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      Art HistoryArt TheoryAscension ThematicsReception of Antiquity
Dans la tradition grecque, on s'accorde pour considérer le mythe de Dédale et d’Icare comme celui qui illustre le mieux, dès les temps les plus reculés, le thème des voyages aériens des mortels. À y regarder de plus près les versions... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This is the bibliography of my doctoral dissertation. It suddenly occurred to me that at least *some* of my work might be of use to somebody. Needless to say, the research tends towards the medieval and particularly the Anglo-Saxon. But... more
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      Early ChristianityKingship (Medieval History)Ascension ThematicsDoctrine of the Ascension
The exhibition brings together choice examples of Islamic visual culture produced from the 15th to the 18th century. The exhibition features some 70 miniatures depicting the tale of the Prophet’s ascension and the sacred cities of Islam,... more
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      Ascension ThematicsProphet MuhammadIslamic ManuscriptsIslamic art history
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      Ascension ThematicsDoctrine of the Ascension
Çalışmamız, Timur’un oğlu Şahruh tarafından 15. Yüzyılın başında -1436 yılındaHerat’ta Uygur harfleriyle Çağatayca/Harzemce olarak yazdırılan Miraçname metnini resimleriyle birlikte ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu konudaki ilahiyat,... more
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      SociologyArt HistoryTheologyManuscript Studies
Isaia disse queste cose perché vide la sua gloria e parlò di lui» (Gv 12, 41): Il Vangelo di Giovanni e l'Ascensione di Isaia Pubblicato in: Studia Patavina 50 (2003) 649-666.
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      Ascension ThematicsJohn MiltonIsaiahvision of Isaiah
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      ReligionTheologyApocalypticismBiblical Studies
On a depuis longtemps admis, dans le sillage d'Hermann Diels, que le motif du voyage parménidien vers les « portes éthériennes » n'est qu'une adaptation allégorique des sources antérieures tirées de la tradition archaïque,... more
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      MythologyGreek LiteratureHomerDeath Studies
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      Ascension ThematicsDeificationHeroic Cults
Review of Moshe IDEL, Ascension on High in Jewish Mysticism. Pillars, Lines, Ladders, Budapest–New York: Central European University Press, 2005, in Archaeus 10 (2006), fasc. 3, pp. 166–170.
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      ReligionComparative ReligionJewish StudiesHistory of Religion
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      StatisticsAscension ThematicsMedieval Art
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      HagiographyMedieval StudiesSaints' CultsEarly Medieval Ireland
An analysis of the Dantesque metaphor of «ombra d’Argo» (Pd. 33, 94-99) is presented here and is interpreted through the concept of ad-miratio and its semantic value, technical use and continuity with the mystic thematic of suspensio... more
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      Visual StudiesDante StudiesVisual CultureSpirituality
Si l'utilisation de la statistique en l'histoire de l'art, et en particulier en iconographie medievale, est acquise depuis nombre d'annees, le recours a l'analyse statistique implicative marque un pas supplementaire... more
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      Computer ScienceStatisticsAscension ThematicsMedieval Art
The use of serial analysis is a current practice in history of art and archaeology. Inmedieval iconography, the researches of Jerome Baschet have been successful: using bar charts, herecommends for instance the use of statistics to link... more
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      StatisticsAscension ThematicsMedieval Art