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      Botanical literatureArt of Botanical IllustrationBotanical HistoryPlants
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      BotanyEnvironmental EducationInvasive species ecologyNatural History
The connection between art and science in observation drawing has mostly been referenced concerning scientific illustration. The botanical drawings of Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868- 1928) and Margaret Macdonald (1864-1933) have also... more
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      Art and ScienceDrawingArt of Botanical IllustrationCharles Rennie Mackintosh
Opium, Silk and the Missionaries in China retells one of the largely forgotten histories between Britain and China in the 19th Century. Drawing on several collections using artefacts to explore the history of the Opium Wars through... more
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      Silk RoadChinese ArtChinese history (History)Chinese literature
Einen Schwerpunkt des Jahresberichts 2017 der Erlanger Buchwissenschaft bilden vier Aufsätze zu den Sammlungen des Nürnberger Arztes und Naturforschers Christoph Jacob Trew (1695–1769), die im Besitz der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen... more
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      Popular CultureDigital CopyrightPaperback Book HistoryCollecting and Collections
Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags im Sammelband „Biographien des Buches“ steht ein Exemplar des "Herbarius latinus", ein pharmakologisches Handbuch, gedruckt und verlegt bei Peter Schöffer in Mainz 1484, das sich heute im Bestand der... more
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      Book HistoryIncunabulaGift ExchangeHistory Of Rare Book Libraries
Jeremias Falck (c. 1605/09–1677) is considered to be the greatest engraver of early modern times working in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Graphical representa- tions of ower forms constitute a signi cant part of his oeuvre. So far... more
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      Art HistoryArt and ScienceBotanical literatureHistory of Art
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      TaxonomyScientific IllustrationArt of Botanical IllustrationHistory of Botanical Illustration
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      Art of Botanical IllustrationPersian and Indian Miniature Painting
Curator's essay, pdf version for the Camberwell Space exhibition A History of Drawing 16 January - 16 February 2018.
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      Art of Botanical IllustrationPrints and DrawingsGraphic notationTeaching drawing
Uso libre Diccionario ilustrado de los rasgos visibles en la hoja El siguiente documento corresponde a la clasificación de los términos normalmente usados en guías de campo y trabajos de investigación en cuanto a la descripción de la... more
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      Art of Botanical IllustrationPlant TaxonomyBotanicaForest School
Barely twenty years after Johann Gutenberg invented printing using a press and movable metal types in the 1450s, printers began publishing herbals. Most of the several dozen herbals which came out before 1500 were amalgams of anonymous... more
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      History of MedicineMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsIncunabula
Research of the fruit trees of the Colombian Amazon
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    • Art of Botanical Illustration
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      Art HistoryHistory of ScienceArt of Botanical IllustrationLandscape paintings
Fabio Colonnese, Il disegno per l'ambiente. Quaestio. Studi e ricerche per il disegno e la documentazione dei beni culturali, Maggio 2007, n.17/18, anno X, pp. 17-72. ISBN 9788878908093.
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      CartographyArt of Botanical IllustrationPaesaggioTerritorio
Th is paper is devoted to some points of interaction between the scientific illustrations and easel paintings. Plotless still life genre refl ects a special mode of thinking which is characteristic for the people of a certain epoch.... more
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      Art of Botanical IllustrationStill-life paintingDutch painting of the 17th century
Francesca Lui, Pomona 'picta' e 'descripta': Un itinerario nell’iconografia pomologica tra il XVI e il XX secolo attraverso le tecniche, in Miti, aere e scienza nella Pomologia italiana, a cura di Enrico Baldini, Roma, Consiglio Nazionale... more
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      Seventeenth Century17th-Century StudiesNineteenth-century ArtBotanical literature
Il racconto del ritrovamento di una varietà floreale sublime che si credeva estinta e nota solo attraverso le opere dei pittori barocchi ed altri artisti conservate nei più importanti musei e biblioteche in Europa e non solo, nonché un... more
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      Botanical literatureBiodiversityArt of Botanical IllustrationBotanical History
El mundo de las flores secas en la obra de Oswaldo Guayasamin Por: Lissandro Loor Solórzano ! El mundo vegetal en la pintura europea Desarrollo histórico y métodos de estudio FLORES SECAS "El siglo XIX latinoamericano había terminado a... more
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      Latin American StudiesHistorical SociologyPaintingSociological Theory
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      Women's StudiesArt of Botanical IllustrationWomen in Science and EngineeringHistory of Botany
" Throughout its history Antennae has been a cornucopia of sensuous seeing, writing, making, thinking, and reading, where nonhuman critters and people come together in terror and joy. Antennae 10 is replete with quirky, generative... more
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      EntomologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceContemporary Art
Oggetto della tesi è il libro di Giovanni Battista Ferrari dal titolo "De Florum cultura", nella sua edizione italiana del 1638. Gesuita, umanista, orientalista e letterato, professore di ebraico al Collegio Romano dal 1618 fino al 1647,... more
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      Garden HistoryArt of Botanical IllustrationFlowersHistory of Botany
Page 28 of the Codex Borgia depicts Tlaloc accompanied by goddesses and maize plants. Tlaloc wears the costume, accoutrements, and facial paint of deities associated with fertility and with maize. Each goddess wears the headdress and face... more
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      BotanyArt HistoryIndigenous StudiesManuscripts and Early Printed Books
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      Women's StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of Natural History
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      HinduismHistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
When studying the relationship between text and image in a single medieval manuscript with a medical topic, it is not uncommon to find large differences between the two media. There are cases where the writing is admittedly accompanied by... more
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      Medical SciencesAnimal SciencePapyrologyAristotle
"This work, which is the continuation of a first mapping Materials and Tools (Sirianni 2005), is divided into sections that follow those of the previous review closely. Sources: it contains a brief list of the most important doctors,... more
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      BotanyHistory of MedicineBibliographyHistory of Science
P ietro Andrea Mattioli pubblicò la prima edizione della sua traduzione italiana dei cinque libri del De materia medica di Pedacio Dioscoride nel 1544, a Venezia, in un solo volume di 442 pagine stampato da Nicolò Bascarini, un libraio... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of the BookArt of Botanical IllustrationEarly Modern print culture
M>D 80 ;;D 80/82 B 76 Ba^Zgb_ hkms_kl\e_gh ijb nbgZgkh\hc ih^^_j`d_ Jhkkbckdh]h ]mfZgblZjgh]h gZmqgh]h nhg^Z b Nhg^Z bf_gb > K EboZq_\Z (ijh_dl -04-^E) Hl\_lkl\_gguc j_^Zdlhj ^hdlhj nbeheh]bq_kdbo gZmd qe_g-dhjj_kihg^_gl J:G : E Lhihjdh\... more
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      FolkloreArchival StudiesEthnobotanyEthnography
В статье впервые дается общий обзор ботанической иллюстрации в русских рукописях XVI–XVIII вв. Это, с одной стороны, переводы европейских энциклопедических естественнонаучных сочинений — Gaerde der Suntheit Иоганна фон Кубе и Liber de... more
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      EthnobotanyPopular CultureHistory of ScienceIncunabula
Ellen Widder: Vom antiken Wissen zur modernen Wissenschaft. Wissenschaftshistorische Aspekte der Fuchs’schen Pflanzendarstellungen, in: Leonhard Fuchs (1501-1566) - Mediziner und Botaniker, hg. v. Gerd Brinkhus und Claudine Pachnicke,... more
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      Cultural HistoryBotanyPharmacyMedieval History
The connection between art and science in observation drawing has mostly been referenced concerning scientific illustration. The botanical drawings of Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868- 1928) and Margaret Macdonald (1864-1933) have also... more
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      Art and ScienceDrawingArt And EcologyArt of Botanical Illustration
Botanical Illustration - Carol Belanger Grafton
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      Art of Botanical IllustrationColor Theory, Psychology of Abstract Art, Botanical Illustration
Dándose a la tarea de pensar estéticamente las mutilaciones como manifestaciones de la violencia en Colombia, se propone “diseccionar” principalmente el “corte de florero”, quizá la mutilación más terrorífica que ha tenido lugar en... more
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      TestimonyCollective MemoryAesthetics and PoliticsArt of Botanical Illustration
Call for Papers The Dutch Americas Historians of Netherlandish Art Sponsored Session 111th CAA Annual Conference New York, NY, February 15—18, 2023 Organizers: Stephanie Porras (Tulane University) and Aaron M. Hyman (Johns Hopkins... more
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      Latin American ArtHistory of SlaveryDutch West India CompanyCaribbean Slavery
In this study, basic techniques which are used in botanical illustration are examined. Undoubtedly the most basic and accessible technique for the illustration artists is pencil and ink. Artists who have been drawing for years have used... more
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    • Art of Botanical Illustration
From the "Liquid Intelligence" special issue of Grey Room:
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      American HistoryPrint CulturePrintmakingAmerican art/ Art of the United States
This chapter relates my efforts to regard several plants as ethnographic subjects, a project that proceeded rather awkwardly at first, then developed some momentum. I settled on the “how to” format because I hope my approach proves useful... more
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      BotanyCultural StudiesAnthropologyBiological Anthropology
Suor Teresa Berenice’s artistic oeuvre vividly testifies to the fact that, despite monastic enclosure, she studied from life not only exotic flora and fauna, and luxury objects such as Chinese porcelain and Mesoamerican búcaros, but also... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial NetworksGift ExchangeHistory of Florence
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      History of Natural HistoryColonial AmericaHistory of ScienceArt of Botanical Illustration
Catalogue entries in “The Immensity of the Universe” in the Art of Giovanna Garzoni, edited by Sheila Barker. Exh. cat. Gallerie degli Uffizi, Palazzo Pitti 9 March – 24 May 2020. Livorno: Sillabe, 2020. (“Lioness with an Open Eye,” p.... more
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      Women's StudiesEarly Modern HistoryArt and ScienceWomen Artists
La cultura dei giardini, declinata al femminile, si rivela un importante frammento del più ampio quadro della cultura ottocentesca nella Restaurazione austro-estense. Le figure che animano questo ideale giardino sono aristocratiche dame o... more
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      Romantic poetryArt of Botanical IllustrationFemale ArtistsModena
This book aims to highlight the exchanges between art and nature through the role of the Madrid’s Royal Botanical Garden as a meeting place for artists, scientists and intellectuals between the 15th and 21st centuries. It presents the... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of photography20th century Avant-GardeArt of Botanical Illustration
La Basilicata, nel corso del tempo, ha dato i natali a illustri botanici, tra questi sicuramente alcuni hanno avuto più fortuna e notorietà di altri, tanto da aver costruito importanti carriere professionali e di cui è viva la memoria, è... more
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      BotanyBotanical literatureArt of Botanical IllustrationBotanica
En el presente artículo se presenta un análisis del uso del dibujo en la Expedición Botánica del Nuevo Reino de Granada. Con este propósito se revisa el concepto de representación vinculado con las ideas sobre ilustración botánica... more
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      Art of Botanical IllustrationBotanicaAlexander von Humbold New Granade Nueva Granada scientif expedition José Celestino Mutis Francisco José de Caldas Carlos Montúfar Enlightenment colonial Flora Bogotá Spain Quito Altitude measurement volcano natural resources richnessIlustración botánica
7 Scientific botanical illustrations in pen & ink commissioned by F. Verloove, Botanic Garden of Meise, for his article : "A conspectus of Cyperus s.l. (Cyperaceae) in Europe (incl. Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands), with emphasis on... more
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      BotanyIllustrationDrawingScientific Illustration
"We review the representation of Ginkgo biloba L., a quintessentially Chinese plant, in the art of those Western botanists who first encountered it in China and Japan. We also show how several later representations of Ginkgo, in both the... more
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      Japanese ArtChinese ArtArt of Botanical IllustrationGinkgo Biloba
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      Art of Botanical IllustrationBotanicaThe Medici familyHistory of Art, Italian Renaissance painting, Florence
This study is the first to successfully address the identification of the botanical components of a garden in the palatial courtyard of Herod’s the Great Promontory Palace in Caesarea Maritima. Based on the extraction and identification... more
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      PaleobotanyPalynologyRomanian StudiesGarden Archaeology