Museum of Asian Art in Dahlem is now closed in preparation for its move to the Humboldt Forum in the center of Berlin, where it will re-open in 2019. This article gives some background information to the... more
This paper examines the categories and distribution of Roman engraved gems discovered in Southeast Asia, and aims to show possible imprints on forming evaluation/acceptance of these non-local goods by the receiving cultures.
In this dissertation, I investigate the relationships between Greek, Sanskrit, and local religious practices in the Gandhara region of Northwest India as expressed in a set of the so-called Gandharan palettes (also known as cosmetic or... more
This article concentrates on the genesis of a special form of the drinking cup and similar vessels with the characteristic handle with horizontal plate – the type called thumb plate. Such vessels were popular in Central and East Asia in... more
This is a working report, which was originally presented at the Ashgabat Silk Roads coordination meeting in May 2011, and formed the basis of the Silk Roads transboundary serial nomination strategy. It was subsequently updated using... more
Conference "Bronze Age Civilizations", organized by Julien Cooper, Yegor Grebnev and Zhan Chen.