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The second Book of the Politics has been object of multiple considerations, but it has called the attention of the scholars mainly because of its detailed criticism of Plato's political projects, especially the Republic. In fact Aristotle... more
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      Political PhilosophyClassicsHistory of IdeasPolitical Theory
This is a new translation (not a revision of my 1998), which is co-ordinate with my Nicomachean Ethics (2014), Metaphysics (2016), and forthcoming De Anima (2017) and Rhetoric (2018). It is due out in March 2017.
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryAristotlePolitical Science
Le zoonosi contemporanee ci costringono a porci una domanda che già gli antichi pensatori si erano posti più o meno esplicitamente. Le risposte sono spiazzanti e per molti versi attuali: mangiamo gli animali perché non siamo dèi (e quindi... more
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      PhilosophyClassicsHuman-Animal RelationsAristotle
In this essay, I undertake a critical phenomenological exposition of the conditions of ethical community as they present themselves in light of the anthropocene. I begin by approaching the present human condition by following Arendt in... more
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      Critical Social TheoryPhenomenologySocial OntologyHannah Arendt
Suppose you are preacher who wants to speak a word to a polarized situation. Words take on meaning within a context and unfortunately yours is a situation divided between " right " and " left " (here meant very generally to signify the... more
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      JournalismPlatoAristotleWar Studies
Aristotle's Politics provides an analysis of the kinds of political community that existed in his time and shows where and how these cities fall short of the ideal community of virtuous citizens. A polis is literally a " city " or in... more
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      Aristotle's PoliticsCritical Analysis
Suhrkamp Verlag
stw 2035
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      Hilary PutnamAristotle's CommentatorsAristotle's EthicsAristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics
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      PlatoAristotleLocal HistoryAthenian Democracy
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy of TechnologyTechnology
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      Aristotle's Rhetoric and PoeticsAristotle's PoliticsAncient Greek Philosophy / Aristotle
There is a long-standing debate over which constitution Aristotle regards as best in Politics. I attempt to clarify his view by reconstructing four principles he uses to assess constitutions, in both ideal and more ordinary circumstances:... more
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      Political TheoryAristotleHistory of Political ThoughtAncient Greek Politics
Grote identifies in the power entrusted to an elite that would justify its powers on the basis of possession of an alleged virtue as the common matrix of the reflection about the system of government both in Aristotle and in Plato. This... more
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      AristotleTranslation and InterpretationAncient Greek PhilosophyAristotle's Politics
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      Political PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyAristotle's EthicsAristotle's Politics
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      Social ChangeAristotleAthenian DemocracyThucydides
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      International RelationsPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyHumanities
Studying Aristotle’s Politics in the 15th century. Summaries and anthologies in the Greek manuscripts, in S. FARRINGTON (ed.), Enthousiasmos. Essays in Ancient Philosophy, History, and Literature. Festschrift for Eckart Schütrumpf on his... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryAristotleMedieval Studies
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      Ancient social & political philosophyAristotle's PoliticsPlato's Political PhilosophyClassics and Ancient History: society, history and religion of the ancient Greeks
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
This is the complete notes of my learning on Aristotle's work on the Good life, from his book: Nicomachean Ethics.
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      AristotleAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyAristotle's Ethics
This study, first published by the Academy of Athens in 1998, subsequently formed a chapter in the book: Exopolitics (Nova, N.Y. 1999). The excerpt here focuses on the effects of the classical theories of Plato and Aristotle relating to... more
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      ClassicsPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesHistory Of Platonic Tradition
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      Political TheoryHistory Of Political Thought (Political Science)History of Political ThoughtHistory of Political Science
This paper examines Aristotle's view that there are natural slaves, able-bodied people who lack the capacity to deliberate about the good and bad in life, who are ideally suited to be 'tools of action' for practically intelligent masters.... more
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    • Aristotle's Politics
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      Music EducationEducationAristotleEducation for Citizenship
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      History of IdeasAristotlePhilosophy Of LawHistory of Political Thought
Dear readers, I teach a course in Ancient Philosophy--primarily Plato and Aristotle--and have a fairly sturdy set of notes compiled over many years. I'm more than happy to share these with other instructors and scholars.
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      EthicsPlatoAristotleVirtue Ethics
In the article, I try to refute an old and widespread superstition according to which the new political philosophy created by Niccolo Machiavelli breaks with classical political philosophy by taking a novel position toward the political;... more
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      Political PhilosophyAristotleClassical Political PhilosophyMachiavelli
Perhaps still a needed corrective.
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyDemocratic TheorySovereigntyHobbes
Elaborating on the term “Digital Zoning” – this paper discusses the use of urban planning procedures as a form of technology regulation. Emerging developments within a range of technologies including augmented reality, facial... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningAristotle's PoliticsSmart Cities
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryPhilosophy
Some recent commentators have thought that if updated with the findings of modern embryology Aristotle’s views on abortion would yield a pro-­‐life conclusion. On the basis of a careful reading of the relevant passage from Politics VII, I... more
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      AristotleVirtue EthicsAbortionAristotle's Politics
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      EthicsAristotleVirtue EthicsAristotle's Ethics
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryAristotleAristotle's Ethics
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      AristotleAncient PhilosophyAristotle's EthicsAristotle's Politics
""In his « little Treatise in English» on Human nature (1640), and, later, in Leviathan (1647 – 1650), Thomas Hobbes examines and redefines the passions. Basing his argument upon the concept of motion, he conceives them as thoughts:... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEmotion
La crítica de Platón a la retórica y a la democracia tienen un punto en común: la idea de que los ciudadanos carecen de competencia y de virtud para participar en las deliberaciones públicas y en los procesos judiciales. La retórica es... more
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      RhetoricAristotlePlato and PlatonismAristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics
Intellectual slavery is the condition bound to philosophical bondage by somebody controlling the information generally dependent on scholastic pursuit. Intellectual slavery is focused on the scholarly world generally in underdeveloped... more
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      Aristotle's PoliticsIntellectual SlaveryColonial Impact on IntellectSocial Impacts of Intellectual Slavery
Aug. 23, 1995. But handwritten comments were added later.
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      Political TheoryAristotleAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
Since music affects emotions and dispositions, it plays a fundamental role in the political philosophy of both Plato and Aristotle. This paper discusses how education utilizes various keys and modes, in particular how the works Laws and... more
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      MusicPolitical PhilosophyGreek TragedyPlato
Recent scholars (e.g., Bodéüs 1993; Mara 2000; Smith 2001; Tessitore 1996) have fruitfully proposed that we must strive to understand Aristotle’s distinctive didactic strategy as a writer. By attending more to the interrelationship... more
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      AristotleAristotle's Rhetoric and PoeticsAristotle's PoliticsAncient Greek Philosophy / Aristotle
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      AristotleAristotle's Politics
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      Political PhilosophyAristotleCommunitarianismAncient Philosophy
Art has the capacity to host, to entertain and to distribute the weak political power that is in effect within collective ways of going on to do things for the pleasure of getting better regardless of how good anyone is. If art can have a... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySocial Movements
What is the relationship between friendship and human flourishing? This is a central topic in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and one to which Maimonides also returned throughout his career. Despite the relative neglect of this topic in... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionJewish Law
This paper examines Aristotle's concept of the happiness of the city (eudaimonia of the polis) and its relation to the common good.
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      Aristotle's EthicsAristotle's Politics
This paper discusses Aristotle's definition of the state and of the several constitutions in his Politics I and III. It is argued (1) that the definition of the state must be extracted from two passages of the beginning of the treatise,... more
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      AristotleAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyAristotle's Politics
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      AristotleAristotle's EthicsAristotle's philosophy of biologyAristotle's Politics
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Aristotle's concept of common good is not synonymous with the good life, as has often been thought; it is a standard for evaluating political justice in light of what the city " actually is. " He argues from a sociological analysis of the... more
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      AristotleAristotle's PoliticsCommon Good
In this paper, I concentrate on some of the more peculiar, perhaps even polemical, features of Aristotle’s discussions of Plato’s Republic in the second book of the Politics. These features include Aristotle’s several rather sharp or... more
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      PlatoAristotleRhetorical CriticismAristotle's Politics