Architectural Decoration-Bauornamentik
Recent papers in Architectural Decoration-Bauornamentik
from Blake de Maria, Tracy Cooper, and Mary Frank, eds., CELEBRATING VENICE: A FESTSCHRIFT FOR PATRICIA FORTINI BROWN. Five Continents, 2013.
Dans un premier temps, je ne mettrai pas de pdf de l'article qui se rapporte aux découvertes de la nécropole fouillée près de la place E. Wernert (Lyon 5). Voici seulement en pièce jointe une photographie d'un sarcophage qui remploie une... more
Communication à l'invitation d'A. Pelletier (début juillet 2019), que nous remercions, dans le cadre du colloque qu'il organise au musée Gadagne le mercredi 18 septembre 2019 : "Les 2000 ans de l'amphithéâtre des Trois Gaules".
Thèse de doctorat soutenue à l'Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté le 1er décembre 2017.
Se estudian las principales características de la decoración arquitectónica en la Villa de Adriano: elementos, talleres, etc.
Özet: Lyrbe/Seleukeia Agorası'nın Batı Stoa bölümüne ait olduğu bilinen ve araştırmanın konusunu oluşturan bu başlıklar hem form hem de yan bölümlerinde yer alan bereket boynuzlarının varlığı ile alışılmışın dışında bir görüntüye... more
This paper deals with the House of Leukaktios, which has been discovered during Polish excavations at Ptolemais, Libya, in 2001 2007. The house has almost completely preserved mosaic pavements and the plan of Graeco-Roman type with an... more
ان كان فن العمارة مرآة تعكس المستوى الثقافي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي لحضارة الشعوب على مر العصور، فان فن الزخرفة يعكس مدى غنى تلك المستويات.
L'autore ha il diritto di stampare o diffondere copie di questo PDF esclusivamente per uso scientifico o didattico. Edipuglia si riserva di mettere in vendita il PDF, oltre alla versione cartacea. L'autore ha diritto di pubblicare in... more
The Temple of Artemis – a masterpiece of the famous Hellenistic architect Hermogenes – is considered one of the most important structures of Magnesia on the Meander and of the architectural history of Anatolia. There have been many... more
in Res Literaria République des Savoirs (Usr 3608 du CNRS - Collége de France, Ens de la rue d'Ulm), Centre Jean Péepin (Umr 8230 du CNRS - Ens de la rue d'Ulm), Les Cahiers de l'Ornement, 1, a cura di P. Caye e F. Solinas, Roma, De Luca... more
Whether on clothing, furnishings, buildings, or even culinary dishes, ornament has often marked membership in particular grades and segments of society. It has distinguished sacred from profane, aristocrat from commoner, male from female,... more
Although the sacrificial tables standing in the courtyards of the Great Altar at Pergamon and Artemis Altars at Ephesos and Magnesia are dated to the Hellenistic period, some features observed in the anthemion decorations of these tables... more
In this contribution we propose a historical, archaeological and architectural review of the Basilica of San Salvatore in Spleto. It is based on the study of the topographical context and the icnography of the basilica, on the... more
L. Cavalier - M.-C. Ferriès - F. Delrieux (eds.), Auguste et l’Asie Mineure, Ausonius. Scripta Antiqua 97 (Bordeaux 2017)
Systematic excavations at Laodikeia by the Lykos initiated in 2002 have brought to daylight monumental structures with rich façade decoration from the Roman Imperial and Late Antiquity period. The concerned structures are public and... more
L'articolo presenta alcune osservazioni preliminari sui frammenti marmorei dal Tempio di Venere Genitrice nel Foro di Cesare a Roma, conservati nei depositi del Museo dei Fori Imperiali. Anthemia di disegno differente presenti come... more
The aim is to study ancient fountains in their architectural context, in the belief that the context will reveal their function in the dwelling. This article first analyzes the fountain structures and examines the relationship between... more
achim lichtenberger, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster rubina raja, Aarhus Universitet Advisory Board Susan e. alcock Marianne Bergmann robin osborne r. r. r. Smith voluMe 1
We approach the study of the high architectural decorative arch of Augustus at Susa as a contribution to the knowledge of the process of Romanization of the Alpine provinces in the Augustan age, because the choice is not only monumental... more
The Tel Arza burial cave, also known as the “Two-Story Tomb,” is one of the most elaborately decorated burial caves in the Second Temple period necropolis of Jerusalem (see Wiegmann and Baruch, this volume). Its facade, carved in bedrock,... more
Published in: J. Lipps - D. Maschek, eds., Antike Bauornamentik. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten ihrer Erforschung, Kolloquium 2011 in München, Studien zur antiken Stadt 12 (Reichert Verlag: Wiesbaden 2014) 181-202. Traditionally, scientific... more
The following paper provides an overview of the history and current state of research on Roman architecture in the north-western provinces. This clearly demonstrates that, in recent years, these monuments have been seen in a very... more
Despite Josephus’ detailed description of Herod’s palace built on the Southwestern Hill of Jerusalem in Bellum Judaicum, book 5, only scant archaeological remains from its substructure were revealed so far, and only few scholars have... more
Senaquerib trasladó la capital del Imperio asirio de Dur Sharrukin llamado ekallu sa sanina la Isu o "palacio sin rival".
The book illustrates the Architecture of Roman age pubblica buildings of ancient Puteoli. Each chapter collects all the ancient sources related to the monument and examines its architectural decoration.