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par Frans Doperé. — Pouvoir dater les maçonneries d’une cathédrale, d’une abbatiale, d’une église paroissiale, voire d’un château fort ou d’une maison d’époque médiévale restera toujours une des préoccupations majeures de l’archéologue... more
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      Stone carvingCarved StonesArchéologiePatrimoine
Patricia Antaki-Masson Des pots dans les murs. Les vases acoustiques des églises tripolitaines grecques orthodoxes Lévon Nordiguian ‫الكورة‬ ‫في‬ ‫ة‬ ّ ‫األرثوذكسي‬ ‫الكنائس‬ ‫في‬ ‫استعمالها‬ ‫المعاد‬ ‫الحجارة‬ Les blocs de remploi dans... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyByzantine ArchitectureByzantine Architectural SculptureRoman Architecture
8. Детинец города Листвин. X -X I вв.
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Medieval ArchitectureMedieval Mediterranean Art and ArchitectureRomanesqueGonzaga
Colloque International Le Colloque propose d’explorer les développements de l’architecture européenne au XIVe siècle, en accordant une attention particulière aux contextes régionaux, à la circulation des modèles, aux techniques de... more
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      Storia Dell'Arte MedievaleArte MedievaleArchitecture MédiévaleStoria Dell'architettura Medievale
Publié dans Bourges et le Berry : de la fin du Moyen Age à la Renaissance (XIVe-XVIe s.), Actes du 176e Congrès Archéologique de France (22-26 juin 2017), 2019, p. 189-214.
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      Architecture MédiévaleArchitecture française de la RenaissanceArchitecture en pan de boisarchitecture urbaine
Relazione finale del laboratorio di Storia dell'Architettura 1 in merito alla ricerca sulle tipologie costruttive delle case medievali del Nord Europa. Presenza anche di un caso studio: casa medievale di Ruen in Francia
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchitectureNordic countries and Europe
di Roma Sapienza. Presso lo stesso Ateneo insegna Archeologia Medievale presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici; è presidente del corso di laurea in Beni Archeologici e coordinatore del curriculum di Archeologia e... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Church History
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    • Architecture Médiévale
Los ábsides son la parte de la iglesia cristiana que acoge, a modo de tabernáculo, el altar donde se realizan las celebraciones litúrgicas. El presente trabajo clasifica tipológicamente los ábsides construidos en las iglesias de los... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of Art
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      Medieval Cities and UrbanismArchitecture MédiévalePlafonds Peints
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      Medieval ArchitectureMendicant OrdersArchitettura MedievaleCampo Marzio
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      Art HistoryHistory of ScienceIslamic History and Muslim CivilizationHistory of medieval mathematics
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      Medieval ArchitectureArchitettura MedievaleVenetoMonastero dei benedettini
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchitectureEarthquakeRomanesque architecture
In the late 17th century, Guillaume-Joseph Grelot wrote the first comprehensive study on Hagia Sophia. His contribution greatly improved the knowledge of the monument in Western Europe and offered at the same time a critical view on its... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesArchitectural HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyByzantine Studies
La città medievale è la città dei frati? | Is the medieval town the city of the friars? A cura di Silvia Beltramo, Gianmario Guidarelli Contributi di: Catarina Almeida Marado, Silvia Beltramo, Anna Boato, Corrado Bozzoni, Caroline... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval ArchitectureMendicant OrdersStoria della chiesa
[EN] The expansion of Gothic architecture in Europe, well beyond its birthplace, took place in the 13th century through contacts between patrons and through the circulation of architects, but also through the exchange of architectural... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Art
Year: 2017 Publisher: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Series: Bibliotheca Archaeologica, 56 ISBN: 978-88-913-1253-2 ISBN: 978-88-913-1228-0 (PDF) Binding: Hardback Pages: 130, 8 ill. B/N, 150 ill. Col. Size: 21,5 x 28 cm At the beginning of the... more
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      Art HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesArchitecture
SOMMAIRE Sauro GELICHI Prefazione Avant-propos Henri AMOURIC, Jacques THIRIOT, Lucy VALLAURI Fréjus : des fours pour cuire des jarres et leur diffusion du XVI e au XVII e siècle Christophe CAILLAUD Les tinajas du centre de l'Espagne du... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureCeramics (Archaeology)Histoire et archéologie du haut Moyen-âgeMoyen Age
Textos sobre Teoría e Historia de las Construcciones Colección dirigida por Santiago Huerta A. Buchanan et al. (Eds.). Robert Willis. Science, Technology and Architecture in the Nineteenth Century A. Choisy. El arte de construir en Roma... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryGothic LiteratureHistory of Art
Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética o cualquier almacenamiento de información y... more
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      Art HistoryArtArchitectureArchitectural Geometry
Depuis les années 1980, une approche nouvelle s’est imposée autour de la construction en reprenant le principe archéologique de la stratigraphie des unités et des faits. Plusieurs rencontres depuis 2001 ont pu témoigner de ces avancées et... more
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      Archaeology of BuildingsArcheologia dell'architetturaArchéologie du bâtiépistémologie
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      ArchitectureMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Venice and the Veneto
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      SculptureMedieval ArchitectureRomanesque ArtMasonry Buildings
Las obras comienzan al día siguiente. El pilar se eleva en tan apenas una semana. El volteo de la bóveda cor¡e a cargo de los maestros Gabriel Gombau, Gil y Sariñena, que cuentan con los juicios aportados por dilerentes niaestros en... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of construction technology
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      Architecture MédiévaleHistoire Angleterre
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      Architecture MédiévaleVisites Paroissiales
The Carolingian age represents a creative period in the field of Arts and architecture. The return to decorative forms more consistent with the early Christian model takes on a precise symbolic and ideological value. There is also a... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureRoman SarcophagiCaelian HillRoman Spolia
Het gebied tussen IJzervallei en Noordzeestrand heeft tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog erg geleden. De frontsteden Nieuwpoort, Diksmuide en leper werden hierbij volledig verwoest. Veume heeft daarentegen de vernieling bijzonder goed... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureMedieval FlandersArchitecture and urbanismMedieval Cities and Urbanism
The tower of Vassiliko, Euboea, chronologically can be placed in the Venetian period (in Euboea 1204-1470). It is one of the earlier samples of its architectural type. It belongs to a ‘network’ of similar towers situated near close to... more
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      ArchitectureMedieval ArchaeologyVenetian art and architectural historyMedieval Architecture
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      ArchitectureArchitectural GeometryArchitectural HistoryMedieval Archaeology
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      ArchitectureRomanian HistoryMedieval ArchitectureMonasticism
Actes des journées doctorales internationales “Quel lieu choisir ? Implantation, représentation et mention de l’édifice et de l’objet (XIe-XVIe siècles)” organisées les 29 et 30 mai 2018 à Amiens, par Julie Colaye et Marie Quillent, en... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Archaeology
I dati raccolti grazie all'indagine di Area 5000 e di Area 8000 e l'integrazione della documentazione degli scavi Sanpaolesi permettono con buona probabilità di interpretare l'edificio absidato rinvenuto sull'angolo nord-est della... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Architecture
This paper considers two buildings in southern Italy; the cathedral of Acerenza, and the unfinished church (‘l’Incompiuta’) laid out behind the apse of the late Antique basilica at Venosa. Both churches are in the modern region of... more
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      Medieval Mediterranean Art and ArchitectureRomanesqueRomanesque architectureRomanesque Sculpture
Luca Creti Le chiese di Corneto nel XII e XIII secolo Tra autonomia innesti e scambi di culture architettoniche L'ErmArte, 29 2021, 114 pp., 100 ill. b/n Brossura, 21,5 x 28,5 cm ISBN: 9788891321954 ISSN: 2612-4718 In the twelfth and... more
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      ArchitectureMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Mediterranean Art and ArchitectureGothic architecture
The Linking Evidence website aims to be an innovative research tool on medieval and early Renaissance Rome. The idea of this project stems from the collaboration between two scholars with long-term projects on Rome, Dr Claudia Bolgia and... more
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      ClassicsDigital LibrariesDigital HumanitiesMedieval Literature
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      Medieval ArchitectureTransylvaniaMonasticismTransylvanian Romanians
Colloque international organisé à l’occasion des 900 ans de la fondation de la ville de Montferrand ; (Clermont-Ferrand, 1-3 octobre 2021).
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      ArchéologieHistoireArchéologie UrbaineArchéologie médiévale
The cathedral in Aosta was commissioned by Bishop Anselm 994-1025). The fabric, started at the end of the 10th c., ends only in the second half of the 11th, with the western part, forming another liturgical pole. It is a three nave church... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureArchitettura MedievaleArchitecture Médiévale
Résumé français détaillé de l'article: « Die Baumeisterfamilie Deschamps, Papst Klemens V. und der letzte Schrei aus Paris. Bemerkungen zur Porte des Flèches der Kathedrale von Bordeaux », in : T. Kunz und M. Grandmontagne (éds.),... more
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      SculptureMedieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtCathedrals (Medieval Studies)
Nicholaus, founder of one of the higher level atelier in north Italy, was a sculptor in the Romanesque period, working in the first half of the twelfth century. His production is especially investigated as far as the iconographic aspect... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureStructural AnalysisMedieval Building TechnologyMedieval buildings
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      Architectural EngineeringArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Spatial AnalysisTypologyFunctional MorphologyAnthropology of space
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      ArchitectureRomanesque ArtRomanesqueHistory of architecture
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      Medieval ArchitectureMedieval Jewish HistoryArchitecture MédiévaleSynagogue Architecture
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      Architecture MédiévaleCiternes
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      Medieval ArchitectureCistercian architectureCisterciansArchitecture Médiévale
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Jewish HistoryHistory of architecture