Prints and Drawings
Recent papers in Prints and Drawings
Ein Appendix zu einigen identifizierten Schreibern (S. 517-521), detaillierte Li teraturangaben zu den einzelnen Exponaten und eine umfassende Bibliographie ste hen am Ende dieser eindrucksvollen Publikation, deren Besprechung notwendiger... more
La quarta esposizione del ciclo “Brera mai vista” (Milano, Pinacoteca di Brera, sala XXXIV, ottobre - dicembre 2002) ha presentato alcuni dei 61 bellissimi studi ad olio su carta del pittore milanese Francesco Londonio, entrati a far... more
Au regard de l’essor timide de la taille-douce à Paris au début du xviie siècle, l’expérience italienne devint une étape nécessaire pour les graveurs qui voulaient apprendre ou perfectionner le métier. À la différence de ses collègues,... more
Ignazio Enrico Hugford (1703-1778) was a painter of English origin who was trained under Anton Domenico Gabbiani. As art dealer and connoisseur, he was among the most important collectors of works on paper in eighteenth-century Florence... more
AVVERTENZA: Sulla base della normativa in materia di diritti d’autore, oltre che di una norma etica fondamentale, non è concesso utilizzare questo testo illustrato in qualsiasi forma – copia, citazione, riassunto etc. – senza menzionare... more
This essay examines and discusses a hitherto unpublished drawing reproducing a fresco in Siena, now lost but traditionally attributed to Simone Martini by sources ranging from Ghiberti to Della Valle. The drawing, from the collection of... more
Bien que représentant un cas particulier, le Livre d'Echantillons Fol Est 489 constitue un bon exemple de la manière dont un recueil à destination d'un homme de l'art était composé au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Éléments pratiques et... more
in «Notizie di pittura raccolte dal Padre Resta». Il carteggio con Giuseppe Ghezzi e altri corrispondenti, a cura di Maria Rosa Pizzoni, Roma, UniversItalia, 2018, pp. 107-128. - Su padre Sebastiano Resta e Leonardo da Vinci si veda... more
Frank Auerbach recorded scenes in a sketchbook of the construction sites on Oxford Street in London in the decades following the devastation of World War II. Both the recto and verso of 'Oxford Street Building Site, 1957 - 59' are... more
Richard Waller, Fellow and Secretary of the Royal Society, is probably best remembered for editing Robert Hooke’s posthumously published works. Yet, Waller also created numerous drawings, paintings, and engravings for his own work and the... more
Essay about the art work "Der Teufel von Berlin" (2001), a print edition by Simar Polke. The essay is part of the catalogue "Die Vervielfältigung des Humors / La démultiplication de l’humour / The Multiplication of Humor. Die Editionen in... more
Essay on the history of the print cabinet of Prince Nikolaus Esterházy. Only Hungarian.
Fancy in the eighteenth century was part of a rich semantic network, connecting wit, whimsicality, erotic desire, spontaneity, deviation from norms and triviality. It was also a contentious term, signifying excess, oddness and... more
Article consacré aux dessins d'Eric Bosley présentés dans le cadre de l'exposition La Plume & le crayon (Amiens, fracpicardie - des mondes dessinés, 2017)
A book section on Pieter Bruegel's print 'Big Fish Eat Little Fish' (1557).
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
Estudio de la estampa de la bolera Manuela Perea, la Nena, elegida Pieza del Trimestre Julio-Septiembre 2021 del Museo Nacional del Romanticismo.
This article provides, for the first time, an overview of all images (drawings and prints) sent by the Dutch microscopist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) to the Royal Society during their fifty-year long correspondence. Analyses of the... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Carl Borromäus Ruthart (Gdańsk 1630–L’Aquila, after 1703), also known as Karl Ruthard, Carlo Ruttardo and Fra Andrea di Danzica is as fascinating as little known. He was most likely born in Gdańsk where he first learned to draw and paint,... more
‘Re-Introducing Ng Yat-Chuan: Right at Home’ in Right at Home: Drawings and Prints by Ng Yat-Chuan (exhibition catalogue) (Singapore: National Institute of Education, 2009)
Although his celebrated pupils, Guido Reni, Francesco Albani and Domenichino, flourished in the Eternal City, during his lifetime the Antwerp-born painter and draughtsman Denys Calvaert (c.1540–1619) probably visited Rome only once,... more
Four female heads-and a phantom of a profile lurking underneath its fully fleshed version in the lower right-emerge from the void of the page. The drawing, Five Studies of a Woman's Head, now in the British Museum, was produced in a... more
Analysis of a head study drawing by Rubens, relating it to similar drawings, and sheets of similar drawings with images of existing trony oil paintings by Rubens and Van Dyck, and offering a possible function for the drawings as a memory... more
Even an iconic image still has sights unseen
This book, the first of its kind, presents fifty-two presentation drawings by forty-one important modern and contemporary artists.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The quincentenary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death has been marked by two exhibitions exploring the life and work of his master, one at Palazzo Strozzi and the Bargello in Florence and the other at the National Gallery of Art, Washington.... more
In this article it will be shown that the so-called Berlin Sketchbook, associated with the workshop of Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen (ca. 1460 - 1533), can be firmly attributed to his grandson, printmaker and cartographer Cornelis... more