Recent papers in Machiavelli
On the History of Political Philosophy is a lively and lucid account of the major political theorists and philosophers of the ancient Greek, Roman, medieval, renaissance, and early modern periods. Topics include discussions concerning... more
Most modern historians perpetuate the myth that Giuliano de' Medici (1479-1516), son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, was nothing more than an inconsequential, womanizing hedonist with little inclination or ability for politics. In the first... more
Collection of contributions on the reception of ancient historiography in Early Modern Culture and Intellectual History. INDICE INTRODUZIONE I. G. Mastrorosa (Università di Firenze) Oltre ‘riscoperte’, Nachleben e ‘fortuna’:... more
Machiavelli's life, times, and writings converge on the topic of conspiracy. Yet his treatment of this topic is both more expansive and more complex than scholars have recognized. Attending to Discourses 3.6, among other central passages,... more
Celebrato per la sua opera di pacificazione da Dante (Paradiso VI, 80-81) e da Petrarca 1 , per il quale aveva offerto prova di condotta esemplare su piani molteplici 2 , Augusto trova posto nella memoria storiografico-culturale... more
En este artículo propongo interrogar la manera en la que Claude Lefort interpreta a Maquiavelo. En primer lugar, examinaré el estatuto que adquiere, para Lefort, el conflicto y la división social en la obra del Maquiavelo. En segundo... more
Sobreponiéndose al ideal que se impone a la teoría política que circunscribe a su actividad a la búsqueda del bien común y se detiene, por esa razón, en la investigación de los principios capaces de viabilizar la instauración del buen... more
Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je poukázať na vzťah medzi koncepciou morálnych hodnôt Vasila Gluchmana a predoslými konzekvencialistickými pozíciami v období renesancie. Rovnako ako iní renesanční myslitelia, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola a... more
Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici in collaborazione con: Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte) e Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici -Scuola di Roma.
This paper examines Francesco Guicciardini's various efforts to engage, evade or protest Machiavelli's arguments concerning social class, the constitution of liberty and preferable forms of tyranny in his "Considerations on Machiavelli's... more
"Co' voti concordi di tutti, fu creato quella mattina sommo pontefice; non sapendo quegli medesimi che l'avevano eletto rendere ragione per che causa, in tanti travagli e pericoli dello stato della Chiesa, avessino eletto uno pontefice... more
Ciclo di lezioni su alcuni grandi autori della letteratura italiana ( Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Palazzeschi, Calvino, Pasolini) e sulle scrittrici italiane tenute da A. Duranti, R. Bruscagli, G. Tellini, M. Biondi, F. Zabagli e D. Maraini... more
Donald Trump is almost certainly applying Machiavellian strategies to his campaign. But I wonder, is this intentional or instinctual?
El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que en Maquiavelo la relación entre ética y política consiste en un problema porque supone una tensión entre dos modos posibles de actuación (uno guiado por la ética clásica y otro, por la ética... more
Friedrich Meineckes Die Idee der Staatsräson in der neueren Geschichte (1924), das als sein Hauptwerk gelten kann, vielfach übersetzt wurde und mit einem Kapitel über Niccolò Machiavelli beginnt, prägte das Machiavelli-Bild im Deutschland... more
Jest to recenzja z książki Romualda Piekarskiego, "Makiawelizm, patologia ducha, sacrum i polityka. Eseje z filozofii politycznej" (Sopot 2016, ss. 353)
The essay compares Elizabeth I of England's reign, depicted in the 1998 film "Elizabeth," with Machiavelli's political philosophy.
Machiavelli’s feminist interpreters have increasingly turned to his comedy La Mandragola to problematize the vision of “masculine” virtù and self-sufficiency often attributed to his thought. Insofar as La Mandragola problematizes this... more
Programa de curso "Violencia y política".
Segundo semestre 2015. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, sede Viña del Mar.
Segundo semestre 2015. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, sede Viña del Mar.
This paper explores the role of "occasion" as a "Machiavellian" tool of political "practice" and "counter practice" in King Lear, and looks at the influence of Justus... more
Course Description: A continuation of the Classical Mind, the Modern Mind is an introduction to modern philosophy focusing on texts from selected early modern and modern thinkers. The class builds upon the history, thought concepts, and... more
Although networked movements have often been described as leaderless, I propose that they not only display different kinds of leadership phenomena but, when understood in their own terms, also function in a similar way to the " societies... more
Nato a Venezia intorno al 1480 e morto dopo il 1545, della sua vita si conosce pochissimo. Sacerdote, assunse incarichi ecclesiastici prima a Ceneda (oggi nel comune di Vittorio Veneto), poi ad Arquà, dove nel 1524 era rettore della... more
Acknowledgments Preface Chapter 1: Shakespeare and the Body Politic Bernard J. Dobski and Dustin Gish Part One: The Heart Chapter 2: "The Very Heart of Loss": Love and Politics in Antony and Cleopatra Joseph Alulis Chapter 3:... more
STRAUSS, Leo. Reflexões sobre Maquiavel. Tradução de Élcio Verçosa. São Paulo: É Realizações, 2015, 363p. Os leitores interessados pela teoria política de Nicolau Maquiavel e pelo pensamento de Leo Strauss encontram, desde 2015, à... more
Siyasetnameler devleti yöneten kişilere, devlet yönetimi, siyaset üretme, toplumsal refah gibi konularda tavsiyelerde bulunmak amacıyla ortaya koyulan edebi eserlerdir. Tür olarak bir siyasetname niteliği taşıyan Kutadgu Bilig, Türk-İslam... more
This article explores the ways in which Gramsci's engagement with Machiavelli and The Prince in particular result in three significant developments in the Prison Notebooks. First, I analyze how the 'heroic fury' of Gramsci's lifelong... more
Current political movements have raised the issue of the problematic diversity of forms of domination and oppression, as well as strategies to counter them, in the way black feminism has signaled the importance of intersectionality. This... more
Politics, in its multiple dimensions, is such a powerfule force that it influences and determines the course of lives of the teaming millions as well as affects the social, economic and cultural contours of national life. At the same... more
My paper will look at how prudential considerations place pressure upon the apparent integrity of various characters and the responsive strategies which those characters -and Shakespeare in his representation of them -adopt in adapting... more
If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it... more
Resumo A pesquisa trata do papel dos conflitos sociais no republicanismo de Maquiavel, tal como esse tema aparece em duas de suas duas grandes obras: Discursos sobre a primeira década de Tito Lívio e História de Florença. A partir dos... more
A teoria política de Nicolau Maquiavel é atravessada por uma preocupação constante e inflexível: a questão militar. Os problemas sobre as relações de governo são acompanhados lado a lado pelas considerações sobre a necessidade política da... more
Machiavelli’s philosophy and ideas would have been impossible to construct without his years in the Chancery and diplomatic experiences. His many diplomatic roles as mandatari writing notes alongside diplomats gave him an incredible... more
Western thought: the phrase immediately solicits the expression, ‘dead, White guys.’ The aim of this course is to equip students to analyze the ways in which ideas that seem outdated are still very much alive. Current debates about the... more